gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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MAN,  HAS  IT  been  two  months  already?  Jesus  fuck,  I  gotta  watch some  Benson  episodes  if  I  want  to  keep  this  blog  alive...   probably will  fail  to  be  consistent  &  this  blog  might  get  deleted  due  to  lack of  muse  and  activity / interaction,  BUT--  there  IS  a  chance  it  might survive,  honestly.
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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took a break to draw my favorite gumball machine 
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
Do you ship Benson with someone?
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      NOT PARTICULARLY , but I know I can get behind benskips       ( if that’s what it’s called RIP ) and maybe even mordeson – I see       these two more platonic however – they’re just so apparent in the       series , I feel– !! But in terms of really being behind a ship, I can’t       say I really do– !! Thanks for asking , though– !! I’d be willing to       try shipping him , however– !!
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
Not-So-Secret Crush Starters
“Hey, you remember that thing you liked at the store the other day? I happened to grab it while I was there this time.”
“Are you okay? Talk to me, please. Tell me you’re okay.”
“You look…wow. Umm, yeah, it works for the (insert event).”
“Hey, one of my friends is getting married, and I have a plus-one. You wanna go?”
“Oh? This is your favorite food? I had no idea. Haha. What a coincidence.”
“Of course I’d die for you. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Don’t be sad. Please. What can I do to help?”
“Yeah, I’m happy. You’re happy. That’s good enough for me.”
“You look tense. You want me to rub your shoulders?”
“You’re cold. You want my jacket? I’m fine. I promise.”
“I can braid your hair, if you want me to.”
“Can we please pretend I didn’t just say that?”
“Here, you can share my blanket.”
“Tired? Come on, I’ll carry you to bed.”
“Bad dream? You can sleep next to me. Get in.”
“No, no, it’s okay. I couldn’t sleep either. Want me to make you some tea?”
“You’re bed-head is ridiculous. Come here, let me brush your hair.”
“It’s gonna be okay. We’re gonna get through this. I’ve got you.”
“You be careful, alright? It’s not safe, and I worry.”
“You know I could never say ‘no’ to you.”
“Give me a kiss and all will be forgiven.”
“You know I’m not going anywhere, right? I’m with you until the end.”
“I am NOT blushing. It’s just warm in here.”
“He didn’t deserve you, anyway. Come on, let me take you out for dinner and show you a real date.”
“You’re my favorite person. You know that, right?”
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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         🐾“Oh! You’re up! Finally! I’s been waitin’ forever, but it’s okays             ‘cause you’re upsies now and I gets to finally do what I’s been            wantin’s’t’do for a really really long time, and - ”
         🐾She sucks in a breath, calming herself. A smile is still ever so             present on her face, and it’s ever so clear that she’s more than            excited to have Benson down here. She moves to a shelf and retrieves            a light bulb, playing around with the light before moving to go grab            a ladder, blabbing all the while:
         🐾“I didn’t has time to changes the lights before you waked-ed upsies            again so sorry about the light, it probably looks really really creepy,            buts I’s gots it, so don’t worry ‘bout that!! It might looks like a horror movie            where someone kidnaps someone elses and tortures and kills them,            but I assures you that it’s nothin’ like that ‘cause I’d never ever ever ever            even dream of hurting you ‘cause you’re the most important thing in            my life and I would DIE without you!!”
         🐾She wanders back in, grinning a wide, excited grin at Benson, attempting            to maintain eye contact. Of course it doesn’t last as she quickly darts            her head away, cheeks turning a dark red. She sets the ladder and bulb            down on the ground, giving them a happy little pat, before going on over            to her tied-up crush, joy overwhelming her mind. It takes a long moment            for her to find her words, but she quickly remembers what all she’s been            planning on for oh so long.
         🐾“I has somethin’s to tell you…I…I love you! And not in a friend-y way            or in a family way like I loves Pops or Rigby, I means…liiike…like when            you wanna marry someone and be by their side forever and do anything            and everything for them? I’d do anything for you, BenBen…in fact, I has!!            Remembers how alllllll those girls wents bye-bye? Off the maps, as Rigby            said-ed? Well, that wases me! I gotted rids of them because they hurted            you! I also has a few others in minds, but that won’ts be for a loooong            while! Anyways, this is all for that!”
          🐾Her grin only grows in size as she watches him, admiration and             attachment swimming in her eyes. She stares nonstop, awaiting his             reaction.
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       📋 ▌█ ✎ THE IMPLICATION OF her tangents were starting to sound          a bit questionable  --  more so than usual -- she’d always been an odd-          ball  ,   even when she’d become a part of the park crew with the wide          variety of employees they had there   (  a circus party at first glance  ) ,          anyone could admit that at the v e r y least ... but this was even more          complex than those other times. Benson was able to label her antics          as childish before now, but this was nothing short of perplexing. Con-          fusion bubbles in his veins and replaces fear for a brief moment... this          all seemed like a huge elaborate plan ... he’d know one instantly once          he was involved -- he was skilled when making plans for himself . Be-          ing a strict plan-maker gave him the ability to realise what she’d inten-          ded -- he was meant to be down here , but ... for what , he wasn’t         sure . He’d figure it out along the way , probably .
       📋 ��█ ✎  IT’S M O R E OBVIOUS  what she’s hinting at before she         outright says anything directly addressing him ... her tone is becoming         laced with something more than just adoration, even in it’s purest form         -- it sounds even a little sultry if you could call it that  ...  wide  ,  weary         obsidian hues avert to the canine’s own  --  the eye contact made him        NERVOUS. There was certainly more to it than just ‘ I’d die for you ’         ... even so  ,  her loyalty seemed dangerous  .  It’s not that it wasn’t a         good quality ,  b u t Benson has never been used to that attachment .         While he’d obliviously looked for love in places he’d never thought he         could have found it ( that’s how he && Audrey happened ) he wasn’t         looking for that sort of bond with Emma ... at the very most , she was         a friend , and an EMPLOYEE nonetheless. Even if he did reciprocate ,         it’s not like they could ever end up happily together  .  They were for-         bidden to love one another from the start .
       I LOVE YOU. I WANT TO MARRY YOU                                         && BE BY YOUR SIDE FOREVER.
   __________❝  –I ... is this why I’m tied up-- ?? H-Hey , let me GO-- !!                             Emma , I ... first , I want you to calm down ... this isn’t                             personal , I ... I don’t feel that way about you . I ... I’m                             your boss and you’re my employee -- that-- that’d be                        WRONG . I just don’t feel the same way... I’m sorry ...  ❞
       📋 ▌█ ✎  THERE’S SOMETHING IN  his e y e s that is a strong in-         dicator of terror -- Emma goes on , explaining that his exes being eli-         minated were all her doing. All that grief , despite the time he’d spent         trying to forget he’d even known them  (  mostly out of bitterness that         they’d used him because they were lonely  rather than because they         truly loved him )  ...  he’d endured so much ,  become scared for the         other people he k n e w . There was someone purposefully targeting         them , ( && ) he’d never have guessed it was Emma. She’d seemed         like such a sweet friend -- fun to be around, a hard-worker that earn-         ed any sort of “play-time” she’d gotten   ,   willing to help and stay by         his side ... he didn’t know that THIS was why. Hands fumble secretly         behind the chair where they are tied  ...  he’ll try to u n d o the ropes ,         but it is a f r u i t l e s s attempt. Shoulders are too tense ( && ) he’s         breaking a visible sweat now . SHE’LL NOTICE .
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     __________❝  –Then ... Ashley ... and Monica , too-- ?? E-Even                                ... Lisa... ?? That was ... ALL YOU-- you KILLED                                them-- ... !?   ❞ voice shakes: she’s scaring him
       📋 ▌█ ✎ IF HE HAD the o p t i o n to , he’d back away now , ( && )         run while he could ... but it seems she’d r e a l l y thought this out this         time . She’d thought of every possible out , how to combat every sit-         uation ( he presumed with a knife as m o s t of her encounters since         his exes have gone so ) ... there might be no escaping for a w h i l e ,         and being stuck in a room with this ... KILLER ...
                              WELL ... THAT TERRIFIED HIM .
      📋 ▌█ ✎ HE’S LOST FOR words -- any words that longed to escape        him in a violent eruption or a d e s p e r a t e cry for help came out as a        small squeak of submission ... never had he felt so helpless before --        this was foreign for the park manager . He’s so scared ... if she was so        willing to ‘ get rid ’ of his exes ... what was she willing to do to HIM--        He wants out immediately . 
      __________❝  –If you just untie me , I’m sure we can work this out                                 like adults ... we- we can be rational about this ... !!  ❞
      📋 ▌█ ✎ HE HAD A piece of his mind to give to her ... a very violent        piece of it that still held his exes close to him  .   Not that he cared like        that about them anymore ( he even claimed he hated some after they        had done him wrong ) but he would always know them b e t t e r than        most   .   He would always have the memories of being close to them ,        ( && )  realising that they were   g o n e   was not the easiest thing to        accept  .  He knew them dearly for a brief amount of time ... and now        they were gone . Audrey had lived across the building to him ... right        opposite his own home, and not seeing her wave at him through the        window made him feel a little nauseous  .  Now he knows why , he’s        feeling SICK TO HIS STOMACH .
       📋 ▌█ ✎ TRULY , AN ADULT approach was the last thing on his         mind  --  the prime objective right now was to escape ( && ) contact         his employees and the POLICE  . if he could just distract her or slip         away while she wasn’t looking ... perhaps she’d even trust him with         her eyes closed ... just maybe ... love could make people do crazy         things -- this was all the proof he needed .
       __________❝  --D-Don’t even THINK about hurting me-- !!                                  Stay back-- !!  ❞ faux-bravery at its finest .
         THIS WAS STUPIDITY FUELLED BY AMBITION TO ESCAPE .        his voice was but a pitiful wheeze ( && ) whine . It was definitely                                                                              laughable .
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
���Dearly beloved, are you listening?” ((bru h))
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      📋 ▌█ ✎ THE ONLY ROOM in the park house he can think of that        is this dark is the basement  .  He’s restrained , though he can’t see        the ropes that bind him , he can feel it CHAFING HIM . It hurts ...        whatever is holding him back, it’s sore ( && ) making his whole body        ache  .  He’s pressed flush against something   --   right on his back ,        there’s a feel like cold  ,  splintery wood behind him ... the only light        he sees is in the far corner of the basement where the broken bulb        is . The sparks light up what he can make out as ...
                      EMMA . EMMA’S FACE . HER GRIN ...
      __________❝  –Emma-- !! Oh , finally , a familiar face -- I thought                                I was down here alone ... are we in the basement--  ❞                                                                he knows they are ...
      📋 ▌█ ✎ HIS FRIEND HAS this sinister look about her ... she ...        looks happy to see him in his place , tied up ,  entirely submissive        ( && ) at her m e r c y .  She looks like she’s enjoying seeing him        struggle ... and when she doesn’t help him out of the chair as she        approaches near , Benson grows weary . VERY .
      __________❝  –Emma ... ??  ❞ he’s questioning her ...
      📋 ▌█ ✎ EMMA’S VOICE IS laced with some sort of adoration for        the gumball machine   --  he’s perplexed to the emotions entirety of        being in his capability to perceive . Why does she sound that way--        ?? Betwixt her jagged teeth comes her g e n t l e voice once more ,        speaking words Benson would never have guessed were for him .
      __________❝  –Listening ... ?? Wha-- Emma , snap out of it ,                                 you’re not making any SENSE-- !!  ❞ ugh...                                               // @hisshield
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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      📋 ▌█ ✎ IT’S WAY TOO early in the morning to be waking up -- it’s still        dark outside , the tacky streetlights are still struggling to light up the area        as the sun is not ready to rise above the edge of the world just yet . Des-        pite the harsh knocking , then banging  ,  he tried to screw his eyes shut        ( && ) channel out the noise . He had a schedule to follow -- he was go-        ing to wake up when it was time .  He was snug in his duvet which he’d        pulled up right beneath his neck .
                             ... KNOCK , KNOCK , KNOCK
      __________❝  –AAAARGH -- fine , fine , I’m coming-- !!                                Stop knocking-- !!  ❞ he yells .
       📋 ▌█ ✎ FISTS BURN WITH familiar rage that long to punch some-         thing beyond just breaking it . He’s supposed to be sleeping   --   he’s         supposed to stick to the schedule-- !!  So much for making one in the         first place .  He hadn’t recognised the voice until he’d gotten closer --        CONFUSION . How did Emma know where he lived--  ??  ( && )         why was she making such a racket-- ??  Door swings open and hits         his wall with a sound that rings out pure fury .
       __________❝  –Emma  ,  did you really need to bang on                                  my door-- hey-- !! What are you doing-- !?   ❞
       📋 ▌█ ✎ THE SECOND HE turns around , beady eyes widen . Red ,         thick liquid   --   the blood-sodden dog is asking for HELP .  He knows         Emma ... surely , she hadn’t ... killed someone ... had she--  ??  Time         for the questions to start . He stands in front of the door . With an un-         sure sort of yelp in his voice , he replies :
       __________❝  –Ahhh--!? W-What happened-- !?  ❞
                                    @hisshield​ // cont . [X]
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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You’re welcome.
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
You’re the boss!!
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      📋 ▌█ ✎ EMMA BOUNDS FORWARD to the park manager -- this        is a regular occurrence  .  Whenever he shows up with his clipboard ,        his orders ( && ) jobs for the day ,  she’s always the first to sit obed-        iently on the stairs, waiting for the rest of the park members to come        sit with her    --    it seemed she was especially fond of trying to take        rigby and mordecai’s seat  :  she always got the attention she was        after in the end . They’d play fight her for the bottom stair like child-        ren , and Benson could only groan ... of course . As usual .
       📋 ▌█ ✎ THIS TIME , THERE’S nobody for her to play fight with ,        and because of that , she’s surprisingly docile... he almost feels like        he’s being stared at behind his clipboard  -- paper is folded over the        plastic clipboard , and beady eyes rise from the paper to her expect-        ant face . what is it that she wants-- ??
      __________❝  –Oh -- you’re early this morning .  ❞ it’s quite a     breath of fresh air to see someone  EARLY  for once .     __________❝  –Well , at least it’s better than being late like                              those two SLACKERS .  ❞ grumble , grumble .
             @hisshield // SENT IN THE THREAD STARTER
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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      YO , IT’S SEPPIEBUG , back it again with her third revamped blog        for this a n g r y gumball .  do you like living gumball machines who        have mad anger issues--   ??   W h a t  about ones that used to be        AMAZING DRUMMERS  ,  or stick hockey players--  ??  &&  what        about gumball machines that have trouble getting girlfriends--    ??        Yes-- ?? Then this one’s for you-- !! like/REBLOG this post if you’d        like to interact with a independent , private && selective BENSON        DUNWOODY of JG Quintel’s Regular Show--?? Anyone who likes        /reblogs this post will get their blog checked out-- !!
                           FOLLOW OR YOU’RE FIRED
                     _________( SEPPIEBUG . ) - est. 6/5/18
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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gvmballbcss-blog · 6 years
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  📝 OOC TAGS 📝 
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