69 posts
YO WHAT'S GOOD ADD ME ON SC: noeyg_365 Facebook: Evan Guzman Twitter: @GuzmanEvan IG: @3vanguzman Xbox: OG NativeBoss
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
I'm just tryin to fuck and eat some pussy
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Proud to be a Guzman 💪🏼🤙🏼 #family
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Happy Fathers Day to my Dad Thank you Jesus for him and thank you dad for teaching me so much about life and for being there for me. You be done so much for me and our family and I'm forever grateful of that. Love ya Pops #fathersday #dad #BigEd #grateful
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10 📸: @evangelina.gzmn
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Happy Mothers Day to my MOM and her mother.. love you too Tita @lady_cristina61 🤗❤❤❤ I thank Jesus every day for blessing me with a wonderful beautiful loving and caring AMAZING mother I love you mom @evangelina.gzmn #mothersday #love #mommyandme #mommabear
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Thank you Jesus🙏🏼 for completing your mission and fulfilling the prophecy saving us all Hope everyone had an awesome Easter yesterday 😁 #happyeaster #heisrisen #jesussaves
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE 💝💞 Happy Valentine's Day babe 😘❤ I love you #Valentines #bemine #love
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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HAPPY 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY MY QUEEN!😍😘💕💖❤👑💑 Thank you for being so good to me and for being so loving, patient, and kind. You're as thoughtful today as you were on our first date. Do you remember how nervous we were around each other back then? Things got better as we got to know each other more. I'm thankful that you're so willing to listen to me and to share with me your feelings and dreams, even your concerns and your worries. I always heard how important open communication was in relationships, and now I wholeheartedly believe it. I honestly can't think of how my life would be without you in it other than barren, bleak, cold, and meaningless. I know that as the years pass, the love that we share will continue to grow. I look forward to those years when we'll be raising our kids together, building a home, and fulfilling our dreams. Crazy as it may sound, I even look forward to growing old together. I once heard that "men are like fine wine" we only improve with age. The thought of all the upcoming years spent by your side brings me joy and a peace that I can hardly comprehend. I know that, no matter what, we'll stay together, through thick and thin. That's what real love and commitment is all about, and that's what I have for you always baby and forever❤❤❤ Happy 1 year Anniversary my love, and thank you Jesus for this woman!🙏🏼😇 I hope with all my heart there will be many more years to come! I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING💕💍😘 @_noreen__
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Another wonderful Christmas saved to my memory 🎄🎁🧠❤ Thank you to all my family for all the amazing gifts and glad everyone had an awesome Christmas. Good way to end 2018 #2018christmas #family #love #santa
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Surround yourself with positive people that lift, motivate, and inspire you to be better @iron_fanatic7 #gains💪 #gains #keeppushing #pushforward #pushforprogress #houseofgains #isymfs #neverstop #nevergiveup #huntison #lion #king #lifting #gymrat #goonsquad #goon #ironaddict #motivationmonday (at Fitness 19 Menifee)
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Hope yall have a good day today #happymonday
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
Do the things that make you happy. Achieve your goal in life, whatever it may be, but never give up on it #keepgoing💪 #keeppushing #nevergiveuponyourdreams #dontgiveup #ironaddict #isymfs #greatpump #gymislife #dreamachiever #dreamchasers #motivation #motivationsaturday #arnoldschwarzenegger #mrolimpia
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MY DREAMS!! I WILL NOT STOP!! I WILL WIN MY BATTLE!! #keepgoing💪 #keeppushing #nevergiveuponyourdreams #dontgiveup #ironaddict #isymfs #greatpump #gymislife #dreamachiever #dreamchasers #motivation #motivationsaturday (at Fitness 19 Menifee)
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!! I want to WIN. I will WIN!! If you want something you've got to be relentless, you've got to decide that I want this and I deserve this and that I'm going to have it. Commit to your dream and discipline yourself to accomplish it and get it done. Be the person that you want to be. #motivation #motivationalquotes #motivationtuesday #posativevibes #keeppushing #keepgoing💪 #bestrong #ironaddict #isymfs #superman #nevergiveuponyourdreams #discipline #lifting #gymislife #dreamachiever #noexcuses #results @wesfit97 (at Fitness 19 Menifee)
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guzmanevan3-blog · 6 years ago
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Just feeling good about myself #itiswednesdaymydudes
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guzmanevan3-blog · 7 years ago
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It's always going to be difficult, but if you want it... GO GET IT!! ITS MY TIME, MY OPPORTUNITY! I WILL WIN MY FIGHT! NO EXCUSES!!! EXCUSES ONLY SOUND GOOD TO THE PERSON THAT MAKES THEM UP..... GET YOUR ASS UP AND DO THE FUCKING WORK Thanks to my brothers that stick with me, a big shout out to them cuz they too are fighting their own battles to achieve what's theirs @iron_fanatic7 @iron_enthusiast @adamss.kyle @wesfit97 #goongains #goon #ironaddict #gym #gymislife #noexcuses #getup #keeppushing #dontgiveup #achieveyourgoals #isymfs
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