guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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Miranda Kerr.
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
the worst things to ever happen to fashion:
fake pockets
making every single shirt see through
seriously why does it have to be see through
what is the fucking point i just have to wear another tank top or cami underneath it
it literally defeats the purpose of being a shirt
and every single shirt is see through these days this annoys me more than fake pockets and trust me that is an issue
488K notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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317 notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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145 notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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141 notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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52 notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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“There were some people who didn’t like the wolf scene. In particular one very important person. And he said, I don’t understand what this scene is doing in the movie. And I would always say to him, I’m not cutting it. That scene is why I’m making the movie.” - Wes Anderson
"And we stop and we see a wolf on a distant hill, and it’s a really beautiful, beautiful scene. It’s like so heart-warming because it’s just a beautiful moment between these foxes and little animals and this really like mysterious wolf who we’ve heard about the entire movie and who doesn’t talk in this scene and he’s not wearing clothes. He’s kind of, he represents I guess, the wild. He’s a wild wolf and animal, and it’s a beautiful moment where they have this great connection, and in that moment, it really like to me the point of that scene is let’s keep on being free. Let’s keep on being animals. And it’s such an uplifting moment, and like when I’ve seen it with audiences, a bunch of people break into huge cheers and hooting. It’s such an awesome, awesome scene. It really just blows my mind." - Jason Schwartzman
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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booker & elizabeth + red tie/ribbon
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
it means no memories, for the rest of the night   (via qutzalcoatl)
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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226 notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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It’s all my fault, Charles.
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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205 notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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When The Old Gods Return.
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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The Golden Screen
Edmund C. Tarbell (1862-1938)
ca. 1898
Oil on canvas
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts
147 notes · View notes
guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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True love never gets old!
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guitarvoodoo · 10 years
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Valerie Hegarty
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