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18 | Aus | Sims + Art | CC findsInsta: Simicidal[Welcomed to request poses]
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Top: @WhiteGhost - (xx)
Skirt: @rimshardshop4 - (xx)
Shoes: @madlensims - (xx)
Necklace: @pralinesims - (xx)
Watch: @sclub-privee - (xx)
Earrings: @theslyd - (xx)
 Thank you to all the CC creators. 
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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#MYSTYLE Lookbook 
❤❤ thank you for 100+ followers! ❤❤ 
look 1: top x pants x flats look 2: hat x dress x bracelet x sandals look 3: hat x top x overalls x socks x boots look 4: necklace x top x jean jacket x shorts x flats look 5: necklace x top x pants x flats 
& a huge thank you to all cc creators! @volatile-sims @elliesimple @madlensims @somesimsgirl @sims4-marigold @puresims @candycanesugary @savage-sims
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Yet another lookbook thingy, or sim dump? Idek
I love Vivian so much, I can’t even function oml
Because I’m new to this ‘simblr’ thing, I was wondering if any of you simblers out there had any good tips for taking High Quality pics in sims, if i should take pics in live mode or CAS? Or some good poses and editing programmes (that doesn’t cost anything)?
Literally any tip you have I would appreciate!
And tysm for all the love on my last post about Naya! i’m so grateful IIHHHH
- Skin: @heihucc
- Birthmarks: @catplnt
- Freckles: @simreaper
- Eyebrows: @pacaplumbobs
- Eyes: @aveirasims
- Eyelashes: @kijiko-sims
- Eyeshadow: @weepingsimmer
- Eyeliner: @twinksimstress
- Blush: @weepingsimmer
- Lips: @pictureamoebae
- Hair: @simtric
- Septum: @pickypikachu
- Dress: @waekey
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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I love love love MUSE
and Simpliciaty’s Hairs :) I wish you all a beautiful week!
Hair @simpliciaty-cc  /  Top @elliesimple  /  Jeans sims2fanbg  /  Boots @madlensims  /  Tattoo @katverse  /  Skin @chisimi  /  Face overlay nen @heihucc  /  Eyes (contacts) @dangerouslyfreejellyfish  /  Eyebrows @sclub-privee  /  Face contour @annamsblue  /  Lips N3 @obscurus-sims  /  Nails @nanakusa-sims  /  Eyeliner @pralinesims  /  Lashes @kijiko-sims
Poses by @catsblob (1) and @annamsblue (2-3)
Thanks to all CC Creators! ♡
Melody is downloadable from the Sims 4 Gallery under wondercarlotta8
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Weekend Affair
Choker - @pralinesims
Bag - @theslyd
Top - @spectacledchic-sims4
Fishnets - @sims4-marigold
Jeans - @simpliciaty-cc
Shoes - @candycanesugary
Thank you to all the cc creators ♡
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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lookbook #59: noah.
hair: x @wingssims 
sweater: x @meeyou-x
jeans: x @savage-sims
shoes: ea
socks: ea
thanks to all cc creators!
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Hi there! ;p
This is my first lookbook thingy, and my first ‘official’ post here on tumblr, so sorry if it sucks lmao
Her name is Naya and I’m so in love with her!
- Skin: @heihucc
- Eyebrows: @pacaplumbobs
- Eyes: @aveirasims
- Nose and ear blush: @pixelsimdreams
- Eyelashes: @kijiko-sims
- Eyeshadow: @inspiredmoodlet
- Eyeliner: @twinksimstress
- Blush: @weepingsimmer
- Lips: @pictureamoebae
- Hair: @plumboby
- Glasses: @kedluu
- Shirt: @sevensims
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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do re mi
hair by @grimcookies - here
bodysuit by @bonehlda - here
rings by @simpliciaty - here
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Get em while they hot. Freckles for days. (pssssst find it in skin details)
Feel free to convert these for toddlers idc.
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Top: @ryothesimartist - (xx)
Pants: @alecseycool - (xx)
Shoes: @madlensims - (xx)
Belt: @savage-sims - (xx)
Necklace: @eliavah , Recolor: @weepingsimmer - (xx)
Earrings: @pralinesims - (xx)
Nails: @pralinesims - (xx)
 Thank you to all the CC creators.
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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✦ Romy ✦
Hair @simpliciaty-cc  /  Shirt @epiphany-s4  /  Jeans @serenity-cc  /  Shoes @sims4-marigold  /  Choker toksik  /  Skin @chisimi  /  Face overlay nen @heihucc  /  Eyes V2 @dangerouslyfreejellyfish  /  Eyebrows and Nails @sclub-privee  /  Eyeshadow @weepingsimmer  /  Eyeliner @pralinesims  /  Face contour @annamsblue  /  Lips @sim-ent  /  Lashes @kijiko-sims
Poses by @catsblob (1-2) and @helgatisha (3)
Thanks to all CC Creators!  ♡
Sim downloadable from the Sims 4 Gallery under the username wondercarlotta8
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Beach towel (rug version, yoga mat version) 45 swatches     Beach Tapestry 12 swatches
Mesh needed HERE @inabadromance, thank you!
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
This post is beyond pathetic. I agree with @kalethegrey 100%. You can and hopefully will get into a lot of shit for making cc just to make money for it. Your aren't doing it for your followers, your doing it for you selfish self. You don't see any other cc creators making cc that people will have to buy! If you want to make money off cc how about you go and make something in real life for people to buy... because making money from a game you did not create looks really bad on your behalf right now. And Frankie did nothing, apart from do good for this community! She also put a lot of effort into her creations, even if they look alike to yours it is not called copying. Sims is suppose to be something fun for people, but all you seem to want is to make money off of someone else's creation 😂 so freaking low and stupid!
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Why I’m Suing SimplyImaginaryPeople for §5,000,000
Naaah but get it? Simoleons and.. we’re in the..sims community..? No? Ok well that’s the only funny thing about this post.
*Opens up powerpoint and presses play*
It is frustrating when you work very hard on something exciting and original to share with others and to be wary about even doing it because someone is in tow to copy. This is exactly how I feel about SimplyImaginaryPeople.
This is so disrespectful not only to us (TheTogetherStore) that have spent so much time putting effort into the things that we make but it is even more disrespectful to the amazing wonderful people that have chose to support us on Patreon and get exclusive gifts in return, only to have someone turn around and remake everything that we’ve made specially for them, just because. 
The thing that bothers me the most is that of everything that we (TheTogetherStore) make is that she ONLY copies the things that are on Patreon (A website where we upload exclusive content if you CHOOSE to support us, and sometimes Patreoners will personally ask for our own personal use items or conversions from various sites to be uploaded so why not? They support us with their hard earned money, it’s the least we can do). 
Like, okay girl I get it, you expressed (repeatedly) that you dislike Patreon and believe everything in Sims should be free and no one should pay for content even if they wanted to, I get it. It’s cool and all that you want to be the Robin Hood of the sims 3 community but news flash, this is not a damn folklore so go ahead and take off your lil Peter Pan outfit and ya lil burlap made shoes and knock it off because it’s not cute. People are free to buy w h a t e v e r they so please, it’s not your money, it’s surely not your hand made cc, not your time, not your effort, I’m not using your computer, they’re not using your bank card, nada, nothing.
Every single time she has copied, we’ve politely and privately addressed this and messaged her to reach out as a small heads up like “Hey not sure if you’re noticing but you totally just duplicated *item here*” and each time it was that ole’ “Silly you, I’m not copying! (; “ BS mumbo jumbo and we would get an excuse about how it’s all just innocent people requesting items, pinterest inspo, followed by links of pictures or an elaboration on her “ideas”.. but she’ll TTYL because she’s a “bio-scientist doctor” in the lab with her hands covered in cells as she types, studies, remake whole youtube tutorials and makes 230 pieces of cc per week with time left to spare
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Yeah, ok. 
Keep reading
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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I love her way too much 😩💗
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Colours of the Rainbow
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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gucci-sims-blog · 8 years ago
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Editing skills are blah 😷
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