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बाल कलाकार से ले कर चार्मिंग युवा, एक परिपक्व अभिनेता और फिर एक वरिष्ठ अभिनेता, आप से राब्ता बना ही रहा !!!🙏🌹 #RIPRishiKapoor #Bobby #Chintuji #BollywoodLegend
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Lord Rama for you should mean the path he trod, The ideal he held aloft, And the ordinance he lay down, They are eternal and timeless. Happy Ram Navami...
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ज्वाला कराल अति उग्रम शेषा सुर सूदनम। त्रिशूलम पातु नो भीते भद्रकाली नमोस्तुते।।
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DAY 4406(ii)
Jalsa, Mumbai Mar 30/31, 2020 Mon/Tue 12:38 AM
Birthday - EF - Sai Poorna Patnaik .. Ef Karen Ben Ezra .. Tuesday, March 31 .. greetings and love from all the Ef , and wishes for safety and care .. in these times of turmoil we pray and we live in the divine spirit for our protection
.. when you give .. the given is instantaneous and immediate .. without consideration or thought of any else .. intent and compassion in abundance .. for them that be deprived , in want and in the absence of many abundances that we that have never consider .. the joy then of the receiving from the deprived .. that expression of fulfilment .. of knowing that the night shall not be in the hunger of want .. and the look forward for the morning and the ending of a search for the next .. that is the life of fulfilment .. that is the embrace of a given !
2000 were fed again today and by the next few days , another 3000 shall be added to make it 5000 in the feeding of lunch and dinner .. stocks are scarce .. deliveries are being unable to operate .. volunteers needed to cook and make the packets for delivery are not moving out of their homes .. but there is hope that by April the 2nd the numbers shall increase .. and God willing it shall be 15,000 to be fed for an entire month , every day ..
AND .. as this operation has found its feet and moves along .. the planning for that bigger effort slowly fructifies .. I live in effort and prayer each night and wake up alarmed at times to make it happen .. the links the management the statistics of the exercise .. all looking so difficult .. but the need drives one to its completion and execution .. and there is need for divine help in its execution .. for in the mind and thought it all falls into place , yet there is dependence on the ‘other’ .. and that has ever been a struggle ..
.. of that and more, then, in time ..
In the solace of yourself .. which, incidentally, is the best time of existence .. within the desert of our own .. pleasant and carefree .. no encumbrances , no scheduled rulings , no living on the contexts of any other .. that be the moment of ..
NOW ..
.. and invariably Babu ji .. finding a wrapped book of old in his material left behind .. a writing of his Grandfather, his Nana ji .. my great grand Father ..
.. its the Dewaan è Hafiz , the collection of the great Sufi poet .. and its entire transcript in my great grandfather’s own handwritten text ..

.. that be my Great Grandfather’s handwritten pages .. his name Ishwari Prasad .. my Father’s Nana .. my Father’s Mother’s Father .. the Father’s Father is Dada .... and suddenly there is so much nostalgia of remembrance and the stories of yore ..
.. so in pursuit of the presence of my Father , I open his ‘Rachnavali’ - the anthology, the collection of all his works in 11 volumes of well leather crafted designed, that adorn , among the divinity of the earlier post , my desk ..
.. one should never be too far away from divinity and paternal presence ..
.. and I open a page .. and his poem so apt for the day and time stares at me .. a mere coincidence of its text and content .. written in 1937 -38 .. but relevant to me as I prepare to retire ( errr .. to bed, not from profession, as the over enthu’ yellow pencilled band of brothers and sisters , so willingly wish for me to be .. ) .. and I reproduce ..

.. half the night has passed ..
lie I in bed eyes wide open awake, in the dependence of my conscious self , when indeed the entire world be lost in the magical world of dream ..
.. half the night has passed ..
.. the silence of the night do I hear, where the sound of the dew drops from the sky in the eyes, bring the only drenched music of the night ..
.. half the night has passed ..
.. gives me so much assurance and hope ; that ray of the moon light from the hours gone by that peeps from my window, to lie beside me in slumber ..
.. half the night has passed ..
AAHHHH .. lost in translation .. such a pity that language builds bridges .. poetry builds ‘just’ emotions .. and often the verse crosses over the bridge to bring solace peace and well being on the ‘other’ ..
Good night and be safe ..

Amitabh Bachchan
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नवरात्र के पांचवें दिन मां दुर्गा के पंचम स्वरुप मां स्कंदमाता की उपासना की जाती है। स्कंद कुमार कार्तिकेय की माता के कारण इन्हें स्कंदमाता नाम दिया गया है। भगवान स्कंद बालरूप में इनकी गोद में विराजित हैं।
सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रितकरद्वया। शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी॥
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नवरात्र पूजन की चौथे दिन कूष्माण्डा देवी के स्वरूप की उपासना की जाती है। अपनी मंद मुस्कान द्वारा अंड अर्थात ब्रह्मांड को उत्पन्न करने के कारण इन्हें कूष्माण्डा देवी के नाम से अभिहित किया गया है। अत: यही सृष्टि की आदि स्वरूपा और आदि शक्ति हैं।
करोतु सा नः शुभहेतुरीश्वरी शुभानि भद्राण्यभिहन्दु चापदः।
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Why Social Media Marketing Is Important For Your Business?
What is Social Media Marketing?
Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Social media marketing is becoming more popular for both practitioners and researchers. Social media marketing platforms have analytical tools which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns.
Here are a few most effective benefits of using social media marketing that you must know in order to get most of it. Check out:
1. Recognizes you Brand.
Gaining brand recognition is one of the most important marketing goals for any business. That’s because consumers want to buy brands they recognize. Social media marketing allows you for easy and effective brand building.
Social media has a benefit over traditional media because it can introduce your brand in front of huge audience much more quickly and easily.
2. Connect with your audience through Social Listening.
Social listening means monitoring social conversations around certain topics. It helps you understand what’s important for your audience and identify the latest trends your target audience is following and keeps you updated.
You’ll learn about what is exactly that they want, which can help you create content addressing those pain points.You can also identify the tone and language that your target audience.
3. Gather Data from Audience Research to get you updated.
Audience research is a crucial part of any business. It searches the keywords your audience will be using, but it’s more focused on your specific product. You can use social media to gather this information for you.
4. Build Customer Loyalty.
The best part of social media marketing is that it creates your Brand loyalty.Customers follow and interacts with the brands they trust. In this way they are likely to get loyal to your brand resulting in increasing your revenue on a permanent basis.
It’s an obvious direct correlation: If customers follow you, they are more likely to choose you versus your competition. Furthermore, if they’re loyal customers, they’ll certainly increase your traffic.
5. Increases Traffic.
Social media marketing can assist in sending customers directly to your site. 100% of the traffic that comes to your site is not through search engines. Social media channels allow for more diverse inbound traffic streams.
Though social networks are great way of getting traffic to your site, you need to consider not only what to post but how often to post.
It’s good to follow a set schedule for posting your content. This will help you ensure that your content is posted only at a time that is most effective, it will also give you time to edit your content to help you with your SEO.
6. It’s almost free!
Yes you heard it right. It’s free to create social media profiles and post content. You can promote your business on Facebook for any budget. Facebook also automatically directs your ad toward users that are interested in what you’re advertising. Twitter works the same way.
You have to set up a campaign, and they’ll work with your budget. Other social media platforms like Gmail, WhatsApp, and LinkedIn works the same way.
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चैत्र मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की तृतीया तिथि को चैत्र नवरात्रि का तीसरा दिन माना जाता है। नवरात्रि के तीसरे दिन मां चंद्रघण्टा की पूजा की जाती है। मां दुर्गा के 9 स्वरूपों में से मां चंद्रघण्टा उनकी तीसरी स्वरूप हैं। मां पार्वती के सुहागन स्वरूप को देवी चंद्रघण्टा के नाम से जाना जाता है। आज के दिन मां चंद्रघण्टा की पूजा करने से व्यक्ति के अंदर साहस, वीरता और विनम्रता जैसे गुणों का विकास होता है।
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मां चन्द्रघण्टा रूपेण संस्थिता।नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥
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ब्रह्मचारयितुम शीलम यस्या सा ब्रह्मचारिणी।
सच्चीदानन्द सुशीला च विश्वरूपा नमोस्तुते।।
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Corona Awareness
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Enjoy your wedding anniversary, the day of your marriage and give parties to your near and dear ones but never forget to select the new way of invitation, the fastest, cost effective way of sending invitation i.e. wedding anniversary invitation cards.
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VideoGiri has a wide selection of traditional templates designed by our professional designers.Choose our Satyanarayan Puja Video Invitation for inviting your loved ones on the occasion of Satyanarayan Puja.
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Keeping People Safe and Informed About the Coronavirus....In response to the coronavirus outbreak, Pacewalk is supporting the public health community’s work to keep people safe and informed. #besafe #covid19 #coronavirus #handwash #maintaindistance #nohandshake #avoidtouching
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There's nothing more exciting than creating, sending and receiving a personalized video invitation. Our eye-catching online video invitations are designed to capture your guests' imaginations and make the process of managing your event as simple as possible.
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Puja Invitation for Sunderkand Path
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