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Happy Independence Day to the Philippines!!!! 
By the way, for those who are unaware, I am a Filipino and I would like to give a tribute to our country by posting these Facts about the Philippines. These facts are small facts about the Philippines, our Food, our language and our Places and tourist Spots.
1. Balut Penoy is different from Balut 
Now you’ve known the difference! So here is the explanation, Balut Penoy doesn’t a fetus in it, instead, inside in it is a sort-of developed egg yolk.
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Image Source: http://pinoyfoodillustrated.blogspot.com/2011/01/penoy.html
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Image Source: https://yuanyim.wordpress.com/2010/08/09/the-penoy-vs-balot/
2. Chavacano Is termed as Broken Spanish by the others 
This fact came from Chavacanos I’ve known like my mom and a classmate of mine and another fact, my mom is from Zamboanga and obviously, she speaks Chavacano. I can even speak and understand a bit. So okay, back to the topic. Chavacano is a Spanish-based Creole language because it’s not only In Spanish but it’s also mixed up with different Dialects around our Country.
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image source: http://www.geocurrents.info/cultural-geography/linguistic-geography/chavacano-a-spanish-based-creole-language-of-the-philippines
3. We don’t celebrate “Thanksgiving” but we celebrate Fiestas 
This fact is already obvious because Thanksgiving at some western countries is a celebration and thanks for the blessing of the harvest and blah, blah, blah…. But for us, we have different fiestas in which we prepare food almost like Thanksgiving. There isn’t any turkey dish presented though but there is LECHON!!! But who would forget about it? I think all civilized Filipino know about, even those Native who are non-Muslims cooks it. 
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image source: https://www.clickthecity.com/food-drink/b/gs64fb5/la-fiesta-largest-filipino-buffet-sm-by-the-bay
4. Not all Mindanaoans (People living in Mindanao) are Muslims  
This is to all who do not live in Mindanao! Mindanao is group of island whose people have mix religions like Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. Don’t believe me? Then guess what, I live in Mindanao.
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image source: https://wayph.com/top-6-misconceptions-about-mindanao/
5.  Filipino Women are conservative??? 
Really? For those who are unaware, Filipino Women have sexual lives but unlike other countries, they choose to keep it private. They know they are aware of these stuff guys are talking about but choose to not talk about it or engage in it because of culture beliefs and practices but there’s are also those who’s comfortable in talking about and would engage in it. So Basically, Filipino Women are like any other women but they also have Filipino traits which are slightly different from the other countries. If I’m going to explain all of it here then this blog post will be only about Filipino Women because there’s a lot of traits a Filipino Women have.  If you still don’t believe me, then why don’t you chat them in OMEGLE… pfftt… hahahaha (insert peace sign)
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image source: http://primer.com.ph/tips-guides/2016/02/06/get-to-know-the-modern-filipino-woman/
6. Pearl of the Orient
I don’t know if anybody knew about this but Philippines is often called the “Pearl of the Orient” because of its Natural Beauty, but Hong Kong and Saigon are also referred to as it. Anyway, there are also other places titled to it like the Malaysian state “Penang”, some of its places in it are also entitled as one, “Goa” which is a coastal state in India, and Manila, the second largest city in the Philippines is nicknamed as “Pear of the Orient”.
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This is all I could think of and gather because I think other facts in the Philippines are already known by most people who are interested of the Filipino Culture.
That’s all and thank you for reading my post. Bye!
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It turns out that this week is the FASHION REVOLUTION WEEK which reminds us about the the Rana Plaza collapse or others would call it the 2013 Savar Building collapse that occurred last April 24, 2013. More than a hundred deaths were reported.
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image source: http://inhabitat.com/?s=rana+plaza
The Fashion Revolution campaign or movement is awareness to all of us, especially to those who buy multiple clothes from multiple brands. As for me, I don’t really buy that much clothes and most of it came from my parents, siblings and relatives. I think the clothes that I bought that I am aware of right now are from H & M which I obviously know where it came from or who made it. Still, I want all to be aware of what’s happening even though I’m not an avid fashionista or have any expertise when it comes to fashion because as a human being, I too have sympathize for all those people out there who worked hard on making the clothes but have less salaries for the brands we love. What’s disappointing was that other brands did not agree to have an interview for the movie THE TRUE COST. It’s very suspicious but obviously their producers and manufacturers came from the countries that I’ll be mentioning later so that’s why they don’t want to be interviewed. I’m not really sure if H&M agreed with the interview but from the movie, I found out that their “makers” were from Bangladesh and other third-world countries.  
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image source: http://fashionrevolution.org/country/usa/
If you aren’t aware of the movie THE TRUE COST, you can watch it at Netflix. I watched it there and I feel fortunate in seeing that video because then I would be more aware of my surrounding and I will have more realization in life as I grow up. Now, I’m standing up for this because the fashion industry will probably be part of me since I’m learning to sew and soon, I’m very hopeful that I’ll be the one to make my clothes. I’m also concerned with the people who made the clothes that I’m wearing and I just want to help them through my way.
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image source: https://truecostmovie.com/
By the way, in the movie, it says there that the FASHION INDUSTRY is the second ranked for industries that gives pollution and do you know why? Watch the pictures below.
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image source: http://www.thistailoredlife.com/blog/2016/1/28/cotton-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly
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image source: https://ourworld.unu.edu/en/colours-of-water-bangladeshs-leather-tanneries
Not only is it making people’s lives vulnerable like what happened to the Rana Plaza collapse. There are Textile Waste and if you think it’s not that serious since it’s like any other waste then you’re wrong since these textiles release chemicals in the air that creates pollution. Other than that, there are also LEATHERS that is not only harming the people but also the environment. There are various ways that a leather is dyed or tanned but all releases harmful chemicals to the people and the environment. To find out more info on this, open the link below.
Another issue are the cottons used which is actually affecting the Agriculture Industry. As you can see, like any other plants or crops, Cotton is also consumed by pest thus it requires pesticides and as you know, these chemicals can be harmful to us and to the environment. There’s even an area that is already populated by people with various disabilities and diseases. Commonly, it’s either cancer or mental retardation.
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image source: http://pulitzercenter.org/reporting/poisoning-punjab
What struck me most was during January 2014 wherein the Cambodian garment workers protested for a higher wage only to be hurt injured or killed. It’s devastating and I was almost in tears when I saw this scene in the movie. The law enforcers were disappointing and the government do not deserve their positions. I’m not really aware of how their government works but seeing that scene was very cringe-worthy. Yet, they do not deserve all the blame because their decision all came down to the consumers and the brand owners since the consumer are the ones who technically wages the money since they’re the ones who buys the product and the brand owners since some of them are filled with greed and selfishness.
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image source: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-25585054
I admit I could be or could be not one of those consumers but like the others who are campaigning right now, at least I’m helping. I’m not really guilty since I wasn’t aware of it while I bought those clothes but I just want to help from the heart because if you are a person who gets affected easily then you’re “thinking” would change once you see “THE TRUE COST” movie and by the way, this is a documentary.
NOTE: if one of my closest friends ever read this article, I’ll let you watch the film in my phone for free if we see each other.
Do you own any clothes that you no longer use? What do you do with it? Do you donate it or sell it?
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image source: http://inhabitat.com/secondhand-pepe/
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image source: http://www.philstar.com/cebu-news/2014/02/06/1287209/mountain-used-clothing-cordova-ukay-ukay-not-part-typhoon-donation
At Haiti, they have this second-hand clothes which they call Pepe, at the Philippines we call it Ukay-ukay. 
It turns out, the Philippines is not only a junk shop for cars but also for clothes. I’m not making a pun here but it’s my opinion. At least though, they sell cheap but fashionable clothes but some were previously owned by people with diseases so it can also be dangerous. But don’t be discourage because I own tons of second-hand clothes and I’m still wearing it. Lol
I suppose I already said a lot and showed you pictures already, now it’s time for you to join the movement so head on to (insert link) and watch THE TRUE COST movie at https://truecostmovie.com/
If your point of views has change and you want to buy clothes from cruelty-free brands then head on to this websites:
https://newclassics.ca/ https://www.thereformation.com/ https://www.everlane.com/
(got the websites from LaMadelynn from youtube - check her acct) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLq5mB76CPuOvftjqq8JMYQ
I’m supposed to put the brands here who are what we call the Fast Fashion Brands but there’s too many to mention so I’m just gonna put the link of the list of the Fast Fashion Brands :
Also, there are alternatives for this fast fashion brands so check it out at:
That’s all and thanks for giving the time on reading this article. I don’t know if my information is enough but what’s important is that you’re already aware and you can already make a move. ALSO, let’s try SLOW FASHION
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Our generation nowadays is engrossed to technology and undeniably, I too am included. I like technology especially gadgets but unfortunately, I’m not a pro or a techie which I’m glad to because It wouldn’t be cringe-worthy when one of my gadgets break or be given to other people.
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I do own one laptop, one second-handed cell phone, two different kinds of camera which one have a terrible quality and the other is also second-handed, and one game console which I owned for more than 4 years and is still alive as ever Lol but the case is, the more technology develops, the more youths and even a handful of children are getting far away from their parents and even in the kind-side of society. I’m sure some of you guys would deny it, probably most of the people who would read this but mind you, this is my opinion and this is what I’ve seen around me.
I don’t know if it’s true in your side but in mine, I could see it, especially during MEAL TIMES or most call BREAKFAST, LUNCH, and DINNER. As of now, I am confessing that I too can be seen using my device while eating my meals but as of today, I’ve changed and I promised to focus on my meal. The reason why I’ve come to realize my action was when I was doing a daily routine of mine which is the devotion and one day, I’ve come to read a topic about The Last Supper of Jesus with his disciples.
I’m going to explain it in my own words right now since I want to tell you guys my realization rather than what I’ve read. So here it goes, It talked about Jesus last supper with his twelve disciples and there came the scene when he told that the bread represents his body and the wine represents his blood. Not only did the article reminded me of the communion we took every first Sunday of the month but I am also reminded of the meals I’m eating and how similar it is to the body of Christ as it Is God’s blessings. We should all be thankful to what we had received and as I’ve said that I’d focus on my meal, I’d reason it out as way of showing to God that I’m thankful for what he had given me and to also show respect. Not only was I saved but I was also given unending blessings here on Earth which is too much actually, regardless I am thankful and grateful for what I received. Not all of us eat three times I day and others would eat trash just so they could supply the nutrients their body needs and some would even get deceases from the dirty food they eat which we, the fortunate ones threw since we couldn’t finish it. Not to mention the food that is left and becomes spoiled. Mind you, not only are the poor can’t eat but also those who are suffering illnesses in which they couldn’t consume solid food and instead have to eat through a tube, imagine not tasting food, really having a blunt taste-buds or simply just forever consuming liquid food ---- not so easy, right?
So in conclusion, we must all not waste our food and we should all if possible, try using gadgets less. You can make it as a challenge which what I am doing right now whenever I become engrossed in gadgets at some point in my life. The funny thing in my topic right now is that I’m not only talking about technology but I’m also talking about food but nevertheless, I have my point here. I hope you’ve understand my topic and I’m hoping you could do the same as what I’m doing. I admit, I do complain in food sometimes but regardless, I’d still eat and finish it. Also before you eat, remember to always PRAY AND THANK THE LORD.
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Hey, hey, hey! So this isn’t really part of my weekly blog update but I just want to share out how happy I was yesterday (April 23, 2017) 
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when I sang the songs of praises during the 30th Anniversary of the church I go to. It felt divine and I really felt the song. It’s one of those amazing moments I have with Lord and forget or not forget, it doesn’t matter because it’s one of those days wherein I’d feel boosted with confidence and the will to pursue what I want to do, for example is this blog.
What I felt is actually unexplainable but it was mixed with different kinds of emotion and I guess most of the time, I could think off was how great really God is how wonderful that he had made me think this kind of way when it comes my faith and how I really believe in him.
Also, I wasn’t actually meant to go to the celebration because I still have a class in dressmaking around that time but with God’s grace, I was able to go because our class was moved in the morning (the concert celebration started around 2:00 pm) because in the afternoon, the other batches will have their graduation. God really wants me to go and even though I was so drained yesterday since all day I was busy, I am still grateful for the feeling and moment God made me feel and experience yesterday. For me it was more than just the celebration because that day, as I sang the praises, I felt complete and I’ve thought that nothing is really impossible with God so whatever may happen in my life, whether this blog becomes a success or not or if I could really do the other dreams and goals that I want to pursue, as long as I am with God and God is with me, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
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Image by svetlana v-enko
Ever since I was in grade 7, I had these ideas in my head on what I plan to do and what I want to do and every day I would think of it and make the steps on how I would do it. But, just recently, I lost the will to do the things I want to do. I had the steps, had the energy, had the resources but I just didn’t have the guts to do it. I had these negative thoughts in my head on the outcome because as you can see, I am on over thinker.
I always over think, from small to big ideas because I want to have a vision but as of the days ago, my mind was flooded with doubts and failure. Adding up to my misery is the constant bullying or teasing of people around me.
It felt like my mind was blank or empty and I have nothing else to do. Every day seemed the same as if the time isn’t moving forward. Every night, I would think deep but it feels useless because even though I would, I’d still be unproductive. It felt like something was missing.
Well, it’s embarrassing to admit but I didn’t directly go to Jesus for my problem. I thought it was just a simple problem so I didn’t bother him on asking what is wrong with me. Instead, I went to a stranger chat site and their I chatted with a guy who seemed to have solved my problem by asking me questions and boosting my esteem. He acted out like a counselor and he helped me a lot.
I kept repeating to him of how he really helped me and I told him “God Bless” and other statements that Implicates that I hope God would bless him or be with him. I don’t know though if he’s a believer but chances are he isn’t because he didn’t reply “God Bless you too” which the usual Christians I know would reply.
After our conversation, I prayed for a short time to the Lord on how thankful I am that my esteem was boosted and how happy I am to have chatted with a stranger who knows what he is doing and I also prayed for him. The next, day I seemed energize and I have this feeling of dedication to do what I want to do for the summer and one of it is this, my BLOG.
Another amazing thing though is how every devotional entry I have talks about my plans for this and my problem also relates to every topic that I read on my daily reading book. I thank God for helping me out and also thank him that I’ve met the guy. I felt like it was meant to happen and I know God wouldn’t let me be in trouble and will do anything to help me.
So I’ve mentioned that there were topics in my daily reading that I related, right? Well, I wanted to share it to guys so if any if you may lost the will to think creatively and be who you are, you can read these verses over and over again.
1.       DON’T BE AFRAID
Luke 12: 4-7
 “My friend, listen to me. Don’t be afraid of those who kill the body but can’t do any more than that. I will show you whom you should be afraid of. Be afraid of the one who has the authority to throw you into hell after you have been killed. Aren’t five sparrows sold for two pennies? But God does not forget even one of them. In fact, he even counts every hair on your head! So don’t be afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows”
 I am reminded of this that I must not be afraid. I shouldn’t let myself be affected with what other people may say nor may they do. I also must not be scared to fail or even be scared of thinking of it (remember I am an over-thinker). I just have to trust the Lord, the one who can throw anyone in hell.
 Isaiah 40: 31
But those who trust in the Lord will receive new strength. They will fly as high as eagles. They will run and not get tired. They will walk and not grow weak.
Even the simple mind could get this verse and I think it fits for those who have grown weak when it comes to their will. I would like to suggest to you guys to read the Book of Nehemiah. In his story, there were many people who brought him down because he was building a wall for God’s people and because he trusted the Lord in his plan, the Lord helped him and protected his mind and life.
 2 Corinthians 2: 8-12
 We are pushed hard from all sides. But we are not beaten down. We are bewildered. But that doesn’t make us lose hope. Others make us suffer, But God does not desert us. We are knocked out. We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies. In that way, the life of Jesus can be shown in our bodies. We who are alive are always in danger of death because we are serving Jesus. This happens so that his life can also be shown in our earthly bodies. Death is at work in us. But life is at work in you.
 Challenges in our life are the few things that may lead us down and have no will. It’s because of the way we think or we maybe spiritually down. I think this helps to those who are facing their problems right now. To not give up, still keep on living and to continue on praying and trusting the Lord. I think challenges in life is normal for the Christians and I think we should all stick together and help one another, as well as strengthening our faith in God.
1 Corinthians 15: 58
My dear brothers and sisters, remain strong in the faith. Don’t let anything move you. Always give yourselves completely to the work of the Lord. Because you belong to the Lord, you know that your work is not worthless.
There’s a moment when we’re doing really, really great in our work but then just one day, we feel like stopping or quitting because we feel like it’s useless or we feel like lost interest --- this is what we call a “slump”. I’ve experience this dozens of times, from reading books which I always love to study hard to get be on top. This verse also reminds me of the Kdrama series “Weightlifting fairy Kim Bok Joo” wherein she experienced slumping and said she no longer wants to do weightlifting but after probably days or weeks, she went back weightlifting and fortunately, she was accepted in the National Team in Korea and even won in the Olympics----hard work paid off in the end. Whether it’s in reality or in a fictional series, that Slump exists but if ever we do experience it, let us remember this verse. Hard Work pays off but if you do it for God, it doesn’t only pay off but you’ll receive more. I remember working hard in school but this time, I gain my strength, knowledge and wisdom from God. If ever someone reads my brain, he or she may never identify as a smart person. Up until the end of my Junior high, I was on top but it’s all because of God. My hard work paid off so far but I received more. I did not only had the medal but I also gained skills, also had my realization in life, Develop other skills and discovered my talents. I am forever grateful of it and since I haven’t finish High School yet (co’z unfortunately, we still have two years in high school, here in the Philippines because of the K-12 program or system), I will still continue on working hard and relying on God.
My Message:
Don’t give up just because you have a slump or anybody is teasing you because you quit or they think you suck because you do not suck. If you quit then It must be because of a complex problem but if you’re just tired then don’t. I’ve quitted multiple times in a lot of things but I never used TIRING as an excuse and every day I would wish that I could turn back time and reset the moment wherein I quitted. Being a top student is like being an athlete, it also requires working hard, whether you’re a genius or not. For four years in Junior High, I’ve struggled maintaining my grades and there were a lot of times that I’d say I quit but the other part of my head would always win, saying to me that “why would I quit when I’m almost on my goal?” And so I stop thinking of quitting and instead I would think positively of the time ahead and where I could be going in the right path and so should you. I know you’re amazing, talented, Have a lot of skills and everything nice I could describe you but you shouldn’t let it go to waste. Work hard on it, challenge yourself, don’t listen to the negative comments and always TRUST IN THE LORD.
I suppose that’s all for now. To be honest, I still have a lot of verses in my sleeves that will help people who are in the verge of quitting or had already lost hope and the will to continue what good they’re doing. I’m hoping I could share more but I think this article or post is already too long, still, I may post the other verses on my next post. As of now, reflect on what had happened to you and talk to God, read the Bible and think positive. Also, I may not know your story but every one of us has some similarities despite our differences. I am just sharing to you guys what happened and what I did to overcome this problem. I hope I could help you so if you do, don’t hesitate to message me.
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You must be wondering why I chose this topic as my first post in this blog. If not, then skip my explanation proceed to the article but if you do have time to read this then it would be easy for you to connect with my topic for today.
The reason why I made this as my very first topic is because it is one of the biggest issues that we are all been facing, yes “we” because I too am a teen. Now before I’m going to talk about what God would have to say about it, let me tell you my own puppy love story and realization.
I’m not really sure if It’s already puppy love but I did like the guy. We met online and he was two years older than me. I didn’t really feel something for him at first because he wasn’t attractive but later on, he showed to me that he cares until one day, he asked me out, I “stupidly” said yes because I really like it how he cared for me but If I were to officially become his girlfriend, he has to wait for years until I become a legal-aged citizen and I still continued with the saying, TRUE LOVE WAITS.
At this point, God showed signs to me on how it may end but I didn’t listen. I continued communicating with him until one day, reality kicked in. he became cold with his text and when the time I was going to tell him what I really felt, things changed.
While I was scrolling facebook, I found his post, it was a picture of his with a girl and has a caption with the three words “I love you”, it felt like someone squeezed my chest. My thoughts then said “No wonder” but I was more devastated because he didn’t tell me that he stopped courting me and I was completely off-guarded with what I just saw. I didn’t know what to do, whether I should cry or just let it be. I quickly deleted his number and unfollowed him. I refused to unfriend him because I don’t want him to know that I was affected even though I was. The next day, I continued living, but on the inside I felt empty.
Soon, I became a living dead but I don’t want anyone to notice so I masked it out with a big smile and pretty pictures on the internet, which means I kept on posting pictures smiling even though I wasn’t really happy. At this point, I couldn’t understand myself, Am I depressed or what? And at this point also, my insecurities came back and everday I feel ugly and useless – I lost my self-worth.  
I was indenial of the fact that he was done because I didn’t know his reason and every day I would ask myself why? Why me? What did I do? And so I prayed to God, I asked him why this and why that. It felt like he whispered the solution to me and it was the action of checking his account again. When I checked it, I finally found an answer.
I felt relieved because at least it wasn’t because of me, it wasn’t because of my attitude or my principle but simply because he couldn’t wait.  I found it out because his picture with the girl was recent and his old posts were mostly shares from other people. I know I stalked him but I was desperate for the answer and I finally found it.
Another thing that I felt was being grateful to what God had done for me. Even though I didn’t listen to his signs that the guy won’t do good for me, up until now God stood for me. I don’t know why God doesn’t approve of that guy but again, TRUE LOVE WAITS and it really does.
The reason why those heartaches happened was because for me to experience what it feels like to actually like someone but it doesn’t mean that he’s the one because clearly, God wants someone better or perhaps the BEST for me.
Have you ever felt like a love-sick puppy? Well, if you did come here, you probably felt it. But then, there comes a time that you would think that you can’t live without that the person you like. You’re so vulnerable without him/her and you just want to be with him/her everday but after a few days, weeks or months, he/she leaves you…literally. Ouch!
Fear not, don’t lost hope because God is with you. I know it sounded like I said it easily but if you really trust God then it wouldn’t be hard to move on. Let’s put it this way, you believe in God (point check), you got your heart broken because of a stupid person (sorry for the word but he/she really is for breaking your heart), you want to move on but you can’t, ever wonder why?
Well it’s because of you. You can’t because you won’t accept any facts or you simply don’t know the answer as to why you got your heart broken. By the way, I’m not bluffing here. If you can’t accept or don’t know the fact that it happened then it would be hard for you to move on. I felt the same way but when I found the answer, it was the time that I felt so free and I was able to really understand God’s words.
Here are the list of verses that actually helped me, I know it’s a case to case basis but if you experienced the same way that did then I am happy enough to share the word of the Lord.
In Jeremiah 29:11, It states, “I know the plans I have for you” announces the Lord. “I want you to enjoy success. I do not plan to harm you. I will give you hope for the years to come.”
This made me realized that with everything that happens to me, God knows. He knows everything and I shouldn’t be worried about it because it happens for a reason and whether the effect is good or bad, I gained something that will help me in my future.
In Proverbs 3: 5, It states, “Trust in the lord with all your heart. Do not depend on your own understanding. In all your ways obey him. Then he will make your paths smooth and straight.”
This can be applied to those who people who tend to over-think. I, myself is an over-thinker which I admit had caused me a lot of trouble. When I was down, I lost my self-worth and it was because I didn’t know the reason why this thing happened to me. I wondered maybe because I was unattractive, or maybe because I wasn’t desirable or maybe I was boring…okay I had a lot of maybes. But, when I read this verse, it got me thinking, “what does it mean?” then the answer pops in my head and says “You were too busy overthinking kid that you forgot to listen to God, he’s probably saying to you the answer but you were too preoccupied with thinking useless maybes, now Go to Him!” And then I remembered the first verse (Jeremiah 29:11), part of it relieved me but I think there’s still something lacking so I thought of the second verse (proverbs 3:5) once again. I don’t know how it happened but the idea just got into my head to go back to the guy’s facebook account, I scrolled his and I found out every post he did that relates with the girl was just recent so my conclusion was that, it wasn’t me, it was him. I didn’t do anything wrong and he simply just couldn’t wait for the right time to be with me. Time to time, my love for myself came back and I learned the lesson that it’s not yet my time be in a relationship because even in the courtship stage, it would still be a fail.
In John 16: 20-22, it states, “What I’m about to tell you is true. You will weep and mourn while the world is full of joy. You will be sad, but your sadness will turn into joy. A woman giving birth to baby has pain. That’s because her time to give birth has come. But when her baby is born, she forgets the pain. She forgets because she is so happy that a baby has been born into the world. That’s the way it is with you. Now it’s your time to be sad. But I will see you again then you will be full of joy.”
What came into my mind when I read this is to never lost hope and the pain that I felt has its purpose. As you can see, life is a like rollercoaster, it has ups and downs and in applying this to God’s word, it would be mean Joy and Sadness. The hurtful feeling that you’re feeling right now maybe just one of your “downs” in life and the next thing would be what we are waiting for, the “ups”. So don’t lost hopes, continue praying, and continue trusting the Lord because soon, your time of Happiness will once again come back.
I don’t know if you had understood my point in this article but to wrap it up, what I’m saying is ACCEPT IT. Accept that your heart got broken; you may think that you don’t deserve it but no matter what we do, if we are eager to live then we will really feel it. I made this article for everyone to feel better about themselves after a puppy love experience because I don’t want anybody to give up on life just because of it. We are still too young and we still have a lot of things to do for ourselves. Accept the pain but don’t lose hope. If you’re too tired already then open up to God. Another thing that I think I forgot to tell was that when I was still too down, I couldn’t cry. The songs and stories that usually make me cry didn’t help. I still feel the pain inside and in my case, I always let go of things by crying but during that time I couldn’t. The only time that I was able to cry was when I talk to God. It was as if he was waiting for me to really open up to him. Tell him what I feel. Ask him questions, asking him to take away the pain and everything that I wanted to say out loud to anybody. And then, slowly but surely, the pain slowly faded. I know he’s taking it away and I came to realize that he really is with me. Sometimes, the “downs” that we are facing maybe a sign that we are drifting away from God and usually, the ones who are down with their lives are the ones who are closer to God. So don’t think negatively and go back to God, be honest with what you’re telling him and for sure, he will respond to you what he thinks is best because GOD IS THE BEST.
Once the pain is gone, never ever forget to say THANK YOU to GOD.
I hope this article helped and if your case is different don’t be shy to give me a message. This is a one person blog so it’s easy for me to get a message from you guys. You can also share to me your story so comment it down below.
Lastly, GOD BLESS!!!
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