grodriguez002-blog · 7 years
Assignment 7
We will never be free. As long as there isn’t equality we won’t be free. As a whole, freedom seems to still escape us. However, I do believe we can individually be free, freedom is so complex. People can feel free without even knowing they’re trapped. 
We’re not free from the fear of war and what it threatens to bring. We’re not free from judgment, from humans or otherworldly beings, apparently. We’re not free from ourselves mentally, emotionally, and physically,or any other disabilities we have to keep in mind when making a decision. We’re not free form obligations society has normalized. 
We are trapped by consequences. Freedom is being able to do what we want when we want, no ifs, ands, buts, or maybes. Consequences, good or bad. causes hesitation, demanding to be thought through thoroughly. 
Even still, we have freedom of will given to us by whatever power from a god or gods or the power of evolution. The beauty of it is that you have the freedom to chose.  
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grodriguez002-blog · 7 years
Assignment 6
Sometimes we can’t prevent failing. We put ourselves in situations where we let others set ourselves up for failure. And all the same this is probably because we set ourselves up for failure. 
First, don’t be dependent on anyone else if you can help it. Just because you make someone promise to you they can get the job done or they say they can do this favor for you, that won’t mean it is set in stone. There is no “so let it b written, so let it be done” in life. Trust is view as a sort of sacred thing for a reason.
Make sure you are being realistic. You know the amount of effort you put into anything you do. Don’t be surprised to have things turn out horribly if you didn’t put forth much effort. 
Don’t forget that life is so unpredictable that it is hard to assume and expect things to go according to plan. I guarantee you it will not. Again, don’t set yourself up for failure. Life is not a place for perfectionists. This is coming from experience. I now am forced to live in the moment thanks to the simple fact that I have failed plenty of times in my life. 
All you can do is try your best. As long as you’re happy with your work, I don’t consider that a fail. Failing others is inevitable but failing yourself is literally failing at life. 
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grodriguez002-blog · 7 years
A limerick:
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grodriguez002-blog · 7 years
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grodriguez002-blog · 7 years
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I completed the survey
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grodriguez002-blog · 8 years
Assignment #5
What differences individualize Pecola and Claudia from each other?
The main difference I noticed between Claudia and Pecola is their self esteem. Pecola believed she was ugly based off of how black people weren’t on magazine covers and in movies to be idolized. On the other hand, Claudia liked the way she was in all her dirt stained nakedness. Pecola admired all the Shirley Temples of the world like everyone else. But Claudia dissected every yellow haired, blue eyes, pink skinned doll she was gifted. I believe their views of themselves was based off their families.
Although both families were poor it could be argued that Claudia's family were rich in whatever makes a family able to stay together and get along. The part in the book when she got sick and her mother scolded her for it was her mother’s worry for her life. Even though she fussed about the inconvenience her phlegm brung to her, she did everything she could to make sure she would get better. Frieda always had Claudia at her shoulder/ They did everything together. They were partners in crime and protected each other.  When Mr,Henry touched Frieda, their father didn’t hesitate or think twice about  his attempt at shooting him dead.
On the other hand, Mrs,Breedlove preferred to sooth the tears of a pink and yellow girl that wasn’t her blood instead of soothing the burning legs of Pecola. There was never any interaction between Sammy and Pecola other than being in the same room, feigning sleep while their parents’ tempers suffocated the air. He was probably unaware of her existence after the number of times he’d abandoned them all. And Cholly was the one who ‘touched’ Pecola himself.
Why did the narrator tell us Pecola’s story instead of her own (or anyone else’s)?
In telling us Pecola’s story, she also told us of many issues the black community faced and still faces today. For her to be able to explain how Pecola’s misfortune came about she would have had to dig deeper. She accomplished much more by telling the story in this way.
When I first read the story of Jane and her family, I believed it to be the simple everyday story of the average American household, but with a cat instead of a dog. I wasn’t surprised that I was wrong. It was an outline that was nowhere near simple. It promised to tell about Pecola,her friends, her mother, her father, her brother, a colored woman’s cat, and somehow, a man who plays God.
Pecola’s story dared us to understand the logic behind a black man whose manhood was threatened at a young age after he couldn’t get the thought of his bare ass on display for two white men who insisted on watching. The logic behind a woman who was so fond of the fabulous lives of whites that she took pride in cleaning up after them and raising their child; taking better care of them than her own family. A brown woman who was as close to white as black would ever get, but still not white. We were dared to understand that Pecola would be left alone and abandoned even more than she originally was before she’d gone insane from multiple  mental trauma causing situations.
If at any point in reading this story you had to get yourself together to avoid going on a side rant, then good. That means the book did its job. The author did her job.
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grodriguez002-blog · 8 years
Assignment #4
Joan Darrow
She instantly caught my eye. I’m not sure why but it wouldn’t be surprised to find out  she is someone from the fashion business. Or maybe she’s someone who enjoys fashion. Her dress is an extravagant or bold print that not most older women would wear without a reason. Her hairstyle is also pretty dramatic. She comes off as very regal with her head held high and her hands gently joined together.
I wasn’t surprised to find that she was a confident person but I didn’t expect it to be because of spiritual reasons. I would assume it just came naturally. I suppose in a way it does come naturally for her.
Harry Shaw
I think he’s a jazz musician. His pose and the way he has one of his hands up makes me imagine a case to a musical instrument. Maybe a guitar but more of a brass instrument than anything else. Plus the main attraction. The fedora. That’s got jazz written all over it. Or maybe he’s just into  jazz. The dark tones adds to his musical aura.
Although slightly disappointed that he isn’t a musician, I see how he’s a model. The mind blowing revelation is that he’s a still model. I wouldn’t imagine a model would have a need to meditate or that they would have to meditate at all to be more advanced at stillness. I think that is pretty cool.
Robert Sheehan
I’ve seen too many dance movies. Mainly the Step Up franchise. The way he’s dressed makes me think he has a job that requires him to be active or that requires him to move around a lot. He looks like someone who’s a tough guy from his facial expression but maybe that’s just how he is.
Being a professional dog walker wasn’t something i knew existed but I bet it sounds fun. You’d get to see the city a lot and the bonus is the company of dogs. His mean expression is pretty justifiable. I get why. I’ve heard new york to be a tough city. That’s no secret. I’d mean mug people left and right if it meant keeping safe.
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grodriguez002-blog · 8 years
Assignment #3
I think kairos is determining when to use your influence and resources at your disposal to make issues known to the public eye.
Although I didn’t understand half of the things he was talking about, I get it. I get why he used such lengthy words and technical terms. He wanted to prove a point and he got his point across. The tone may have come off to see cocky in the first paragraph but after he ensures he’s just trying to show us that he is  dedicated and hard worker, I instantly believed him. 
He got straight to the point of his cover letter. Most all employers want hard workers. Reading a sheet of paper that happen to have words stating someone works hard doesn’t really prove anything. But somehow Mark was able to get his point across while at the same time making it believable that he’s capable of accomplishing great things all while knowing it and still managing to remain humble. It is almost intimidating. He seems as though he is an overachiever. And that is exactly what he is. What other reason would he have for mentioning his physical strength other than to add to his impressive accomplishments.
He doesn’t beat around the bush. He doesn’t bullshit. People in the business of money don’t have time for it. Not big businesses like JP Morgan. 
The only flaw I could find in him and his work ethic is the possibility that he won’t do good in working with others. I’m not sure if i would be a requirement but if it is, he already comes off as someone who can be perceived as conceited and stuck up even though he denies it from the start. If he didn’t deny it I would say he’s an egotistical sociopath. He might not have a problem with others but others might have a problem with him. Considering he didn’t mention his relationships with other coworkers, it raises a few alarms.
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grodriguez002-blog · 8 years
Assignment #2
Pt. 1
Upon reading this article the first time, I found my reaction to be pretty passive. I didn’t reach for the skies in my search for higher education since I wasn’t involved in many extracurricular activities. But I had high enough SAT and ACT scores, I’m mixed races, and worked my senior year. So maybe I was still considered one of those who would have helped diversify the school.
But after letting the idea of the article stew in my mind for a few days, I understood the frustration. I was reminded of how stressful my senior year of high school was due to uncertainty that I had done enough in the past four years.
College should be accepting of people of all backgrounds, privileged or not. Otherwise “everyone was given the same opportunity” would be less true than it already is.
Pt. 2
I'm awkward and quiet so first off if I were an hour late to class I wouldn't even bother showing up because of the fact that I know I would have drawn attention to myself had I walked in after an hour. Not only that, but a lot can happen in an hour. Missing an hour of class isn't even worth showing up. I'd feel lost. To “sample” a class it would be best to sit through the whole class. Sitting in on a class for just a few minutes isn't the full experience. To get an idea of the feel of the atmosphere of a class it takes more than a thirty minute sample. In the professor's eyes, I imagine he had other reason besides disturbing the class to dismiss the student.
One thing I've learned in life so far is that everyone has rules for a reason. You might not be able to see what it is that justifies them but most people won't be assholes who make certain rules simply because they have to power to. I like to think professors are here to help us and...
No one knows everything and you won't always understand things. So don't take things personally. 
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