an unexpected journey
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carol, 1990, Italy, in love with everything is art, multifandom blog, mostly the walking dead/caryl and photography.
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 1 year ago
Carol blowing up Terminus to save everyone.
Daryl still till this day: “You sure you’re okay?”
Lol Daryl, just kiss her already.
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 1 year ago
Time to caryling again :3
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Daryl promises Carol to be back home in a week TWD DARYL DIXON 1.05 Deux Amours
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 2 years ago
Reblogging this just because...
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caryl au: hiding in louvre 
“You think you get used to the destruction, and then…” Carol motioned around them, gazing briefly at the torn paintings covered in blood. “Just shocks you again.”
Daryl shrugged, alert to any danger that might be lurking around the corner. 
“I wonder if Mona Lisa made it,” she said as he cleared the next corridor. 
“She a friend of yours?” he asked and Carol chuckled, catching up closer so she can catch his satisfied smirk. Shockingly, there wasn’t one. 
 "You’re serious,“ she realized, somehow still shocked about the information despite all she knew and assumed about Daryl’s past. "You’ve never seen Mona Lisa?” That got her another shrug and mumbled words along the lines ‘didn’t watch tv much’.
Carol gave the room around her a long look, before finding the remains of a map still nailed to a wall a bit behind them. “This way,” she decided out loud and quickly dissapeared in the opposite direction from Daryl. 
He found her sitting by a portrait of a young brunette. However, his eyes were fixed on Carol, trying to figure out what was on her mind. They were silent for a few minutes, the air heavy in his lungs.
“I always wanted to see the painting. It’s so small,” Carol said after awhile. 
“That Lisa?” he gestured at the painting. Whatever was going on in Carol’s head, he wasn’t following. And yet, he wanted to see her smile. “I don’t know, I’d rather look at you than her,” came out of his mouth, something he was quite sure he did not mean to voice. Or at least not to make it sound like that.
“She’s the best known work of art, Daryl,” she looked up, not knowing why she had the need to brush his unlikely compliment off. It was still strange for her to entertain the idea someone might like her better than…well, anything really. Damned Ed.
“She ain’t you, though,” he shrugged yet again and smiled down at her. 
“Stop,” she rolled her eyes but smiled anyway, leaning against him as he sat down next to her. 
There, Daryl though, she’s back from the dark place.
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 2 years ago
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Missed them 🥹❤️
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 2 years ago
Also, people forget that the Daryl/Carol spin off was already in their mind before Connie arrived in the show, so I don't think their relationship would have been more than friendship even if Lauren was more available in season 10. Season 11 kind of proved that and they had the time for Leah too 🥴
New interview with AK saying that Donnie was on the table but because of LR filming marvel movie things had to be changed.
She's pandering to that fanbase, possibly so it doesn't look like she was just trolling them, but she doesn't actually say Donnie was going to be canon. I don't think that was ever a real possibility even if the people above her like to ship bait.
I do get the frustration though when Caryl are the ones written romantically, yet no one is allowed to talk about them in a romantic context anymore as if it's become taboo -_- Again, what kind of messaging does that really send out?
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 2 years ago
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it was rare, i was there
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 2 years ago
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CAROL & DARYL tragic love story, interrupted, in 3 acts:
#love, set if free #soulmatism #i love you goodbye
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 2 years ago
Is this a goodbye? I don’t know, I stopped writing on Tumblr long time ago but I have so many beautiful memories connected to this place and the Caryl tag, I just wanted to thank all my fellow Carol and Daryl shippers for the company and my thoughts are with those who “left” but were our positive guides for so many years... Maybe I will come later or tomorrow for the last episode but for now, I needed to share this <3 
Caryl On, always!
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 2 years ago
Honestly, it’s a shame that a ship I once was so in love with, now just doesn’t sparkle for me anymore. Caryl has been apart of my life for so long, the bond between them, the friendship, relationship, whatever it may be, it was always special and I always enjoyed watching their scenes together. However I feel like my joy for them has burnt out. I remember screaming and yelling when we found out they were going to have a spin off together, then now it’s just mixed feelings.
On one hand I still have that tiny bit of hope that Caryl will get their moment finally but then again, with what we know about Daryl having his own spin off, I think I’d be upset if they went canon.
I just hope they at least give Carol justice. It’s a damn shame as to how little we’ve been given Carol on our screens on this final season.
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 3 years ago
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Harwin Strong in House of the Dragon (so far) [requested by anon]
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 3 years ago
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Ed refusing to let Stede talk badly about himself
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 3 years ago
A much needed post. I really wanna come back to 2014 ç___ç 
I've never ever expected to experience a situation like this one, but here we are, these are my thoughts and feelings: I'm heartbroken. And this is not just about a "ship". We all were genuinely looking forward to a series where  our favorite characters had the oppurtunity to show their true self, untied from the mess that is the main show right now. I really wanted a new story for them. 
Whether the change of location was NR choice or not, I'm not gonna watch a Daryl solo show. Being alone never really worked for his character (and I don't trust the writers after the Leah storyline). A journey with a friend it would have been way more entertaining. 
About Melissa: I love her and will support her, always. Hope she and her family are ok. Carol is the best character in TWD and she deserved better, for years now. I'm sure leaving the spin off was a hard call, so I really hope someone will tell her we love her no matter what!
I hate what the twd production did to this fandom: They alienated us and caused a serious rift in the caryl family. Fanboys and fangirls is what is left. I mean this with no offense, of course. I'm as passionate as everyone else, I spent almost a decade loving this show and his characters but eventually I feel so disappointed. Back in season six every episode already felt so depressing... this is not what entertainment is.
I'm studying cinematography criticism and rule number one is always doing self-criticism first. I think TWD should do that too. What happened to this spin off is one of the several mistakes they did in the  past few years. That's a shame. Again, I'm heartbroken...
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 3 years ago
Briefly coming back to Tumblr just to notice the usual use of cockblocker by TWD when it comes to Caryl. COME ON!
Spoiler for 11/14
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 4 years ago
I think the first part could easily happen, but I think they don't take hostages. Maybe they just see them in the distance, maybe just Daryl who then decides to lead Leah elsewhere.
I can’t escape Caryl even on vacation (not that I would want to but it’s not important). I had a dream the other night about what I could see/wish would happen in episode 11x07 and of course I’ve come to word vomit it here for all you lovely people because it’s all I know. This is going to be more in point formation to make it easier plus my internet is spotty out in the woods with no telling when it will pack up up and ship off.
Fair warning this will contain presumed spoilers from other eps which have and have not aired as well as theories so if you don’t want to know then this is your stop, time to get off the bus. Okay here we go.
-Gabe chooses to go out and get captured by the Reapers so Maggie/Elijah/Negan can get away from the stash house basement, and meets Pope back at Meridian.
-Daryl goes out hunting with Leah for more info/tracking (maybe based on bad “intel” Gabe gave or they decide to go back to the area where Leah “found” Daryl. All still in the name of vengeance against Maggie yet we still don’t know why (though I think we’ll get tidbits from the reaper POV about why)
-Suddenly Leah pulls up her gun and Magna/Kelly/Carol emerge from the woods, causing Daryl’s eyes to blow wide. He plays along, raising whatever weapon they have him as Leah continues to shout at them, trying to find out who they are.
-Magna/Carol spin a whole story about how they’re not part of a bigger group, just the 3 of them after losing people along the way. Kelly keeps looking around at Daryl confused, signs to other woman about “what’s going on?” and how they need to get out of here.
-Leah yells at her, not knowing what’s going on and Carol responds with that Kelly is dead and then how they are out here trying to find her sister who they lost, but now they have a lead.
-Carol and Daryl keep passing glances(you know they ones), not needing to say anything but she does seem a bit shocked/hurt when he purposefully says Leahs name to let Carol know.
-Leah spots the crossbow over Carol’s shoulder and turns her attention and weapon towards her. Wants to know where she found it (with a few of the questions ‘asked’ by Daryl to keep up his charade).
-Carol gives her some sass back saying she found it and how do they know this is really theirs and that they’re not just going to steal their stuff and kill them, which pisses Leah off more and she steps forward moving the gun closer to Carol.
-After worried looks from Kelly/Magna she says “it’s okay, you can trust me” when in reality she signs as well “it’s okay, I trust Daryl”.
-Daryl shifts and gives that Carol look, obviously a little upset at himself for the situation they are in. Leah tells him to take his crossbow to which he replies “they don’t seem to know anything” and “they should let them go”. All the while Carol stands perfectly still despite Leahs growing frustrations.
-He gives in and goes up to Carol, coming face to face -inches away from the other- and removes the crossbow from her. But in doing so it shifts her shirt and Leah catches a glimpse of the knife she gave Daryl (noticing the engraved hilt) (the camera zooms in on it too)
-Cue the monumental freak out and starts losing it on Carol, yelling at Daryl that they need to take them back even as he tries to say there’s no point (act confused)
-Either Magna/Kelly try to take the gun away from Leah and they struggle before Carol jumps in to distract her so they can get away, and Daryl is too busy “helping Leah” from Carol to chase them. (Lol)
-Carol gets grabbed and Leah passes a dirty long look to Daryl but only says that their taking her with them….how she knows Carol has info they want.
Cue screen fading to black.
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 4 years ago
Thinking about the fact that during those six years in the woods, the last person Daryl saw (even after the Leah thing) was Carol. And the first person he saw before coming back to civilitation was, well, Carol again!
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 4 years ago
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every hug from every angle
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grey-haired-queen-bitch · 5 years ago
Daryl being the one bringing up New Mexico in the finale makes totally sense to me. He was the one mentioning it first in the premiere. He definitely wanna go there with Carol.
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