Bad luck was seeing the other end of the fight, safe and whole, and probably dying of old age surrounded by regrets and hindsight.
Echidna by CaughtFeelings
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The voice inside her head she often attributes to Tikki tells her she’s being about as extra as a vsco girl at a lululemon half price sale and to get a grip on herself. The other voice in her head, the one she often attributes to her increasingly dwindling grasp on reality, screams endlessly into the void when her common sense usually resides.
@ao3bronte 's Chat Blanc AU
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He really needed to buy himself some morals, but he didn’t know any stores that sold them.
"How To Parent Your Teenage Superhero" by Faithxoxo
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“I thought you were a demon when I first met you,” Nooroo continued conversationally. “Turns out there’s no excuse, you’re just a jerk.”
"How To Parent Your Teenage Superhero" by Faithxoxo
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Of course Father was off committing magical terrorism to steal jewelry instead of getting a normal hobby and actually talking to Adrien more than once a week. Of course Nathalie had helped out. Adrien wouldn’t be surprised if “Feather Terrorism” was spelled out in her contract. Had anyone even been running the business in the past year?
"Pincushion Papillon" by Peppermint_Miraculous (Peppermint_Shamrock)
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By this time in their relationship, Adrien knew Nino's vernacular pretty well. There were the casual "Dude," the playful "Dude!", the questioning "Dude?", the admiring "Duuuuude..." and many, many others. But this one crossed boundaries that Adrien had never heard before. And with good reason, Adrien had to admit... This was the Atomic Dude.
Someone To Watch Over Me, dcfanfics
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Kim grinned. “I want to know if he got what he deserved!”
Sabrina stared at him. “He’s in prison, Kim!"
“But is he missing any teeth?!”
— "The Hollow and The Dark" by Lyoko_Native
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how many followers do you have?
About a thousand
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"I can't... believe..." Alya gasped between wheezes, "you... let my dad... eat you!"
The Shirt, @GalahadWilder
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Plagg flew over and started smacking Wayzz's bo with his lightsaber, making appropriate noises as he did so. "I am the master now! Who's your daddy, old man?" ... "Who's your daddy? Whooooo's your daddayyyyy?" Plagg flew around and kept smacking Wayzz, who resorted to grabbing Plagg's lightsaber and tossing it into the gramophone horn.
Movie Night at the Miracle Box, by Tempomental
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“Would he end up dying alone, with Plagg as his only friend?
Of course not. The miraculouses have to be returned eventually.”
The Way You See Me by Writers_Muse
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You ass-truck!” Queen Bee snarled, watching Mayura tumble backwards over the cobblestones towards Nightwisher's feet. “What the hell is an ass-truck?!” Monarch asked. “I don’t know, it was the worst thing I could think of!” Queen Bee said.
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Adrien.exe has crashed.
Better boot the alternate program, Chat.Noir.exe
You Won't Know Me by Lady_LB
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Adrien tried to stop his imagination from running away with possibilities of what other dark magics Marinette was capable of by contemplating instead whether he actually had enough money to run away to an island or if Father and Nathalie had drained it all for their failed jewelry heist.
Pincushion Papillon by Peppermint_Miraculous
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“Marinette,” he said, surprised at how calm he sounded. “Why are you so willing to be an accessory to murder, and why are you so prepared for it?”
"Ride or Die" by Peppermint_Miraculous (Peppermint_Shamrock)
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Abort. Abort. Social cues misread. Juleka’s brain shifted into overtime trying to save her from this social emergency. Was the religion joke too far? Or was it the joke part? Was Juleka not allowed to make jokes? Did you have to be a certain level to make jokes? Did she do it wrong? Oh god, she gets a nickname and all of a sudden she thinks she can make jokes? Adrien had just seemed so friendly and she’d spent all night listening to him and Plagg oh god oh god oh-
Powers of Invisibility, by yestomiraculous
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Today his eyes had been a rich beautiful green without the cat-like appearance and green sclera. Was this what his eyes actually looked like as a civilian? If so they were gorgeous. And then there had been his six-pack...
After the credits part 2
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