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DMA- Reflective Research Journal
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grcejones · 3 years ago
Digital Collage Task
This week we had to create a digital collage using Adobe Photoshop. The aim of this collage was to become confident using the selection, cutting l and editing tools that we had learnt in the sessions this week. Having previous experience with photoshop I found the task to be great for recapping over my skills. I decided to stick with my fandom pop culture theme, although this wasn’t necessary, I feel it helps to give me more inspiration for my final zine and poster if I stick to the same theme throughout the project. Here is my final outcome
Tumblr media
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grcejones · 3 years ago
Photoshop Introduction
Main Notes
Make sure to have folders for different categories, means work is good organised well and easy to access
Document set up, there are some already pre made by photoshop (A4, A5 etc.) If creating a custom one, make sure to save it in the ‘saved’ tab
Colour modes: mainly use RGB. Can be used in both digital and print
Save files as: PSD when still editing image, this saves it as a photoshop file, JPEGs when finished, TIFF when printing images, can be edited repeatedly and keeps the image quality
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grcejones · 3 years ago
Notes-What is a Zine?
Short for fanzine, it is a self published work of art on any subject.
Very popular amongst smaller brands to showcase work/art, such as clothing, a movement, music, etc.
Takes the shape and form of a mini magazine (sort of) doesn’t include articles as such, but maybe a few lines on each page with an explanation as to what the zine is showing
A zinester is the person who creates everything within the zine, they are the editor, designer, publisher and author.
E-zines are on the rise now with digital publishing being so popular these days.
Context- DMA Zine presentation part 1&2
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grcejones · 3 years ago
Week 1 Task- Ideation Task Answering Questions
1) Am I into a particular part of pop culture?
100% absolutely, anything 2000’s!! Being a 00’s baby meant growing up on Paris Hilton, Bratz and Barbie Dolls, Y2K fashion, Lindsey Lohan films, juicy couture and anything pink. To this day I still dress and act as though I am Paris Hilton. I am simply obsessed. Not only do I think it’s nostalgia will forever be iconic, I just love how fun pop culture was in the 00’s.
2) Am I fascinated by a particular art or design movement?
I would say pop art if any. Andy Warhol definitely has inspired some of my previous work- the use of colour, the contrast etc. However I feel for this project, I wouldn’t be able to focus particularly on an art or design movement as there isn’t one (that I have come across) that has yet to leave me absolutely obsessed, which is really the theme of this zine for me, taking inspiration from things that I’m obsessed with and turning and them into art. Perhaps that’s why I have yet to come across a movement I’m really into.
3) Am I obsessed with a particular character or celebrity?
Yes, the list is endless! I always wanted to be the main character in any of the teen chick flick films growing up. I loved (and still do love) watching shows such as ‘The Simple Life’ ‘Gossip Girl’ and ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’, mainly for the fashion. I think there is just something so exciting when you’re watching a TV show/film and fashion plays such a big role within it, it was always my favourite part as a kid, when their was a ‘makeover scene’. Now my Instagram is filled with accounts dedicated to celeb sightings and outfits, such as @deuxmoi
4) What films, music, fashion am I into?
Most genres/trends really. How I’m feeling is always reflected in what I’m watching/wearing/listening to and I think the same goes for a lot of people. I love anything 00’s of course- teen rom com’s, Britney Spears, Juicy Couture tracksuits basically anything that correlates with pink pop princess. However I also really love independent French films, Lana Del Rey and the ‘old money’ fashion aesthetic. 90’s rock is mainly what my Spotify consists of and I live for the 90s supermodel vibe for hair/makeup/clothing.
5) Do you read a lot about a certain/similar subject?
Yes I am a basic bitch who reads Vogue and Cosmo! I live for trend forecasting and celebrity gossip. I love reading beauty blogs or watching how to tutorials. Anything hair, makeup, fashion related.
From answering those questions above I have decided what I am going to base my Zine on: Trends throughout the decades. I love the 90’s, 00’s (especially the 00’s) and now, so rather than focusing on one era, I will use trend forecasting and pop culture to curate my own version of what I think were/are some of the most iconic trends we have ever seen.
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grcejones · 3 years ago
Week 1 Task- Ideation Task
For my zine and accompanying poster, I have opted to use the theme FANDOM.
I have chosen FANDOM because I find my creativity manifests itself best when I become infatuated with something. Therefore for this project, I am going to be asking myself the following questions to help to pick a topic to base my zine/poster on:
1) Am I into a particular part of pop culture?
2) Am I fascinated by a particular art or design movement?
3) Am I obsessed with a particular character/celebrity?
4) What films, music, fashion am I into?
5) Do I read a lot about certain/similar subjects?
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