grapedoll-blog · 9 years
水: who said anything about being smarter?
水: (・・。)ゞ
水: i don’t know about that!
水: but isn’t running away from your problems smart?
水: you’ll get to be a pretty fast runner that way! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
水: exercise is good for the soul!!
水: ⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃
お: science will help make me smarter
お: ???
お: that’s just an excuse you know
お: using technology to solve your problems for you
お: couldn’t you call that running away from your problems
お: shame on you (笑)
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
What Ayano’s saying is true, for the most part. Trendsetters, unique fashions, people dressing all in different ways, and so Akane smiles. Some parts of it hit closer to home than others, but she can appreciate Ayano’s eagerness on the subject.
“You think so?”
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Of course she does, or else she wouldn’t have said it. Akane giggles, raising one hand to cover the expression in what’s probably a reverse-engineered tactic to show off her funky multicolored-sleeves. “It’d sure make keeping up with the trends easier in that case, huh!” The unspoken implication is that suddenly the world would seem ten times less sonderous, ten times more difficult to keep up with, if everyone dressed the way that she did.
It’s not even self-preservation so much as it’s something else, something that feels strangely familiar and comfortingly dissonant to Akane.
“Have you ever tried stopping one of them and asking?” The tone to her voice implicates that she’s halfway between deadpan serious and irreverent whimsy, which is both fitting to the tone of the conversation and ominous for what sort of strange conspiracy theories she’ll think of spouting off about within the next five minutes. “Some of them, they’re actually superheroes!”
Not that she’s ever actually stopped one to ask, but that’s hardly relevant. These were the sorts of things you could tell by just looking. Within moments, Akane’s posture shifts; suddenly, she looks that much more invested, that much more serious about superheroes. Which she is, honestly.
“You’d think more of them would wear disguises, right?”
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
ツ ilu juney
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
Send me a ツ to see a tweet my muse would post/make about yours
You can use this generator right here.
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
my opinion on;
character in general: I’ve actually never read twilight! so I can’t actually say much about edward as a character and I know most people are very :\\\ about twilight but I do think he’s the sort of character with a premise that has a lot of potentialhow they play them: again I can’t say much about characterization but I think the fact that you’ve had so many (from what I can tell!) meaningful interactions with other characters says that you do a really gr8 job with edward!the mun: you seem very chill and casual and the way you approach edward makes me think you’re probably a very refreshing person!
do i;
follow them: jajaja!rp with them: not atm no!want to rp with them: I’d be happy to! your edward is a+ship their character with mine: please you are a married man
what is my;
overall opinion: didn’t edward and dahlia fall on top of each other on a bed of rose petals while riding on a train once or did I dream that up
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
sends you my url for the 5th time
my opinion on;
character in general: hot teen mom ziio stole a loaf of bread and blew up a building to feed her sonhow they play them: I talk about your dialogue a lot but I think ziio is one of those characters where your skills w/ dialogue really shine because she talks in that sort of? less ‘fluid’ way that can come off as being stilted or unnatural and yet you do a really good job of making it cohesive nonethelessthe mun: I can never tell who hangs up on who whenever we talk on the phone
do i;
follow them: um?rp with them: do I owe you toowant to rp with them: only if you’ll agree to wear matching kigurumisship their character with mine: I want connor kenway to call akane kurashiki ‘other mom’
what is my;
overall opinion: let’s plan a fuckin cruise
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
ツ I just want to see that fucking emote you used for her twitter name again. God
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grapedoll-blog · 9 years
ツ for ya boy
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