n9ne2wosev7n · 2 years
What's the point of having a trans tag on here if it's just as likely to be used by people in the trans community to talk about our experiences as it is to be abused by creeps who want to fetishize and exploit trans women while also being hella bigoted to anyone who doesn't fit their ideals for a porn star?
Idk why I rejoined if it's still just a giant cesspool of bigotry here. And that's besides the point that people here are really out of touch with reality and don't seem to have any real life interactions with anyone else in the LGBTQ community, they just think they need to be involved because they jacked off to Blaire White once.
Y'all don't just need to touch grass, you need to learn what consent is, what boundaries are, and you need to keep your bigotry and internalized transphobia in your own heads instead of trying to bother others.
Seriously I work at a porn shop, if I wanted to be treated like shit or see trans women get treated like shit, I'd just go into the DVD section of my store. Seeing it be so prevalent here is nauseating. Seeing how many people post porn, including CP, here is just fucking disgusting.
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n9ne2wosev7n · 2 years
I have a $700 paycheck coming up. I get paid weekly. I worked 47 hours and I made a lot of commission.
My partner still isn't proud of me and thinks my job doesn't matter. He does Uber for a living.
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