GRAD 601 - Sophie Williamson
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
final publication continued:
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
My final publication!
I'm really happy with this result. I think I've managed to pull all the interviews and various pages together in a cohesive way to create a publication that is interesting and visually pleasing.
One thing I would fix up if I had more time is the colours - for some reason when I exported the document as a pdf the colours became subtly more saturated and intense. I couldn't figure out a way of fixing this, so I left it as it is because it isn't really noticeable, maybe only to me.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
For the acknowledgements page I continued using illustrations to keep it consistent. I wanted to keep it pretty simple, with lots of breathing space after the rush of information from the interviews.
I did have to adjust the design to include some new information - see iteration two below.
The back cover is a continuation of the front cover.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
Thematic introduction spread variations:
Three of the interviews only have photography as images. My one is the only one with illustration, so I thought it would be a good idea to link it to the rest of the publication by bringing the illustration into the other pages.
I didn't want to just recycle my interview illustrations because then that leaves no surprises for the reader when they do read the interview. I came up with this image for the thematic introduction spread: While in the illustrative style of my spreads, it incorporates elements and motifs from all four interviews. It shows a road winding through all the different things which the interviewees talk about, which have been incorporated into the landscape. The van is on a road trip or 'search' for all these things which bring joy.
I also added POP | ISSUE 14, to introduce the idea that this publication is like a magazine or some other kind of frequently published periodical.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
contents and introduction page variations:
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
Front cover variations:
I tried to include details from all 4 interviews without giving too much away.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
After receiving the other three interviews which I'd be including in my publication, I started looking for a theme to pull them all together. I noticed that all four interviews focused on something which made the interviewee happy: music, coffee, travel and home. So I decided to base my publication around the theme of finding joy in everyday life. The name I came up with is 'In search of Happiness'.
I began looking for visual links as well. I found that three of the interviews had green and orange in their colour scheme, so I decided to use that to pull the pages together visually. I changed the colours of the interview that didn't match, and adjusted the others as needed.
I also changed the typefaces so that the title font, subheading font, and body font were consistent throughout the whole publication. I also adjusted all the margins.
There wasn't a lot else I could do without totally changing the design of the other interviews, which I didn't want to mess with too much. I think what I have done is enough to tie it all together well.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
Title page variations, and the final result of the first DPS.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
In her interview my mum talked about how much she loves swimming and the ocean, so I decided to make that the focus of my next image. I created the image on Procreate in the same style as my other images. Here are some image and layout developments for the second double page spread.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
I played around with layout on my first double page spread. I was struggling to figure out how to fit text on my ceramics illustration page, and in the end I decided to go with three text columns and fit the illustrations into these columns.
Pretty happy with this as a start, still need to properly arrange and clean up all the text.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
My mums really into natural foods and medicines, and when we lived in England she loved to go foraging. This inspired this image, which is a field guide to some of her favourite foraging plants. I got her to write the names of the plants, so her handwriting could be part of the image.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
Putting both images together to see how they would look in a double page spread. I love the warm, earthy colours so much, and they’re definitely very mum.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
Over the years my mum has collected a lot of beautiful objects from around the world, all of which I’ve grown up seeing displayed around the house. Her favourite thing is probably her collection of terracotta crockery and pots, which she uses in the kitchen and the garden to plant herbs in. It’s a running joke in our family how easy she is to buy birthday presents for, because we can always just get her a new piece of crockery. Because of this, terracotta pots have become representative of mum in our family.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
I’ve been stuck in a creative rut over the last few days, and I couldn’t seem to think of a way to use grandpas old photos in a creative way. In the end I decided to completely change the subject of my project, and interview my mum instead. I feel like I have a lot more ideas for her, and I feel a lot more inspired. She’s also a really interesting person with hundreds of good stories about her life.
I interviewed her straight away to make up for lost time. Today I started doing some illustrations based on her time spent travelling around Nz and Australia when she was young. I really like this style.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
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I was inspired by my previous experiments with paper marbling to create the liquified colour swirling across the page in these images. I think it reflects the energetic, fun feeling of the photographs, which are all about the parties grandpa used to host and the trips he took with his friends. The colours feel retro and nostalgic, matching the film photo vibe.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
I started experimenting with image making using the old photos I’d got from my grandad. I want to try a few things out in order to find a ‘style’ for my publication.
Grandpa has a lot of stories from his school days, so I’d love to do a page focusing on those years. For this image, I used a combination of photomontage and illustration, editing together an old school photo from when he was about 16 with an image of his old school building, and playing around with colour manipulation and a halftone effect. I then used procreate to illustrate over the top. I was going for a rough, Quentin Blake style vibe, and I really like the result.
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A couple of developments, this time using up the whole double spread. Maybe the image on the left, then text in the right? I only get two double page spreads though so might be taking up too much room.
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grad601sophiewilliamson · 3 years ago
I chose my grandad as the subject of my publication. He’s had a really interesting life and so definitely had a lot to talk about in the interview! Instead of a more formal interview with set questions, I asked him to dig out a bunch of his old photos and just have a chat about them with me, as I had the idea to somehow incorporate these photos into my image making. I think this worked really well, as he was more relaxed and the photos helped to prompt memories which we wouldn’t have talked about otherwise. I recorded the whole thing on my phone so that I could go back to it later.
I also asked to borrow some of the photos, which I then scanned so that i could start working with them in my image making.
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