gracideaviolet · 3 hours
Gear Station has a PokéTube channel where they upload safety videos, promotional stuff, and clips of some of the best battles on the Battle Subway. Their most viewed video on the channel, however, is "Subway Boss Ingo Using Earthquake On His Brother Compilation part 1"
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gracideaviolet · 3 hours
▲ swish ▽
(rotoscoping of Reigen's twirl in op3 of Mob Psycho 100)
Finally done!!!! It took me way too long and a lot of it is still pretty rough TTvTT
Here are the static twirls:
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And now some process gifs for anyone interested (I exported lines, flats, and shadows separately, then added some effects in video editing):
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gracideaviolet · 4 hours
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gracideaviolet · 1 day
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they have no idea what he’s talking about
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gracideaviolet · 1 day
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some more funny convos with my friend
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
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Ahaha based on convos with my buddies over in Cheri’s server — ♡
Also inspired by that one video of the guy hyped as fuck for trains. This one.
ALSO inspired by this ask i got.
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Hope this answered your question, anon.
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
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so embarrassing…….bestie’s gf caught us being sillayyy…….
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
Sometimes Tumblr likes to eat asks, that's why I asked ^^ the original ask was "Do you ever think of how this story from the pov of the other regions is going to go from a international criminal scandal to a Tom and Jerry (Persian and Rattata?) Episode featuring the Subway Bros in Sinnoh?
There would be memes of Sinnoh/Unova raging at each other and hecking Kanto in the corner eating popcorn and Jotho sipping some drink.
Also when the truth is revealed to the public at least someone made the joke "haha wow Ingo did really get the Sinnoh treatment" because he was sent through time and space."
Some parts are a little outdated but with the power of Future Sight (tm) I can add now that once Leon starts posting on social media and, if he's still in Sinnoh later in the story and takes action, someone on the Internet will make that "Beyoncé?!" Meme with him
Oh!! Oh this was the one I accidentally deleted a while back! Thank you so much for sending it again!!
And Yes!! Exactly!! I love this so much! 💜 And the addition of Leon with the “ Beyoncé!?!” Meme is perfect!
Another one would be Unova and Sinnoh fighting as the other regions watch and then: “What’s this!? Galar with the steel chair!!”
Also Galar siding with Unova means that, on principal, Kalos sides with Sinnoh lol
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
I wanna throw another wrench into all the rumors. Now Akari can handle herself just fine but imagine she gets in over her head a bit and screams out for "Dad!" and Ingo swoops in for the save. Now the media is just like "wait what? wasnt he uncle? IS HE DAD?" and later there just light teasing between the runaways "Akari do you see me as a father figure?" "NO SHUT UP >///<"
Aww! That’s so cute! I could see that happening!
Like, there are a few people that Akari and Ingo meet whom assume he’s her dad. Sometimes they correct them, sometimes they don’t bother. So the idea of Ingo being her dad is planted in Akari’s mind. Akari still does not remember much at all of her family before Hisui. In fact the only idea of a person that she can piece together is a woman who might be her mother. She does not think she had a dad, or at least didn’t have one she was close to. So because that space was already vacant, whenever she thinks of the concept of a father, she starts to picture Ingo.
(Professor Laventon was another fatherly figure she had, but ever since it fully hit her that he’s long dead now, it hurts to think of him)
It’s totally possible that, in the heat of a moment where Akari feels endangered/trapped, she’d call out for Ingo and accidentally call him dad.
I’m thinking the overwhelming situation wouldn’t be something pokemon related at all. Akari knows how to handle a battle scenario too well to get overwhelmed like that. This would be something much worse, a social interaction kinda thing.
It would be when Akari and Ingo are on the beach at route 213, enjoying the sea breeze and the cool water to fight off the summer heat. Akari wonders off to look around, dressed in her seascape kimono top and indigo shorts with no mask for once, and finds a group of teenagers hanging out on the beach. Akari hasn’t had anyone her age to really talk to since she left Hisui, so she gathers up the courage and approaches the group. She has Marshmellow by her side, yet again disguised as an ice vulpix. 
The first words out of her mouth are a compliment of how cute one of the teens pokemon is. The group all stops talking and stare at her for a moment. She awkwardly asks what kind it is since she’s never seen it before. The girl gives her an odd look before telling her it’s an Azurill, as if that were obvious. One kid pipes up that it’s still an Azurill, which makes the group laugh and the girl kick sand at the other kid. Akari smiles along, not getting the joke but not wanting so seem any weirder.
The group then notices Marshmellow glaring at them from behind Akari’s legs and all get very excited about how cute her ‘Vulpix’ is. They all start taking pictures of the fox pokemon and asking Akari how she got her and what’s she’s like. Happy to have something to talk about she tells them about her actual Vulpix, Aurora, and how she befriended her after helping her previous trainer gather up her scattered siblings.
One girl scoffs about how of course it was from an actual breeder, finding an alola vulpix to trade is impossible in Sinnoh. A boy laughs at the girl an tells her it’s her own fault for trying to trade for something so rare with a common bidoof. The girl shoved him and whines that catching anything stronger is too hard.
Akari is distracted by this exchange when a girl crouches down and tries to pet Marshmellow without even asking. Marshmellow snaps and and growls at the unwatered attention and Akari quickly picks her up before she can attack the teenager. The girl is offended and accuses Akari of being a bad trainer if she can’t even socialize her partner. Another, the bidoof trader, tells her that she doesn’t deserve her vulpix if she can’t even take care of her. This insult anger‘s marshmallow even more and she bared her teeth at the group, wisps of malice seeping through her illusion.
The group just gets meaner, demands to know what kind of ghoulish move she taught such a cute pokemon. Akari is at a loss for words and desperately misses her mask to hide behind as all the teens stare at her with such judgement and contempt. She can’t even look at them and doesn’t know what to do or say to get out of this.
However, before she can even force a word out, one of the teens screams and points beyond the group in the direction Akari had come. She looks back and see Ingo marching straight toward the group with what would read as a horrifying glare to anyone but Akari (and Emmet).
So overwhelmed with relief, Akari calls out to Ingo and runs to him, not even realizing in the moment that she called him Dad.
Ingo catches her shoulders when she reaches him, asking her if she’s alright, eyes glancing behind her at the teens who are now grabbing their things and running down the beach. She assures him she’s fine and ask that they head back to camp if he doesn’t mind. Ingo knows she’s lying, she called him dad and didn’t notice, but doesn’t call her out on it. He agrees, points the direction they need to go, and then walks her back to camp, filling the quiet between them with a humorous interaction he had witnessed between Sneasler and one very brave Wingull. Marshmellow has now dropped her illusion and is cuddling close to Akari as she pets her, content that her human has gotten away from those jerks.
Meanwhile, the Azurill, who had been left behind by her trainer, yet again, decides to seize her chance and bounces her way to freedom.
Also, later these kids post about their encounter online, making it sound more threatening then it actually was, and confidently drop the bomb that Ingo is her father. They even have pictures to prove it!!
Fun fact, in all the pictures taken, none of them show Akari’s face. They’re either of Vulpix!Marshmellow glaring from behind her scarred legs and glaring/threatening them from in her scarred arms, or there taken as she was running to/ standing with Ingo with her back to the camera. The teens also barely bothered looking directly at her the entire time she was there so they didn’t even get a good enough look at her to recognize her as Dawn.
And it’s not until later that Akari realizes that she called Ingo Dad in that moment and is very embarrassed lol
(This got much longer and sadder then I planned… hope you all liked it!)
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
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Elesa’s mother didn’t understand why her daughter insisted on playing with those odd paper boys. She understood even less when the three remained friends as the years went by.
Credit to @creatrixanimi for the designs and AU ideas! 🖤💛🤍 I have a couple more comic wips (Skyla stuff, Burgh thoughts, etc) these were just the first one I happened to finish… edit: @noxstrages thank YOU for the baby paper boy submas designs as well!! They’re versatile enough to look like they could belong from way back then lol
Bonus boys on their way to throw rocks at Elesa’s window:
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
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So, here’s the thing. Elesa’s best friend is a little…weird.
She means it in the nicest way possible. But there’s no getting around the fact that Coop is weird.
- Illustrations for “Diamond Crossing” by @seitosokusha
Meet Coop!
Coop is the fusion of Emmet and Ingo. Hmmmm black and white dragons fuse? 🤔
Wait what do you mean that doesn’t work with humans?
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
karaoke time at nimbasa 🕺(wip)
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
i am once again offering a silly animatic in these trying times
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
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Emmet maybe its the giant predatory bird on your shoulder
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
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people SHOULD talk about this scene more !!
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gracideaviolet · 2 days
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As soon as I got done drawing the refences for my Slime Rancher submas AU, I turned right around and got to work on Ingo's disappearance arc XDD
I'm thinking how the story goes is Ingo, Emmet and Elesa came to the far far range out of their love and interest in the slimes that live there. They truly had a passion for this planet and wanted to explore and learn everything about it.
Now Elesa was super invested in the gadgets and life on the ranch, while Ingo and Emmet were big on the exploration side of things..
One day while the brothers were out exploring they discovered a new area covered in curvy pink trees..
For a while they explored together, but at some point they split up. Looking back Emmet doesn't even remember why they separated.. he wishes he never left Ingo's side..
About an hour passed when Emmet started look for Ingo. When he couldn't find him right away he tracked him on his Rotom. Following the signal he found a hole in the ground leading to an enormous cave..
At the bottom of the cave laid Ingo's abandoned Rotom, and a trail of blood leading to an old broken teleporter.. Ingo was nowhere to be found..
I would love to draw more for this AU right away! Though it might be wise to take it easy somewhat. This was a lot more drawing and backgrounds than I'm use to.. 😅😅 Either way don't worry! An Ingo and Emmet reunion hug is on its way! XDD
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gracideaviolet · 3 days
the case of docm77 v zombiecleo: a very incomplete summary of events
i, of course, strongly recommend going to doc's video (or bdubs, cleo, joe, or skizz's, once they exist) and watching the whole thing for yourself i could NOT stop laughing. but for those of you who want a vague summary of some stuff that happens in the courtroom:
bdubs is insisting on being called "your highness" as opposed to "your honor".
we START with bdubs explaining he has set up a dramatic five-strike system; if either side gets five strikes (things that upset bdubs lol) he will "uh, not give them the death penalty, but--"
doc immediately tries to use this to take advantage of the system and get cleo strikes.
he instead accidentally immediately murders his own counsel.
it has been like One Minute.
"just in case anyone dies, there's a jury deliberation room under construction, there's a bed in there"
bdubs is paying everyone a diamond block for showing up if they listen to his judgement. help.
"thrust his sword into said swine" so skizz's opening speech is GREAT.
"wow, that was really good. but the camera is over here, so if you could do that again and look into the camera for me--"
"defense, first off, how do you plead?" (doc, grasping for his vague knowledge of american legal dramas) "i plead the fifth. i plead the fifth. uh. right?"
joe, in his opening speech: "this is esteemed around the world as a place where two adults who act like children can come to have their differences settled by you in the most entertaining manner."
HELP. "cleo is bringing to the court not an affair between two adults with an unsettled matter, but an adult and a large baby."
joe: "you know, cleo has a lot of communication problems." bdubs, with great feeling: "yikes."
cleo, under her breath: "i'm gonna kill him."
"just a minute i'm setting up my lawyer", ren says, carrying the armor stand he had in the stands with him to the bench and putting false's head on it,
ren: "i cannot recall." bdubs: "YOU CAN'T RECALL WHAT HAPPENED?" ren: "i cannot recall if i cannot recall."
why is skizz doing a foghorn leghorn accent now,
skizz, about doc: "this is proof this man likes to intimidate, that he gets off on it." no one comments on this phrasing.
sorry ren making an armor stand falsesymmetry as his lawyer and companion in the stands is so funny.
"this is more evidence cleo is a poor communicator. she can't control her man--"
joe is very clearly just trying to make everyone in the room mad and it's really funny.
anyway it rolls tails so it overrules skizz's objection.
skizz's accent and vocabulary just keeps getting more and more exaggerated i think he's going for approximately benoit blanc,
beef: "he forcefully approached us and said he's the guy who wants all the wood." cleo and doc, snorting and giggling at this as one,
i feel like i should note that bdubs has a fireworks crossbow that he's calling his "whip" and hitting people with when they do something he considers wrong.
this leads me to wonder if bdubs thinks whipping is normal in a courtroom...?
i think its really funny that skizz is actively doing like, correct types and moments to do an objection, and it almost sounds like good lawyering, and then IMMEDIATELY bdubs goes "it's time to HEADS AND TAILS!!!" and breaks that illusion completely.
"well, it's heads, objection sustained, strike that from the record." joe: "well then i guess you'll never know what my point was." beat of silence. bdubs: "never mind, let's just add a strike, and you can say it,"
"i don't know how the esophagus entered this situation at all?" "let's pray it didn't. geez." "i was not thinking of doc's esophagus when i built the giant fish for his hourglass." <- this only barely makes more sense in context,
"no further questions your honor." "seriously???"
every time joe calls doc either a baby or a manchild is SO FUNNY. why is this his argument. it's SO FUNNY.
"but he has not proven mens rhea, which you your highness are very familiar with but for the viewers at home is not a gendered form of diarrhea--"
cleo, to doc: "doc are you sure you want to win this one?" doc, in clear and obvious distress: "i'm not sure of anything anymore man i just, i don't know,"
bdubs then interrupts to do the sponsored segment of court.
"the tall claims court is brought to you by!" bdubs puts a disc in. 13 starts playing. "shoot that's the spooky record. that's the worst one." he continues with his bamboo shop sponsored segment spiel anyway, with 13 continuing to play,
"i'm not going to ask for money, i'm just asking for a simple injunction against doc. he won't be allowed to use diamonds for redstone anymore." "WHAT??? THERE'S LIMITS TO THIS, OKAY????" "calm down doc, we're not gonna--" "WHAT NO WHAT CALM DOWN???"
"cleo i have to say that's way better than anything skizz said. skizz was talking and all i heard was bla bla bla bla bla but that was real heartfelt. if you're thinking about paying him, maybe don't."
doc: "i want to make peace and love that's all i care about i'm just a humble boutiquer"
"i felt like as her friend i needed to teach her what it feels like to lose something" i love how deranged that is doc keep going
"but it happened and i think i'm insane, right," doc says, then nods at joe.
"yeah this is really good" cleo responds, perfectly happy with the idea of doc declaring himself insane for no good reason,
cleo: "doc is just completely unhinged when people mess with his redstone, and i feel like my punishment would take away that emotional bond."
joe: "objection your honor, my client is unhinged in every context."
i like how this is "make fun of doc" day.
bdubs: "i'm going to deliberate quickly then i'll come back with my judgement." (turns around for like five seconds.) "and i'm back!"
AIR JAIL...........
bdubs adjourns court. doc, immediately: "WHAT THE HELL JOE??" "i did my best, man :/"
jevin in the background of doc losing his shit just kinda murdering skizzleman for fun,
doc's main objection to the sky island is "BUT I HAVE THINGS TO DO :(((((("
doc ends the video standing here:
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in conclusion: yeah this seems like a very fair trial with no ridiculous elements at all. very serious and befitting the sanctity of court. yes. you should watch it for a very serious hermitcraft experience,
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