GPA Ficmas
71 posts
a gift for marie from amber cause we're broke this year
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Zane Harris
Public snaps
Nothing. He never posts snaps. He only watches other peoples and writes back.
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Tristan Dunn
Public snaps
Pictures of Leslie 
Videos of Leslie
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Tamara Belden
Public snaps
Outfit of the day
Videos singing along to songs
Victoria snaps
Provocative selfies
Some flirty videos
Camilla snaps
Pictures of Victoria
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Shane Micklesen
Public Snaps
 A series of video puns
Dramatic zoom ins of pets with commentary
Selfies wearing Thomas's shirts "do I remind you of someone"
Kylee snaps
Bad pickup lines
Occasional drunk snaps just complimenting her
Karen snaps
Videos of Thomas doing something really boring with caption "this is what your sister looks for in a mate???"
Thomas snaps
Pictures of incredibly boring book titles with the caption “your next read??”
Drunk videos
Kevin snaps
Pictures of any suspicious rashes asking what they are
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Sebastien Hundt-Rivero
Public snaps
New outfits
Completed sketches and/or designs
Pictures of his family
Gabby snaps
Videos of subway performers
Pictures featuring suggestions of places they should check out
Charlotte snaps
Pictures of Gabby
Videos of anything remarkable out and about
Manny snaps
Works in progress asking for her input
Pictures of Gabby
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Scarlet Stevens
Public snaps
Screenshots of music being listened to
Makeup shots
Sophia snaps
Provacative selfies
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Tamara had always been someone very aware of her looks, aware that she was beautiful and talented and that she had a lot of worth in a world that might not always make her feel like it. Her parents were a mixed race couple, meaning that sometimes for reasons that were completely idiotic, people would give them looks as if they couldn't understand what they saw in each other. When her hair was in a more natural state, sometimes people tried to touch it or asked her if they could. People suggested that she fix her nose when she was older, to make it a touch slimmer and more attractive. When she spent too much time in the sun they suggested she do it less, but during the winter they commented that she needed a little color. That wasn't to mention the comments about her body, of how she should hope that more curves would develop before she exited puberty or that she should do more squats to make her butt look better. When she'd started dating a girl it was the same thing. Now people had comments about that, about if she was sure she wanted to be involved with a girl, and then that she was a white girl it was something more too. People who thought that Victoria was prettier than she was because she was so fair and her features so European. Tamara knew that her girlfriend was beautiful, but she didn't think her more beautiful than herself. She thought them both beautiful, even more so when they were tangled together. Tori's pale skin making her own seem richer and darker, the blonde hair light and easy to see against her own dark locks, light blue eyes that met soft brown and were better for it. Only their builds were similar, thin with modest curves and she loved Tori's body as she learned to love her own. People teased her about her confidence, accused her of being vain and thinking too highly of herself but she thought that loving herself so openly and so much was for the best. True, she had it easier in a society that was more open than it had been before, that was more used to mixed children and could find them beautiful for not being too dark, but she loved the parts of herself that were dark just as fiercely. She loved her hair, her nose, her skin after she'd been tanning and she was a darker brown. She loved her sexuality and her talent and every little thing about herself and she refused to apologize for it. The world wasn't always kind to her, but the people around her tended to be and she loved them for it too. Her confidence came from herself and she knew that it was an act of defiance toward the world that might not want her to succeed. So every time she felt like picking herself apart she forced herself to straighten up and remember how amazing she was. No one else was going to tell her it, after all.
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Shane and Karen strolled through the mall together, hanging out in a way that was common for the two of them. They'd just gone and seen a sequel to a movie that they'd seen the original of in theater together too and were at this point sort of wandering aimlessly as they talked about various things. Not much was ever off topic between the two of them, given the close nature of their friendship so basically anything and everything could come up and thus far they were busy talking about Karen's want to look into some new toys that she might be able to use with Chloe. "The thing is though, that she tends to get much more sensitive that way then if I'm just going down on her, you know?" she questioned. "I don't think there is a way to get around that," Shane responded, though his attention was caught by a store and he stopped, putting out his arm in front of Karen to get her to come to a stop as well. "Wait. I want to look in here." Karen looked up at the jewellery store sign and then back to her best friend. "Isn't Kylee's birthday, like a while away?" she questioned. "It's not for her birthday," he responded, making his way into the shop and looking into the glass display cases. His attention immediately focusing on rings, though the sort that were diamond and certainly meant to be engagement rings. "Hold up, are you really looking for an engagement ring right now?" she asked, shock coloring her tone. "Shane! You're still so young. You haven't even been dating all that long!" "We've been dating for a while," he countered, looking back at Karen with a face that showed that he didn't consider her this to be a problem. "Besides, I was so afraid when she got hurt that I might lose her and I knew then and there that I didn't want to do that. So, I'm ready to propose. I love her, Karen, and I know I want to spend the rest of my life with her." "Okay, so there's no rush to get married to do that," she pointed out. "You can be together without being married already. You don't have to jump into it just because you were scared when she got hurt. I'm sure she isn't expecting a proposal any time soon and honestly, you would probably be happier not rushing. You have plenty of time to get married or whatever." "I'm not looking for your approval, Karen," he answered with a shrug, still looking at the rings and frowning slightly as he tried to figure out what seemed to be the most Kylee to him. This was the tricky part. He didn't feel like he was rushing into anything at all, but he knew that it wasn't an opinion shared by everyone else around him. He'd never been one to care about what others thought though and he wasn't about to start caring now, not when it was something so important and something that he was so certain of. Kylee was something that he knew with certainty. Their relationship was solid, she was the best possible match to him and there was no doubt about it. He'd never find anyone who could be better suited to him and if he was a bit young to have found her he thought it meant that he was just lucky, nothing more. "I'm just telling you that I'm going to do it. I mean, not today. I've got to figure out the best way to do it and on top of that I have to figure out how much money to save up. That's why I'm looking now, to start getting an idea as to what Kylee would like and how much it would cost me." Karen closed her eyes, let out a soft sigh and didn't move for a moment. She was stubborn but her best friend could be just as stubborn when he wanted to be. Thus, she knew that she wasn't going to win this argument. "Fine, at least let me help you pick something out," she said, her tone a bit clipped but otherwise full of resignation. To be honest, Shane wasn't sure that he could fully trust Karen's opinion but she would likely give him a direction that he could go. He'd tone down whatever her suggestion was, of course, but it might still be helpful. Maybe he'd get Thomas to come and do the same exercise. It would give him an even more narrow field in which to operate under. More than what Thomas said but less than what Karen said and find something in between that he felt reminded him of Kylee or that looked like something that she'd enjoy wearing. "Alright, come and give your expert opinions then and I'll take them into consideration," he said flashing her a smile. and nodding toward the case. Karen did come over and looked down, raising an eyebrow at the choices in front of her. "Please tell me you aren't considering any of these," she said, looking up at him with distaste. "They're all either tacky or boring. Come on, keep walking." And so, his best friend got on board with ring shopping, not shying away from sharing her thoughts or opinions on anything.
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Eli often visited his parent's home, more to see his mom than anything else - although the free food wasn't anything to turn his nose up at. Still, he worked with his father and his brothers, so he didn't really need to miss them because of how often he already spent time with them. Not that it wasn't nice to spend time together outside of the work environment but it wasn't his priority. Today he'd come over for Sunday dinner, like he usually did and he'd brought along Hammy with him as he also usually did because everyone loved his dog and he tended to spend almost the whole day at his parents house on Sundays. Currently, the dog was busy sleeping in the living room and Eli was sitting on the couch in front of him chatting with his mom who was telling him all about the latest clients that she'd had to deal with at work. "Oh, by the way, do you think that you'll be able to swing by for the fundraiser on Thursday?" she questioned once she'd finished her story. "Uh, I'm not sure," he replied. "I have plans on Thursday during that time." "What sort of plans?" she raised an eyebrow. Usually if he had plans with Issac or something he would arrange them so that he could swing by. The fact that he wasn't sure indicated that it was something else that he wasn't as willing to mess around with. "I'm having lunch with someone," he started. He had no intent to hide anything from his mom, as he tended to tell her all about his life though in this case he simply hadn't gotten around to it yet. "A woman that I met the other night. She's really nice, a good conversationalist, stunningly beautiful, I'm lucky she gave me the time of day." This was a little teasing as he knew that he was a fairly attractive guy, but still.   "Elias, you are a very handsome man with a lot to offer, of course she said yes to going on a lunch date with you," his mom chastised. "What's her name?" "I know, I know, but really, ma, she's just... wow. I have no clue how she's single," he continued. "Her name is Evelina and she's a freelance translator and she's my age." "Maybe she just got out of a relationship," mom suggested. "And she was lucky enough to meet you at the same time." "Maybe," he nodded. "Either way, I really like her. We had drinks together that night and then went for coffee after and then we met  up again last week to grab a cup of coffee together. Each time she's just blown me away. I know I sound a bit infatuated, but really, I am. I can't wait to see her again. We've been texting too in between seeing each other." His mom gave him that smile that she usually gave when she was indulging him in something. "I'm very happy for you, Eli," she told him. "She sounds like a lovely young woman and you deserve to have one in your life. We all just want you to be happy and as long as she makes you happy, that's all I can ask for as a mom. Of course, if things start getting more serious between the two of you I expect that you'll bring her around so I can meet her in person." "You know I would bring anyone I was serious about to meet you," he assured her. "But we're definitely not near that stage yet so, if things continue to go well for a while longer I'll bring her to meet you then. Until that time, I can update you on when we're going on dates. And if things don't work out, I'll be sure to tell you about that too." "Good, you're the only son whose love life I still have to worry about at the current moment and I want to be kept in the loop," she said firmly. "Now, let's go start prepping dinner. I need someone to do the chopping of the carrots." "Yes ma," he answered with a smile, standing up and making his way to the kitchen with her. His mind was still partly on Evelina and he resolved that he was going to text her tomorrow.
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Marcus was a man of routine and he had been from such a young age that he didn't fully remember when he'd started following set routines. His parents were also the type that enjoyed following a routine so he had to guess that they were the ones responsible for it. His weeks were divided, not only by his class and work schedule but by what he had to do on those days. He had a day for laundry (Thursdays), a day for grocery shopping (Wednesdays), a day for cleaning the bathroom (every second Monday), and so forth. His work out routine was also divided to make sure that he was evenly working out his body. Of course his study schedule was also set in stone, down to the hour. He'd built time into his schedule for Evelina, to make sure that he didn't neglect his best friend and for Amelia as well. His free time was often spent with his goddaughter and best friend, though that was scheduled in as well. Really, he'd never been one to stray from the schedule that he built himself and he even used a planner to keep everything sorted. For the occasional odd situation he would deviate when it was absolutely needed but he never liked it much. Things changed slightly when Kaitlyn came into his life. At first, he fit her into the schedule that he he already had, their meetings not taking too much time. Then, those meetings started to take longer. She started to spend more time with him and he found himself shifting his schedule, moulding parts of it around when Kaitlyn was going to be around as opposed to the opposite. He found himself learning about her habits, about when she was likely to swing by and adjusting the things that could be adjusted accordingly. Instead of being upset about the disruption to the routines that he'd worked for years on, he found himself okay with it. Not minding because he enjoyed her company so much. And then, he just added her in when he couldn't move things around her. If he had to study while she was there he studied, taking an additional break at her request and sometimes helping her do the same. He went to the gym and left her at his place, happy to see her when he came back. He brought her grocery shopping, picking out things that she liked and enjoying introducing her to new things that she wasn't as familiar with. His perfect routine was a little less technically perfect with her influence, but it was a lot happier. And he found that it was a trade off that he didn't mind at all.
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
He woke up breathing heavy, with the images of his dream still very fresh in his mind. He groaned upon realizing that he'd been dreaming but then he should have known. His relationship with his girlfriend was certainly not to the stage that his imagination had taken it. Nor did he think that he was ready for it to be.
Not from a lack of wanting her though. No, he wanted her so badly that at times it felt like a physical pain. How could he not though? She was perfect. Her long brown hair, her big brown eyes, her shapely legs and that wasn't counting her figure either which even with modest curves made it difficult not to stare. If he hadn't been trained his whole life to be polite he probably wouldn't have managed it. As it was, he tried to make his visual appreciation of her as subtle as possible. He knew that he wasn't even really worthy of being involved with her - she was lightyears out of his league. That didn't stop the overwhelming draw he had toward her.
Even when they became boyfriend and girlfriend he held back slightly, worried that she'd realize that she was too good for him and regret ever letting him even so much as kiss her. Yet, he couldn't stop himself from kissing her. It was what he allowed himself, though he kept that at a reasonable surface too. They even made out sometimes, but never with the intensity that burned within him. Often times he forced himself to keep his hands gentle on her, not to grip at her with the force of his desire like he wanted to. Certainly, he never gave into the desire to mark her pale skin when he kissed her neck, though it was always there. Begging him to let go and leave evidence that she was his in some way, that other people might be able to see and know that he was the one who got to kiss her and touch her and be with her.
But then, that was a dangerous road. She'd had problems with people wanting her for just to prove that they could be with her and he wasn't about to become one of those people. She deserved better than that and if at his best he wasn't good enough for her he couldn't imagine at how bad he was at his worst.
Still, that never stopped his body or his mind from fantasizing often about her. He wanted to know how she sounded when she was crying out in pleasure, wanted to know how she looked without a single stitch of clothing covering her body. Wanted to figure out what would make her squirm under him and her breathing hitch. He wanted to find out the ticklish spots on her body and which spots made her shiver when he kissed them. He wanted to tangle his hands into her hair and pull at it while he was trying to get to those sensitive spots on her neck. He wanted to bury his face between her legs and taste her, wanted to bury himself into her and feel her wrapped around him. He wanted and wanted and wanted her so desperately that it was a little scary.
Yet, he never gave into that want because he was so afraid of what would happen when he did. And so, like most mornings when he woke up like this, he forced himself to push that want down and lock it away for now. Maybe someday he'd be able to act on it, but he had a feeling that day was a while away.
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Bonding Time
Sebastien was out and about with Eliza, having a bonding day with his youngest sister. It wasn't too often that the two of them spent time alone together, often having Charlotte as company or their moms and he wanted to be able to have a relationship that was strong between the two of them. There had been a period of adjustment when she'd entered their lives, joining their family and filling a spot that he didn't even realize had needed filling. He'd always thought of his family as perfect before and even now looking back he could see it as such for when it was but since Eliza joined she had seemed to be a natural fit with the rest of them, adding a more youthful presence to the family and bringing a new perspective on things that had grown very familiar to the rest of them. She shared Charlotte's love of books but was a bit more naturally optimistic than her sister and had a curiosity tempered only by her shy nature. He knew that she'd gone out with Charlotte and Gabby just the week before shopping and he'd certainly heard about the run in with Jennifer from Charlotte's point of view. Gabby hadn't been so chatty and Eliza had seemed to keep her thoughts to herself. But as they left the movie theater together and headed to go and grab lunch, he found himself curious as to what Eliza had thought of everything that had happened. "So, I heard that you met Jennifer last weekend," he said in Spanish. Eliza looked up at him, a little surprised by the comment apparently but she nodded. "Yes, I did," she answered. There was a beat of silence and she continued. "I like Gabby more." He couldn't help but smile slightly because that was no surprise there. Eliza had looked up to Gabby from the second she got to know her better. She was enamored by her purple hair and her stories. "Well, you have to see Gabby a lot more so that's good," he pointed out. She gave another nod and then stayed silent again, clearly thinking about something. "Sebastien, you aren't breaking up with Gabby are you?" This caused him to stop short and he turned to look at his little sister in shock. "Breaking up with Gabby? What would give you that idea?" he asked, genuinely concerned. "I just... I heard mama and mom talking and I don't know. It sounded like they weren't sure if you were going to keep being with Gabby if you were talking to Jennifer again," she explained. "I don't think they meant for me to hear." "Eliza, I am not going to break up with Gabby to get back together with Jennifer," he assured her, understanding what had caused her worry. Though he wondered if he was going to have to have this conversation with his moms as they clearly weren't certain about his plans. "Okay," she said, a touch of relief coloring her tone. "Is it because... do you love her?" He'd told Charlotte and Manny the truth about his feelings and there seemed no reason to hide it from Eliza either. "I do love her," he confirmed, sighing a little. "But don't tell her that. She's not ready to hear it yet and I don't want to scare her away." "How do you know she's not ready?" This was a question he'd been asked more than once, but he knew that he was right in thinking this. Gabby was so guarded with her emotions. So guarded that it was a slow process to try and get through to her and honestly he was really afraid of messing things up by pushing his feelings on her. At times it was exhausting, not just telling her how he felt but he tried to show it, hoping that she'd subconsciously get the message and maybe be more receptive. "I know her," he said. "And she's just not ready yet. I don't want to scare her away by telling her something that she doesn't want to hear." "But does she love you too?" she looked at him with those wide questioning eyes, just genuinely wanting to know what was happening. "I don't know." That was the hardest part. Sometimes he thought he could guess how she felt but he was never sure. It made him doubt himself at times although he tried not to. Mostly he tried not to dwell on if Gabby returned his feelings or not because it wasn't fair to expect her to feel the same as he did or to be upset that she didn't. Eliza seemed to realize that this might be a touchy subject so she leaned a bit closer to him and he wrapped his arm around her tiny shoulders. "Well, I love you," she told him. At that he couldn't help but smile. "I love you too hermanita," he said, squeezing her shoulder lightly. Maybe he didn't have any insight into Gabby, but she was the only one in his life that was true of and he couldn't complain about that.  
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Home for Christmas
Zane was waiting for his mum to pick up the phone, sitting alone at his desk and finding himself a little more antsy than usual. He tried to talk to his mum at least once every two weeks. Often times it ended up being closer to once a week but he never let it get any further than that. Just as a minimum of once a month he made the trip home to spend time with her and with his grandma.
Usually, those calls were just filled with catch up on what was going on in their lives, but this time it was different. He was calling with the purpose of asking a question. One that he had been thinking about lately but wasn't sure of yet. Today though he was at least going to get some information.
"Hey honey," his mum's voice came over the line after a couple more rings. "Sorry, I was helping grandma with her medication."
"It's okay," he answered. The fact of the matter was that his grandma always came first now a days and it was how it should be. She needed it much more than he needed anything else. "How is she doing today?"
"It's an okay day," she answered with a sigh. "I thought this morning that it would be a good day but as it goes on it seems less good than before."
"I'm sorry to hear that," he replied, feeling like sighing himself. It seemed that the more time that passed the worse she got, which made sense given the linear timeline of the disease but it didn't make it any easier. "Otherwise how are things with you?"
"Same as usual," she sounded like she was smiling a bit as she answered. "What about you? Things still going well with that girlfriend of yours?" Everything she heard about Andrea had really made his mum fall in love with her. She thought that Andrea was probably the best thing that had ever  happened to him. He wasn't sure if he'd go that far, but she certainly was one of the best things that had ever happened to him.
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that," he started.
"Oh no, don't tell me you broke up! I never even got to meet her!" she sounded genuinely upset about the idea that he and Andrea had broken up.
"We didn't break up," he assured his mum with a light sigh. Honestly, the idea of breaking up with Andrea sounded completely crazy to him. Things were going so well between the two of them and he was genuinely very happy with her.
"Oh thank God," she let out a sigh of relief. "Then what about her? Are you going to propose? It's a little soon, honey. I'm not sure I approve."
"Mum, please let me finish. I'm not going to propose," he shook his head. Sometimes she was far too quick to jump to conclusions and if she just waited she'd know what was actually happening. "I was thinking, uh, of maybe inviting her to spend Christmas with us?"
There was a moment of surprised silence on the other end and he wondered if that was a bad sign. Maybe his mum didn't feel comfortable having someone over, or maybe she wasn't ready to meet Andrea despite her earlier protests. "Oh Zane! I'd love to have her for Christmas! It'd be so great to finally meet her and it's been so long since we've had any extra company around the holidays, of course she's welcome!" she was excited that much was easy to tell.
"Well don't get too excited yet. I still have to invite her," he cautioned.
"You don't think she'll say yes?"
"I don't know." Honestly he wasn't too sure and that's one of the reasons why he had been a bit reluctant to invite her. It wasn't so much that he thought she'd be opposed to meeting his family, she'd probably enjoy that even. "She is really close with her family. It's possible she won't want to spend the holiday without them."
"Well, I hope she does want to come, but I guess I'll understand if she doesn't," she said, the reluctance clear in her tone. "You'll let me know either way, right?"
"Of course, mum," he answered. "I won't let you be surprised by anything."
And so the conversation shifted, with his mum wanting to know what sort of things Andrea liked to eat and if she should get more pillows for if she came and despite his caution of her not to get too excited, there was no stopping the planning that was already taking place on her part. Hopefully it wouldn't be for nothing.
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Favorite - Holly
If people were looking at how she treated her girls, most people would assume that her favorite was Chloe. She was certainly a little nicer to her and she did love her girls evenly. She was fiercely protective of them both, willing to go after anyone who dared do anything that might hurt them. She even liked Chloe almost as much as she liked Elsie, so maybe that was another reason no one would suspect that her favorite wasn't the slightly less brash girl.
Yet, she knew that her favorite was really Elsie. She was a little harder on her, because she needed it more often. She was the one who got into trouble, who talked back when she shouldn't and who could make the worse decisions of the two. She was more like herself in that way, they had more in common than she had with Chloe and maybe that was really why she liked her more. True, it meant that she bothered her more sometimes but most people bothered her sometimes.
Either way, she didn't do much to show her favoritism, knowing that it would likely hurt both of her daughters. Chloe who might be hurt by knowing that there was a preference and Elsie who would be upset on Chloe's behalf. Besides, her girls were so entwined with one another that thinking of only one just seemed like they were missing part of themselves. So she never felt too bad knowing that Elsie had a slight lead on her sister.
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
The Chickenpox
Elsie was not thrilled as she sat in the car on the way to her Aunt Addie and Uncle Connor's house. In fact, she'd thrown a fit when her parents told her that she had to leave the house because Chloe had the chicken pox and she was not allowed to stay with her. She'd screamed and cried and tried to cling to things until her dad had to physically carry her out of the house and down to the car with her crying the entire way. Originally, she'd heard that she was supposed to go and stay with Aunt Ayla and Uncle Jared but apparently tonight they'd already planned a date night and her parents weren't going to cancel that. Instead, she was to spend one night with the Micklesen family before moving over to her aunt and uncle's for the rest of her time away.
She was refusing to talk to her dad who didn't seem inclined to speak with her right now either.  Once they arrived she refused to greet her uncle who was the one meeting them at the door, her dad sighing and thanking Uncle Connor for letting her stay the night. She huffed and ran away once she was inside, hiding in the hallway that she knew very well. Of course, the hallway wasn't a good hiding place at all and soon she was being approached by Shane.
"I've never seen you without Chloe before," he commented, as if it was something special.
"Go away Shane. I don't want to see you," she said, crossing her arms tighter around herself.
"My daddy says that Chloe has the chicken pox," Shane continued, clearly unbothered by the fact that Elsie didn't want him around. "Is she covered with chickens?"
"What?" she looked at him and shook her head. "No! She just has itchy dots. I don't mind having itchy dots if I can stay with Chloe."
"How big are the dots? Like... are they pepperoni sized?"
"Go away, Shane!" she was done talking to him about this.
Luckily, Uncle Connor seemed to take pity on her and came to get Shane away. He offered to put on a movie for her but she stubbornly shook her head and said she wanted to stay where she was. She was committed to her sulking too, staying in the hallway until it was dinner time. Of course, it helped that both the dog and the cat came to visit her during the time before dinner.
After dinner her aunt and uncle did manage to get her to watch some cartoons with them until it was bed time. "I'll make up your bed on the couch," Uncle Connor said.
"No!" she exclaimed, sniffling. "I can't sleep in the living room by myself. I've never slept in a living room by myself. I've never slept by myself ever. I always have Chloe." She started to tear up all over again about the absence of her sister. "I want Chloe!"
Her uncle sighed and exchanged a look with her aunt. The two of them put their heads together and started whispering between themselves. Then her aunt disappeared down the hallway as Elsie continued to cry, hugging a cushion against her chest.  
A couple of minutes later Addie came back and told her to follow her. She brought her to Kevin's room where the eleven year old was currently making a bed out of blankets on the floor. For a moment she thought she was supposed to sleep on the floor and she was about to burst into tears once more. There seemed to be a sense that such a thing would happen because Kevin looked a little alarmed.
"You can have the bed," he told her. "I'm sleeping on the floor."
She hadn't let go of the cushion and climbed into bed.
"Elsie, honey, come brush your teeth and get into your pajamas," Aunt Addie said her tone soothing.
"No!" she cried, climbing under the covers. "I don't want to!"
Aunt Addie stood there and apparently decided that she was not going to have this fight over one night. "Okay, we'll brush  your teeth in the morning. Goodnight Elsie. Goodnight, Kevin. Thanks again."
"You're welcome," Kevin said. "Night mom."
There was silence and Elsie started crying again, hugging the cushion to her. "I want Chloe," she sniffed, wishing desperately that she could be at home with her sister.
"But, she's sick," Kevin replied in that matter of fact tone. "You're here so you don't get sick."
"If Chloe's sick I want to be sick!" she said defiantly. "I will be sick to stay together."
This seemed to thoroughly puzzle Kevin. "But... I don't think Chloe would want you to be sick too. It's not fun being sick."
"It's not fun being apart!" she answered. "I want Chloe right now. I don't want to be here. I don't want to sleep alone here." She started crying again.
There was another silence and then she heard Kevin getting up but she didn't check what he was doing. A minute later he came back in and sat on the bed next to her, pulling the blanket down and revealing that he held Mr. Fluff Fluff in his arms. "I'm sorry that you can't have Chloe here with you. Maybe it'll help to have Mr. Fluff Fluff though."
She blinked through her tears and reached out to take the cat in her arms. He was fluffy and soft, not minding that he was being held by a crying girl. In fact, he just accepted his fate. "He's not Chloe," she said despite that.
"No, he's a cat," Kevin said with a shrug. "But it's the best I can do."
She kept sniffling and hugged the cat, nodding before she settled back into bed with a few tears still trailing down her cheeks. Who knew if she'd be able to sleep at all tonight but she had to admit that having Mr. Fluff Fluff did make it seem better.
0 notes
gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Pablo Correra
Public snaps
Workout videos
Heather snaps
Mostly nude pictures
Bulge pictures
Santos snaps
Short videos of things happening around
Pictures of Heather
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gpaficmas · 6 years ago
Day in the Snapchat of Natalie Martin
Public snaps
Film segments that she's working on
Information about protests
Article headlines
Pictures of her kitten Mae
Seth snaps
Short videos of things that are happening when she's at home
Lydia snaps
Videos of her kitten
The rare snap of Seth
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