Finally after 8 years I had my first endometriosis resection. We removed adhesions and scar tissue from 3 different areas. My surgical team was absolutely amazing! But I couldn’t do this without my amazing support team of family, friends, and fellow endo warriors. I know this is a small step in a life long journey but I feel hopeful of living a more comfortable pain free life. I’m sharing my story in hopes it can educate others because for a disease that affects 1/10 people who menstruate it is rarely talked about and leaves people uneducated. If you are experiencing painful periods TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR. Don’t let your pain be ignored or brushed off. You deserve to live pain free.
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queen sleepy boyfriend au
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since u guys like my borhap cast one, ive got another one for u hehe
“spoon me” “brian how the fuck do i spoon you-”
smol energy when tired
will crawl under the covers, stick his head under ur shirt and never come out
LOVES touching
loves holding ur hands or thighs or waist or arms or whatever he can reach
hes a big boi but absolutely loves being cuddled
he’ll kiss up ur face and sink hia fingers into your hair and purr about how youre his baby
omg kisses all over HIS face
he ADORES them
probably will fall asleep without u
“roger wh-” *intense talking in sleep*
but when u climb into bed he’ll wrap himself around you
probably drools just saying
you’ll wake up totally stuck to him like glue
and he’ll be horny in the morning because you were pressed against him all night
“i’m so hard-” “its not my fault twat”
really forceful cuddler that wont let u move
omg big spoon
big dick energy 24/7
likes when u curl up in a ball and latch onto him
probably sings in his sleep
will tap his fingers on u and hum before he falls asleep
loves to bury his hands into ur hair and smell u
and he loves just touching u
loves squeezing dat ass*
when he wakes up thats it hes started for the day
he pulls the covers off of u and grins
“FREDDIE” “wake up my love”
oh my fucking god
best cuddler
bottom energy when hes tired
loves kisses on his face and ur hands in his hair
likes when u talk to him and tell him hes sweet and a baby
aw he’ll give u one of those signature pretty baby smiles he gives when hes happy
“i love you” over and over again until he falls asleep
curls himself into you and puts his head on your chest like a little angel
wraps his legs around u
and when he wakes up hes a stretchy boi
will smile at u and trace his hands all over ur face until ur up
“hi baby” followed by uwu face
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queen backgrounds
a little something something I threw together because my birthday is in like fifteen minutes :,) dedicated to @hysterical-qween because I love her uwu 💞💞 - As
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Y’all: Gwilym is such a third wheel. Ben and Joe don’t love him nearly as much as they love each other!!!1!
Ben and Joe:
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(original gif by @motoleafs)
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okay girls & boys let’s go
* 20 chubby cats follow behind me *
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@ryan-brohearn @sevenseasofky @rrrogah-taylaa
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Yes hello 911? This should be ILLEGAL.
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Planet Mercury Comics
By Butcher Billy
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Temptation - Nikki Sixx
You and Nikki have always shared one world. Now that he’s a rockstar, that connection had fallen flat. Can you both rekindle that lost spark?
Warnings: Cursing, drinking, drug mention, the normal warnings when it comes to these boys, ya know?
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At this point, the tension nestled between you and Nikki Sixx, while one sided, was beginning to bubble over. It was clear in the way you readily accepted his invitation to attend Mötley Crüe’s newest show at the Whiskey-A-Go-Go and painfully obvious in your eyes as you watched them preform. Never once during the set list did your gaze stray from Nikki as he plucked at the strings of his bass and hopped about the stage. Your affection for the rockstar did not go unfounded. Being his friend, you were able to see past the sharp exterior and catch glimpses of the true man beneath. You were one of the few people that Nikki shared things with; everything but lifestyles it seemed.
No matter what you did, Nikki’s ‘rock-n-roll’ way of life never stuck with you. On rare occasions you would stick around for after show parties at the Crüe’s apartment. Even then, you were consistently by yourself, fawning over Nikki from afar as he flirted with the band’s gathering groupies. The scene made you feel isolated, alone, and cut off from the one person you carved to be connected to the most. You came to the conclusion that your inability to ‘let loose’ and give into temptations meant something wasn’t right within you. Something was messed up and muddled in your mind, making you savor the quiet corners of Nikki’s loudest parties. More often than not, you’d sit yourself beside Mick in the hopes of having some semblance of a solid conversation. This midnight, after the show party was no different.
“What are we even doing here?” Mick asks suddenly, his monotone voice tinged with a foreign curiosity. You turned your head to face him, figuring he was referencing the bustling bodies and the booming music surrounding your both.
“Honestly, I don’t know, Mick,” you admit in a breath, “that’s a grand mystery. We’re so out of place, even you. The more parties I go to the more of a nuisance I feel. I don’t belong here.”
“I was talking about the planet, Y/N,” Mick reveals, meeting your eyes with a sense of shock. You had never seen him more expressive. “You really don’t like parties, huh?”
You sigh, averting your gaze from Mick only to land on Nikki. He looked good leaning against the bar in the confines of the kitchen. Tight black pants and a loose fitting tank top clung to his frame, his typical post-show outfit. It was only further decorated by a girl’s lipstick coated mouth latching onto his neck. It was appalling and filled you with unbridled jealousy. Your face burned as you tried to tear your eyes away, but then Nikki’s eyes caught yours. He sent you a wink before turning to the girl feeling him up. Unable to bear the sight any longer, you stood up.
“I hate parties, Mick,” you corrected before stomping off to one of the apartments adjoining bedrooms. It was still early in the night so no canoodling couple had claimed Nikki’s bed. You flung yourself down on the mattress after locking the door behind you. As soon as your head hits the pillow you’re welcomed by the smell of Nikki’s cologne. It wasn’t the cheap one he used to wear when he was performing with London. No, like everything else in Nikki’s life, his favorite cologne changed too. Now he smelled like nicotine, masked by aged whiskey and cedar wood.
A groan rumbled in your throat and the urge to cry gripped your heart like a vice. Having been Nikki’s longest lasting friend, seeing his world shift around him was awe-inspiring. He had told you once before that music was his world and to see him shape it was like witnessing an painter make a landscape come to life on canvas. However with the music, the parties, the tours, and the the girls, there was little room left for you in Nikki’s life. You were wrong, you didn’t fit with him as you once did and that was something you would simply have to get used to.
Your thoughts are disrupted by a laugh behind the door, followed by an eager knock. Rolling your eyes you sit up on the edge of the bed. The giggling persists and you shout at the noise. After telling them to get lost, the laughing dies and leaves only the booming bass of whatever music is being played. You’re too busy studying Nikki’s room to place the name of the band or to even care. The walls are almost barren, save a few dents and red paint splatters on the walls. He small desk is cramped and littered with note sheets full of lyrics yet to be put to song. You stood from your spot and picked up one of the papers that had fallen on the floor. The door to the bedroom opened when your eyes had begun to read the words.
“Y/N? What the Hell?” You spin on your heel, eyes meeting Nikki’s and those of the couple you presumed had been the one knocking on the door moments ago. Nikki sees how your eyes drift to them and he slams the door shut on their faces, much to their vocalized dismay. “Are you alright? Vince didn’t try anything did he?”
“No, Nikki, he didn’t. I just needed a break.” Nikki’s mouth turned into an ‘o’ of realization. His fingers combed through his long black locks of hair, knocking loose a few stray specks of glitter from it.
“I get that,” he said before falling back on his bed so his legs rested well off of the mattress, “I could use one too.” You couldn’t help but smile at the sight.
“Comfy?” You asked, only to be answered by a very content hum.
“You’d make it better though,” Nikki joked, patting the still exposed section of his bed.
You laugh to make light of his sincerity and find yourself on his bed again, you back pressed to the mattress with your arm against Nikki’s. A sigh of relief passes from your lips as it feels so natural, just falling into place at his side. You can’t imagine anywhere else you would rather be, but you feel that Nikki wishes for the rocking mass of people hidden behind the door of his bedroom. Daring to seek a glance, you turn your head to the side. Nikki is still staring up his ceiling, giving you the perfect view of his sharp jawline. His full, pink lips are parted as if he is going to speak, but when he does you’re too distracted by the lipstick stains on his neck to truly hear him.
“Y/N?” He turns his head to meet your eyes when you remain quiet after his question. The moment his eyes find yours, your gaze finds the ceiling once more. Now Nikki is studying you as you did with him and you can’t help but try to swallow the nerves climbing up your throat.
“Sorry, what?” You ask, still not meeting Nikki’s eyes.
“I said,” Nikki leaned up on one side, resting his weight on his arm so he could look down and into your face, “I said that you looked good tonight. You still do, but you were dancing at the show. It was cute.”
“Oh,” you murmured, staring into his bright eyes, “I uh, well it was a good show. You guys did great.”
“Take the compliment, Y/N, don’t be an asshole.” Nikki groaned teasingly before leaning down to rest his head on your chest. His hair tickled sections of exposed skin, making you squirm slightly beneath him.
“I’m not being an asshole, fuckface,” you fire back, coaxing a chuckle from Nikki. You feel his laugh in his chest as it rests against your torso. It’s a sensation you hope you remember for a long time to come. You also hope you remember the momentary courage that rose up within you as your fingers began to brush through his hair. Some of the stubble growing from his chin prickled your skin as he lifted his head to peer into your eyes.
“I’ve missed you,” he said suddenly, a glint in his eyes telling you he meant his words. “You don’t come around anymore, to our practices. I was surprised you even came here tonight.” You let out a sigh and gently comb your fingers through the ends of his long locks.
“This…it isn’t really my scene, Nik. I only came here…because of you, really. I miss you too.” Your confusion pulls a half-smile to his lips as he leans up towards you. Nikki’s chest is nearly resting entirely on your own now and you feel that a line of traditional friendship has been crossed. Although, you don’t necessarily mind it.
“We don’t have to miss each other,” he hums and you want, so desperately, to give into temptation. You long to melt and meld with Nikki. If he stares at you any longer you fear you just might but, as you stare at him, all you can see are the prints of another person’s lips on his skin.
“But you’ll miss this, the parties, the girls,” you bite the inside of your cheek to keep from saying more. You don’t need to add to the list of vices that Nikki is already too well aware of.
“I’ll miss you more.” The sentiment falls from his lips as if it is the only truth he had ever known. “Those are all perks, Y/N, but you…you’re like music. You’re forever for me.”
“Nikki, I don’t want to hold you back.” Despite the tone of your voice and how it drips with the bitterness saved in your soul, Nikki smiles at you. A gentle smile he reserves only for your viewing. A show no one else has a ticket to but you. His lips turn up with a soft smugness that could be mistaken for lust but you can sense the underlying sense of familiarity.
“You won’t hold be back,” he says, his eyes darkening as he stares at you. Heat floods your face under his intense gaze and only burns further when he adds, “you’ll just be holding me. Don’t you want that?” You can’t tell if you concede to his question because the tenderness in his eyes is true or if the alcohol on his breath is slowly intoxicating you. Either way, you nod quickly in response.
“Yeah, I do,” you whisper when Nikki leans in closer. His nose brushes softly against yours, lips skirting atop your own. The scent of cigarette smoke clings to him, wafting into your nostrils and enticing you to tilt your body against his.
“Good,” Nikki whispers, finally pressing his lips to yours. You can taste the Jack Daniels on his tongue as he invades your senses wholly. His hands work their ways up to your neck, holding your face in his hands as if it were his life’s purpose. Your own hands are grasping at his tank top, one trailing up his hair and tracing lines through his inky tresses.
It feels like you are sinking and you can’t help but wonder if it’s the same feeling the boys get with they hit a line or step on stage for that first song. You feel that it must be because Nikki is sensing it too, moving his lips against yours with an indescribable rhythm. His touch weaves a song of temptation in your heart and you wonder if he’ll find it in himself to finish the lyrics you had found because, for Nikki, you are music. He can’t be himself without you. No room full of people and boozes could fill his emptiness like you.
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The No Fun Tour (Part 1)
The Dirt!Tommy Lee x Reader
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SUMMARY // You’ve been working as a roadie for Motley Crue for a number of years because of your interest in the music business and family connections with Doc.  The boys are touring with Ozzy and things are looking promising for them, but if they mess up one more hotel room they’re in big trouble with Elektra Records. Doc has assigned you to watch Tommy for the night, and while the boys are like second family to you, you realize you may actually have more feelings for the drummer than you originally thought.
NOTE // This is my first one-shot, and I’m really hoping to do more.  REQUESTS ARE OPEN!  MGK as Tommy is so friggin’ cute, I just had to write something for him.  
WORDS // 6092
              Working with Motley Crue was exhausting and never easy, but you couldn’t imagine yourself doing anything else with your life.  You had grown up being obsessed with music and your parents always encouraged you to pursue that, even though it wasn’t the most convention career path.  You had tried picking up a couple of instruments over the years, but nothing really stuck despite your passion.  You were probably the best at singing, but nowhere near good enough to make a living out of it, so you decided that working in the business was good enough. And that’s where Doc came in.  He was a family friend of your dad’s and he was kind enough to invite you along as a roadie when he got control of Motley Crue. Sure, a lot of it was packing and unpacking instruments and props, or picking up booze for the boys, but it would look great on your resume one day when you decided to make more of yourself. You were content where you were right now, and that was all because of the boys.  Mick, Nikki, Vince, and Tommy were hilarious, and getting to spend so much time with them was something other girls only dreamed of.  It wasn’t glamorous all the time that was for sure, but you still wouldn’t trade it for anything.  They made you laugh, you got to travel, and you got to learn the ropes of the business.  Besides, you were already used to holding people’s hair while they puked their guts out from your year or two in college.
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Neighborly (mgk!Tommy Lee x Reader) Part 1 (?)
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SUMMARY:  Transfering to Los Angeles for university, you end up having to rent the cheapest place available the summer before your first semester. Lucky for you, it just so happens to be above Mötley Crüe’s apartment of debauchery and legendary parties. While moving in, you meet Tommy, who is more than eager to help you move your stuff in. The closer you become, you soon realize that Tommy is taking your welcome mat as more of an open invitation…
word count: 3,295
[Warnings: swearing, minor injuries with blood, drug and alcohol mention, lots of backstory because it’s chapter uno yadda, yadda, yadda.]
NOTE: Hey everyone! I was thirsty for more Tommy content and figured it was about time to write some myself. This is the first fic I’ve written in literal years, and I’m extremely nervous for y’all to read it, but something about this new wave of Crüe fans just really brought it out of me. 
I’d really love to make this a series, so if you have any feedback or suggestions please hit me up! 
 The Los Angeles sunshine burns bright as you pulled your old pickup truck up to your new apartment. It isn’t the most glamorous place you’d ever seen but, for Los Angeles, the price certainly won you over. Starting over in a new city at a new university wasn’t going to be easy, but knowing you’d have all summer to adjust made you hopeful for the future. Who knows? Maybe you’d make a few friends along the way. With a heavy sigh, you turn off the truck and step out into the blistering heat.
 You glance up at the building before you, trying to gauge where exactly your apartment would be situated. It was a brick, multi-level apartment complex with flights of metal stairs snaking all the way up to the top. Glancing at the bed of the truck, you take note of all the boxes and furniture you had to stuff and bungee cord down just to get across the country. Instinctively, you already feel yourself regretting that you had agreed to live on the fourth level.
 Oh well, you think, might as well go up and see the place. 
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I’M AN ARIES AND MATCH ME UP BABY! (Super into Motley Crue rn)
Gotchu princess!
Aries are very compatible with other Aries, Leo’s and Sagittarius, also compatible with Libra’s and Aquarian’s
Aries ship: Dave Mustaine
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Leo ship: Slash
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Sagittarius ship: Nikki Sixx
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Libra ship: Tommy Lee
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Aquarius ship: Vince Neil
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I’M AN ARIES AND MATCH ME UP BABY! (Super into Motley Crue rn)
Gotchu princess!
Aries are very compatible with other Aries, Leo’s and Sagittarius, also compatible with Libra’s and Aquarian’s
Aries ship: Dave Mustaine
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Leo ship: Slash
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Sagittarius ship: Nikki Sixx
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Libra ship: Tommy Lee
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Aquarius ship: Vince Neil
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Our Thing - N.S. [One Shot]
PAIRING: Nikki Sixx x Reader
REQUEST: Hey, I love your imagines about The Dirt, I hope you can make more of them ❤️ You could do one with Nikki in which the reader works with the band and has a crush on him, but she never said anything, but even so she always took care of him during the tours and one of the times she ends up confessing to him thinking he was sleeping, but does he end up listening?
WARNINGS: language, fluff, mentions of insomnia
A/N: requested by @the-lover-of-the-lights :)
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You rolled over for the millionth time, letting out a sigh of annoyance. You were tired, but your mind didn’t want to shut off. You were too busy thinking of the boy sleeping in the room next to yours and trying to control your fucking insomnia, but sometimes it just hit you. They had to be asleep already when you glanced at the clock on the nightstand that read 3 a.m. 
Nikki would probably kill you if you woke him up this late since they played their asses off tonight. But that’s exactly what you did. Removing yourself from the warmth of the hotel’s bed, you padded to the room across from yours in nothing but shorts and a loose tank top.
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Nikki Sixx x Reader Imagine: Brotherly Love
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[Anon request: Could you write something about nikki sixx where you are Tommy’s sister and he has a crush on you and fluff please]
Warnings: language, fluff
Of course, Tommy had the car for the night. He always had the car for the night and was always stealing your cute clothes and always playing the drums way too loudly. But you loved him. Your brother was definitely a crazy guy, but he was endearing and caring and loved you just as much. At certain times though, especially when you needed the car, you would get aggravated with him and how up in the clouds he seemed to be lately. He had just joined a new band and it seemed to be what was taking up so much of his time and thoughts. You were proud though, he was genuinely happy and seemed ambitious about this new gig. Regardless though, you needed the car and now you were stuck in the house for the night because of your brother. Your parents didn’t even seem affected by this issue, as per usual. You decided you’d call one of your friends for a ride to the strip and you’d go and find him yourself. You’d done this before, confronting your brother in public about household grievances. It usually either went really well or was a complete disaster. You decided to gamble your chances at this point.
The strip was the place to be on a night like this. The summer air was creeping in and becoming a little hotter each day. Everyone was out of school, so everyone was running around like crazy trying to get their kicks wherever they could.
“Where do you think he is?” Your friend asks you as you ride down the strip, checking every marquee for the band name he had mentioned only a few times.
“I don’t actually know the name, I’d have to see it and then I’ll recognize it.” You admitted while continually scanning the street. Tommy had only mentioned his band name a few times, worrying he might jinx their success if he acted too excited in the beginning. You did know he had practicing like a maniac the past couple of weeks though, so it must be really important to him.
“There, right there!” You exclaimed, as you saw Mötley Crüe in black letters on one of the signs you had passed by. Your friend turned around and went back to the building that was lit up with lights and dropped you off with a farewell telling you to be careful. You always were, the strip could be rough but you always kept your wits about you. You prayed that your ID would pass as you walked up to the line and waited for your turn as everyone inched to the front. You tried to act as naturally as you could, you weren’t twenty one yet so you knew you could be turned away. You also knew that your brother must have some hidden charm because he was also underage but managed to get into every club on this block.
“Sorry sweetie, too young.” The bouncer said, as you look cluelessly at him.
“No no, my brother’s playing in that band. I just need to talk to him really quickly.” You explained and pointed up at the marquee for emphasis.
The bouncer laughed and handed your ID back while shaking his head. This one isn’t going to let up anytime soon, you thought.
“Look, can you at least ask him to come out here? I honestly only need about five minutes.” You even attempted to bat your eyelashes at him, just for added affect and hope that he would let you in.
“They’re playing their set as we speak, so no. Next please.” He said and began checking IDs behind you and letting people in. Frustrated, you left the line and stood outside of the building for a moment. You weren’t one to try and sneak in and break the rules but tonight might be the night. You had nothing better to do, seeing as the car wasn’t in your possession and you were already here. You scaled to the back of the building, avoiding being seen by an bouncer outside of the clubs. After sneaking through a small alleyway, you saw a door on the back of the club and knew it was the one back stage. You could hear the drums and the guitars from outside and even some of the vocals. It was loud and it was definitely some heavy rock n roll but from what your ears could detect, it was some pretty good stuff. You smiled to yourself, proud of your brother and his new found band but quickly remembered why you were there in the first place. You opened the door with some anxiety about getting caught but now it would be on Tommy and you’d finally show him. Sure, you were younger but you could figure things out for yourself with or without the car and you had half a mind to finally tell Tommy off about always taking it. The thrill of everything happened finally convinced you to go all the way inside and the music filled your ears more fully now. It was good, something with a steady beat and an awesome guitar riff but of course you didn’t know the name. You’d have to ask more about it later but for now, the mission was to wait for Tommy backstage. You hoped their set wouldn’t be too much longer and you tried to blend in with the people backstage and find their dressing room so you could hide out. The music continued to go on and no one seemed to notice you were out of place at all. Finally, you found a door with the band name on it and crept inside, shutting the door so no one would come in.
The room wasn’t well lit and the place was already trashed, but you thought sitting on the small couch wouldn’t be a bad idea while you waited. There was makeup and wrappers and bottles all over the counter spaces and side tables. Some items of clothing were strewn across the floor. You looked around and listened to the music, waiting for the band to come in so you could confront Tommy. It was about another fifteen minutes until they finally exited the stage and were done with their set. A blonde haired guy walked in first with three others trailing behind him.
“Woah, who’s the hot chick?” The blonde boy grinned and began to show off his confidence.
“That’s my fucking sister, back off. What the hell are you doing here?” Tommy said, he didn’t seem angry but he definitely wasn’t overjoyed that you were here.
“Hello to you, too.” You rolled your eyes and continued on with what you had to say. “If you must know, I’m sick of you taking the car like I don’t have anything better to do. Mom and dad said nothing of course, so I’m taking action into my own hands.” You say back and crossed your arms.
“Jesus, Y/N. You’re not even old enough to get in!” He said back, getting slightly defensive.
“I have my ways, and apparently you do too.” You cocked an eyebrow at him, knowing he wasn’t of age either.
One of the guys with long dark hair and heavy eyeliner was practically eyeing you up and down from the corner of the room. When you caught his gaze, he smiled at you. It was really more of a smirk but he was clearly enjoying this banter between you and Tommy.
“I’m sorry about the car, wasn’t cool of me. But bottom line, you gotta get out of here before they catch you.” Tommy said, fixing his shirt in the mirror for a moment.
“I mean…she might as well stay?” The dark haired boy chimed in and you knew Tommy wouldn’t take it well.
“Yeah, T. Might as well stay,” you smirk at your brother, knowing he wants you out of there as soon as possible. Tommy didn’t mind you being around him and his friends, but if you got into any trouble, your parents would go absolutely ballistic on him.
“She might be young, but she’s your sister, so she must be cool.” The blonde also chimed in. You were enjoying all of this support from strangers, especially against Tommy’s judgment call.
The other dark haired guy who was sporting eyeliner as well, was keeping quiet by the blonde haired one. This was quite a bunch, you thought to yourself. Tommy was growing frustrated. He wanted to go out after the show without having to worry about you and keeping you safe. He loved you but you liked to do things separately and he knew these guys were also different from what you were used to.
“So, what’s it going to be?” You ask, as Tommy stands there not quite knowing what to say.
“I have an idea,” the dark haired boy chimes in once again.
Tommy glances back at him waiting for this grand idea.
“I’ll take her back to your house,” he said and winked at you. You scoffed, annoyed that now he was plotting to get rid of you altogether.
“No, I’m staying here.” You glared back at him as he smirked and then you looked at Tommy, raising your eyebrows.
“No no, this could work. Y/N, Nikki’s going to take you home. You can come out another night, I promise.” Tommy said, considering his options and realizing it would be easier than anything else. Nikki wanted to go out with his friends as well but you seemed to be a more appealing option at the moment.
You looked around the room and now, no one was coming to your rescue. You knew Tommy wasn’t going to budge, he was just going to pawn you off to someone else so he could have all of the fun. Deep down inside, you knew you couldn’t stay out as long as he could and at least he promised to let you come out some other time. You resided yourself to the fact that you would just catch a ride with this Nikki guy and have fun another time. Tommy rarely came back around on his word so easily.
“Fine.” You said and stood up. “Well, are we going?” You eyed Nikki from the door and he immediately walked over and held the door.
“Shall we?” He says, still with the smirk on his face.
“Take good care of her. No kissing or sex or anything close to those two things.” Tommy said and punched Nikki on the arm. Nikki gave him a look to clarify that his intentions were pure but you weren’t so sure. He’d been staring at you the whole night. Maybe this won’t be so bad, he’s pretty attractive, you thought to yourself as you both left the back of the club and headed to the street.
“Well, Y/N. I’m Nikki, the bass player. And what do you do?” He asked, looking at you from the side as you two walked around to his car parked on the street further down.
“I’m taking some college classes, and I sing a little bit.” You said nonchalantly.
“A singer, huh? I guess music runs in the family.”
“Oh I’m nothing special, just a little choir in school and shower singing.” You laughed a little at your own expense and he smiled as you said this.
“Singing is singing man, it’s a powerful way to express yourself.” He replied.
“Wow, who knew he was deep?” You said, crossing your arms as a breeze came along.
“Damn…you’re a mean one.” He was still smiling slightly at you as he said this, he liked the fire you had in you. Noticing you were cold, he removed his leather jacket and handed it to you.
“Oh no, I’m okay.” You pushed it away from your body.
“No, you’re cold. Just take it for now.”
You wrapped yourself up in the jacket and noticed that it smelled like a men’s cologne and a little bit of sweat. It wasn’t a bad smell, in fact you found it intoxicating. You felt a lot better now that the air was off of your arms as well. You both arrived at Nikki’s car and you both hop in. He opens the door for you and you’re surprised. He didn’t strike you as a gentleman in a lot of ways, but he was turning out to be one.
“Okay,” He says as he hops in the driver’s side, “I say we go grab some food before we head back.”
The idea of food actually did sound great, so you agreed to go to this diner that Nikki was apparently a huge fan of. The car ride consisted of the two of you mainly talking about how tonight’s show went and what other interests you had outside of music and school. He was incredibly curious about you and it showed.
You could see why he loved the diner so much. Not only was it packed with people (a good sign) but the staff seemed to know him and were already giving him some special treatment. He had a booth that he always sat in apparently and the waitress even grabbed him a Jack and coke without even having to be asked. You gawked at him from across the table, as he seemed so used to this.
“I come here a lot.” He said, looking down slightly almost embarrassed.
“I can tell.” You giggle to yourself as he downs a Jack Daniels mini bottle and washes it down with some coke out of a glass.
“So, what’s it like being Tommy’s little sister?” Nikki catches you off guard with this question. You thought he probably wouldn’t even bring it up. You didn’t want it to be awkward and didn’t want to feel like that annoying little sister that hangs around.
“I mean you know him, he’s crazy. I love him though, he makes me laugh and keeps me on my toes.” You say simply, to avoid furthering the conversation. Nikki nods his head in agreement. You both order some pancakes and continue to talk about how the band formed and how lucky they were that Tommy basically brought it all together. You were glad your brother had people like this he could rely on.
You felt Nikki staring at you again as you people watched around the room.
“What?” You finally asked, genuinely curious about his wandering eyes.
“You’re beautiful.” He said matter of factly. You were taken aback at his sudden honesty but flattered as well.
“Oh, well you’re not so bad yourself.” You tuck a stray hair behind your ear and glance down at the floor to avoid his gaze once more. You really did find him attractive and you felt guilty because all you could hear were Tommy’s words in your head. But after all, he was the dumbass that let you ride home with his attractive band mate and friend.
The pancakes came and there was silence while you ate, a sign that you were both hungrier than you thought. You looked at Nikki a few times across the table, looking down every time he’d catch you.
“It’s alright to look you know,” he grinned up at you after finishing a bite.
You blushed, not knowing why he was making you this nervous. After you both finished, Nikki decided it was time to get you home. You knew your parents would be worried soon, they always worried when you stayed out too late. It annoyed you slightly that they didn’t care about Tommy’s nonexistent curfew but you didn’t mind right now. The drive home, both of you were nervous. Nikki was confident before but now that you knew what he thought of you, it gave him butterflies.
As he pulled up to your house, he cut the radio off and sat in stillness.
“Well, here’s me.” You said, gathering your purse and other things and opening the door. Nikki leaned across you and shut the door, counteracting all your movements.
“I just wanna say, I know you really wanted to stay out, but I enjoyed dinner and hanging out.” He said, fiddling with the gear shift in the middle.
“I did too.” You smile back at him, cheeks burning like fire.
“And I meant what I said earlier,” Nikki said, now moving his hand over to your lap to place his hand on top of yours. Your heart rate began quickening and you began to sweat a little bit. You looked at him questioning what he meant.
“That you’re beautiful, I meant that.” He said, looking into your eyes from the driver’s seat. He leaned in closely and looked once more into your eyes again before placing a kiss on your lips.
You felt as if you should fight it, but you went with anyways. You opened your mouth ever so slightly and allowed his tongue inside of your mouth. You kiss like that for a few minutes until you both come up for air. Nikki held the side of your face in his hands, gently caressing your hair and placed one more kiss on your lips.
“I’d better get going, thank you. For everything.” You smile at him, finally opening the door for real this time.
He hands you a slip of paper with his phone number on it and he’s almost nervous to do so. You take it and smile at him which makes his heart rate skyrocket.
“There’s more where that came from,” he says, and you wave and head back inside, Nikki watching you the whole time.
Tags: @itsmotleyfuckingcrue @swoopygorl @madsthegroupie @caos18blog @pandem–onium @annabeth-14 @langdonsdemon @rxsesinjune @machinegunkiki @itsharleyalb @sisterchristixn @luv4fandoms @yesloverboy @solohqrry @anxious-diabetic @she-likes-dead-flowers @leterscam @kennisababe @twistnet @kat-976 @jongkey1221 @peyton-wieland
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French Toast (Part 1)
The Dirt! Nikki Sixx x Reader
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SUMMARY // requested by @brooklyn-antiques – “I’ve been super into the idea of either Nikki or Tommy getting with a girl who is their complete opposite, and never in a million years could anyone see them together, their development with each other and the shock of the people around them because what?? These two people together make no sense!! Idk I’m a huge fan of unexpected pairings”
NOTE // this is my first request I hope I did okay.
WORDS // 3379
TAGLIST //  @brooklyn-antiques @shamelessobsessions @mainly-me @broken-pieces
              You had always been the oddball of your friend group. Raised in a very conservative neighbourhood in LA, your family was the textbook definition of perfect.  Your mother was a stay-at-home mom, your dad worked in an office, you were a straight-A student in university, and your younger brother was the quarterback of his high school football team.  Your friends on the other hand were heavily involved in the music scene and spent all their free time prowling record stores and the Sunset Strip.  While they dressed in leather, wore stripper heels, heavy makeup, and teased their hair, you were the total opposite.  It wasn’t that you had anything against how your friends looked or the stuff they were into, it just wasn’t your scene.  Or so you thought up until the night you met Nikki Sixx.
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