Fanfiction: Musings of the Mind
997 posts
Angel, 26, they/them/their,, requests open. Commissions open. I usually only write lesbian works, unless I'm interested in doing something different. I'm usually on fanfic and AO3.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
gothalbinoangel-fanfiction · 9 months ago
*jots it down on to-do list*
I need this
I need a juletheif fanfic that's just like them being together during the show, so like chase has no clue carmen and jules are dating and when he finds out he's just like
"So you knew where she was this whole time!"
"Well not necessarily..."
"Why have we been chasing this woman around the globe for months, you could have just told me 'Oh me and le femme Rouge fuck' then I would have just dropped the case but no we have been chasing down your girlfriend for months, MONTHS!"
Listen I'm already writing ghosts background story and writing a juletheif/cleobellum fic at the same time I'd really appreciate it if someone wrote this for me lol
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Been talking to a relative and she told me if I cringe so badly looking at my old stuff, I should edit it. Which is an idea I've had for a while now. Problem is, reading some of my old stuff is so difficult. I wanna take this scuffed gem and polish it (or this heaping trash pile and clean it, depending on the fic), but I don't wanna have to read it again to do that!
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Me reading enemies to lovers fics in 2012
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Me reading enemies to lovers fics in 2021
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Are you on AO3?
I am! I have a lot of pseuds over there, but they're all connected to the same name. Here you go if you're interested!
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Reblog if you write fan fiction
Doesn’t matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there?
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Queen of Mean chapter one
Ben sighed as he finally managed to evade the press hounds. He didn’t think becoming king would come with so much news coverage. Yes, the king was an important figure, and he realized that the populace probably wanted to know everything they didn’t know before, but it was getting to be a little much. He barely got a moment to breathe, let alone spend time with his friends.
Speaking of, Ben spotted a head of purple nearby and grinned. While he was disappointed Mal had spelled him for the plan to get the wand, he understood where she had been coming from with it. He was currently trying to fill some big shoes himself, so he could sympathize with the pressure she got from her mom. Still, so long as she and the other kids were happy here in Auradon, that was what mattered.
Unfortunately, there was no time to stop for a chat. He needed to get to a council meeting. He didn’t want the discussion to go on too long or he might be late for class.
Mal watched Ben practically sprint toward Auradon Prep’s conference room and chuckled. He probably had just ditched some news schmucks. She was still getting used to how much they kept hounding her about helping Ben bring over more kids. If one more brought up her mom, she might set someone on fire. It wouldn’t be a very ‘good’ thing to do, but prying into things that were none of their business wasn’t ‘good’, either.
Turning back to the flowers she was looking at, Mal contemplated getting some for Evie. Princesses loved it when people gave them flowers, and Evie was as textbook princess as it got. Or, she could get some flowers and put the petals on Jay’s bed as a prank. Some habits were still a little difficult to ignore, especially playing jokes on each other.
“Hey Mal?”
Mal glanced up from her plotting to find Jane coming closer. She had restyled her hair after Mal grew it back out for her, and it fell more naturally now than it did before the coronation. Though, something must have been up because Jane was wringing her hands. Mal recognized it as the same habit Evie did whenever she was anxious. What was going on? “Hey, Jane, what’s up?”
Jane took a deep breath. She had thought over what she was going to say, but she was still working on breaking out of her shell. Even so, it needed to be said. “I wanted to thank you,” she said carefully. “For… convincing my mom to let you spell my hair again.” Mal opened her mouth but Jane cut her off. “I know I thanked you when you did it, but I… I wanted you to know I really appreciate it.”
“You know it was no problem,” Mal snorted as her shoulders relaxed. Jane must have just been nervous about approaching Mal directly. “Everybody has a right to express themselves the way they want to.”
“Yeah, but, um, I also wanted to properly apologize.” Jane’s expression was nothing but serious as she held Mal’s gaze. “I’m sorry. For becoming such a mean person the second I wasn’t Plain Jane anymore. You went out of your way to help me, and I threw it back in your face. I’m sorry.”
Mal opened her mouth but just like before, Jane cut her off with a shake of her head. “I know you only did it because you were trying to manipulate me into helping you get the wand.” Mal flinched a bit and Jane gently took her hand. “You apologized for that when you did my hair again, Mal. But I never apologized for being mean to you and that wasn’t right. You had every right to take my hair after what I said.”
Silence filled the air. Mal was surprised Jane had taken the initiative to do this. It could have just become something swept under the rug between them. Instead, Jane had gone out of her way to make things right. Mal squeezed Jane’s hand with a smile. “Thank you. And I meant it. You have the right to express who you are the way you want.”
Jane smiled and returned the squeeze before letting go. She wouldn’t have minded if Mal hadn’t forgiven her, but she needed Mal to know that she was sorry. No way would she take the villain kids for granted after everything they’d done for her. Before she could leave, though, Jane paused at something Mal said next.
“Believe it or not, me taking your hair was actually me protecting you.”
Jane turned back in confusion. “It… it was?” How could Mal taking her hair be protecting her? And… from what?
Mal blinked, almost as if she hadn’t meant to speak in the first place. “Yeah, I mean… if I didn’t do it, Evie would’ve gone after you.”
That was even more confusing. “Evie?” Jane’s eyebrows furrowed. The sweet as honey, more beautiful than the sun, new absolute darling of Auradon? That Evie? “Wha- why?” As far as Jane could remember, she hadn’t done anything to Evie.
Mal chewed over her words carefully. She needed to get this across to Jane without ruining any of Evie’s future plans. Best to be careful. “Do you remember what you said that day, Jane?”
Jane bit her lip in shame as she thought back to Family Day. She really did get a big head just because she was a little prettier. “Mal, I really am sorry for-.”
“No.” Gray eyes stared seriously into brown. “Do you remember what you said?”
“A-as if a villain… could be… a-a queen…” Jane flinched just saying the words. Sure, everyone knew now that Evie and Mal were a thing, but at the time, Ben had been into Mal as far as anyone knew. It was just insulting to everyone involved for her to have said that.
“And what did you do when you said it?”
“I…” Jane’s eyes widened in realization. “I looked right at Evie…” She hadn’t even considered- Because the words had been intended for Mal, she hadn’t even thought Evie would take offense to them, too!
Mal nodded, seeing that Jane understood. “Evie is an angel, Jane. She is one of the nicest, kindest, sweetest people you’ll ever meet, but she can hold a grudge like you’ve never seen before.” Mal, Jay, and Carlos all still had the scars to prove it. “If I hadn’t unspelled your hair, she would’ve added you to her list and punished you for that comment. You don’t deserve that.”
“But-.” Jane stared hard at the ground. She couldn’t imagine Evie doing anything bad to anyone. She was always so calm and almost ethereal. “But what kinds of things would she even do?”
Mal took a deep breath as she thought back to how upset her mother had been about losing that gem. Even though she hadn’t struck Mal directly, the memory of all those vases shattering and how long it took to pick their pieces from her hair still stuck with her. And that had been when Evie was being lenient. It would have been much worse had they not forged a bond in the Forbidden Fortress.
Looking up at the sky, Mal said, slowly, “I am the daughter of Maleficent, and I have magic. Evie is not and does not as far as anyone knows, and I guarantee you that even the most vile, despicable thing I could ever think of would still be tame compared to anything she would come up with.”
Jane shivered slightly as she listened. Something about the way Mal spoke made her skin clam up. It was almost as though Mal was speaking from experience. Jane suddenly felt sorry for whoever was on Evie’s list.
“Th-thank you,” she whispered. “And seriously, I’m sorry I turned into a total snob. I’ll… I’ll try to be better.”
Mal smiled, the air warming as the tension dissolved. “I know. You’ve got a good heart.”
Jane blushed at the compliment. She would do everything she could to keep her heart in the right place. She’d seen just how easy it was to become the villain. No way was she letting herself fall to that again.
Clearing her throat, Jane asked, “So, who is on Evie’s list then?”
Mal smirked, her eyes glinting mischievously. Jane felt a small bit of excitement and anticipation fill her chest. “If you don’t know right now, you will soon enough. Trust me.”
“I look forward to it,” Jane giggled softly. “I won’t say a word about it to anyone.”
“Good call,” Mal snorted. “Evie would have both our heads if we ruin her plans.”
The remark was lighthearted, but both of them knew that it was a very real possibility. Jane would be careful around Evie from now on. If someone could make Mal afraid, she didn’t want to get on their bad side.
Just wanted to give a small explanation of why Jane wasn't getting punished, and allude to how the new D2 will go without romance problems between Ben and Mal. More explanation for that later down the line.
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okay lol somebody, anybody, come to my house and hit "post chapter" for me.
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Queen of Mean prologue
Evie is an angel. She’s one of the nicest, kindest people you’ll ever meet, but she can hold a grudge like you’ve never seen before. Mal, Jay, and Carlos all still had the scars to prove it.
Based on this post.
Mal strolled through the halls of Auradon Prep. Even though the coronation had been a week ago, the other students still weren't completely comfortable around the Isle children. Mal didn't mind too much, since it let her have space when she needed it. Right now, though, she didn't want space. She wanted to cuddle with her currently missing girlfriend, hence wandering the halls.
Spotting the chemistry lab ahead, Mal rolled her eyes at herself. Of course. Ever since passing that test, Evie had made the chem lab her second headquarters. She spent almost as much time in the lab as she did with her friends. Mal wouldn't complain, though. It was nice seeing Evie so happy about being able to express herself.
Mal paused at the door to make sure Evie was inside before going in. At one of the tables near the windows, she spotted her beautiful princess writing something down. Moving closer, Mal opened her mouth to call a greeting, but stopped when she recognized the notebook Evie was writing in. Her blood chilled as she thought back to the first time she ever saw that notebook.
Mal grumbled irritably as she slunk toward the hideout. Jay and Carlos were off raiding some of Uma's supplies, so they wouldn't be around to make noise any time soon. Mal didn't really know Evie's schedule all that well. The group had only recently started really getting to know Evie after all of the nonsense with Maleficent's scepter. Once they had cleared the air, Evie fell into the group well enough, but they still didn't know that much about her. Still, it felt kind of dumb not to at least show her the hideout since she was part of the group now.
After opening the door, Mal tossed her bag onto one of the worn sofas and groaned. Her mom was working her harder than ever, forcing her to prove she really was bad to the bone. Stealing, intimidating, spiting... Mal just wanted a break. She knew evil never slept, but she needed to, for Evil's sake!
Her eyes trailed lazily around the hideout as she allowed her body to relax. The spray paint murals hadn't been changed to include Evie yet, so it was just her, Jay, and Carlos grinning out. Rotten to the Core. Mal snorted. Yeah they were.
Something on one of the tables caught her eye and Mal lifted her head curiously. It was the desk they had given Evie as a welcome gift. It was hard having anything that belonged to them on the Isle, so they gave it to her to keep her valuables in. A notebook lay open on it and, despite herself, Mal couldn't help snooping.
The notebook wasn't anything special as far as she could tell. The pages were worn and stained like anything else that came to the Isle, and the cover had a tear or two in it. Apart from that, it was in relative good condition. Checking over the page it was open to, Mal found a list of names awaiting her.
Maleficent - age six, banishment - punishment: pending resolved The Evil Queen - age six, cause of banishment - punishment: pending Harry Hook - age ten, stole tiara - punishment: pending resolved - hand pecked by seagull Gary Gaston - age ten, swiped food - punishment: pending resolved - stuck carrying heavy loads for a week Gerald Gaston - age ten, swiped food - punishment pending
Mal skimmed the list from there. Quite a few people were on this thing for any variety of reasons. Near the bottom, she spotted something interesting.
Freddie Facilier - age fifteen, stole favorite diamond - punishment: pending resolved - forced to clean entire shop Carlos de Vil - age sixteen, false invite - punishment: pending Jay - age sixteen, false invite - punishment: pending resolved - blamed for a broken lamp, cleaned every lamp in the castle Mal - age sixteen, locked in a closet of bear traps - punishment: pending resolved - lost important gem, yelled at
Mal stiffened. She remembered that day. She still shuddered whenever she thought about it.
"Where is it!" Maleficent shrieked, randomly throwing objects around. "Where the Lucifer is it!"
"What's up, Mom?" Mal called as she strode in. She dropped the meager food she had scrounged up on the table and narrowly avoided a hollow statuette her mother had thrown.
Maleficent glared at her. The failure with the scepter still hung over them, casting a shadow over their interactions. Mal wouldn't apologize and she wouldn't back down from what she did, though. She just met her mother's gaze and waited.
"The blue gem I always keep on display in the case is gone!" she snapped.
Mal glanced over to the case where all of the valuables were kept. It usually held anything her mother and Jafar were unwilling to sell. Getting into it was practically impossible since her mother could see it from the throne she was always sitting on. For someone to have gotten into it and made off with something was an incredible feat.
Knowing her mother wasn't going to let this go, Mal immediately started searching through the wares Jay had brought in recently. It was doubtful the gem had fallen among them, but it couldn't hurt to look considering the way her mother was throwing things around. Taking a peek out the window as she moved another hollow statuette, Mal spotted something blue shining in the meager light of the clouds.
"Found it," she called. "One of the vendors has it."
Maleficent stormed to the window and peered down. Mal was right. Down below, in full view of the Bargain Castle, one of the sleazy minions had the gem on display at his table. Her eyes narrowed furiously and she turned toward her daughter, ready to bark an order. To her surprise, Mal was already halfway to the door.
"I know, I know," Mal called. "Gonna go knock his teeth in and get it back."
Maleficent huffed and turned back toward the vendor. Someone was examining the gem. No way would they be able to pay for it, though. It was too valuable. The vendor was bound to scalp them-. The figure handed over a small wad of money and the vendor accepted eagerly. Maleficent's eyes glowed green as the figure stepped slightly away from the table.
Mal strode out the door and found the gem in a very familiar manicured hand. "Evie?" she asked in confusion.
Sure enough, the hooded figure happened to be the girl she'd led into a trap and subsequently saved a few days prior. Evie didn't pay her any mind, as she examined the gem before very purposefully looking up at Maleficent. A smirk spread over her lips and she shot the evil fairy a wink before striding down the street.
Instantly, Mal checked the sleazeball's face to remember it before making her way after Evie to demand answers. All of the vendors and customers milling about suddenly sprang into motion, forming an impenetrable wall as they meandered around the street. They weren't necessarily standing in Mal's way so much as refusing to move fast enough for her to catch up to the disappearing princess. Without a way through the crowd, Mal turned her eyes on the vendor. Unlike Evie, he hadn't made a quick enough escape and she made good on her word to beat his teeth in.
With a huff of frustration, Mal made her way back into the castle to find her mother throwing things around again. "-believe that little priss got it!" she screamed, Jafar leaning out of the way of anything coming his way. "That case was supposed to be locked! How did she get into it?!"
Jafar didn't bother offering an explanation. He would be drowned out anyway, and he wasn't interested in turning Maleficent's anger on him. Maleficent threw a dented lamp and he caught it easily.
"She doesn't even know the trouble I went through to steal that stupid rock! And did you see the sheer audacity she had to smirk at me?! When I get off this island, I'm not going to curse her for a thousand years! I'm cursing her forever!"
Mal leaned against a wall as she watched her mother continue raving. "What's so special about that ugly rock anyway?" she muttered.
Pity for her, she was just loud enough that Maleficent heard her between screams of fury. Rounding on her utter disappointment of a child, Maleficent lifted a vase and threw it in Mal's general direction. It shattered against the wall near her and Maleficent threw another.
"That 'ugly rock' was a memento of the Evil Queen's!" Maleficent shouted, throwing more vases as she yelled. "Diaval gave it to her during our first year on this disgusting sand pile! She had the gall to annoyingly gloat about it! So I stole it! And now her pathetic little princess has stolen it back! That's what's so damn special about it!"
By now, several vases had been thrown and smashed into the wall. Mal covered her head and face to avoid getting cut by the shards as her mother raged. "Hey!" Jafar snapped. "I need to sell some of those! Cut it out!"
Maleficent turned glowing green eyes on him and Mal took the opportunity to dart to her room. Leaning against her rickety bedroom door, Mal fought back tears as she gulped in breaths of air. Her mom had been angry before, and Mal was no stranger to getting yelled at. But that was the closest she'd ever gotten to physically getting hurt. Some of the shards had even grazed her arms and cheeks, and plenty of them were stuck in her hair.
As she sat on her bed, fighting to slow her pounding heart, Mal wondered if the Evil Queen had sent Evie on that mission. The least Evie could have done was warn Mal so she wouldn't be caught up in the whole mess.
Coming out of the memory, Mal stared at the notebook in shock. That entire thing had been planned. It had taken her two hours to get the glass from her hair, and that was the outcome Evie had wanted. Mal hadn't thought she was still upset about the bear trap thing, but apparently she had been wrong.
A noise behind her made Mal jump and she spun to find Evie standing close behind her. "Hey," Evie said, dropping her bag beside the desk. Mal noticed some spray paint in it and wondered what she had been doing. Evie didn't really like spray paint because of how messy it was. Why would she need it? "I see you've noticed my List."
"L-List?" Mal asked, still trying to wrap her head around the spray paint and her own punishment.
"My Punishment List," Evie explained, gesturing to the notebook. "I just got back from securing Carlos' punishment."
As Mal watched, Evie lifted the notebook and quickly scribbled 'resolved - locked in closet for two hours, scrubbing furs' next to Carlos' name. She set the notebook back on the desk and leaned against it. "I'll replenish your spray paint supply, by the way. I used quite a bit of it on some of Cruella's furs."
"You..." Mal looked from the bag to the notebook and back to Evie as her brain desperately tried to connect the dots. "You... punished him...?"
Evie sighed. "I try to put a lot of 'villainous' traits into positive use, Mal," she said calmly. "Cunning, manipulation, even stealing. All of them are considered 'bad' by those Auradon idiots, but I try to use them for good. To help people, because that's what a princess is supposed to do. I steal for the less fortunate kids. I distract vendors so the ones that can steal get away with it. I do what I can for those who need it."
She looked down at the notepad. "However, I do have my faults, and of them..." Her eyes darkened dangerously and Mal actually shivered. "I don't particularly enjoy it when someone crosses me. If they do, they should be punished, no matter how long it takes."
The casual way she spoke and the calm way she held herself should have been frightening. Evie was admitting that every person on that list would get a punishment, just like Mal had. Mal should've been angry, or scared. After all, Evie had gotten her in even more trouble with her mom. They were supposed to be on the same side now, more or less, and Evie had pulled something like this anyway. But all Mal could feel was admiration. Some of the 'pending' entries had ages on them, and Evie didn't seem the least bit upset at how much time had passed since the transgressions.
Mal didn't think there was anyone who could rival her mother when it came to cunning and deviousness. Sure, the Evil Queen tried, but she was nothing compared to Maleficent's sheer maliciousness. Her mother was heralded as the most evil being in existence for a reason, after all.
And yet, here was someone with the patience of a god and the intelligence of a philosopher. Someone who was capable of orchestrating events to punish those that had crossed them, and was content to lie in wait for their reward no matter how long it took. Someone who had outdone even Maleficent.
Mal couldn't be afraid. She couldn't be angry. All she felt... was awe.
"Oh, hey, Mal."
Mal blinked, coming back to the present to find Evie looking up at her. Concern crept over her face as she asked, "Are you okay? You spaced out for a bit."
"Oh yeah." Mal shook her head and let her shoulders relax. "Yeah, I'm cool. Was just wondering if you would be in here much longer. I was thinking we could cuddle in the dorm before Jay climbs through our window after tourney practice."
Evie's face lit up and Mal felt warmth fill her chest at that smile. "I'd love to cuddle with you, M," Evie chuckled. She shut the notebook and stood, grabbing her bag. "You're the warmest."
"'Course I am," Mal laughed. "I'm the dragon that guards the princess. Gotta be warm in case my princess gets cold."
"You're sweet," Evie whispered, a blush brushing over her cheeks.
Mal gently entwined her fingers with Evie's free hand. "Only for you." She tilted her head toward the notebook. "Do you need help with... any of that? You know the boys and I will help if you need it."
There it was. The only sign of evil anyone would ever get out of Evie. That dark sparkle that made her eyes shine brighter than the sun. "No, I've got it. I'll let you know if I need anything." She kissed the back of Mal's hand. "I know I can count on you three not to tell a soul."
"Stab my heart, sleep forever," Mal promised.
And she meant it. When she wasn't on the receiving end of the punishment, Mal was excited to see exactly what her brilliant girlfriend would come up with. These Auradonians didn't know Evie like she did. They wouldn't know what hit them.
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ID: Notes: I spent two hours researching polecats and I still know nothing about them. /end ID
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So, I've been working on Ascending Triumvirate, trying to iron out some of the Auradon parts because my intention is to MOSTLY focus on the Isle, but I had a thought.
Descendants, where Everything's The Same (and Gay), but Evie holds a grudge.
Audrey saying she's not a princess cause her mom has no royal status? Okay, Evie will remember that.
Chad leading her on? Evie will remember that.
Doug stalking her? Evie might've let it pass, but her cute dragon girlfriend absolutely will not.
Audrey taking Chad to coronation when Evie was trying to make a move on him? Evie will remember that.
Chad insulting her, Mal, and Jay at Family Day? Evie will remember that.
Queen Leah also insulting Mal? Evie will definitely remember that.
Jane saying "as if a villain could be a queen" while looking directly at Evie? Jane better sleep with one eye open for the rest of her life.
Everything's the same, and gay, but Evie holds a grudge. Is this already in the works? Yeah, it sure is!
Someone please take my pen away, I'm writing way too much stuff at once.
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''there's only one bed.''
''i'll bandage you up.''
''who did this to you?''
''i didn't know where else to go.''
''can you be my date to the wedding?''
''you're my best friend. i've always loved you.''
''shut up.'' ''make me.''
''i would never fall for you.''
''then why did you do it?'' ''BECAUSE I LOVE YOU''
''oh. oh.''
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no google docs you don't understand this is a sexy, necessary grammar mistake
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When you stay up late working on a writing commission because you accidentally nearly set your house on fire and couldn't properly communicate with the commissioner until past the time they'd be asleep.
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Femslash Feb 2022 Prompts Text
1. Clouds 2. Vacation 3. Thorns 4. Fairies 5. Sparkle 6. Rain 7. Lost 8. Constellations 9. Vintage 10. Roses 11. Mermaids 12. Plain 13. Shine 14. Hearts 15. -Rest Day- (No content unless you wanna) 16. Dance 17. Feathers 18. Fashion 19. Isolation 20. Trust 21. Black 22. Memories 23. Unravel 24. Steel 25. The “L” Word 26. Friends 27. Help 28. Rainbow
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Any world, any fandom, any originals, however you art or write or whatever!
Do what you can and have fun!
Text Version:
I’ll be watching the tag #femslashfeb2022 , so make sure to use that in the first 5 tags if you want me to see!
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