got7stories · 2 years
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If you haven’t followed got7’s new accounts yet get on it
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got7stories · 2 years
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got7stories · 3 years
I miss this blog and I’m caught between wanting to write something because it used to make me so happy and being too exhausted from college to be able to get any joy from writing.
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got7stories · 4 years
Got7 & their girl scout cookie preferences
If you live in the US you know that people go crazy for girl scout cookies and if you don’t like in the US the girl scouts are like a club thingy that little girls join to learn life skills and stuff but every year around january/february they sell the best cookies in the world. It’s that time of year again so here’s a bunch of my opinions that no one asked for.
Mark: Trefoils. It’s a classic flavor that just hits differently when its the girl scout kind. Savanah smiles got discontinued but if they hadn’t been he’d get those.
Jaebeom: Thin mints. Mint choco superiority is a hill he will die on and he will eat a whole sleeve without realizing. 
Jackson: Tagalongs. I feel like he likes peanut butter. Might hesitate to buy cookies because he’s pretty strict about his diets but children are hard to deny.
Jinyoung: Random. He doesn’t actually care about the cookies but a little girl in a vest trying to sell cookies is impossible for him to deny, so he says “give me whichever one’s your favorite” and takes that. 
Youngjae: Samoas. I feel like he likes coconut and all the best people get samoas.
Bambam: All of them. He likes to pass them out to his friends so he gets one or two of each kind. 
Yugyeom: S’mores. This boy loves chocolate and he would for sure pick the sweetest ones. 
Disclaimer This is super arbitrary and purely vibes which is why some explanations are so short. 
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got7stories · 4 years
Happy 7 years y’all. I can’t explain how much joy got7 has given me or express how much I’ve enjoyed running this blog (even though I haven’t written much lately). Got7 really have the best fans and I’m so glad to have met the friends I’ve made through them.
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got7stories · 4 years
Headcannon: Bambam would be almost annoyingly public about his relationship. He knows that his fans would (mostly) be happy for him and he would have a camera in her face all the time so that he can post pictures of pretty much everything they do together. He would also like to talk about her in interviews a lot and tell anyone who will listen about how nice/pretty/funny/smart/talented/etc she is because he’s just very vocal about his appreciation for others- yall have seen how he talks about the other members. Overall, if something makes Bambam happy tells the world about and if that something is a someone the same rules apply.
(I think it’d be different if he were gay because homophobes can be harsh)
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got7stories · 4 years
I’m obviously heartbroken but I’m looking forward to the great things got7 will do without jyp’s mismanagement.
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got7stories · 4 years
I’ve been thinking about this all day... one of my friends told me that I’m the *only* person she knows who ults Bambam even from like her stan Twitter friends and I was like “nah there’s no way” so I specifically messaged the ahgase chat from my kpop club thingy from school and asked if anyone else ults him because my friend said that thing and another girl I’m close with said that I was the only one she knew too. Someone please tell me you ult Bambam so that we can be best friends and also so i can prove to my friends that appreciated.
(Ps if you know me in real life no you don’t please don’t tell anyone that I run this blog because I’m 20 now and there’s fics on here that I wrote at age 13)
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got7stories · 5 years
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This was on my dash a lot so I made one... kinda gave up but these are things I notice came up too much when I write. No one cares because I really don’t post enough for anyone to remember this blog but whatever. I do wanna point out that I started this blog at the age of 13 and I’m 18 and in college now so like I am removed enough to look at my older work and say “wow that wasn’t good” but also acknowledge that this blog helped me grow as a writer at least confidence wise.
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got7stories · 5 years
Bambam: The sexy train is leaving the station!! Check out this caboose!!! Later sluts.
Jinyoung: . . .
Jaebum: Just let him have it.
Jinyoung: Great job Bambam.
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got7stories · 6 years
Not to be controversial but fanfic culture taught me to dress up for concerts.
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got7stories · 6 years
Just a crackfic my older brother asked me to write... For anyone who doesn’t know, MST3K (Mystery Science Theatre 3000) is a show about a guy in space with a bunch of robots being forced to watch horrible movies by an evil lady and her chubby assistant. This of course is for science; they are measuring the affects of isolation on the human mind and testing if movies can actually be used to torture human being. The each episode revolves around the captive’s commentary on how awful a particular movie is.
Test Subjects: Mark, Jaebum, Jackson, Youngjae
Mark and Youngjae would be the two to build the AI robot companions in the series. It would take a while to get it right and the first couple of bots would suck pretty bad but really they had almost nothing but time and figured they could eventually make it work.
Jackson would have some of the funniest commentary and would eventually start to enjoy doing it. Wrote the theme song which is why the line “If you’re wondering how we eat and breathe and other science facts, you should think to yourself it’s just a show and maybe I should just relax”
Jaebum and Youngjae would find watching the movies to be unbearable at times because they’re SO bad. Always the ones to pause the movie because even though they’re only fourty five minutes in its too much to handle.
Evil Scientists: Jinyoung, Bambam, Yugyeom
Jinyoung would be the mastermind behind the experiment. If you trace it back to the beginning it would start as genuine curiosity as to would be the long term effects of living on a moon funded by some form of government grant looking to see if it’s plausible to put people on Martian colonies. Having four test subjects was a pity move because he worried that leaving one person isolated would be too much and he would have to end the experiment early.
Yugyeom actually came up with the movie idea. Well, he suggested that the test subjects be sent movies not that they be cheesy. Sends the test subjects videos saying hello.
Bambam is in charge of picking the movies and data collection. Laughs along with the commentary the test subjects & robots make. He deliberately looks for movies he thinks they’ll have making fun of even though that means watching low rated movies by himself.
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got7stories · 6 years
Got7 As cute/dumb things my (ex)boyfriend did
Mark Makes himself ramen at ungodly hours of the night
Jaebum Stares for a really long time before going in for a kiss in case you want to chicken out
Jackson Walks closer to the cars on the sidewalk because a gentleman wouldn’t let you get hit before he does
Jinyoung Texts that he’s busy but says exactly when he’s gonna be free to talk to you
Youngjae Spends what I consider to be too much money on video games
Bambam Doesn’t like being paid for and would rather pay for you (it’s just a pride thing)
Yugyeom Too shy to kiss when people are around but adores kisses (it’s low key torture)
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got7stories · 6 years
Got7 as Parks and Recreation Characters
I didn’t want to put any ships but I included the Ron having a soft spot for Leslie because it’s important.
Mark: Ben Wayatt - Seems super mature. Secretly a dork.
Jaebum: April Ludgate - Pretends not to care. Cares a lot. Not 100% sure how to adult.
Jackson: Tom Hafferford - Over the top. Wants to be liked. Really a softy.
Jinyoung: Ron Swanson - Too tired to show enthusiasm. Wants to be left alone. Soft spot for Leslie.
Youngjae: Chris Traiger - Confusingly energetic and cheerful.
Bambam: Leslie Knope - Best intentions. Takes things too personally.
Yugyeom: Andy Dwyer - Lovable. Kind of immature. Music is the most important thing.
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got7stories · 6 years
Summary: Yugyeom just happens to be up earlier than you. In an effort not to wake you, he remains in bed with your arms around him.
A/N: I finally wrote something that I don’t hate! I know I promised to be active after my exams but I’ve been building the master list (which I accidentally deleted). Admittedly, it’s not the best use of my time but here’s some cute Yugyeom because he makes my heart sing.
“Kim Yugyeom,” You mumble. “Are you watching me sleep?”
Light is just beginning to come in through the window but it’s enough to see your boyfriend with that slight smile you’ve always adored.
“I’m waiting for you to wake up.” He corrects you and places a slight kiss on your forehead. “I can’t move until you let go.”
“So you’ll stay until I do?” You hug him just a bit tighter. You feel his chest move with the chuckle he had tried to hide. His fingers twirl the ends of your hair and you silently pray for this moment to last a lifetime.
“I’ve stayed this long.” He reminds you. It almost feels as though he’s talking about more than staying in bed. One of those little I love you’s that he doesn’t explicitly say.
There’s an impossibly long list of things to love about Yugyeom, but the gentleness of his voice is one of your favorites. It’s very sincere. He chooses his words carefully, yet he never conceals his feelings. Incidentally, that trait is what made you fall in love in the first place.
“You can sleep, beautiful.” One of his hands rests gently at the middle of your back. “I don’t mind.”
“Will you stay with me?” You ask as you close your eyes for a few more minutes of rest.
“Don’t you mean watch you?” Again, a slight laugh escapes him while you blush. You adjust slightly, bringing yourself closer to him. “But, yes, I’ll stay with you. I’ll stay forever if you ask.”
The vague awareness of his gaze had initially woken you up fades while you let yourself doze off.
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got7stories · 6 years
What sports would Got7’s kids play?
It’s 12:55 of course this is the idea that pops in my mind. There’s gonna be some gender bias here and sorry for that but I felt like the child’s gender made a difference.
Okay so it’s now 1:45 and I’m out of ideas... I have nothing for either of Mark or Jinyoung’s kids and nothing for Jaebum or Bambam’s sons. So yeah 6/14 of these kids don’t play any sports- I guess. I’m gonna post it like this but I’ll update it once I have some ideas. Sorry guys I’m tired and I have to study for finals tomorrow... after Wednesday I’ll be on vacation so I can be active.
Daughter: Martial arts Jaebum is incredibly protective so he would want his daughter to be able to protect herself should he not be there to do so. Self discipline is heavily emphasized in most martial arts which would fit with Jaebum’s parenting style of trying to get his kids to be honest and hard working.
Son: Basketball or Soccer both are extremely high energy sports that would be thoroughly enjoyed in the Wang household. They’re also team based which is good for really social kids (if this kid ends up anything like his dad he’ll be the loudest on the team). Jackson will also teach his son fencing but he won’t push him on any sport.
Daughter: Cross country this kid has been running since before she could walk- all in an attempt to keep up with her dad. It’s also super personal because not only are you trying to be faster than everyone else you’re also trying to beat your own personal records. The self improvement factor would be a value Jackson’s daughter would hold dear to her heart.
Son: Band Not often considered a sport but the love of music in the Choi family is strong. A lot goes into band- hours upon hours of rehearsals / long competition days / visuals and sound have to be perfect. Seeing everything come together is worth all of it though. The biggest thing is seeing how amazing it is that so many people can come together to create something so amazing and I think Youngjae’s son would value the aspect of coming together in that way.
Daughter: Color guard The concept of siblings in matching activities is cute and with Youngjae I have a strange feeling that his kids would have a really close relationship so little sister joins color guard to perform with big brother during marching season. Her experience of course is wildly different yet shockingly similar. They share a love of performing and the schedules are both insane but Youngjae’s daughter would find that being able to toss a flag so high yet gracefully would make her feel beautiful and powerful at the same time. Definitely this girl will have 10/10 confidence thanks to color guard.
Daughter: Cheerleading If this little girl inherits her daddy’s sass, stylistic flair, and love of performing, cheer would be the perfect sport for her. Like Got7, a cheer team is about family and putting your best self forward which would be things Bam wants his daughter to know. Imagine Bambam fixing up her hair before a performance and losing it over everything she hits. (maybe I just bias Bambam and I imagine my daughter cheering but...)
Son: Dance
Daughter: Dance
Not gonna lie... Yugyeom’s kids will be dancing before they’re 5. He’s so passionate about dancing I think he’d like to share that with his kids one day. It’s just something he can teach them and something he can appreciate. Sorry to make Yugyeom out to be so one dimensional in that dance is his world because he’s not but I do genuinely think this.
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got7stories · 6 years
🐤 IGOT7 Ask Meme 💚
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