Sea Person Time Transplant
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Anti-Revisionist Marxist-LeninistFrom the Land of FlowersAutistic, He/HimI lost my last blog (arutar wrakov), lost my gmail
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gorisni-wrackel · 11 days ago
I have been wondering if the reason the violence in the West Bank has not received much attention even from advocates who were rightfully vocal about Gaza is due to a lack of understanding of what and where Jenin is in relation to the West Bank. So here is a very, very quick run through that barely scratches the surface:
All of Palestine has been divided by Israel into three main parts.
Historic Palestine, referred to by the Zionist entity as Israel, where Palestinians (referred to as Arabs) live as second class citizens.
The West Bank, occupied by Israel and where Palestinians live in an ever shrinking landmass, continuously being chipped away at by violent Israeli settler mobs. This area is theatrically governed by Israel’s puppet, the Palestinian Authority (the PA), with an apartheid wall running through 80% of it and settler-only roads that render the territory into tiny, isolated bantustans. This is where Palestinians fight two fronts: the PA and Israel.
Gaza, where Palestinians are cornered into a small area and placed under an 18 year total siege by Israel, where even calorie intake is controlled by Israel. This area, likened to a concentration camp, is periodically used as a testing ground for weapons and is where Palestine's worst episode of the ongoing genocide took place between October 2023 and January 2025.
The West Bank and Gaza are not connected geographically. People in the West Bank can’t drive to Gaza and vice versa.
Now, the West Bank itself is also divided into three parts. For a visual representation of this, check out The Palestinian Archipelago but the three areas are:
Area A: comprised of 18% of the land of the West Bank, where administration and security matters are lead by the Palestinian Authority.
Area B: comprised of 22% of the land of the West Bank, where the Palestinian Authority leads administratively, but share security with Israel. Riddled with Israeli checkpoints, this area sees the most dangerous examples of restriction of movement.
Area C: comprised of 60% of the land of the West Bank, where most of Israel’s illegal settlements are, and where Israel has full control, both administratively and security.
Understand this deliberate fragmentation; understand it from a settler colonial mindset of divide and conquer. Understand it as a way for Israel to fragment the Palestinian identity, to make it an almost impossibility for a Palestinian body to act as a sovereign. Understand it as Israel manipulates laws, including occupation law (!) to cast Palestinians and their situation as sui generis; a unique situation due to this fragmentation, which permits Israel to create new, unfounded laws to "control" the native population.
Jenin is in Area A of the West Bank; it has been under a brutal Israeli military assault that has intensified over the past few weeks, with dozens being killed, including children. Definitely not the first assault against Jenin in recent history (watch the documentary Jenin, Jenin for that), but extremely daunting as it emerges in the aftermath of Israel’s accelerated genocide in Gaza where a minimum of 180,000 Palestinians were brutally murdered in the span of 15 months.
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gorisni-wrackel · 12 days ago
I think it's good that Mangione is bringing attention to how fucked the media cycle is for alleged criminals pre-trial but I would like to see that energy brought up for everything relating to the true crime industrial complex
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gorisni-wrackel · 12 days ago
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gorisni-wrackel · 17 days ago
eat the rich is such a meaningless slogan to position yourself behind. its like a microcosm of non-materialist left-liberal thought
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gorisni-wrackel · 18 days ago
"haha transgenders who don’t go outside" - the person who is the direct reason why said transgenders can't go outside
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gorisni-wrackel · 19 days ago
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I wanted to post a lot more but didn't get the time to draw more. whoops.
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gorisni-wrackel · 19 days ago
i bet it was really fun to dump boiling pitch on dudes when they were trying to climb siege ladders back in the day
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gorisni-wrackel · 2 months ago
Lmao at the implication that some rando who doesn’t like you on social media is an abuser who can DARVO you
You seem to have a lot of fun misappropriating the language of abuse and discrimination to describe really stupid, shallow beefs. “I don’t talk to this girl anymore” is unpersoning, “You seem to be namedropping a lot of trans women to tell your followers are Bad” is DARVO😅
I’m not Jeanie fwiw, you’re dragging her through the mud for no reason. Turn anons back off if you don’t want anons.
you should read this
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gorisni-wrackel · 2 months ago
Like fundamentally this is being scattershot with utterly untrue shit. The core of this beef came from 2020, where the "unrequited attraction" part came about - as an 18 year old, I had a crush on somebody who seemed to understand me and like similar things. I got turned down, took it well enough, and then didn't really work through it. It was the worst time of my life, COVID hit, I was isolated and mentally ill and lost a lot of the scant support network I had. In june, in response to the comments about Xi nuking HK or whatever in a mutuals discord server, I had gotten cut off by the main subject of this and then, a few weeks after, I had gotten a callout made by a transmasc member of that selfsame discord. This callout insinuated, among other things that I was a pedophile, and generally was an example of disposability in that it was a couple things that were not great interpersonally built up into this gigantic incident. During that time, this person chose to disavow me on twitter, publicly and privately. This was something I could ignore until earlier this year, when watching her wife gain popularity in regards to anti-callout posting just... made me feel like shit. I demanded an apology publicly, and looking back that was a very erratic and fruitless thing to do. Ironically enough, many people who are taking the other side now expressed sympathy regarding that situation. On Saturday my previous account, rin-tezuka, got terminated by Tumblr. I saw a post from somebody I didn't like and said something about wanting my blocklist back. In exchange hannah wrote a multi-paragraph rant, and that started this. And honestly, I haven't handled subsequent exchanges very well but also I've been like, extremely anxious about this whole situation, and didn't really think through a lot of my responses I really hoped a lot of people would be a bit less eager to take part in this, given their history talking about how bad disposing of transfems is, but A lot of people have seemingly shown themselves to be fair-weather friends.
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
Hi this is connie can you rb for reach
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
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Like I wouldn't snitch on the guy regardless, but $10.000?? that is abysmal
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
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"You harvest from the seeds you plant."
--Dunmer proverb
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
For reasons we may never know my ideology of ethnonationalist anarchism isnt working very well
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
I encourage anyone who wonders things like "Why does the DPRK hate the United States so much?" or "Why would the United States lie about North Korea?" to, well, first of all, cultivate a sense of empowered investigative curiosity about the world around them, but secondly, to just go to the wikipedia page for The Korean War and check under the "civilian casualties" section.
actually here I'll just drop a screenshot
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I want you try to envision that number. The population of the DPRK in 1954 is cited by various Western sources as being between 7.7 million - 10.2 million, however more contemporary sources seem to lean towards the larger number (7.7 million was estimated by the CIA in 1954)
If we say 10 million people, with 1.5 million casualties. That's 15% of the post-war population. 15%. That's a little more frequent than 1 in 7. Imagine one out of every 7 people you know being killed. This study estimates that the median individual has a social network of about 470 people. Rounding down, 15% of that is 70 people. Imagine 70 people out of everyone you know personally being killed. 15% is massive. It's a genuinely sickening and horrific figure.
In comparison, in WWII, according to Wikipedia the UK had a casualty rate of .94% of their 1939 population, and the USSR had a casualty rate closer with 13.7% of their 1940 population.
The United States is a hulking behemoth of death and cruelty and genocide. It is a machine dedicated to one thing, which is the extraction of power and profit at the cost of any amount of human life. Like all bourgeois imperialist powers, it is a mechanism for the transmutation of innocent human life directly into political-economic power.
Moreover, The United States of America must be destroyed.
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
log onto tumblr and you learn that cowboys are secretly leftist and pirates are secretly leftist and superhero comics are secretly leftist and vikings are secretly leftist and greco-roman antiquity is secretly leftist and knights are secretly leftist and the concept of the appalachian region is secretly leftist and all genre fiction is innately secretly leftist and every animated show you ever watched as a kid is secretly leftist and you never have to think about the political subtext of anything ever and you log off tumblr and for some reason people are talking about a descent toward fascism
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
what does Marx say about romance literature? or romance as a genre of fiction, escapism, fulfillment etc
marx was mostly concerned with analyzing the capitalist mode of production
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gorisni-wrackel · 3 months ago
you must understand that if a cracker from the US in 2024 is homophobic then that's a personal flaw but if someone from 1953 in the Soviet Union was homophobic then that shows the depravity and barbarism of communist regimes and the authoritarian and regressive nature of their governments. Of course if the former is NOT from the US and the like 4 other acceptable countries OR is not white then they are homophobic because their culture is like that, religion is cancer, their country should be nuked and exterminated.
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