gordon208 · 5 months
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steam team's seniors during their baby years
A friend group so weird and toxic to people they dislike it could rival It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’s. They're not immune to the "I came to Sodor to avoid my problems and wanted a fresh start" trope many Sudrians also follow
Edward Pettigrew
Age: 31 as of 1984
A kind, friendly NWR railwayman who didn’t mind a lot of things and was popular amongst younger folks for his looks and demeanor. He likes showing newbies the ropes of the NWR and Sodor as a whole because he just loves infodumping. Despite being made fun of by some railwaymen for his “weirdness”, Edward worked hard and was known as the jack-of-all-trades by his peers, usually treating younger and newer railwaymen to drinks after work to get them accustomed to Sodor (he did this to Henry, then Gordon, then James). Originally from the village of Pezë in Tirana, Albania, 1940s. Due to his beginnings in a small rural village and the Albanian government’s censorship of outside influences and heavy restriction of traveling outside the country, Edward’s hunger for knowledge about the world grew more and more. His family had connections to the Lëvizja Nacional-Çlirimtare and Edward’s particularly bright and good at talking, so he became a diplomat to travel outside Albania – a step into his plans of learning more about the world. After landing himself in the United Kingdom and studying everything he wanted, he believes it’s still not enough. He found out about an island infamous for its supernatural occurrences and cases of people missing just off the coast of the UK – Sodor. Being the curious man he is, he discarded everything that’s needed for the LNÇ to locate him and landed on Sodor, gorging himself with every mystery the island has to offer. Impulsive? Yes. But for the first time, Edward felt true freedom. However, Edward got too curious and nosy and became a casualty in an accident fueled by supernatural hysteria related to Lady of the Legend and was transported around 40 years into the future, landing in 1983 with his memories all over the place. Despite losing his sense of self and having no idea what he is, his thirst for knowledge still lives on inside his head. His cheerfulness, amicability, and kindness are extensions he formed to make up for the hole inside his heart. Edward does love his friends, but he believes that if he can withhold information from them and make them all live in blissful ignorance, they can be truly happy – this all stems from his fear of exceeding his limits and being discarded (which he later copes by being a typical wise friendly old man in 1999). He often sees visages of Lady in his dreams.
Gordon J. Gresley
Age: 26 as of 1984
Joined after Henry. Looked like he was fresh out of a funeral. A young hotshot who was more polite, quiet, and reserved compared to his 1999 counterpart. Gordon started out as an apprentice fireman for the Wild Nor’Wester’s previous driver. He treated his arrival on Sodor as a desperate last resort to escape his issues and grief and pitifully believed he was “lumped with the social pariahs in the boonies”, but he’s gotten better and believed that this is where he can truly outshine everyone, much to the annoyance and chagrin of his seniors. Gordon acts like he knows what he’s doing in order to build up his image as someone who’s dependable and strong and revels in small basks of limelight. However, he was constantly uncomfortable with how Edward treated accidents as normal due to their survivors being in tip-top shape the next day and how Henry is so distrustful of and odd about everything and everyone and sweats 24/7, but he’s been masking and convincing himself that he’s not like the rest of them. He’s normal. He’s normal! Let’s all hold hands. Don’t be fooled by his sad face. Young Gordon can be arrogant and think he knows everything for being a youngin.
Henry Stanier
Age: 27 as of 1984
Joined after Edward, so he’s quite close to him. Gordon’s “senior” by 6 months. He’s always, ALWAYS scared endlessly about anything “out of the ordinary” and beats himself up over it, much to his own disgust. Henry had a deep rooted hatred and jealousy towards his peers for pitying him after a coworker revealed to other railwaymen that he’s narcoleptic without his permission. He’s been masking his disabilities despite it being detrimental for his well-being, but as long as people treated him “normally”, Henry would endure (dreadfully). He did this especially with Gordon, the newest addition to the Northwestern Railway at the time, because he didn’t want anyone else to treat him differently when they find out about his health issues. As an extention, Henry developed a vitriol towards Gordon too – he’s particularly jealous about how he’s so “ungrateful” of everything’s given to him like his fair looks, clothes, and position as the to-be face of the Wild Nor’Wester. They did become friends though despite the process not being easy. It’s okay. They became besties that were mean to old nosy folks. Initially wanted to pursue arts, but due to circumstances from his past related to his health and paranoia fueled by his past failures and “jinxes”, he came to Sodor as a half-hearted last resort to get a job. He wasn’t hopeful of having anyone respect him for who he is, but things do get better, much to his surprise.
James A. Hughes
Age: 25 as of 1989
Joined the NWR 5 years after Edward did. At that point, Gordon already discarded his GNR Green look and went for the blue attire (minus the big coat). Flaunts his beauty almost at any given time, especially when someone mildly complimented him. He’s more of a nerd (word used loosely because he acts like a know-it-all when he actually has no idea what he’s doing) compared to his canon, 1999 counterpart. James came to Sodor for a fresh start and believed he deserves more than what he’s given. He thinks he’s so tough and hard as nails – in fact it became his source of hubris because he gets into accidents and was scolded by his seniors for being so vain and stubborn. He doesn’t want to get dirty, he doesn’t want to shovel coal, he doesn’t want to get wet from the washdown suds – he only wants the good out of the work and doesn’t want to accept the “bad” sides as well, so James was branded as the “problem kid” of the NWR by older folks. James, who can’t handle harsh criticism and labels well, grow even more distant with them. He primarily hangs out with the RWS trio because they seem to understand his situation and the feeling of being “outcasted” (despite Gordon’s annoyance at his boastfulness). 
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gordon208 · 5 months
Something Scary
(Part 3 to Something Splendid)
Meanwhile at Knapford, Percy pulled into the station hauling the mail train, blissfully unaware of what was happening with Thomas and James.
He whistled to the workers as they all went to get the bags of packaged mail from his trucks. He then felt his fireman pat his side "We'll be back, Percy. We must give these fellas a hand with the mail"
"Ok, Mr Fireman" Percy replied happily as his crew departed from his cab.
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As Percy's crew left to assist the other workers with the mail, he let out a yawn, unaware of the strange transformation about to befall him. However, as a tingling sensation spread throughout his frame, he couldn't ignore the growing ache that accompanied it. It felt odd and uncomfortable, like nails were digging into him.
Percy winced and let out a dog-like whimper as the discomfort intensified into an ache "Ow...ow...owww" He muttered. The weird ache was getting sharper and stronger, his firebox fizzling in response to the strange sensation.
Suddenly, the quietatmosphere at Knapford was shattered by a very loud wheeshing noise anyone had ever heard, causing everyone to gasp and point in shock.
Sir Topham Hatt rushed out of his office, his expression a mix of confusion and concern as he heard the noise. "What the bloody hell?!" he exclaimed, his voice cutting through the air as he sought to make sense of the sudden commotion.
As the steam and smoke gradually cleared, revealing the spot where Percy once stood, the onlookers were met with a sight that defied all logic and expectation. Instead of the familiar green saddle-tank engine, sprawled out on the rails before them was a towering 16-foot-tall humanoid figure.
With a pudgy yet muscular build, the grey-skinned man possessed digigrade legs adorned with small green locomotive wheels on his ankles. His face was obscured by a thick mane of curly brown hair that cascaded down his back, while a stumpy little funnel protruded from the top of his head. Adding to the surreal spectacle, the humanoid sported cat-like ears on the sides of his head, completing the baffling transformation.
The workers and passengers stood frozen in disbelief, struggling to comprehend the incomprehensible sight before them.
As Percy's driver and fireman exchanged bewildered glances, reeling from the sight before them, the possibility that the giant figure lying on the rails could indeed be their beloved engine was high. But only the fireman could see that.
"I- what?!" the driver spluttered, his disbelief evident as he scratched his neck in confusion. "Could it be Percy? Why the hell is there suddenly a giant 16-foot-tall man laying on the rails unconscious?"
The fireman stared on wide-eyed, his mind racing to make sense of the inexplicable transformation. "Jesus... do you think that's Percy?" he whispered, his voice tinged with disbelief.
"Percy? You think that giant MAN is Percy?!" the driver exclaimed incredulously, shaking his head "It's probably just a coincidence. There's no way that's... that just can't be him."
The fireman shrugged, his expression still filled with uncertainty. "Dude, Percy disappeared in a huge puff of smoke. LITERALLY. Then that thing appeared," he pointed at the giant man on the tracks. "That's a pretty huge coincidence."
"Percy's a steam engine. That thing is... well, I haven't got the foggiest idea! There's just no way," the driver argued vehemently, his disbelief becoming borderline stubbornness.
Sir Topham Hatt soon approached the two, his expression shifting from sternness to shock and confusion as he surveyed the scene before him. "What on earth...?" he murmured, trailing off as he struggled to comprehend the inexplicable transformation that had unfolded.
"What happened?!" Sir Topham Hatt demanded, his tone stern as he focused his attention on Percy's bewildered crew.
The fireman raised his hands in defense, looking uncertaint. "We don't know, Sir! Percy just... turned into that!" he explained, gesturing towards the giant humanoid figure lying on the rails.
The driver quickly interjected, his voice tinged with doubt. "But we don't know for SURE if it's Percy!" he added, earning an unimpressed look from the fireman.
Sir Topham Hatt stared at the scene before him, his expression a mix of frustration and bewilderment. "Oh dear, oh dear... out of all the strangest things that happen on this damn island, this certainly takes the cake," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. Having his engines become beasts was already stressful enough, but humans??
"Can one of you at least go down and check if it IS Percy? If it isn't, I don't have a bloody clue on what else to do..." he sighed, his exasperation palpable.
The fireman put his hand up "Not it"
The driver grunted and rolled his eyes in annoyance before reluctantly and carefully hopping off the platform, landing on the ballast covered ground below (good thing he had strong legs).
When he looked back up at the creature that was supposedly Percy, he gulped. The size of the creature was much more daunting and intimidating than on the platform. Taking a deep breath, Percy's driver carefully tiptoed up to the beast.
The humanoid's ear twitched a little, and steam puffed out of its nostrils, albeit covered by its puffy hair.
The driver delicately brushed his fingers along the strands of hair before slowly pushing a good amount of its hair. As he took in the details of the colossal man's face, he gasped in even more disbelief;
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It is Percy.
"Oh god! It IS Percy!!" He exclaimed. Sir Topham Hatt gasped "Wait, it is?!" He asked in disbelief, his voice now tinged with worry for his engine. He along with a few other workers quickly made their way down the platform to see for themselves. All the while, they desperately tried to avoid looking at Percy's...ahem...jewels
The driver continued staring at Percy's face in shock until Percy started to stir; he was waking up.
Suddenly, a soft growl could be heard from Percy as he began to stir more and more, making everyone back up in fear. The humanoid saddle-tank's nose twitched and his nails dug into the ground as he came around. He yawned and opened his eyes tiredly.
Once he saw where he was, Percy frowned in confusion "Huh..?" He mumbled as he noticed everyone's faces. A strand of curly hair fell on his face. Thinking he was in his monster form, Percy sat up and simply reached up and pulled it away, only to yelp in pain as it felt like something was pulling at his skin as he tugged on it.
More brown curls then fell over his face, and his tried pulling those away, only for more sharp pain "Ow!" Percy grunted, pulling his paw away.
But when he looked at his paw, he noticed something very off; his paw was more slender looking and his fingers weren't as stubby.
The workers watched in hushed silence, not knowing what to do as they watched Percy flex his fingers, his expression becoming more and more horrified.
Percy saw his driver and whimpered "D-Driver? What's happened?"
The driver reached up, trying to sound calm and reassuring "Okay...uh, Percy. Everything's ok...just don't look dooowwnnn..." Percy did the exact opposite and looked down at the rest of his body "....and he look down" the driver sighed to himself, mentally face-palming.
Percy let out a mighty scream that echoed through the station as he took in the details of his body. He cried and continued to scream as adrenaline began rushing through him, making him instantly stand up, only to fall down due to the unfamiliar feeling of his new legs.
The workers and Sir Topham Hatt quickly cleared away as Percy whimpered and cried, tears of fear streaming down his cheeks as he clutched on to the mail truck for support. The wheels on his ankles spun frantically, his claws digging into the wood of the trucks as he began hyperventilating.
"What– What's happened to me?!" He sobbed.
Sir Topham Hatt, albeit quite stressed out himself, tried to calm him down "Percy! I understand this is very distressing, but please calm down!" He called out. Percy looked down at his controller through teary eyes, choking on a sob, he replied "S-Sir...? I–"
Percy's ears pricked up as he looked ahead of the tracks to see two other humanoid creatures like himself. One was the same size as him and the other was very tall. Both of them also had very familiar faces...
"T-Thomas...James...?" He hiccuped, letting go of the truck. He then made a weak attempt to crawl towards the two "H-Help...me" He whimpered, reaching his hand out to grab either Thomas or James's.
Thomas himself wasted no time and quickly crawled towards Percy, grabbing his hand and helping him on to his knees. Everyone watched as the two smaller humanoids then hugged each other for comfort, James slipping in to join. Thomas let out a shaky sigh and whispered;
"I-It's ok, Percy...everything's gonna be...ok..."
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gordon208 · 5 months
YOOO !!! the fanfic is finally FUCKING done XD i’m slightly impressed i managed to start on this yesterday and finally finish it today! content warnings?: cigarette usage, yelling - all that stuff. but i’m so excited for you guys to read it, for my first work in the fandom! :D 
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gordon208 · 5 months
(BOS lore)
Dear My Pettigrew (Gordon POV)
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PS: The story takes place when Edward and Gordon are three weeks broken up for some reason. (Gordon's POV)
It's about three weeks now. Edward broken up with me for his new start. And Yes I'm so happy to Edward got better and move on, But I was so furious about broken up. I know I have to respect Edward, But I still don't understand why did he choose this way exactly...
Edward Pettigrew. He was an engine who was very afraid to start and end other relationships in the past. I think the 'Timothy incident' came too shocking to him. He did not intend to come out of his shed since the incident, So Henry and I had to take over his job. At first I used to knocking on his door aggressively because it was so annoying to do his job cuz of that incident. I didn't understand his pain.
Henry had a lot of complaints, too, but he did nothing but grumble in front of his door. But after time, I sometimes sat in front of Timothy's door and consoled him when the anniversary of his death came. tell him that Timothy will be fine into his heart forever.
So I started to bring up the nature baptism to him in front of his door. He didn't like it at the time, but I was just worried about him. As time passed, he seemed to be waiting for me to come to him. And he even gave me a short response or advice sometimes.
After all that time, Edward almost recovered, and even Henry joined, and me, Edward, and Henry worked together. But other than that, I spent a lot of time alone with Edward. Some days, we both ran to Brandam because we suddenly wanted to see the sea.
And I finally realized that... I like Edward a lot. But Not in a friendly way... there was a difference. My heart beat faster than any other engines when I saw him, and I wanted to protect him. Even with my life held for him.
And I confessed that feeling to him. He thought he was agonizing for a moment, but he soon accepted, crying, and that's how we became lovers.
And even after I broke up with him, he treated me like a friend as if nothing had happened. I looked at it and was angry that he might have forgotten me, so I deliberately gave him a cold shoulder.
But he didn't care about it, rather he helped me more often. And then someone came to the railway.
His name is James Hughes. Same size as him and It was a bit of a pompous engine doing something similar to Edward's job. He suddenly appeared at the Railway and began to approach Edward in a friendly manner. And he would sometimes go somewhere with James, as if he didn't hate it. It's like we used to go somewhere together in the past.
So I dragged him into the group with Henry and me, and we striked together. That's why he didn't get to see Edward much. It was successful as a result.
But after that, when the plan went up in smoke, James casually talked to Edward again. I didn't like it, and some days I just looked down on James after He finish his conversation with Edward.
"So, Back to bored old thing again?"
I said, then he said
"What the hell are you mean? I'm just talking to him. that's all you stupid metal head."
Yeah. This was the exactly what he said to me. It was obvious that he thought Edward really liked him. But I didn't lose to him and I answered
"Oh please. You're just a poser who thinks You're the best and everyone like you. a filthy wooden break."
"What did you just say?"
James said in fume, But I didn't care.
"I mean James, You don't know anything about Edward much as I do."
When I mentioned Edward, his face turned red as his coat. And he got mad at me.
"That means You and him are-"
"Yeah. We were so close that Edward forgot about you when he's with me."
I can't remember exactly what I said by spouting anything just to ignore James. I only remember him slapping me all of a sudden
"Listen to me You big ass galloping sausage! I don't know why are you even start this shit, But I don't care! You're just a jealousy engine that wants us to spilt!"
When I heard that, my head went blank. I'm jealous of him? Why should I? How?
When I came to my senses and looked at him, James already gone to the Tidmouth, and I was sitting in the knapfort, cooling my head for a while. then... Edward came next to me.
"Well, That's how you feel? how are you feel about me and James?"
Edward was surprisingly calm. He knelt down and patted me on the cheek that James hit. And sat next to me and stood still.
"Did you heard everything I said?"
"Yes. I didn't miss a word that came out of your mouth and I heard everything"
I had a lot of thoughts for a moment. Actually, I just wanted to run away from the spot. Who knew he'd be listening to everything?
"But I can't say that I completely 'hate' it"
"What do you mean by that?"
"That's how much you haven't forgotten me yet. Aren't you saying you like it the same as when we were together?"
I couldn't answer what he said. Because he was only saying the right thing about my stupid words. He looked at the setting sun for a moment, then raised me to my feet.
"But you know you have to apologize for being rude to James, right? I'm a little disappointed in that part."
"Ugh, Alright. If you say so."
As soon as he said it, he blushed and smiled shyly. It was his smile after a long time.
After that, went to James, gave him a cup of coffee and apologized. He accepted the apology with unexpected ease. And he had coffee, I had tea, and we were standing awkwardly, and I spoke to him first.
"You know, please be sweet to Edward."
He spilled some coffee on the gravel, panicking at the words.
"I- I didn't say what am I think about him! Don't be so sure!"
He didn't know what to do when his face turned red as He flusted.
"Heh, Yeah I hear you very well... But Seriously. Be sweet to Him. He is a weak-hearted engine, contrary to his appearance"
At that, James nodded and drank all the coffee and went into the Shed.
Dear my Pettigrew, I want you to forgive me for not being honest with you. I feel ashamed that I fought with someone else over you. I hated it when you left. But it's different now. Even if we're not lovers, I know you care so much about me. It's been a while, but I still love you so much Edward Pettigrew.
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gordon208 · 5 months
What do you think the main steam teams (Not rebecca and nia) Favorite music genres are?
I kinda showed them in the random ttte music headcanon page. But, I'll explain them in detail:
Thomas: Loves pop and electronic music. He listens to a lot of very popular pop/ electronic songs like "Stiches" by Shawn Menades, "On & On" by Cartoon, Daniel Levi and Jeja, "Here" by Alessia Cara specifically the Lucian remix, just to name a few.
Edward: Heavy metal and rock music are his number one genre. Listens to a lot of songs that have lots of screaming in them. (His friends probably don't understand the lyrics very well). His favorite bands are "The Score", "Led Zeppelin", "Kiss" and "Metallica"
Henry: I imagine that Henry would like songs that are acoustic or are more traditional (Songs that have actual instruments in them). "Soldier, Poet, King" is Henry's favorite since it's so peaceful and poetic to him.
Gordon: Classical music. He loves songs performed by orchestras and he plays a ton of repertoire piano songs. "Fur Elise" comes to mind because it's very graceful and elegant.
James: Also loves pop but is a massive Lady Gaga fan. He absolutely admires Lady Gaga's voice performance and most of her songs are bangers to listen to for him. He will scream every song that he's heard from her on the top of his lungs.
Percy: Originally, it was just weirdcore but I decided that they would like rap music as well. Thinks that Eminem's songs meet the requirements of a good rap song. Jack Stauber is his favorite weirdcore artist due to his songs having a certain old-homey vibe to them.
Toby: Loves jazz, romantic music and electro swing. Hides the fact that he loves electro swing because most people thinks that he's old-timey and gets embarrassed when people mention it to him. (He has been caught tap-dancing to "Posin" by Peggy Suave multiple times by Henrietta and begs her not to tell it to his kids)
Emily: She just listens to random music genres since she doesn't have a preference to a specific one that she likes. Basically, she just listens to random shit that plays on the radio.
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gordon208 · 6 months
Something Splendid!
While Thomas was venturing James grumbled discontentedly as he chugged along the mainline, pulling a dirty goods train laden with fresh hay to a farm near Wellsworth. The usually proud engine couldn't hide his disdain for such a job.
"Puh! Typical of the Fat Controller to have me pull a goods train!" James huffed indignantly, his frustration loud and clear in his voice.
James's driver chuckled and shook his head in amusement at his engine grumbling.
"Honestly, James. To think that you've been doing this for years," he remarked, gently teasing. The fireman chimed "And besides, James, it's just hay! It's not that dirty!"
James scoffed at the suggestion. "Ha! I'd like to see you two in my spot! Then you'd know EXACTLY what I mean," he retorted stubbornly, making his dissatisfaction adamant.
The driver smirked, enjoying the banter. "Oh yeah? Well, it ain't easy for us either, ol' boy. It's tough work getting you to move! Even before you became a big fluffy beast! Not to mention how hot and stuffy it can get in here!" he teased as he patted the cab, affectionately reminding James of their own struggles.
James rolled his eyes at the playful jab from his driver and kept his focus on the rails ahead. As they neared Crosby, a sense of nervousness crept over him. It was in one of the fields there that he had his infamous crash back in the 1920s, a memory he would rather forget.
As they approached Crosby, James began to feel a strange, tingly ache spreading throughout his frame. With each passing minute, the sensation worsened, causing him to grow increasingly uneasy.
He began wincing, lightly grunting from the dull pain. The mischievous trucks behind him seized the opportunity for their entertainment. With malicious glee, they began roughly bumping into James with increasing force, their chant of "On! On! On! On!" ringing out tauntingly.
James yelped in surprise as the forceful bumps propelled him forward, his attempts to brake proving futile against the relentless bumping. "Ah! Stop it!" he growled, glaring back at the troublesome trucks, his eyes flashing with irritation.
The trucks continued their assault, giggling maniacally as they kept bumping James with no sign of stopping. James could only whimper in distress as his speed increased, his brakes rendered useless and the aching pain coursing through his body intensifying with each jolt. Unable to regain control, he felt a sense of helplessness wash over him as he hurtled forward, at the mercy of the mischievous trucks. His driver and fireman's efforts were useless, unable to shut off steam or pull James's brake lever.
Eventually, they came around a bend and James felt his wheels slipping off the rails. The driver and fireman jumped out at that point. Panicking, James screamed as he began tipping over "Oh nonononononono! NOT AGAAAAII—!!!"
He unintentionally wheeshed a great amount of steam as he crashed into the field, his body being engulfed in steam and smoke. Everything in that moment went black.
James groaned, his eyes fluttering open to the harsh sunlight in his eyes. Despite feeling sore and dizzy, James's senses slowly began to come back to him, and he noticed something peculiar. Instead of the expected view of the field around him, he found himself staring directly up at the sky. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he realized that it didn't feel like he was lying on his side as he should be after a crash. Instead, an unsettling sensation told him that he was somehow standing on his tender, adding to his disorientation.
As James instinctively moved to shield his eyes from the glaring sunlight, he froze mid-motion, a sudden realization hitting him like a train. He didn't have hands, at least not in his current form. The memory of his monster form flashed through his mind, stirring up a mix of fear and curiosity as he grappled with the implications what was happening.
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Hesitantly, James brought his "hand" to his face once more, the unfamiliar sensation sending a shiver down his spine. It looked like his front paw from his other form, but much more slender.
Gasping in shock, James unintentionally sat up without even trying, his newfound ability surprising him as he took in the sight of the rest of his grey body. The realization of his current state left him feeling bewildered. Looking down, almost hyperventilating as he inspected his new hands with fascination and horror.
"W-What is this?!" He whispered frantically, feeling his new, muscle-toned chest and red tuft of fur. By that time, his driver and fireman had arrived on scene, and what they saw of James was unbelievable.
"Should we get the breakdown train?" The fireman asked.
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"And what? Tell them they have to rescue a derailed human train? I think not"
To be continued...
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gordon208 · 6 months
Just a Bad Dream
Description: Henry has a bad dream about his being locked in the tunnel once again. Little did he know that he would get some advice from his new driver, Correlle, as well as an unexpected story.
Words: How the fuck should I know? I haven't been keeping track LOL (jk jk).
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"We shall leave you here for always and always and always."
Those words spoken by the Fat Director echoed in Henry's smokebox as he slept restlessly. Every year on the anniversary of him being locked in the Ballahoo tunnel, Henry would often have the same wretched dreams of the incident.
Of course, Henry had learned his lesson. He learned it quite well to the point where he hated any reminder of it. He despised the long days he spent, locked away in that brick tunnel; All on his own without anyone to talk to. It nearly drove him mad. After being let out, he knew better to be vain about his paintwork. After all, that was James' shtick now; not his.
But every time he had that wretched dream, he was scared to death. He never wanted to be locked away like that again.
"No.... No, I don't want to be alone. Not again..." He thought as the Fat Director solemnly proclaimed those words. He would have moved from the tunnel in his dream, but he couldn't make himself do so. Year after year, he tried and tried to prove the "Fat Director" wrong; that he was willing to move; he was willing to leave the tunnel. But some force prevented him from doing it. No matter how much he begged and pleaded, he had to witness the same sight of workmen bricking him up in that god-forsaken tunnel. He would have had to do it again, if not for a sudden echo.
"Henry? Henry, you okay?" The voice sounded familiar, yet it didn't belong in his dream. "Henry?! Henry, wake up!!" At that, his eyes shot open and darted around until he saw his driver, Correlle, standing in front of him. She was already dressed for work, yet her hair was somewhat a mess, and she looked like she had just tumbled out of bed.
"C-correlle?" he asked, looking down at her in surprise, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm sleeping over, remember?" the young American reminded him, gesturing to the empty cot on the platform next to his berth, "We have the Kipper in a few hours."
"Oh…. right…" Henry blinked. He felt his eyes grow watery as he tried to keep his composure.
"Henry… what's wrong?" Correlle looked up at her engine worriedly, "You were shaking like a leaf." There was a brief silence that followed, as Henry was debating how to answer.
Correlle Hemsworth had only been working with Henry for about 2 months and she was still learning things about her new friend. That included his likes and dislikes. While she did poke fun at him from time to time, she knew when too far was too far. Even though she didn't know Henry as well as she would have liked, she could tell he was agitated. She knew from his fireman, Ted, that it took a while for Henry to open up to anyone new that entered his life.
"It's only early days," he had said, "and Henry doesn't open up to just anyone right away. He has to trust you first."
Correlle always remembered this, as she wanted to be a good driver that respected her engine's boundaries. While she didn't want to force him to open up, she also didn't want Henry to suffer whatever it was that was bothering him. At least on his own. After all, this was her first real time seeing Henry cry. It was heartbreaking, but she didn't say that aloud.
Henry himself seemed to recognize his new driver's genuine worry and did his best to compose himself. After all, if the other sleeping engines around him would never let him hear the end of it if they saw him like this, then how would his driver look at him?
"I'm alright…" He sighed as he took a deep breath. That didn't stop the tears from falling though.
"Henry… I'm not one to tell you how to feel, but you're definitely not alright." Correlle stated quietly, "I know that since I'm new, you don't trust me as much, but I still want to help you." At this, she placed a hand on one of his buffers. "Whatever is bothering you, I won't tell a soul. Not even if they cut my arms off." Henry was silent for a few minutes, mulling this over. That last part of her statement had been a bit brutal, but then again many Americans were, if they wanted to be.
One of the most important qualities that Sir Richard Hatt considered when it came to electing who drove what engine, is the capability of the driver to be there for their engine
"Encourage them to do good and discourage them to do bad; Be there for them in both good and bad times." He had proclaimed to the "Young Nor' Westers" on their first day of work.
While it may have been their first time learning it, Every engine on the North-Western Railway knew this philosophy was a given fact. Not only that, but it was a creed of sorts for the crews. Of course, it did take time for the engines to come to trust their crews, and Henry was no exception to this.
When he first met Correlle, she seemed nervous, as if she was tip-toeing around the engines she was learning to work with. It took time for her to shed her shyness and show her spunky, spirited nature. When she did, Henry found that he enjoyed it.
Not only that, but so far she had followed "the creed" to a T; She had encouraged and discouraged him on many different occasions, as well as spent many good times with him. Now she was passing the real test; being there for him when he was having a hard time with something. In this case, it was one of his personal demons.
Henry knew the genuineness of her words because he could see the sincerity in her eyes, even in the dark. Plus he knew Correlle wasn't the type to gossip. Sure she chattered and rambled like the troublesome trucks did at times, but she never spilled any secrets. Bearing all of this in mind, he took a deep breath before he spoke.
"Every year… there's this bad dream that haunts me." He admitted, looking upset, and a bit embarressed. "I don't know if you heard of this story, but years ago... my pride ended up with me being bricked up inside a tunnel."
"Oh… wait, you mean that little rhyme that Percy sometimes teases you with? The one about an engine being afraid of the rain and--"
"Yes, yes, that rhyme…" Henry quickly cut her short before he continued shakily, "Only in my case, that damn rhyme is a nightmare. And that same nightmare comes back every year. I'm in the Ballahoo Tunnel, just sitting there, with a line of coaches behind me. I've tried moving out of that damn tunnel, I truly have. Heavens knows I've tried. But something won't let me…" Henry looked down at his running board, seeing the two dots of water that just sat there, right beneath where his eyes would have been.
"Oh Henry…" Correlle looked sad as she climbed up and sat down next to his smokebox face. She often sat up next to him on her breaks, just dinking on her phone or just relaxing. Usually she had to take care because his boiler was hotter then fire itself. But now that his boiler was cool, she placed a hand on the outer black. The steel was cold as ice. So much so, she could almost feel what he was feeling; Scared and alone.
"I keep being told that I would be kept in the tunnel for always and always. Being stuck in there for a few weeks was hell enough, but… forever??" Henry looked petrified at the thought. "It's almost as bad as being scrapped… maybe even worse." Correlle listened quietly to everything he was saying. After a few minutes of thinking, she spoke up.
"Who was the one who told you that you would be stuck in that tunnel forever?"
"The Fat Director… He was the first one in charge of the NWR, back in the 1900s. He wasn't exactly a kind-natured man… He didn't even want me…"
"Why didn't he want you?"
"I wasn't the engine he ordered. When I came to this island, the Fat Director was angry. He claimed he wanted an Atlantic, but instead…"
"Instead he got you?"
"Yes." there was a brief pause before he continued, "I… I was a mistake." Henry looked ashamed as he said this, "I was an experimental engine. I was built with a very small firebox, so I couldn't be steamed properly. I half-expected the Fat Director to scrap me because of it." There were a few minutes of silence before Correlle spoke up again.
"Henry…. You're not a mistake." She said in a quiet yet firm tone.
"Well… of course you would say that. You're my driver."
"I'm not saying it as your driver. I'm saying it as your friend. You're not the one to be blamed for how you were built. You didn't even ask to be built; you just were. It's the same way with humans. I didn't ask to be born; I just was born. People can blame us for existing all they want, but it doesn't change the fact that we're still here. All of us here…. engine and humans alike, we're all misfits in one way or another."
"It's a word that means you're outwardly different in some way that makes society think you don't fit into it's norms."
"I see… is that a bad thing?"
"No way. Misfits can be wonderful people. Same with engines. They're just built in a way that people don't understand at first. Misfit as you are, you gave a lot and showed the railway that you deserve to be here. And no bad dream is going to change that." Correlle just gave an encouraging smile, "I think the Fat Director knew that too, even if he was the one who punished you to stay in that tunnel."
Henry thought a bit on that. It was true that the Fat Director had locked him in the tunnel, but he also was the one who let Henry out, even if it was a last resort. Plus, he did give Henry the fair chance he needed to do his best on the NWR by buying him Welsh Coal for his poor steaming, as well as sending him to Crewe after his accident with the Flying Kipper. So he couldn't say that the Fat Director didn't care about him. But it did raise the question.
"Then… why do I keep seeing him telling me that I would stay in the tunnel for always and always?" He asked slowly. Correlle was thoughtful for a few minutes before she answered.
"I think that moment was the time you saw the Fat Director at his worst. He was angry and he said words he couldn't take back. I don't know for certain, since I wasn't around when this happened, but it's my best guess on why. I do know that whenever we do see people at their worst, it's imprinted in our minds, whether we want it there or not."
"I see…" Henry sighed, "Times like this I wish I could forget that time ever existed. I wouldn't have that damn nightmare if I remembered."
"I guess it's a curse with engines. You're timeless machines. From the moment you were built, you remember everything. But… that's not to say you can't conquer your nightmare."
"But I've tried moving from the tunnel and I couldn't make myself move. So how else can I conquer my bad dream?" Correlle, once again, went silent at this, the wheels in her head turning until she snapped her fingers.
"Have you ever heard of lucid dreaming?"
"No. What is that?"
"It's where you can control what you do in your dreams. Most of the time, when we dream, we have little to no control over what we do. One example of that is sometimes I dream that I'm stuck on a snowy mountain and I can barely stand on my own two feet. But if you train your mind enough, you can be conscious enough to the point where you remember that you're stuck in a dream and you can do what you want."
"So… you suggest that I lucid dream?"
"Something like that. When you have the nightmare again, just take a deep breath and remember that you're dreaming. That you can do whatever you want and if you want to move from that tunnel, then you can. Remember that you have nothing holding you back, other then the obsticles you give yourself." Correlle patted the side of his boiler, giving him a small smile. Henry felt better at this idea.
"I'll remember this for the future." He said quietly.
"That's the Henry I know." Correlle beamed before she suddenly yawned. Henry couldn't help but smile a little at this.
"If you want to return to your cot, you can."
"Eh… I'm fine here. At least until you go to sleep again." Correlle just tiredly leaned against the side of his boiler. Henry could sense the exhaust in her voice, but it wasn't because of how tired she was or how late it was. It was something else. A brief period of silence hung in the air before Correlle spoke up again. "You know… I was debating on whether I should tell you this, but…"
"But?" the Green engine raised an eyebrow.
"I know how it feels… not being wanted." she smiled sadly as she looked at the hairband she had wrapped around her right wrist. "My case is probably not as bad as yours, but… before I came to Sodor, I grew up with my grandparents on their ranch in Colorado. My Dad was never in my life because… well… at first it was hard for him to be there, given that my mother had passed away when she gave birth to me. But when he started coming to see me more and more, he just… he didn't seem to like me for some reason."
"That's terrible…" Henry said quietly.
"I never knew what that reason was. Every time my Dad came to see me, he just… looked disappointed. I didn't know why at the time, and I always was hard on myself because of it. It didn't stop him from inserting himself in my life, even when it seemed like he didn't like me. I always thought that he had a hard time being near me because I might have reminded him of my mom. But later as I got older, I began to realize the reason was… well…" Correlle took a deep breath, holding tears of her own back, "I wasn't the daughter he wanted." Henry was aghast at this.
"What do you mean by that?" He managed to ask after a few minutes. He sounded breathless, as if he saw that his whole forest had been cut up just for the thrill of it.
"I mean just that. Just like you were the engine that the Fat Director didn't want at the time, I wasn't the daughter my Dad wanted. He tried hard to get me to be like him, but… I was just different. I didn't like the same things he did and to him, that wasn't enough. Unlike you, I wasn't really given a fair chance. After an accident I got into that was…. well, my Dad's fault, he just up and left. Like he just gave up. I thought that would be the end of it. Until…"
"He dragged me back into his life. Right before I turned 18 too. Then I came here to Sodor and joined the Railway here to get away from him." Correlle wiped her eyes of what tears she had, "I wasn't sure I would even make it to this point, or even do a good job. But in the process, I met someone who was just like me. At least in a few ways."
"I can attest to that." Henry smiled a bit, "Admittedly, I was a bit worried, as since you were younger then the drivers I had years prior, I thought things would turn sideways. But you're doing a wonderful job as my driver. You're likely the best I've had in a long while."
"Aww… thanks you." Correlle patted his boiler again, giving him a broad smile, "I was scared at first, given that I've never handled an Iron Horse before, but like my Grandpa Davis said, as long as you're confident in yourself and the engine, things get easy."
"Well, he's not wrong." Henry sighed as he looked at the sky through the glass ceiling of Tidmouth sheds, "Some misfits we are."
"True." Correlle smiled a bit, "But, if given a choice, there's no misfit in the world that trumps you."
"Same for you, but as my driver." Henry suddenly felt a hefty yawn come over him, "We should get some sleep. I don't think we have much longer before the Firelighter comes."
"True." Correlle yawned, "Plus, I feel kinda… *yawn* drowsy myself…"
"I can tell. You care barely keep your eyes open." Henry chuckled tiredly, "Back to your cot. I'll be fine."
"If you say so." Correlle sleepily tumbled off of his front buffer beam and ambled back to her cot. Henry could hear her grunt as she fell face-first into the somewhat flat pillow she used. The second he heard her faint breathing, a sign she fell asleep, he yawned and closed his eyes himself. The nightmare was well out of his mind by now, so he knew what little rest he would get until the time came to pull the Flying Kipper would help him in the long run.
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gordon208 · 6 months
The most important video I've ever made. Not humanization related but if you like my humor you might enjoy this. happy April Fools
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Now how to humanize this...
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gordon208 · 6 months
Hii got a question. Do the others know Edward is a trans masc or no?
(Also I love your art its just adorable♥)
First thank you so much for the ask and I'm glad you like my stuff ❤
Well I believe everyone who's close to Edward found out in a moment he felt comfortable to tell or when this subject came. He's very reserved so definitely he only told to the people he had more contact with
I believe the first to know about it was TFC for when he hired Edward, his deadname was in his documentation, which he would eventually change and TFC would get used to it and treat Ed properly
Thomas would find it out only after turning into an adult and he didn't mind
As for James and Gordon, they found out when getting into a relationship with Ed and he felt he had to tell sooner or later, both would take a while to process but never really stopped treating Eddy well
And Henry and Eddie started hanging out together until they find out
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t4t 2x3 just sounds right for me
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gordon208 · 6 months
so I'm just getting into knight rider and am loving kitt and micheals relationship, whether snarking or being there for each other. pls may we have some soft or snarky boys?
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Did somebody order snarky AND heart warming content?? That’s why my heart pumps baby!! That’s what I was put on this silly planet for!!
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gordon208 · 6 months
Can we see some interactions between Ryan and Thomas and/or Ryan and Daisy?
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in daisy’s defense, she always saves ryan from all the awkward and borderline WWE-like gresley family reunions. he’s gotta make it up to her.
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gordon208 · 6 months
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It had been a long and eventful day for the NWR since Wendell's return. The silly old engine had been busy reacquainting himself with the railway and meeting new friends. Sir Topham Hatt, Lady Hatt, and Dowager Hatt were shocked when Cleo arrived at their house ridding aboard Thomas with Wendell in tow.
For a while Sir Topham Hatt was speechless, but after a while he had managed to snap out of his trance and welcomed his great-great grandparents' engine and honorary Hatt back home. Wendell was thrilled and as such used his steam mustache to wrap around the Hatt family to hug them.
Sir Topham Hatt now just had to find a place for Wendell to work on the NWR. For the moment though, Sir Topham Hatt thought it best to hold off that decision until tomorrow, as it was getting late. He told Wendell that the silly old engine could rest at Tidmouth sheds with the others for the night.
The other engines were excited and wished to stay up late in order to hear more about Wendell, Dinah, and Ethan's adventures. Sir Topham Hatt though, denied this and told his engines that it was important for them to get their rest and that they could wait until tomorrow for Wendell's stories. That included Cleo too, who had spent the whole day chatting with the silly old engine.
Understanding, but disappointed, Cleo got up to head home with Sir Topham Hatt. Before they left, she promised to see Wendell tomorrow and that Cleo would take Wendell up to Ulfstead Castle to meet the Earl. Wendell loved that plan and asked Thomas if he was alright with Cleo traveling with him. Thomas was perfectly fine with this; he knew how much Cleo adored Dinah's discoveries and felt that it would be wrong to prevent Cleo from going on her own adventures and making her own discoveries. Wendell was grateful towards the tank engine and promised Cleo, he would see her after school.
With that Cleo and Sir Topham Hatt left, leaving the engines to rest quietly in their berths.
Later into the night the Jukebox Bands manager, J.J. Silvers had just got done counting the nickels the band earned that day. Being on Sodor had brought the band a lot of business due in part to the busy train stations. Thanks to Romeo and Patty, JJ and the band were able to set up shop at Patty's mother's cafe and provide entertainment for its customers and fellow passengers. It had brought in big business, which the band was grateful for. The cherry on top though, was that the band didn't have to hide themselves away, they could be out singing face to face with the public without people freaking out.
JJ by now had rounded up the nickels needed to pay his charges. He was planning on hitching a ride on Percy back home when the small green engine left for his mail deliveries. JJ still had a few hours before Percy's crew arrived, so he decided to look around the roundhouse, being careful so he wouldn't wake up the sleeping engines.
JJ was enjoying his quiet midnight stroll when he felt something suddenly grab him. The band manager let out a yelp of surprise as he was hauled up into the air and was left dangling upside down in front of the glowing yellow golden eyes of Wendell.
"Ssssh, you'll wake the others." Wendell warned.
"Well, why did you string me up like a trout then"?! JJ aggressively whispered.
Wendell quickly glanced around the room before addressing JJ.
"I was awoken by a presence, a familiar presence that I haven't felt for almost a hundred years. Though, there doesn't seem to be anyone out of place here, well except for you." Wendell said.
Wendell then paused, his eyes slowly focusing on JJ. JJ was suddenly turned right side up; JJ was glad he didn't have human insides as a puppet, otherwise he would've been sick. The band manager was now face to face with the old magic engine, who stared the puppet right in the eyes.
"Hmm, you look oddly familiar, have we met before old chap"? Wendell asked.
JJ felt like he would be sweating bullets if he still had the ability to do so.
"No, can't say I have ever met an engine like you before." JJ replied, trying to free himself.
"Are you sure? Because you sort of look like..." Wendell was suddenly interrupted.
"Oh, will you look at the time! I really must get going, don't want to miss my train home! Y'know important manager business stuff"! JJ stalled as he squirmed out of the grip of Wendell's steam mustache.
JJ ended up belly flopping onto the shed floor before quickly getting back up onto his feet and skittering away.
"Oh, okay. Have a good trip then." Wendell smiled.
JJ ran for cover underneath Gordon and hid there until he was sure the silly old engine wasn't chasing after him. JJ took the moment of piece to catch his breath, he could hear Gordon's thunderous snoring from above. Unable to hear himself think, JJ climbed up into Gordon's cab where the snoring was muffled.
The band manager checked his little pocket watch, he still had five minutes before Percy was due to leave. JJ leaned his back against the cool boiler, feeling tired and warn out. Right now, he just wanted to go home and rest, heck JJ played with the idea of sleeping in.
By now, the band manager was struggling to keep his eyes open, he was so tempted to just fall asleep and that heavenly singing coming from within Gordon's boiler wasn't helping.
JJ paused mid thought.
"Singing from Gordon's boiler? That can't be right, my exhaustion must be having me hear things." JJ thought.
Still, just to be sure, JJ pressed his ear up against the outer wall of Gordon's boiler and listened. To his shock and surprise, JJ did hear someone or something singing on the other side.
With his interest piqued, JJ reached for the door to Gordon's firebox. After much straining, JJ managed to open the door and peered inside.
The singing was faint, but it was a bit clearer to hear. There were no words, just a sweet hum forming a lullaby. With his interest piqued, JJ decided to take a closer look at this mysterious phenomenon.
Before JJ stepped entered Gordon's firebox, he removed his hat and jacket and hung them up on the open firebox door to alert Romeo and Gordon's crew that he was inside. With that done. JJ began his trek towards the mysterious hymn.
The inside of Gordon's firebox was dark, the only light source being what little moonlight was peering through the open firebox door. JJ carefully maneuvered forward, using the mysterious voice as guide. He passed through the ashes that had been produced from the previous day's work, accidentally kicking up clouds of it as he walked on.
The hymn became clearer and clearer as JJ drew close. He was beginning to make out the voice, as he did, something about it triggered memories in the old puppet. Flashes of a ship on the sea, a pile of vomit, a rush of ascending stairs, a restaurant, a heavenly sad voice, and a figure sitting in front of a piano. Something about those memories brought a tear to the band manager's eyes, so he quickly shook away the thought.
By now, JJ had begun to realize that he had been traveling through Gordon's firebox for a while now. At first, JJ thought he had somehow managed to find his way into Gordon's boiler as he heard a "splash" as a result of the band manager stepping into water, but after viewing what little he could see, JJ was sure this wasn't the case.
JJ was beginning to feel uneasy and thought for a moment about turning around and leaving. However, he spotted a light emitting from the direction he had been heading and his curiosity soon gotten the better of JJ who felt drawn to it.
As he neared the source, JJ's surroundings became clear. What JJ saw was mind boggling.
Above JJ was an endless clear blue sky. A few items floating around like a train of express coaches, the Queen's fire service medal, and various photos of engines and people such as Flying Scotsman and Sir Charles Topham Hatt. What caught JJ's full attention though was what laid front and center of this strange space.
There, resting between two chiseled stone pillars and atop a marble pillar was a bright star.
It was emitting the hymn that JJ had been hearing.
The band manager stood in front of the star in stunned silence for a long while. Then, he collapsed onto his knees in a crying fit.
As the sun rose, Romeo strolled towards Tidmouth sheds with a smile and a song. He had some chores to do before school, such as getting Gordon ready for the day, but the teen didn't mind it.
He flung open the doors to Gordon's berth, ready to wake up the big engine.
"Good morning"! Gordon greeted.
Romeo jumped back in surprise, he wasn't expecting to see his friend to be up and about.
"Gordon? What are you doing up this early? I haven't lit your fire yet"? Romeo asked confused.
"JJ Silvers stayed behind last night and offered to get me ready for the day." Gordon replied.
Romeo looked over his friend and was shocked. Gordon had been washed footplate to fender, any brass and exposed metal had been polished, Gordon's firebox had been completely cleaned and was now nicely lit. Next to Gordon laid a few cups, suggesting that JJ had used these to fill up Gordon's tender with water.
Taking a peek into Gordon's cab, Romeo found JJ asleep on the floor, covered in dirt and coal dust.
"Well, that was nice of him. Guess we can return the favor by dropping JJ off at the cafe." Romeo suggested, still surprised by the gesture.
Romeo hopped in his friend's cab and with the crew they headed out for the day with a sleeping JJ in tow.
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gordon208 · 7 months
Something New
(Posted this a bit earlier than I should've)
One morning on Sodor, Thomas was travelling to Ffarquharr Quarry by himself, Mr C and Junior were at Shining Time, attending to their own duties. Everything was going fine until he felt a strange tingling sensation in his frame. At first, he ignored it until it turned into a weird ache. Thomas lightly groaned and winced. Then, suddenly...
Everything went black for a moment, and the E2 wheeshed, letting out steam that engulfed his whole body.
Eventually Thomas opened his eyes to see the sky. He groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing his temple "Cinders and ashes...".
He then froze, realising what he just did. He slowly pulled away what he would've initially thought was his paw, but it wasn't – it was a human hand.
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Thomas's eyes were blown wide, staring at the shaking hand before him. It twitched and shook, and Thomas could feel every bit of it, much like how he could feel it in his monster form. But this was way different...
"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!" A horrified and mighty scream pierced through the air, birds flew out of the trees from the sound, chirping frantically.
To be continued...
(I swear I can explain why he's thicc please don't come at me about it dear god–)
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gordon208 · 7 months
Something Splendid!
While Thomas was venturing James grumbled discontentedly as he chugged along the mainline, pulling a dirty goods train laden with fresh hay to a farm near Wellsworth. The usually proud engine couldn't hide his disdain for such a job.
"Puh! Typical of the Fat Controller to have me pull a goods train!" James huffed indignantly, his frustration loud and clear in his voice.
James's driver chuckled and shook his head in amusement at his engine grumbling.
"Honestly, James. To think that you've been doing this for years," he remarked, gently teasing. The fireman chimed "And besides, James, it's just hay! It's not that dirty!"
James scoffed at the suggestion. "Ha! I'd like to see you two in my spot! Then you'd know EXACTLY what I mean," he retorted stubbornly, making his dissatisfaction adamant.
The driver smirked, enjoying the banter. "Oh yeah? Well, it ain't easy for us either, ol' boy. It's tough work getting you to move! Even before you became a big fluffy beast! Not to mention how hot and stuffy it can get in here!" he teased as he patted the cab, affectionately reminding James of their own struggles.
James rolled his eyes at the playful jab from his driver and kept his focus on the rails ahead. As they neared Crosby, a sense of nervousness crept over him. It was in one of the fields there that he had his infamous crash back in the 1920s, a memory he would rather forget.
As they approached Crosby, James began to feel a strange, tingly ache spreading throughout his frame. With each passing minute, the sensation worsened, causing him to grow increasingly uneasy.
He began wincing, lightly grunting from the dull pain. The mischievous trucks behind him seized the opportunity for their entertainment. With malicious glee, they began roughly bumping into James with increasing force, their chant of "On! On! On! On!" ringing out tauntingly.
James yelped in surprise as the forceful bumps propelled him forward, his attempts to brake proving futile against the relentless bumping. "Ah! Stop it!" he growled, glaring back at the troublesome trucks, his eyes flashing with irritation.
The trucks continued their assault, giggling maniacally as they kept bumping James with no sign of stopping. James could only whimper in distress as his speed increased, his brakes rendered useless and the aching pain coursing through his body intensifying with each jolt. Unable to regain control, he felt a sense of helplessness wash over him as he hurtled forward, at the mercy of the mischievous trucks. His driver and fireman's efforts were useless, unable to shut off steam or pull James's brake lever.
Eventually, they came around a bend and James felt his wheels slipping off the rails. The driver and fireman jumped out at that point. Panicking, James screamed as he began tipping over "Oh nonononononono! NOT AGAAAAII—!!!"
He unintentionally wheeshed a great amount of steam as he crashed into the field, his body being engulfed in steam and smoke. Everything in that moment went black.
James groaned, his eyes fluttering open to the harsh sunlight in his eyes. Despite feeling sore and dizzy, James's senses slowly began to come back to him, and he noticed something peculiar. Instead of the expected view of the field around him, he found himself staring directly up at the sky. Confusion clouded his thoughts as he realized that it didn't feel like he was lying on his side as he should be after a crash. Instead, an unsettling sensation told him that he was somehow standing on his tender, adding to his disorientation.
As James instinctively moved to shield his eyes from the glaring sunlight, he froze mid-motion, a sudden realization hitting him like a train. He didn't have hands, at least not in his current form. The memory of his monster form flashed through his mind, stirring up a mix of fear and curiosity as he grappled with the implications what was happening.
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Hesitantly, James brought his "hand" to his face once more, the unfamiliar sensation sending a shiver down his spine. It looked like his front paw from his other form, but much more slender.
Gasping in shock, James unintentionally sat up without even trying, his newfound ability surprising him as he took in the sight of the rest of his grey body. The realization of his current state left him feeling bewildered. Looking down, almost hyperventilating as he inspected his new hands with fascination and horror.
"W-What is this?!" He whispered frantically, feeling his new, muscle-toned chest and red tuft of fur. By that time, his driver and fireman had arrived on scene, and what they saw of James was unbelievable.
"Should we get the breakdown train?" The fireman asked.
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"And what? Tell them they have to rescue a derailed human train? I think not"
To be continued...
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gordon208 · 7 months
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„Henry, vessel of the Fierce Deity“
A bit of a continuation of the crossover art I made a while back. But for the vibe I got inspired by Fromsoftware’s Elden Ring.
Henry became the vessel of of the Fierce Deity after he saw all the dragon tears. The mask suppresses his kind nature and bolsters his physical strength and instincts. He mercilessly strikes down Bokoblins, Moblins, Lizalfos, Lynels and the fearsome gloom hands.
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gordon208 · 7 months
so. um. @mean-scarlet-deceiver's post about thomas and henry's relationship has been living in my brain rent free for the past month and i have been turning over a scene for just as long.
so. i tried to write it. i hope you don't mind, jobey. and also you're right. they are Hard to get right. if i had to put an era on this i'd call it BG (Before Gordon).
about 1.5k, full fic under the cut
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Thomas keeps shooting glances at the sheds as he bustles around the yard.
It… the hired help from the other railway, the engines who are slightly too full of themselves for Thomas’ liking (and he’s made sure to let them know as such) have been talking loudly all morning, as they were getting ready to take their trains, about… the new engine.
Henry. Even if he couldn’t have remembered Henry’s name, the other two have been saying it loudly enough to carry around the yard that Thomas certainly has the picture now. And… Thomas’ lip curls as he hears their newest comment as he goes past.
“Hey!” he calls, boiling over, and the two hired engines look at him. “It’s 9am already. Are you going to actually go take your trains, or are you just going to sit and preen all day?”
“What would you know, little Thomas?” one of them calls back, all smarmy and smug. Thomas’ lip curls even more into a full on frown. Eugh. Tender engines.
“About running a railway on time?” Thomas snaps back. “Clearly more than you! Are you waiting for Sir Topham Hatt to personally invite you, or?”
They huff and sneer and pout at him, but they do still steam off one by one. However, they each shoot Henry a knowing and cruel side-eye as they go that makes Thomas bristle, despite himself.
Henry is still in his berth in the sheds. Well, he’s half-in, half-out. He only seemed to have made it so far before he… stopped. And he’s been going all sorts of shades of red as the others’ gossip had gotten louder and louder as he waited for his driver to return with an engineer of some sort.
Henry isn’t looking at Thomas now, but his eyes had snapped to the tank engine when Thomas had spoken up. He’s instead closed his eyes, puffed out his cheeks, and seems to be trying – and trying hard – to… to what? To move?
Thomas tries not to stare, as he moves trucks into the siding they’re expected to be found in. Why is he trying so hard?
Eventually, Henry does actually move – but he… Thomas frowns again. Henry moves backwards, back into the shed. The wheesh Henry lets out as he comes to a halt is limp and weak.
Henry has been here, what, all of a month, maybe two at this point. Thomas hasn’t heard… many kind things, actually, so far, which is weird because look at him. Henry’s huge – Henry’s the biggest engine Thomas has ever seen, and he’s surely powerful to boot.
But Henry… Well, Edward said that Henry is sick, and sick often.
“Why?” Thomas had asked, as they had approached the shed. “What’s wrong with him?”
“Thomas,” Edward had reprimanded, and that’s when Thomas had realised Henry was in earshot, and clearly trying to pretend he wasn’t.
And that had been that.
Thomas had seen Sir Topham Hatt come out of his office at the station to watch Henry’s comings and goings, and more often than not with a stormy expression on his face. And Thomas didn’t get that either. Problems get the stormy expression. Troublemakers get the stormy expressions (Thomas would know). And Henry seems… too…
Thomas biffs his truck ahead of him as he turns his thoughts over.
Too… quiet? Too wallpaper? Too chameleon? Too…?
He snorts to himself. Whatever Henry is, he’s too much of it. And certainly too much of it to be a troublemaker, not like those mainline engines. It’s not like Thomas has gotten to know Henry yet, and it’s not like Henry has given him the opportunity to, either: but Thomas doesn’t get the impression Henry wants to be trouble. But he has to be… there has to be something wrong here, otherwise the Fat Controller wouldn’t be so upset.
Thomas hears a sniff from behind him as he backs down his stretch of track, and realises it’s come from the sheds.
And Thomas sighs quietly. …Then again, if nothing was wrong, Henry wouldn’t be so upset either.
“Those two,” Thomas says, before he can think, and Henry has gone absolutely silent, eyes flicking over to Thomas as Thomas pauses on a nearby siding for just a moment. “Bloody wankers, the pair of them.”
The silence holds for another second or two, before Thomas is rewarded with a shaky laugh.
“…I noticed,” says Henry.
“All those mainline tossers, really,” Thomas continues, and he keeps talking even as his work takes him all around the yard, speaking up so Henry can still hear him. “I almost wish the Fat Controller wouldn’t hire them. Sure, we need more wheels on rails, but they don’t seem to know a blazing thing about this railway.”
Henry – in the shadow of the shed – purses his lips, before he lets out another sigh, another limp wheesh of steam.
“I would hardly say I do, either,” he says miserably.
Thomas frowns, and comes to a halt a little too sharply with a big woosh of steam.
“Of course you do,” he replies, indignant. Henry’s a big engine, he should- why would he say that?  Sure, Henry hasn’t been here long, but he’s a big engine, he should know plenty. “More than them, anyway.”
Henry sighs. He doesn’t argue, but Thomas’ fire flickers in annoyance as he can read of Henry’s face that Henry doesn’t agree either.
“I mean, you wouldn’t have been bought if-”
Thomas’ mouth hangs open for a second, before he closes it, blinks, and glances at Henry.
Henry looks even more upset. Great job, Thomas.
“I’m just saying-”
“Well, don’t,” Henry cuts him off again, sounding grumpier. And he’s gone from miserable to grumpy – that’s a win in Thomas’ book. “I’m particularly not in the mood to hear how I’d be more useful as a tin can.”
“The only tin cans around here are those self-important mainland pricks,” Thomas shoots back, and Henry side-eyes him – suspicious. “I’m not convinced they know what a timetable is, let alone how to read one. What kind of engine hangs around in the sheds when there’s work to… be…?”
Thomas trails off, and Henry… actually laughs. It’s tired and it’s bitter, but it’s a real laugh and it’s better than miserable.
“…Well, I want to assume you’re going to go work. When you can.”
“Optimism,” Henry says dryly. “I admire that in an engine.”
Thomas scrunches up his face. “I don’t understand you,” he says bluntly, in a way he’s sure Edward would scold him for if he was with them. “You’re miserable in the sheds, you’re miserable out on the line, you’re miserable doing nothing and you’re miserable pulling trains.”
Henry stares at Thomas for a moment, before his eyes flick away.
“If I could get out of this yard and actually pull trains, I’d do it in a heartbeat,” Thomas says, far more dreamily than he’ meant to, and he cringes a little, chuffing out of where he can see Henry’s face, because he doesn’t need to hear an earful about it from another big engine.
“…You’re small,” Henry says, slowly, not accusatorily nor really condescendingly. He sounds more …confused than anything. “…And you’re useful, here.”
“And?” Thomas snaps back, defensive. “I could be useful anywhere.”
Henry’s silent for another moment, like he’s really chewing that statement over.
Then, eventually, he surprises Thomas by saying, “…I suppose you would be better than those two.”
And Thomas lets out a sharp bark of laughter, shooting Henry a grin as he goes by, and punctuating it with a hoot and a whistle – delighted. The enthusiasm makes Henry blink, before slowly, a smile of his own spreads across his face; one that sharpens to match Thomas’.
“You’re most certainly right! And besides. You let them get to you, you let them win,” Thomas agrees. “And they’re far too useless for that.”
Henry laughs again. Thomas lets out another peep-peep and a woosh of steam of his own, pleased to have earnt it. Footsteps crunch over the gravel of the yard, and Thomas spots Henry’s driver returning with a couple of engineers in tow before Henry does, and replies to their hellos as he bustles past.
“Hello, lad,” Henry’s driver says to Henry, patting his side. “We’ll have you right as rain in no-time, alright?"
Henry sighs again, but does actually smile back at his driver.
His driver blinks in fond surprise as the engineers get to work finding the newest problem. “You’re in good spirits, all of a sudden.” Then, he glances at Thomas as the tank engine goes past. “Making friends?”
“More so finding the only engine in this yard with a thought in his smokebox, it seems,” Henry says dryly, loud enough for Thomas to hear, and that makes Thomas snort in amusement.
He does call back, “Hey, now, be nice to Edward!”
And the engineers and Henry’s driver alike seem relieved when the two engines laugh together.
Thomas watches them work to get Henry’s steam up, and Henry’s finally pulling out of the sheds a good half-hour later. Thomas whistles goodbye as Henry chuffs away.
He smiles with the satisfaction of a job well done when Henry, completely of his own volition, whistles a goodbye in return as he disappears off down the line.
Then, Thomas returns to his trucks, and gives them a good biff once more, ignoring how this time, they really shriek. He – and Henry, he imagines – can’t wait for those mainlanders’ contracts to run out.
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gordon208 · 7 months
YOOO !!! the fanfic is finally FUCKING done XD i’m slightly impressed i managed to start on this yesterday and finally finish it today! content warnings?: cigarette usage, yelling - all that stuff. but i’m so excited for you guys to read it, for my first work in the fandom! :D 
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