gooplesswolf ¡ 5 days
the way I see my physical therianthropy is I am a dog I am I am, and that doesn’t reflect what I see in the mirror.
I know I am a in a humans body, but I wouldn’t say I’m a human in any aspect.
The way I explain it is, I wouldn’t call myself a duck just because I’m wearing a duck costume.
I’m a dog and a horse in a human costume.
I am not human.
I wish other alterhumans on therian guide and tiktok were more understandable and respectful of physical therians, because we are just as valid as other therians.
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gooplesswolf ¡ 5 days
Don't care + you lack whimsy + my tail wags when I walk + you don't even have a tail 🙄
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gooplesswolf ¡ 12 days
Maybe you, as an autistic person, appreciate robots/want to be a robot because you think it would be easier to live if everyone only expected 1’s and 0’s from you. Maybe being objectum and fawning over machines isn’t a trend and instead, you are just obsessed with the idea of being simple and uncomplicated.
Just a thought!!
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gooplesswolf ¡ 15 days
Big old box tvs… the warm feeling they get and the happy hummmm they emit when you use them. The big hug they give you when you put your human palm on them and feel the staticy fuzz. The way you’ve got to be in-tune with it and gently adjust their antenna until it’s just right for both of you. Oh jeez…,
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gooplesswolf ¡ 29 days
Sometimes being a therian is "I'm a lil kitty haha :3" and sometimes it's "My bones are wrong. My muscles wrap around them the wrong way. My eyes can't see in the dark the way they should. My hind legs are too long. My fur is gone. My fangs have been stolen from me. My joints ache when I place them the way they should be. I curse whatever deity or being has placed me in this form." And then it's like "haha I'm a deer UwU."
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gooplesswolf ¡ 11 months
This super cute dreamcatcher my (nontherian ) roommate and I found at a thrift store that happens to be shaped like a theta-delta! I love little things like this that subtly represent therianthropy
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gooplesswolf ¡ 1 year
being a psychological therian due to being trans and nuerodivergent is so interesting. like when i was growing up i was rlly like "why do i feel so wrong in my body?" "why am i so fixated on animals?" "why do i feel such a big disconnect from people?" "why do i get treated so different?"
and like all these years later ive found the only logical conclusion . Dog
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gooplesswolf ¡ 1 year
“Therians are mocking trans people”
Answer me this: when, in your entire life, have you seen a Therian confront a trans person saying, “Oh, you identify as trans? Well I iDeNtIfY aS a WoLf” or “You have gender/body dysphoria? Well I hAvE sPeCiEs DySpHoRiA”
What? You’ve never seen that? The only time you’ve ever seen someone say they have species dysphoria is when they were being transparent and honest? Strange.
Just because you as a trans person don’t have species dysphoria, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It’s not the same, it’s entirely different. This is the same thing that happened when cis people assumed gender dysphoria wasn’t real because they didn’t have it. Be accepting, be loving, even if you don’t understand <3
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gooplesswolf ¡ 1 year
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gooplesswolf ¡ 1 year
[ Coastal Wolf Comfort Moodboard ]
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gooplesswolf ¡ 1 year
something every therian needs:
irl therian friends
irl therian friends
more pets
irl therian fre
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gooplesswolf ¡ 1 year
LIFE CHANGING FACT I JUST LEARNED: Quadrobics are 100% easier if you just have flat feet. If you keep your feet flat on the ground, you don’t get exhausted nearly as bad and it’s easier to move. HOW COME NO ONE TOLD ME???
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gooplesswolf ¡ 2 years
I want to see my paw prints in the wet sand as I run along the coastline :( when do I get to be my real self
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gooplesswolf ¡ 2 years
I am just a little wolf trotting along the beachside listening to FVN! - LVL1 and occasionally catching and eating crabs with my friends
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gooplesswolf ¡ 2 years
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♡ Pittersoundic! ♡ Pitterpupsoundic, Pittercatsoundic, and Pitterbunsoundic!
An audio xenogender related to the tap-dancing sound of a happy animal's feet on hardwood flooring!
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gooplesswolf ¡ 2 years
As a Therian I think it’s illegal to resist putting your paw print on foggy bus or car windows
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gooplesswolf ¡ 2 years
You’re so right this is so funny
Thinking about that one time someone told me I can’t identify as a wolf because “there’s not an option for it on job applications.”
…Excuse me?? THATS the only thing that’s stopping me from identifying as a wolf to you? You’re saying that if they let me write my phycological identity on a job application (which, by the way, is irrelevant to the job you have.) that THEN I could just tell people I’m a Therian? Society doesn’t actually ostracize me, they just don’t let me identify how I want because it’s not on job applications. Got it!
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