goodwombs-bad-sons · 1 year
One thing I wished we talked about more as of late in the true crime community is the ethics surrounding the consumption of true crime. Sure, it has been debated time and time again how truly innocent the true crime community at large is but what I’m talking about is true crime as it exists in the media’s conscious. When I created this blog about 4-5 years ago true crime was not the cultural sensation it is now. Granted, forensic television and crime shows have been a part of the media circuit since the 24-hour news cycle began. But what I’m discussing is the podcasts, the tiktok videos, the YouTube commentary channels, the over saturation of the market by true crime. True crime as a genre of entertainment and vehicle of capitalist enjoyment. Sure, the concept itself is built in the very idea of the intrigue of the macabre. But so often the overwhelming majority of engagement I see in these spaces is treating mass tragedy events as if they were apart of a fictional Netflix drama series. It’s dystopian to watch the exploitation of missing and murdered minority groups and women be discussed in a podcast while the moderators make jokes at their expenses whilst they live in a gated community.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 1 year
No longer a clinical psychology major but still engaged in the study of complex trauma, criminology, and sociology. But I’ve found that I want to return to this account despite having been inactive for two years now. If you are an active member of the TCC please engage with this post. I’m looking for active blogs to follow and engage with.
Serious blogs only I’m not looking to conversing with condoners and people who treat these subjects as if it were a fandom
This account sort of became collateral from when I had to drop out of school after losing my job during the pandemic which later became caring for my grandma in hospice. I just didn’t have the time to continue posting on here. As of now I don’t have any plans to enroll in my program once more. But I miss my participation in studying these topics.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 1 year
Long time no see. It’s been 2 years
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 4 years
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The Zodiac Killer’s infamous cypher has been solved 51 years later.
On Friday, code-breaker David Oranchak uncovered the ominous message sent by the mystery murderer. It reads:
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 4 years
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OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFTER 51 YEARS!!!
According to code-breaking expert David Oranchak, the cipher’s text includes: “I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me. … I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradice (sic) all the sooner because I now have enough slaves to work for me.”
Oranchak, a 46-year-old web designer who lives in Virginia, has been working on the Zodiac’s codes since 2006.
Source: San Francisco Chronicle
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 4 years
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 4 years
Imagine living in a world where people didn’t make cult jokes lmao.
Your semi regular reminder to not make cult jokes please!!!! Its really fucking insensitive and makes cult survivors really fucking uncomfortable (and trust me there are more of us then you’d think you very likely might know a cult survivor).  On top of that 99% of the time the things that a group is doing that is causing you to call it a cult isn’t even a requirement of a cult and just further perpetuates the very harmful stereotype that all cults are these weird ass groups that chant and worship weird things (obviously some are like that and that shit can often lead to something being a cult but those aren’t the main things).
It cost $0 for y’all to be respectful of cult survivors so please dont make cult jokes thanks!
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 4 years
A non exhaustive list of UFO religious groups
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“Raëlism (also known as Raëlianism or the Raëlian movement) is a UFO religion that was founded in 1974 by Claude Vorilhon (b. 1946), now known as Raël. The Raëlian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim. Members of this species appeared human when having personal contacts with the descendants of the humans that they made. They purposefully misinformed early humanity that they were angels, cherubim, or gods. Raëlians believe that messengers, or prophets, of the Elohim include Buddha, Jesus, and others who informed humans of each era. The founder of Raëlism, members claim, received the final message of the Elohim and that its purpose is to inform the world about Elohim and that if humans become aware and peaceful enough, they wish to be welcomed by them.”
                                   The Nuwaubian Nation
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“The Nuwaubian Nation or Nuwaubian movement was a religious organization founded and led by Dwight York. York began founding Black Muslim groups in New York in 1967. He changed his teachings and the names of his groups many times, incorporating concepts from Judaism, Christianity, and many esoteric beliefs.In the late 1980s, he abandoned the Muslim theology of his movement in favor of Kemetism and UFO religion. In 1991 he took his community to settle in upstate New York; then they moved near the county seat of Eatonton, Georgia, in Putnam County. His followers built an ancient Egypt-themed compound called Tama-Re and changed their name to the “United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors.””
                                      The Universe People
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 “ Universe People or Cosmic People of Light Powers (Czech: Vesmírní lidé sil světla) is a Czech and Slovak UFO religion founded in the 1990s and centered on Ivo A. Benda. Their belief system is based upon the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations communicating with Benda and other contactees since October 1997 telepathically and later even by direct personal contact. They are considered to be the most distinctive UFO religion in the Czech Republic.“ 
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“Scientology is a body of religious beliefs and practices created in 1954 by American author L. Ron Hubbard (1911–86). Hubbard initially developed a program of ideas called Dianetics, which was distributed through the Dianetics Foundation. The foundation soon entered bankruptcy and Hubbard lost the rights to his seminal publication Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in 1952. He then recharacterized the subject as a religion and renamed it Scientology, retaining the terminology, doctrines, the E-meter, and the practice of auditing. Within a year, he regained the rights to Dianetics and retained both subjects under the umbrella of the Church of Scientology.
 In the OT levels, Hubbard explains how to reverse the effects of past-life trauma patterns that supposedly extend millions of years into the past. Among these advanced teachings is the story of Xenu (sometimes Xemu), introduced as the tyrant ruler of the "Galactic Confederacy”. According to this story, 75 million years ago Xenu brought billions of people to Earth in spacecraft resembling Douglas DC-8 airliners, stacked them around volcanoes and detonated hydrogen bombs in the volcanoes. The thetans then clustered together, stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to do this today. “         
                                                                              Heaven’s Gate
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“ Heaven’s Gate was an American UFO religious millenarian group based in San Diego, California, founded in the early 1970s and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1927–1985). On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group who had committed mass suicide in order to reach what they believed was an extraterrestrial spacecraft following Comet Hale–Bopp.
Heaven’s Gate members believed the planet Earth was about to be “recycled” (wiped clean, renewed, refurbished, and rejuvenated), and the only chance to survive was to leave it immediately. While the group was against suicide, they defined “suicide” in their own context to mean “to turn against the Next Level when it is being offered” and believed their “human” bodies were only vessels meant to help them on their journey. In conversation, when referring to a person or a person’s body, they routinely used the word “vehicle””                                      
                                  Church of the SubGenius
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“The Church of the SubGenius is a parody religion that satirizes better-known belief systems. It teaches a complex philosophy that focuses on J. R. "Bob” Dobbs, purportedly a salesman from the 1950s, who is revered as a prophet by the Church. SubGenius leaders have developed detailed narratives about Dobbs and his relationship to various gods and conspiracies. Their central deity, Jehovah 1, is accompanied by other gods drawn from ancient mythology and popular fiction. SubGenius literature describes a grand conspiracy that seeks to brainwash the world and oppress Dobbs’ followers. In its narratives, the Church presents a blend of cultural references in an elaborate remix of the sources.“                  
                                                                  Aetherius Society
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“The Aetherius Society is a millenarian, New Age, UFO religion. It was founded by George King in the mid-1950s as the result of what King claimed were contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences, whom he referred to as “Cosmic Masters”. Regarded as firmly based in Theosophy, the Aetherius Society combines UFO claims, yoga, and ideas from various world religions, notably Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity. Stefan Isaksson notes that it has “become a complex religious belief system that includes an extraterrestrial hierarchy of various spiritual masters and such concepts as universal karma and religious healing.” The religion’s goal is to prevent worldly destruction by improving cooperation between humanity and various alien ‘masters’,and by using 'spiritual energy’ to improve the spiritual calibre of the world “
👽  If you want more posts about UFO religions or want us to cover a specific group, message us!  👽
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 4 years
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Just shared the articles in my copy of the LA Times from April 21, 1999 with a friend 🐇🐚
Thought many of my beautiful followers would like them too. Just zoom in and it's very easy to read.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
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Today I learned that my grandma was at Columbine High School two days after the massacre took place. Here are some photos that she took and gave me permission to share. 
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
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One of the last photographs taken of Elizabeth Short before she would become infamous for all of the wrong reasons. Short was an aspiring actress, however she became knwon as the Black Dahlia, following her murder on January 15th 1947. Her case remains one of the oldest cold cases in US history, with the killer unknown and possibly at large. Elizabeth Short has gone down in history, sadly not for the reason that she and her family were hoping for. Instead of seeing her name in lights, her name was the focus of every news paper in LA following her murder in 1947. Her case remains unsolved.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
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14-year-old John Hron had no time for bullies or racists. The teenager from Sweden went to school with several people that would fall into those categories. He was a keen canoeist and enjoyed playing the guitar.
On the afternoon of the 17th of August, 1995, John and his friend, Christian, were camping by Ingetorpssjon lake near Kode, Sweden. Shortly after they set up camp, four neo-nazis approached their tent. Ranging from 15-years-old to 18-years-old, John recognised one of the reprobates. It was Mikael Fjalljholm, a ruthless bully in his school. John and Mikael had bashed heads beforehand. John was horrified by his racist and cruel behaviour and was known to stand up to him when pushed. But now, Mikael had three friends with him, Daniel Hanson, John Billing and BM, as he was only referred to in the media.
They approached the tent and started to senselessly beat John. They told him to say that he “loves nazism” to which he staunchly refused and received another beating. They kicked and punched him in the head and smashed beer bottles over his head. The sadistic group would beat him for hours and every now and then, would pretend to be apologetic and offer him a drink before starting the attack again. It was a cat and mouse type attack. They burnt him in the fire and burnt his neck with a piece of burning wood.
At some point during the attack, John managed to break free and jump into the lake. However, the group started hollering that they would murder Christian if he did not return. Barely clinging to life, he swam back and the torture continued. When John fell unconscious, they threw him into the lake where he drowned. Christian hitched a ride back home and called police and named John’s killers. When his body was retrieved, it was said that his injuries matched those to somebody who had been hit by a train.
If the grim murder of John wasn’t shocking enough, his killers all received lenient sentences. Daniel was released after just six years while Mikael was sentenced to five years in institutional youth care. The other two received just a few months in prison. John posthumously received the inaugural Stig Dagerman Prize for free speech and world peace.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
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Guns In Schools by Eric Harris
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
Rare Footage of an interview with the aunt and uncle of Dylan Klebold. Not my Video.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
Happy Birthday Kelly!
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Today, on the sixth of January 37 years ago a baby girl named Kelly Ann Fleming was born. She was born with a jaw that was too small for her face and complications due to this made her unable to breathe through her nose. She didn't have very many friends and often felt lonely according to her parents and her father, Don Fleming stated "she was always behind physically with her age group". The upcoming summer of the shootings that occured on april the twentieth at columbine, 1999 she was going to have a surgery to fix the problem and able her to breathe through her nose. She had told her father "Dad, I'm going to start running next year, because I'll be able to breathe!" Being able to run was something Kelly had wanted to do but was unable to for her entire life, and it remained that way.
Kelly loved writing and was working on an autobiography at home. On april the twentieth, 1999 she was spending time in the school library at columbine when two shooters entered the library. She tried to hide under her desk but part of her was visable and therefor she was shot to death by one of the shooters.
Her parents stated and wrote on her grave stone "A writer and a poet, a gentle soul who walked among us that will remain forever in our hearts" and "through the darkness you found the light" on the other side. Her and Daniel Mausers funeral were together because she didn't have many friends and her father didn't want her to be lonely during their last meeting on this earthly plane. She loved drawing and often talked about angels and frequently watched the movie "touched by an angel" with her mother Dee Fleming.
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(Kelly is in the green casket and Daniel Mauser in the brown.)
Rest in peace Kelly, you'll forver remain in our hearts.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
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In the wake of the Columbine Massacre on 20th April 1999, surviving Columbine students were left without a school to return to due to the ongoing repairs.
On May 3rd 1999, Columbine students returned to school, attending the nearby Chatfield High. The day was divided - Chatfield students used thd school in the morning whilst Columbine students attended in the afternoon.
It was not until June 1st of 1999 when students were allowed to enter the school to reclaim belongings that they had left behind during the attack. It would be another month before Columbine officially reopened on August 16th.
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goodwombs-bad-sons · 5 years
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The tragedy at Columbine High School touched people all over the world. Sarah Ferguson, the Dutchess of York, came to Littleton to pay her respects to those killed and injured. 
The second photo shows the massive turnout for a memorial service in Littleton on April 25, 1999.
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