goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
I like to just scrape a line or two as I walk by idiots that park such that most of us handicapped people can’t get by comfortably.
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PSA: Don’t Park like an idiot. There’s lines for a reason.
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
You’re gonna see a lot of bullshit about the Huntington Beach shooting.
The most egregious offense by the media is the selectively edited video that only shows the cop brutalizing the so-called ��victim.” Well, here’s the so-called “victim” advancing on the cop, brushing off a fucking taser, which must not have made contact due to the oversized hoodie the decedent was wearing.
After pushing through the taser, he COLD COCKS the cop right in the mouth and a struggle ensues. During the struggle, the decedent manages to pull something from the cop’s belt (which turned out to be a magazine). After this, the cop rises, and takes a few steps back. The decedent rises, starts an advance, the camera pans away as shots ring out, and pans back in time to catch the decedent taking his last shit.
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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His head of security should have told him no
If his family cared about him at all they would fire that person
But apparently they don't & they won't
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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Happy Memorial of St Francis of Assisi – October 4 
In 1219, he went to Egypt in an attempt to convert the Sultan to put an end to the conflict of the Crusades. By this point, the Franciscan Order had grown to such an extent that its primitive organizational structure was no longer sufficient. He returned to Italy to organize the Order. Once his community was authorized by the Pope, he withdrew increasingly from external affairs. Francis is also known for his love of the Eucharist. In 1223, Francis arranged for the first Christmas live nativity scene. According to Christian tradition, in 1224 he received the stigmata during the apparition of Seraphic angels in a religious ecstasy making him the first recorded person in Christian history to bear the wounds of Christ’s Passion. He died during the evening hours of 3 October 1226, while listening to a reading he had requested of Psalm 142. Image 2 & 3- Peter Paul Rybens; 4-El Greco; 5-Bernardo Strozzi
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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goodshitpostedhere · 4 years
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