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goodnews4all · 3 years ago
Pronouncing Gods name
I always thought that there was consensus about the pronounciation of Gods name. Jahweh. Actually, there isn't. Many scholars have different opinions about the right way2pronounce the Name, yet they all agree they can't prove they're right. Some say it's Jahweh, or Jihweh, or Jehevah, or Jahovah, etc.
There is consensus about the use of "Jah" as an abbreviation of Gods name, first used by king David. To me, it means "strong miraculous helper", using the explanation that will follow below.
I looked into the right pronounciation without any understanding of the Hebrew language. I cannot claim I figured this out entirely on my own. I did ask Him in prayer. He knows, after all.
It's not Jahweh. I'm sure of it. It's Jehowah or Jehovah. Like those people that go from door to door have been using. By the way they claim they're not sure either. Let me tell you why they're right, so you can see for yourself.
It turns out, in the time of Mozes the vowels of the words were hidden in the old consonants themselves. The method is quite simple but ingenious. It involves the use of emotions involved with sounds, e pressed by the meaning of the combination of symbols drawn.
Emotions? Well, an exclamation like "yeah" is not in a dictionary. The meaning is clear to anyone who doesn't speak English. Another one is "wow", or "whoa" as Asians tend to express. "brrr" my wife says as Im typing this, it's quite cold today. "Aaahh!" tends to express strength, the "o" expresses many things depending on intonation, etc.
The original drawings of the consonants act as easy reminders for the meaning of the word. This makes it easier to learn reading.
In the case of Gods name, the first letter was drawn as an arm with an open hand ecpressing help, the second letter as a person raising hands in praise, the third symbol is a peg/pillar/support and the fourth is the same as the second, expresses praise
Add the "e", "o" and "a" as pronounced in the word "Le olam" (=forever in Hebrew), and the vowels support the meaning of the vowels in His name. In short:
Jod: helping hand
He: miraculous
Vav: support/defend/keep in place/safe
He: miraculous
He will help and support in miraculous ways.
It's pronounced: Je Ho Va H(o).
The last "o" is silent. You'd have2add a vav to write it if you want to pronounce it.
Je as in "Jee!"
Ho as in "WHOW!"
Va (or Wa) as in "Wah!"
H(o) as in "OOoo ... OOoo ..."
Sounds ridiculous(ly simple) doesn't it? Im afraid it's quite true.
The consonants were actual symbols with a meaning or interpretation. The interpretation may vary greatly. However, adding the right vowels emphasizes the meaning of the consonants and adds emotions and a deeper meaning to the word. Thus the consonants signal the right vowels. Also works with other names and words like Dan-i-el, Mosh-e, Ja-el, Si-se-ra too, Is-ra-El... etc.
Thats why in the sermon of the mount, Jesus taught us first that we have to ask him to glorify His name. It's for our own benefit.
Also, the meaning of the name Moshe (Mozes) and Israel are explained in the bible. Just draw these names with the old symbols used in 1500 BC and see for yourself.
Also, draw the word JHVH with the letters Mozes used and try the other pronounciations that are out there. Feel how wrong they are.
Jah maybe, but (sorry, please no hard feelings) "weh" for support? Jihweh is even worse in that respect. Jehevah invokes with me the feeling of having a beer in a bar, etc. Jahovah maybe, but He helps not with strength but through His spirit. He doesnt have2prove His strength, after all.
Let me know what you think. :)
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goodnews4all · 5 years ago
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Climate by Frank Swift
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goodnews4all · 8 years ago
Well, she knows places. she could be anywhere :D Maybe somewhere close to where you live?! :P
happy international taylor swift is missing day! if you have any idea where she is or what she’s doing pls let me know we must find her
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goodnews4all · 8 years ago
I read somewhere that she is in Nashville now :-)
@JPNashville13: .@taylorswift13 was behind me in traffic and she was recording herself dancing and it was the greatest thing I’ve ever seen haha #Nashville (x)
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goodnews4all · 8 years ago
Hi Taylor&fans, I wrote this a while back ago4Taylor.
Pls let me know what you think of it!
Taylor Swift Narrative Poem
Your cunningness, sweet-sassyness and attention for others that’s what I like and appreciate about you You’re funny, friendly and famously filantropous and you don’t think more of it all, than you have to
Your performance has developed and grown your concerts became more powerful and mature But it’s all ‘bout smart lyrics and the voice you own We’ll always come and listen to those, I’m sure
Your family will always be there your mom helped you build your brand Maybe you can write a song for her as I’m sure you will for your new boyfriend
He’s in for a voyage of discovery learning every little mood swing you own You’re full of character and he will know it try to make him stay, dont throw your cell phone
You’re really living your American dream not alone but together with a beautiful team Carefull! Some stars before you, they made a high fall May the night sky always help you to stand tall
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goodnews4all · 8 years ago
I dont wanna live forever??
Oh, but we do! keep the good ballads coming!
From your fans in NL
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
I tried to mail a complaint about it to bigmachine records.
So Taylor Swift gets shame for singing about love and being in relationships, but when Kanye West makes a video including wax figures of women in nude without their consent, it is art? What kind of world do we live in.
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
Taylor Inspired Haiku
Looks Skinny slender arms Neverending legs Sleek nose and red lips All topped, with blonde strands
Business style Shrewd Tzun Tzu Texan attitude A promise keeps you
Love Emotional battlefield Maybe let 'em in too far Love hurts like nothing else All's fair in love and war
Negotiations Cloak with friendly chatter Then switch to direct appeal Talk often to the right people Get yourself the best possible deal
Cats Furry little children Shower them with love Hairdry them quickly afterwards Cuddle 'em like peace doves
Work attitude Intense focus Notebook closeby Drive it to perfection Your editor's standby
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
Taylor/Calvin Breakup
I'm so, so, sorry to hear You must've hold him very dear
Loves greeving sadness Mind grippling madness
May it quickly disappear from your heart In time there'll be a new start
In time, we know, you'll come clean Let life itself, shorten the time in-between
And surely that next, adorable guy Will forever, and ever, and ever reside ... By your side
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
Taylor Swift & the number 13
Hi @taylorswift I think I know why 13 is your Lucky number. It’s the 7th prime number in a row and 7 stands for perfection :-) 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. Also, it’s made of 2 prime numbers one and three. :-)
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
Feelings dont have a reason. They behold a dimension of their own.
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
Taylor Swift & the number 13
Hi @taylorswift I think I know why 13 is your Lucky number. It’s the 7th prime number in a row and 7 stands for perfection :-) 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. Also, it’s made of 2 prime numbers one and three. :-)
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
Probably one of your best, Celestine.
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I’m stil very proud about this one! ☺️ hope you like it, taylorswift
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
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“You’ve got a smile that takes me to another planet. Every move you make everything you say is right.” 💘 Happy Valentine’s day, guys!💋 hope you like my new drawing! Let me know what you think! #art #artist #artwork #artistic #ts #taylor #tayvin #taylorswift #tayloralisonswift #taylorswiftfanart #instaart #paint #painting #swift #queen #swiftie #draw #doodle #drawing #fanart #cartoon
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goodnews4all · 9 years ago
Hij is erg mooi geworden !
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I’m stil very proud about this one! ☺️ hope you like it, taylorswift
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goodnews4all · 10 years ago
Sorry Taylor but no, at that age they’ll wake up their parents about every 3 hours :P 
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“Your little hand’s wrapped around my finger and it’s so quiet in the world tonight…”
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goodnews4all · 10 years ago
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I dont care about your fancy wallpaper
I dont care about your expensive leather chair
I’m stressed out and the world will know it
Try to stop me, if you dare! 
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