My Complicated Life
19 posts
Male 24.Read my life to believe it.
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Entry #10 August 25,2018
So this was amazing. It’s been quite some time that I’ve felt this way. I really like don’t even know how to explain it. It’s just me feeling the happiest I ever felt. Even tho I was a nervous wreck. I met up with this girl that I kinda knew but didn’t talk to from high school. We met up at Disneyland. And our first destination was the tiki bar. When she walked up, I couldn’t believe my eyes. The most stunning woman I’ve ever seen in my life. I forgot about everything and was so focused on how beautiful she looked. Her cute light brown eyes. Her beautiful smile. She was wearing this dress. It was a blue striped dress. She just looked amazing. And this was just the start of how I felt. My ID was expired since it was my birthday last week so I haven’t gotten my new one and they wouldn’t serve me. So I couldn’t buy her a drink. Dumb. But that’s okay we went into Disneyland and I’m pretty sure I had the best time of my life. We talked and talked about everything. We have so much in common. Did I tell you that intellectually she was the most beautiful woman as well? I don’t know what it is about her but she just made me so happy for the 4 ish hours we hung out for. While we were walking we went on big thunder and literally got on at the perfect time. The fireworks were going on and right when you go over the second hill you can see them all. And the goat trick we both knew and fucking did together. We got off the ride and took the back way to fantasyland and we watched the fireworks cause it was the most amazing view ever. I don’t think I’d want to experience that with anyone else. We rode Peter Pan which is literally a 2 second ride but we both love it. We rode pirates, jungle cruise, Peter Pan, big thunder. I just will never forget her smile. I don’t know if she’s into me like I’m into her but I really hope so. She’s the kind of woman I would never let go of. I would do everything to impress her everyday. I would strive her make her happy every second. I would do special things for her out of the blue just to see her smile. She was just absolutely stunning. When we left I walked her to her car. Which was the absolute opposite direction of where I was parked but I didn’t care. I just wanted that extra time. I didn’t hug her. I didn’t even try to make any moves. I literally wanted to just spend that time. I didn’t wanna ruin it. Now I talk to her quite a bit over text. And we like get along and are super sarcastic and shit. I really like her. But I’m a chicken shit and I want to be careful. I don’t wanna ruin it. She’s just so fucking amazing. I don’t even know what to say. Anyway I’m gonna post some pictures from the Fireworks. They were great. I take shitty pictures like that soccer mom trying to fit her kid and the team in photos while they’re playing. So don’t mind my shitty photos.
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Okay before I do the next one
Hey sorry I haven’t updated day by day I just feel the same most the time and I don’t wanna write the same shit. So I think I may just update when I think I should which will be often but not everyday.
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Entry #09 August 19,2018
Well today is my birthday. And it sucks cause I think I lost her as a friend at all costs. And I’m really upset cause my drunk ass said what I feel to her and I know she’s upset about it. Everyone gets chances and stuff but I never got my second chance with her and I really worked hard for it but it’s life. I had to work and I was surprised with a cake and stuff so my students made me super happy tonight!
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Entry #08 August 18,2018
Day before my birthday. Went to an exhibit called “That’s From Disneyland” and it was awesome. I got to see lots of cool stuff. And I went to a buddy’s house and saw all my close friends and we drank and I got plastered haha. Was bad but I don’t have much to say. I wish I had a lady and it sucks. I really want someone to just be with.
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Entry #07 August 17,2018
So I saw the stray cats. And I got a guitar signed so it was cool. I had to work and I went back with my 50s attire and the kids made fun but wtf haha. Idk what else to say. She’s being a dumbass and idk what to say about that, today was a pretty good day so.
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Entry #06 August 16,2018
This day is always hard for me. Elvis Presley died this day 41 years ago now. He’s the only best friend I never got to meet. I really wish I could just go back and experience his lifetime. He’s such an inspiration to me. He endured the many barriers of life and had to face people who hated him and was made an example. And he still came out of it with the name “king of rock n roll.” I worked today and it was my long day. I still haven’t heard from her so idk even what to think at this point maybe her boyfriend got pissed that she was talking to me so she’s gonna abandon her friend who was there in her shit times but whatevs. I talked to a girl last night and she’s fucking stunning and she hasn’t messaged me at all today so it’s another ghost. I hate it. A lot. But whatever. Plus we lost Aretha today. What a shame. She was amazing. To leave on a positive note, I’m seeing the fucking STRAY CATS tomorrow. I couldn’t be more excited. Alright y’all I’ll see you tomorrow!
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Rest in Peace, Elvis Aaron Presley ♛ Jan. 8, 1935 – Aug. 16, 1977.
I’ve never had a singing lesson in my life. No music lesson of any kind, in fact. I just started singing when I was a little kid […] and I’ve been doing it ever since. I was 11 years old when I went in front of a real audience for the first time. It was at a fairground in the town I was born, Tupelo, Mississippi. I was shaking like a leaf, but I’d set my heart on singing, and nothing in this world could have stopped me from going ahead and entering the talent contest at the fair. I did it all on my own, and I didn’t have any idea what I was going to do once I got out there in front of all those people. All I had in my head was the idea that I was going to sing. – Elvis Presley, 1956.
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Entry #05 August 15,2018
Today was pretty okay. I still haven’t heard from her and I don’t know what’s going on. I knew that she had plans today but I don’t know why she’s been radio silent. Work was great btw. No issues there (for once). Anyway I hope she’s alright really. Cause she means a lot to me. More than I think she knows. But I just have to let her figure it all out on her own. I had many bad relationships in the past and I’ve learned. But I’m 24 now and I want to charge love with someone again. I really wish it could just happen already. I see my friends with their girlfriends and their girls are like holding their face while they kiss them and looking at them with the purest look of love. Run on sentence much? I just want that connection again. The complete love feeling. The one that you never want to go away. The one that never leaves as long as you nurture it. One day I guess. When I go home, I want to be able to just look at her and smile with my ugly smile and her be okay with it. I miss that feeling. Anyway I went to the gym with a co worker and ate waba grill. #amazing. Especially with the waba sauce. Which I didn’t use today haha. Now I’m gonna go game a bit and try to finish this song I’ve been stuck on writing. I don’t believe I have anything more to say but stay cool peeps. Bye.
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Entry #04 August 14,2018
Today was pretty good. I worked then got to rehearse with the old guys. I enjoy Tuesday rehearsals cause it’s all like loose and no worries or drama. I didn’t hear from her today which is odd. I’m worried about her. She’s been going through some shit she doesn’t deserve. She deserves the world. I just wish she was okay. Anyway, some photos were released of my gig from Sunday. They are great although I’m not photogenic at all. Im gonna play dead by daylight and hopefully some mafia III. Loving these games. Anyway I’ll leave you with a song and one of the pictures. It won’t show my face tho haha. Bye till tomorrow everyone!
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Entry #03 August 13,2018
Today was a day. A stressful day. A painful day. A day I don’t wanna ever have again. And it’s also my best friends birthday. I almost quit my job today. Cause I’m so fed up about how people treat me there. I hate it. And I come home and I really have no one to talk to. I just have to hold it in and forget about it. In these times I wish I had someone I could call home and just tell my day to. I want someone I can just hug. My job is high stress. And I need someone to have that intellectual true connection with. I’m just gonna maybe try to write some music and play some games tonight. I’m over today
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Entry #02 August 12,2018
So today was a long one. This morning at 9 I was headed up for possibly the worst gig I’ve ever played in my life. I was terrible. Forgot all the words to the new songs and was having some throat issues. The music was great tho. Then a band I really like played after us and then a band I help run played. Lots of drama like always. From other people, you know, the classic way. Saw her today which broke my heart but always be supportive no matter what I guess. My guitar solos were great today tho. Now I’m home and a little sunburnt and tired. Probably gonna play dead by daylight for the rest of the night just to start hell tomorrow. Idk if I should end these with quotes or something. You guys should let me know. I’m not the best quote giver but I am good at picking songs that fit my mood so maybe I can leave something for you to listen too. Obviously not me but a Spotify link. Okay bye. Thanks for reading. I really hope you guys are getting your fill. Okay seriously I’m gonna go now. Bye
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Fucked that gig up.
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Love this movie
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Elvis in “Change of Habit”, 1969.
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Entry #01 August 11,2018
Alright just an intro. These are gonna be numbered and these are the daily updates on life itself. For me at least. And if you’re into it stay and enjoy my life with me. If I miss a day then I’ll do like two issues in one day. So here’s today
I had the day off. I stayed home. And it was cool. But I sat here in heartache because I have no one to share my happiness with. Tomorrow I have a gig. And it’s a pretty good one. I can’t wait to see smiling faces enjoy my music. But I mostly played video games today. Which I know is a nerd thing to do but I like it so:p one day I’ll have the girl I wanna share my happiness with and will have by my side.
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COLDPLAY - A Head Full of Dreams Era (Movie Posters)
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Violet hill
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Everglow // coldplay
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