Good Frames
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goodframes · 7 years ago
Bedtime stuff and things with @aabaeke (hier: Berlin, Germany)
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goodframes · 9 years ago
This video was shot a very long time ago and fell through the lives of those that worked on it (including me). Although the music is old and I don't really sing this way anymore, I'm proud and happy that this exists and am grateful for the love and time given to the project.
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goodframes · 10 years ago
Das JugendstĂŒck „Ich rufe meine BrĂŒder“ sorgt im Schauspiel Essen fĂŒr eine intensive Auseinandersetzung mit Vorurteilen und vorschnellem Verdacht.
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goodframes · 10 years ago
So happy and proud to have written the music for "Ich Rufe Meine BrĂŒder". The premiere last night was wonderful. I feel so priveleged to have supported such talented artists and to have befriended so many of them. Special thanks to my dear friend and director Katarzyna Maria Noga. The music I wrote for the play (including outtakes), new Good Frames music and a new, more comprehensive website of what I do coming very soon.
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goodframes · 10 years ago
Machines in Heaven - bordersbreakdown
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goodframes · 10 years ago
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goodframes · 10 years ago
Just how it is...
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goodframes · 11 years ago
Some of the strangest things in space are cosmologically right on our doorstep, whilst others are many millions of light years away. This is by no means a comprehensive list - so feel free to add your own in the comments! Click through the slideshow to see view some of the strangest things in space.
The oldest star in the universe is older than the universe itself?
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goodframes · 11 years ago
Good Frames Live Acoustic at Wohnzimmer, Gelsenkirchen, Germany. January 10, 2014. Get the EP here: An acoustic set supporting...
A video from my acoustic show last Friday supporting Yunas Ape.
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goodframes · 11 years ago
Human beings...
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Welcome back to Shaming Racists: the Halloween Edition! Ladies and gentlemen, I present:
Caitlin Cimeno, also known as Kt Cimeno of Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts. Employed at Our Market Liquor Store.
Greg Cimeno
William Filene from Quincy, Massachusetts.
This is all public on facebook. All three pictures can be found on Caitlin Cimeno’s Instagram, @ktcimeno.
There’s no question that the three of them are racists, but Caitlin disgusted me by taking an unconsented picture of somebody else’s little girl, somebody else’s child, and using them as the target of racism for a facebook status. I’m including that too because how nasty do you have to be? As if the Halloween photos don’t answer that question.
Let me add that this stuff right here, EVERYBODY, is the reason you can’t darken your skin to portray a Black person. Because this is used to dehumanize us. Whether you intend to or not, you are perpetrating Blackface.
Caitlin Cimeno, Greg Cimeno, and William Filene are three of thousands. But justice will be served where it can. For them to make a mockery of Trayvon Martin’s death is disgusting, as is every single person praising them in the comments and every person defending them.
Look at how little value Black lives have in some people’s lives. Look at how today, yes, in 2013, our deaths are something to be laughed at, mocked, and our bodies worn as a Halloween costume. This is how we are dehumanized. Only one of thousands of ways.
Happy fucking Halloween.
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goodframes · 12 years ago
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goodframes · 12 years ago
Rebel Technology Stoicheia for Eurorack Modular Synths
For all the math and or synth nerds out there, Rebel Technology's Stoichea for eurorack modular synths (or the concept behind it) might pique your interest if it hasn't already. From the manufacturer's website:
This goes way back. In the third century BCE, the Greek mathematician Euclid described a way to determine the largest common denominator of any two integers. As it turns out, his method is the same as what people have used to divide beats into rhythms. Across the globe, from ancient to modern times; the rhythms that pervade human existence can be generated using the same, simple algorithm.
The cultural and historical range covered by these rhythms is nothing short of breathtaking. From Brazilian Samba and Bossa-Nova, to Bulgarian folk dances, thirteenth century Persian drum patterns, and complex poly-rhythms of West and Central Africa.
Of course, Euclid’s work can be applied to more than just rhythmic patterns. A scientist named Bjorklund applied it to nuclear physics, in order to optimise the operation of the SNS particle accelerator. He also published his work with a proof of the efficiency of his method. Then, in 2005, a Professor of Computer Science called Godfried Toussaint linked up the dots and presented in a research paper the connection between the work of Euclid, Bjorklund, and musical rhythms. We have based our implementation on Toussaint, Bjorklund and Euclid’s work.
For the Rebel Technology homepage click here.
For another article on the Stoicheia, click here.
To all the gear sluts who can't help themselves, I'm sorry ;). 
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goodframes · 12 years ago
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Here's the flyer for the theater adaption of UBIK I wrote the music for. I'll post the music on the relevant channels soon. If you're in the Berlin area, I highly recommend coming to see UBIK. My dear friends Kasia and Lisa really outdid themselves with this one. And all on no budget. Höchst empfehlenswert!
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goodframes · 13 years ago
My friend and very talented musician, Doris Cellar. Please support her easily-supportable music
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goodframes · 13 years ago
Good Frames' First Rehearsal Or: Absurd Is Not Enough
It's been a few weeks because I've been preparing to visit my family and friends in NYC. But this needs to be documented because it goes to show just how mindlessly absurd life can be.
What follows is a short recounting of Good Frames' first band rehearsal, a.k.a.,
The day I should have slept through:
Woke up. Exercised. Went singing. Got a migraine around noon. Spent 3.5 hours in bed with a heating pad on my face (burned my face with the heating pad). Got well. Did some packing for NYC. Practiced guitar for 30 minutes. Left the flat around 18:20 for the practice space (that's when the nightmare began).
On the escalator and the amp falls off the cart on down a few steps (still in its packaging from when the shop shipped it to me). I'm standing there barely balancing on one leg trying to hold my guitar and keep the amp from falling and every human behind me literally just stared at me. As the amp got to the top of the escalator and the steps were just rolling underneath it and I was trying to keep things in order: NO HELP. People were just walking past me even though I was blocking the entire path. (we're STILL at the beginning). So, I thought I'd get the S3 to Rummelsburg, take the M21 and be done. No. No S3 at Alexanderplatz. S75 to Ostkreuz, transfer to S3 one stop. Just missed the M21. Waited 20 minutes. Tram driver DROVE PAST MY STOP. Walked to the studio - finally got there around 20:00 (1 hour and 40 minutes later). Unwrap the amp. Plug in the new tubes. No sound. Turned out my cable crapped out between that day and the time I used it before then. Went to borrow a cable (thankfully we were in the same building as a friend). Cable works. Plug in again. No sound. 20 minutes, no sound. I noticed the two new tubes weren't glowing. So I swapped them out for the old ones the amp came with. They started glowing. I had sound. We played a song. The amp stopped making sound. 20 more minutes of fidgeting around. Nothing. Fuck me. So then we're walking back to the tram stop. Broken amp on this hand truck. I roll over a manhole cover. The FUCKING WHEEL BREAKS. The piece that keeps the wheel on the axle FELL INTO THE MANHOLE COVER...AND IT WASN'T MY HAND TRUCK!!! DKSGJFEHGSHFIGHET:@~#@%CVDFEHIG
And that is what we call life's sense of humor. 
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goodframes · 13 years ago
Tonight I got together with my friend Lorenzo (This Is It, Forever) to start creating the limited edition physical versions of the Still EP. We finished enough for my Kickstarter supporters. Now to hand-number them, burn off the CDs, design and print the lyric sheets and print those tote bags!
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goodframes · 13 years ago
The first official Good Frames video for There Is A Gulf, the first track from the Still EP.
Video by Edward Newiss:
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