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Sire Dennis and his Venthyrlets
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wow!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to kill this man
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Still in love with this man 😭💘 
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Commission open again!
5 slots total! 
More info: https://alnortoncomminfo.carrd.co 
DM or email me ([email protected]) to reserve a slot, or if you have any questions.
RTs are appreciated as hell!
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just a lonely garden wanderer 🌷
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Some Thanatos sketches!!
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Day 4 - Hair Braiding & Fake Dating
Love is… wondering how the kisses feel so real when you pretend to date for a fancy party
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A spread of some of my favorite art commissioned over the years! Artists (if on tumblr): @ramavatarama-o-rama @al-norton @lilliahcampagna @weenie-the-beans @cute-ellyna Please consider these talented artists if you’re looking for character art!
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You really have no idea how much I love this. It’s so beautiful hasddkhgnadsngh, I could never have imagined... Thank you, thank you so much! I love these two to death and you’ve captured them perfectly. Daelenar is on his way out to join up with the war effort and Ael tries to coerce him back into bed for just a few more minutes of holding and squeezing. @encroachingvoid​
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part 2 for @good-for-what-aels-you 😘
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It gets more beautiful each time I look at it. I can't wait to have the physical piece in my hands. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, you are truly talented and a joy to work and communicate with.
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for @good-for-what-aels-you 💖
never posted when i finished! here it is all done 😘
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salut les copains ! 🌻
it’s give away time because what are these hands for if not for drawing, uh ??? 🤲
There will be two winners, 1st prize is a full illustration and 2nd prize is an half-body illustration ! Up to two characters max, they also both come with a detailed background.
The giveaway will end the 2nd November 2020. Of course, the winners will get chosen randomly
how to participate : follow me and reblog this post, that’s all ! Multiple reblogs are allowed. If you follow me under a different username, put it in the tags so I make no mistake when drawing the names. 
Thank you for your support and good luck ! ❤️✨
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A speedpaint video of this will be available at my Patreon on november 1st! 😊
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my first non-bullshit Hades art thing was supposed to be thirsty and then I remembered I would die for Nyx
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