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Click here to download the Kanye West Thanksgiving Day greeting card. Print it out. Color it. Personalize it. Listen to this while you do so. Fold it. Hand it to someone you do not hate. Smile. Rap Coloring Book on Twitter. 
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“I love everything about her, and I’m not a guy who says that lightly. I’m a guy who has faked love his entire life. I thought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to. And there have been times that I wanted to. It has been overwhelming and humbling and even painful at times. But I could not stop loving her anymore than I could stop breathing. I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows.” Oh my god best quote ever perfectly describes my life
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Moar photos.
Please follow our Art and Cosplay Progression blog for tips and tricks! 
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More photos from the convention. 
Please follow our Art and Cosplay Progression blog for tips and tricks! 
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One of our Con photos. We plan on doing an actual photoshoot sometime soon! ~Ambur
Please follow our Art and Cosplay Progression blog for tips and tricks! 
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I was so caught up in the idea of us as a couple, that I forgot we are still ourselves, our own persons.
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If someone doesn't kill me soon I'm gonna do it myself
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Walt Jr. Loves breakfast loooool
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A Confession (of sorts)
I'm not really sure how to begin doing something like this, but here's my best shot. About a two and a half years ago, my parents legally separated (not something I'll particularly want to go into detail, as it's not any of my business.) Now, at this point, I was around 14 years old. As per usual, I found many ways to deal with it, the internet, television, other sorts of entertainment that kept my mind occupied. About a year into that, a year and a half ago, a former friend of mine had introduced me to something that would become my life for the greater part of a year. He had introduced me to drugs. Unfortunately, it wasn't anything light, like marijuana, he introduced me to narcotics. Prescription Painkillers, mostly. Vicodin, Oxycodone, Oxycontin, Methadone, Morphine, and a whole other array of those kinds of drugs, although I occasionally dabbled in other drugs, stimulants, anxiety meds, those kinds of things. It was an entirely new experience to me. The fact that, for a few dollars, I could forget everything, and be entirely pain-free, physically and emotionally, for a few hours. I fell in love. I felt okay again. For the first time in over a year, I was happy. I would do anything to get my hands on another pill, want my lunch? Sure. Need some homework done? No problem. Anything I could do, I would do. 
     Unfortunately, things got out of hand decently fast. I began to develop a tolerance to the pills, leading me to more dangerous doses, along with more dangerous drugs. (Crushing and snorting morphine tablets isn't a good idea, guys.) I spent every dollar I could get my hands on on more drugs. I became addicted. My life was consumed by the pills. People always assume that prescription pills are "For those who don't want to risk doing actual hard drugs" but honestly, with how easy it is to get a hold of them, and how similar to another drug they are (heroin, in this case) they can still be harmful. But it didn't matter to me. What mattered was feeling that high, constantly. Unfortunately, the move to a smaller town didn't help in the slightest. I bought in bulk in preparation for the move. I planned on staying away from everyone. Keeping to myself, keeping happy. Unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. Apparently, I'm kinda fun or whatever. 
     Now on to the other half of this confession. It's something that I had an incredibly hard time dealing with after the fact. I used to partake in self harm. Cutting. Burning. Anything I could do to release those endorphins to make me feel alright. My box cutter was one of my best friends. I would lock myself in the bathroom and make lines until I couldn't bleed anymore blood. Unfortunately not a lot of people understand the concept of self harm, so here's a link that could explain it a bit better than I could. 
     In late December of 2011, I went back to pills, but for a completely different reason than before. I attempted suicide on Christmas Eve, an attempted overdose. This was the point where I was at my lowest. This was where I couldn't care if I lived or died. If I had friends or family who cared about me that would miss me. (little did I know, I did, and one of them happened to be the girl I fell in love with.)
     I dealt with both of these issues up until December of last year, 2011. At that point, I had become good friends with a girl, Ambur Phillips. She talked me through quite a few problems regarding drugs. (I hadn't told anyone about the self harm until just recently, around April or so.) I fell in love with this girl. She encouraged me to quit drugs. Being an addict is an incredibly hard process to get off of. Not a day goes by since I've quit at the beginning of December, that I don't have an urge to go right back to the pills. But everyday, I also remember who I've made friends with and how poor of a choice I would make if I did go back.  
     Now, I know this is long. I'm not sure how many people that I actually know are going to end up reading this. But if I know you personally, please know that I am okay. That if I ever need help, know that you guys will be the first people I turn to. That I'm so incredibly lucky to have people like all of you that care so much for me, that accept me as one of their own, despite me being much younger than you guys. I love all my friends, I truly do. 
    And to Ambur. I'm not sure if you'll see this, but I know you know all of this already. Know that I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY, love you. I will do everything I can to keep this relationship afloat after you leave. I hope you will too. 
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I'm broken.
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For more music and music related things, Follow here. 
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