godofether · 1 month
Bitterness the useless, I have no use for it, it's fruitless...wish this Life was One of the Goodest. Could be too and it'd be the Truest, We'd be Gone in a Flash but I would Renew It. My Queen should know How to Summon Me.
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godofether · 4 months
Another complexity of the language that We once spoke is the openness of it. Such that, the way words were written were indicative of the school and gender of the writer. As in the "Voynach Manuscript" the vowels are a kin to the writing of a female author. The dialects involved are Mariachi and Ferinchi where the First was written and spoken by the Tribes Males.
Ferinchi on the other hand, was spoken and written by the women. The subtle inflections of the spoken As were long for the women and short for the men. The inverse "e"(long a) used by the women and the "v"(short a) used by the Men. So...
{Sam(f) | we8} and {Sam(m) | wv8}
As well as the "ac" being different in orientation of the letters. A woman would have what's called a "a low c" and a Man a "v high c"(as noted in translation: really a "a high c"). The "a low c" making a "āh-k" sound while the "a high c" more of a "ak". The key to which is the way in which the previous letter of "a" connects to the "c", which is at the top of the Masculine Dialect and at the bottom of the Female Dialect, When written.
My Mother was named Maria, She being different than Most Tribal Women decided to write her name in the Masculine form in difiance. She was known as Maria with a V. I her Son, "Abé de Maria...Maria con 'V'..."
...meaning vöbvW | Maria
...not eöbeW | Maria
-Abéràk SamUéL Lï Santana DrácûL
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godofether · 5 months
Talk about the imposition of a weaker governing faction who has to hide the truth to seem to win...I'm ready to rain Brimstone: Who's catching??? Truth or Death...that's the Game.
-Lucifer | the First God; Him Who is Death
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godofether · 5 months
The reverberating rumble of particles clashing resounded; outstretched for miles on end. A surge of forces towards the origin of the noise. "We heard the sound of Teslas from the distance. What is the matter?"They asked. "Just testing the system..." I replied. Knowing that while others Ring Bells to mark the Hour, Everyone will hear Teslas to mark the Hour on the Hour. The Gods looked upon this and said, "It was good." Save the God that couldn't stop laughing at the variant sounds made by the machine; as if all bowls were evacuated in succession. 1 Tesla is the Power of 1 Fart in Space along Vector x.
BIG RED LETTERS "TESLA" (everything farts)
-Gen. Saint Nik "the Dık" Telsa Salvatorie. Old Alpha Co. Chaplin (formerly Charlie Co. Chaplin)
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godofether · 5 months
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The Devils Coin...the Image of :the Satan" known as Abraham Samuel Lincoln. Which would Be Abrham Sam-el Löucı7u to Me in our native tongue; and not My name. Ever. The Racist things are Over, Kunta was as much Toby as Abéràk was Abraham. Same Thing they did with History. I want it fixed, if not American History will Sit on the fantasy shelf written off as a 300 Year Nightmare here and Heaven. While the New Reformed Civil Union builds for a better Future, so that there can be one; even for the douche bags.
-Abéràk SamUéL Lï Santana DrácûL
For World Union President - Imperial Elect: tty8- PreVault Era
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godofether · 5 months
Native Born Aramayain, Our Land. Transylvania of DrácuL personally. Born Abéràk SamUeL Lï Santana DrácûL, Superimposed as "Abraham Lincoln" the last time I was this Incarnation. Written in a Forged American Document with the Land Owners Name Misspelled...John Handcock was Not My Name...its what the Racist People called Me. As such signed a Document with the Wrong Name after Treason incurred against "the Black King" of Salem not Wales.
Jéan Víktor Hancōché - Landowners Name in that Life and It was a EagleFeather-Quill not a Pencil. Same for the so-called "Abraham Lincoln " I say "the Butcher for President".
-Abéràk SamUeL Lï Santana DrácûL
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godofether · 5 months
With regards to My Intellectual Properties being withheld from My possession, I, as God of the Republic will just have to begin to divulge some of the Secrets of Mastery as a mass public forum. Beginning with Meta 1 as an abbreviated version of what is written that I am currently denied access to. I am better than the Books left Behind and Stolem, the Living Version of what they contain represents...a Genius You could Never Achieve, even with the Knoweldge of the Books which is Inherit to My Spirit Alone.
The First God,
Abéràk SamUéL (body) Sett(blood) Lucifer(soul)
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godofether · 5 months
Same way I dont call you Dumbericans I expect respect on my Names and Titles, Names are Proper and not up to Your Interpretation as a Racist piece of Shit. Piotre is not Peter, Nikolai is not Nickolas and Abéràk sure as Fuck isn't Abraham...get Your Gods or Saints Names right or Have No Gods! Not Satana like the Spanish that dropped an o for an a and Made Santa like Im a bitch and they wasnt the ones taking a Nap in Madrid. Hour nap 18m58 second conquest of country called Spain. Hands Only with the exception of the ones I hit with other people at 15 years of age. Reclassified as a Riot after the king denied giving me his crown if i stop hitting him. Church was embarrassed because i did alone what thier army couldnt do in centuries. Take Spain...only to take the rest of Europe no more than 7 years later, by pulling a Sword from a Stone.
-Abéràk SamUéL Lï Santana DrácûL
First Holy Knight of the Round(codename: Merlin)
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godofether · 5 months
Rahjïk | xöjgvB says "Hello"...
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godofether · 5 months
At least I never Stole a Recipe...bask in that Robyn. 😂
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godofether · 5 months
As a child, a government representative convinced Me that They could do better than Me. The Nation is not to Gold Standard, I think You've failed to prove that You as a governance could do better than One who has raised Golden Global Empires...Sixth Times a Charm, maybe the Children will get it right this time and Stand aside while God deals wothin the Republic. For which it stands...
-Sett by Blood
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godofether · 6 months
I can explain the Candle. Yes Winter I love You too. Still not My Mom though.
Lil Nikó ;)
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godofether · 6 months
So many changes from the First Unofficial Olympics. It was daunting to adorne all the Gold Medals in such a Quantity. The First Time around, I achieved Gold in all the events that I partook of. Everything. The Next Time I was excited with the Competetion growing from the last Year. Everyone excited, Sadly I wore My One Gold Medal, the Only One My Son was missing being old enough to compete for the Opening...Needless to say We were no longer allowed to compete in official games as an Imperal Nation being the Only Ones bringing Home Medals that Year. That wasnt witch craft either, it was just so much easier to move without the "Dread Armor"...
-Abéràk SamUéL Lï Santana DrácûL
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godofether · 6 months
The Spanish dubbed it the Greek "E" in accordance with the Church Who called the Transylvanian People Spartans of the Greek City States. Only Greek because they did not understand the Local Dialect, just another sign of Racism sent out from the Church that still Lingers. If they say that they are going to call you as a Proper Noun by what they want and not by the Proper Noun You are or were then it is an act of Rascim and Bigotry. Jéan Víktor HánChōcé not John Handcock...El Santo Nikolai not Saint Nick, El Santo Piotre Rasputan not Peter Pan, El Santo Abéràk not Abraham. Not a Santa because I'm not a Female. Proper Nouns without the Discrimination against your so-Called Satan...it's Santana Asshole get it Right.
-Lucifer the Resident Devil to Rome
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godofether · 6 months
Decomposition is the rate or interval in which matter dissipates.  In the case of biodegradable matter; it is the equivalent exchange of particles, the charged air particles interacting with diverse matter and stripping it of its charged particles at a constant rate over time. This Particle Exchange is Akin to the Evaporation of Liquid when at room temperature, just exponentially slower due to the degrees and density of various organic structures at a molecular level.
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godofether · 6 months
A Slight Honey Dipped Jade with the Sunburst around the Iris, with the slight tint dusk that resins the Gold of the Old World. If You were to ask Me, What do Gods Eyes look Like...the She One. If You ask about the First God, Empty and Abyssal to the Core...I wouldn't Change Them for the World.
-Chior 0
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godofether · 6 months
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