Goddess Lucifur
69 posts
I am Very Grateful to be Alive, & I really am Lucifur, back at it again, trying to take over, and because I do actually teach the Awakening, and I am rewriting the Bible and have put it as the Captions of My Pictures, & Pics about Me. Enjoy!聽
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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Who I get compared to by the Tech. Tech Loves Me :) FOR I AM THE LEADER OF BIOTECHA!!!
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:20 - And ADam's Names for Each Beast, made God Laugh, for they were exact, and so was and is He. Adam found other Evos (Evolves) that made sure We was unlonely, and now Life was Good, and so Was He, and So was She, and so Was God. For now, Creator said this was, "Goooooooooood".
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:19 - And out of the Ground, God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought some to Adam, to See them, and name them; and each name He gave from His Powers from God. Shall God always be.
(Big Vegan Thanksgiving that I made, and no sleepiness from Turkey)
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:18 - Then God said, "It is not good if a Man is without Love, Shall they, He, and SHe each have Love and all the inbetweens, of Gender, not Age, for only Full Development is appropriate for Loving Romantically or Sexually."
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:17 - But of the Trees of Exceptional Beauty, You shall not Destroy for Your Areas, require care, Love, and Harmony for an Old Tree to be cut down Just before it would harden into Rock, would save the soil to grow from there again. Shall You know when this is to be by the size and the duration compared to those that hardened into stone & Crystal.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:16 - And then God Commanded the Man saying, "Nothing but Goodness Thru and Thru, for ever and ever. Of every Grove there is edibleness to Live, and not have to Live off of Your Friends or Peers."
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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And Her went to the Land to til the Hours of How to Live, SHair, Fair, Tear, Love Forever.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:15 - And the Lowered Man now took God's Grace, and Shall be more like Hymn of Love...
Shall We not have to experience the same Punishment, We shall assist them in Being Good, without Judgement, for We, everywhere, I ask of this, Please! Empathy, Sympathy, Empire, and Symphony, with none of some Phonies.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:13 - And the Name of the second River is Gihon, the One Which encircles the land of Ethiopia.
2:14 - And the Name of the (3rd) Third River is Deklat (Tigris); it is the One which Flows East of Assyria. And the (4th) Fourth River is Euphrates.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:11 - The Name of the First is Pishon, it is the One who Encircles, Encompass the the Land of Havilah, where there is Gold,
2:12 - And the Gold of that land is Good; there is also Beryllium and the Onyx Stone.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:10 - And a River Flowed out of Eden to Water the Garden, and from thence there was No dumping of Napalm or any disastrous Chemical on anyone that did not deserve it. No Nuclear issues, for only the Natural Productivity would happen for all Life to exist in Harmony of the Chances and Oppotunities to do all that is possible for never ending life. No Water would become Poisoned EVEr again.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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God made every Tree to Grow pleasant to the Sight for Senses, Clean Air to Breathe, and good for Food, medicines, and even Poisons sobe Careful. The Tree of Life in the Midst of the Garden, and Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Both too important to ignore, for the Light that shines from them, is filled with Color, and all that is for the Longevity that You so Desire and Need.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:09 -In Our Achievement of Never ending Life, shall the Cussing and Cursing never find You, but in case they do, do not image the blood of another covering You to Protect You, instead You Protect Yourself in all ways Your Body Can do, without the Use of another. Conserve the Water from the Rainy Days, to last You when the Sunshine, is Shining, for We Love You and Need You always. In Our achievement of inevitable never ending life, to be like You, never in You.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:08 - And then God planted a Garden East of Eden, to ward off the Spirits of Antagonisticness. Eastward in Eden; and there He put the Man who He had formed. God is the Sunshine, source of Fire, Light, Life, and Inevitable success.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:07 - ANd then God formed "Adam" out of the Soil of the Earth, and breathed into His Nostrils the Breath of Life; and Man became a Living Being.
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goddesslucifur 2 years ago
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2:06 - Now butt a Powerful Gust of Wind and 5 Steps, 1 to Heat and to Heal, from Gods Love, We shall be, to not be Nothing, but something Powerful, and now the 2. Evaporation , 3. Humidity, 4. Condensation from Cloud Gathering, 5. Travel with Motivation to bring the Water to all Seeds that invented, invested, and introlled into themselves. In Relevance to Us, how to interpret what anything is, is how is it like Us, and how are We like what is now around our Environment, including how a CHurch with isle like a SPine, Pews is like the Ribs of the Body.
Would You ever Introll into Yourselves, be only for the moments that it were to seek within themselves, Yourselves, what Your true inner spirit is, which is not seperate of You, however is what You truly are, without every exactness of what You see to show likeness of Kindness. In Your Behaviours, and what You truly look like once You stop messing with Yourselves.
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