Everyone: posting about dean and Cas crying
Me: 😂chuck just was like “imma bad bitch, you can’t kill me”
Also me: CaS iS GoNNa DIe!!!!😭😫
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welcome to the end.
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To be completely fair you were right to trap Amara. She was emotionally abusing you by destroying all your worlds and trying to keep it just the two of you.
siblings be like that sometimes I’m glad SOMEONE understands
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Why the cage for? You could have just put Lucifer into time out, naughty corner. Cage is a bit extreme Charles
naughty cosmic entities serve time-outs in hell
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sorry it’s been a while I was busy destroying universes
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For a being over three eons old you are so cute, even your wrathful.
thanks i rely on methamphetamine to keep me young
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Were you always this much of a meanie? >:| cause now I'm starting to sympathize with Amara.
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What can I do to convince you not to destroy our world. I mean, I can give good cuddles, and have lots of popcorn and nacho cheese... I won't wanna die chuck😢😢don't kill us!
that ship, much like noah’s arc, has sailed
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How angry were you when Michael acted like a brat and refused to come talk to you?
not as angry as when I flooded the earth but angrier than I was during the entirety of Acts of the Apostles
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“God? God has left the building.”
gif request meme: @sansaes​ asked supernatural + favorite season
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Hey I was just thinking merging this world and the Pokémon one would be fun for you, honest.
very close to getting Pokémon eliminated from this universe
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aging like a fine wine
fine wine ages like me
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The tiny dragon attempts to steal gods halo.
I smite it on the spot
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You should go back to pokemon universe, you to check it out, and if it's full of monasteries you could always...... You know merge it with this one, a lot of people want to live in a Pokémon world.
since when do I give the people what they want
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Is it rude to ask how old you are?🤔
Not a day over three eons
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If your god then you would know chuck in England is a term for friend, mostly used in Yorkshire but the north of England use to for the same purpose.
Maybe in your universe
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Gadreel deserved better! >:|
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