gobletofmuses · 2 years
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get to know me meme 1/6 — house: slytherin
❝ we slytherins are brave, yes, but not stupid. for instance, given the choice, we will always choose to save our own necks.❞
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
piggybacking off @wizardingworldrevealed — work + rl has me feeling a little overwhelmed, so i won’t be on until late monday night after my work week !
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@lovelylilyevcns​ sent an owl : 17﹕ sender  and  receiver  cook  together . - lovelylilyevcns to remus
ㅤㅤ❛ Mmm, what was that about being strong enough to knead lead? ❜ Remus chuckled softly against her ear, arms wrapped around her, chest pressed tight against her back — his hands were settled atop hers, long fingers almost engulfing hers as he helped her knead the dough over the wooden cutting board. She’d insisted on baking her sister’s favorite pumpernickel loaf and had accomplished coating every surface in the kitchen with flour before he’d rolled up his sleeves and stepped in to help. 
ㅤㅤKnowing his stubborn wife, doing the kneading for her would’ve only irritated her further — so he’d dropped a kiss against the soft skin of her neck, looped his arms around her body and pressed his hands over hers, almost molding himself against her. ❛ You’ve got a little something . . . there. ❜ A teasing lilt coated his words and he brushed a flour-coated finger against her nose, the powder falling over her skin as he grinned.
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐲𝐞𝐯𝐜𝐧𝐬,      𝒍𝒊𝒍𝒚.
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@gobletofmuses​;;  3) sender shows up at receiver’s house drunk after they’ve broken up.
  ��   HAVING DECIDED that she no longer wanted to wallow in the sadness that had engulfed her since he had left, lily had decided to plan a girls night out. sending an owl to marlene, mary and dorcas the four women had come to the agreement to meet at a pub down street from lilys flat.
      when the time for her eventually rolled around, she leaned toward the mirror in her hallway and attempted to refresh the lipstick she wore, when a soft knock at the door drew her attention away. with furrowed brows, she glanced down at her watch before up at the door again. had plans changed? were they all meeting here now? 
      with a small frown, lily walked to the door, stretching up to peer out the peep hole in the middle of it. when she saw who was standing on the other side, her heart almost stopped. what was he doing here? slowly, with a slightly shaky hand, lily twisted the doorknob and pulled the door open just enough so that she could take a sideways stance between the door and the jamb, heart hammering within her chest as she did. “ bill.  what - ”
      as she spoke, her eyes widened a tiny bit before flicking up to take a closer look at his face. the red tinge to his cheeks - the glaze to his eyes. the swaying slightly on the spot. and then - it hit her. the smell. “ you’re drunk? you’re showing up on my doorstep - drunk. bill what the ever loving fuck do you hope to accomplish? ” though her words sounded harsh, she couldn’t blame him. she had been planning on getting completely shit faced that night to forget him. if only for an evening. 
ㅤㅤHe’d started early — or late, he supposed. Rolling out of bed well after two in the afternoon couldn’t be counted as early, but he’d trudged into the kitchen, slamming the cupboards open until he found a half-drunk bottle of fire whiskey and from there everything had been a blur. 
ㅤㅤA part of him was thankful for it. The blur of events kept him from thinking or feeling too much, from recounting the bullshit he’d thrown at her two weeks prior. The look on her face was still burned in his retinas — tear-stained and defiant — and everytime he let himself relive the moment, it felt as though someone was stabbing him in the heart. Bill was an idiot, that much was obvious. Everything that’d happened in Egypt — the first time he’d kissed her, the first time he’d pressed his body against hers, the first time he’d said he loved her — shattered under the weight of his careless words. 
ㅤㅤ“It seems we want different things, Miss Evans. And I can’t build a life with someone who’s intent on sabotaging the path I choose to walk.” Bile rose in his throat when he recalled the cold tone in which he addressed her with, the shift in their argument when he’d resorted to the petty display of calling her by her surname. And all for what? Because she missed him. Because he couldn’t take a bloody holiday to spend with her family. To spend time with her. For as long as he lived he would despise himself for being responsible for her pain. 
ㅤㅤPalm pressed against the doorframe, Bill’s glazed eyes sharpened a fraction when her face came into view, the sound of her voice breathing life into his senses. ❛ Li-Lils. ❜ Slurring his words, he felt a rush of heat in his eyes, lids blinking rapidly. ❛ I’m sorry. ❜ His voice was a rasp, throat dry and voice cracking over the apology. Seeing her again, even with his vision and consciousness swimming in and out, devastated him. Jaw tightening in an effort to reign in his agony, Bill’s eyes flickered to his feet, unsure that he’d be able to hold himself together if he looked at her again. ❛ You . . . didn’t . . didn’t stop me. ❜ And then, more to himself. ❛ Why didn’t you stop me? ❜
ㅤㅤHead shooting up to meet her gaze, Bill’s palm slipped, feet stumbling forward and he winced as he attempted to catch himself, groaning softly when his ankle caught momentarily. ❛ Why didn’t you . . . why didn’t you tell me . . . I was being a fucking idiot? ❜ He was leaning on the door now, breathing heavy with the effort to shake off the pain — both physical and mental.
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐲𝐞𝐯𝐜𝐧𝐬,      𝒍𝒊𝒍𝒚.
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@gobletofmuses;;  “  i miss you.  i know i’m not supposed to,  but.  i just had to see you.  ”
      TO SAY she was surprised to see the eldest weasely again would have been an understatement. after the two had parted ways - upon him realizing and coming to terms with the fact that she had been using him, she had been spared death - only barely by the dark lord. the condition for not only her life, but the lives for him and his blood traitor family as well, was that she would not see him again. he had outgrown his usefulness and the dark lord didn’t need his followers losing sight of their true goal. love was an unwelcomed distraction.
      so imagine her surprise when she came face to face with him within the small, dingy space of knockturn alley. not many of the order members ever ventured here. they would have been too outnumbered. dawlish had learned that the hard way. as far as she knew, he was still laid up at st. mungos. she’d had no real hand in that, however.
      upon seeing her former flame, lily attempted to slip past him, only to find herself being halted by his light grip suddenly on her arm. eyes shot up to glare at him, before whipping around at the crowd. if anyone saw this - if anyone reported her back to the dark lord…
      “ bill. let me go. ”
ㅤㅤ❛ I can’t. ❜ A breathlessness overcame him, growing from adrenaline that had spiked when he’d laid eyes on her for the first time since her betrayal was revealed. It felt as though his chest was caving in and imploding simultaneously, as though he was shackled and cut loose in the same moment. ❛ Merlin knows I’ve tried, but I can’t. ❜
ㅤㅤMemories worked against him now, tormented him, painted a narrative he couldn’t decipher as truth or lies. But his heart . . . the useless thing kept beating for her. How could it have all been lies? How could it when so many things pointed to the opposite? When he’d seen those eyes soften while they were tangled around each other. 
ㅤㅤHis light grip held, fingers tensing with the desire to pull her closer — when the bell to a shop behind Lily rang out and a tall figure stepped forward, almost dwarfing his ex-girlfriend with his sheer size. Remus Lupin had an almost murderous look on his face, the man’s cold eyes cutting sharply to where Bill held on to her, and for a moment he was certain he’d be at the end of his wand. If it weren’t for the sinking feeling in his stomach, the shattering in his chest, he’d have the good sense to let go of Lily’s arm, for whatever intentions lurked behind Remus’ cold glare, he was doing a good job of reigning it in. 
ㅤㅤ❛ It seems your old assignment wishes for death, darling. Perhaps I should give him that mercy? ❜ Devastation loosened his fingers, doubt bleeding through his thoughts, and Bill’s hand fell to his side as he caught the path of Remus’ arm, looping around Lily’s waist, pulling her into him ever so slightly. 
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@lovelylilyevcns​ sent an owl : “  it’s not about what you think you do or don’t deserve.  i get to choose who to love.  i’m an adult.  and i can make that decision.  so i’m here to stay.  i’m in this. ”  - lovelylilyevcns for remus ( MY H E A R T)
ㅤㅤEventually the shaky truce they’d set up in empty rooms of the Potter household would’ve come crashing down. Remus knew this. But it was easy to fool himself, easy to forget the reason he’d left her, when he fell asleep so peacefully in her arms every night. It was easy to resume their old habits. Twining his fingers with her. Pressing a kiss on her forehead. Seeking her warmth when he felt an especially painful bought of tears well in his eyes. In the midst of his sorrow, she was what held him together. 
ㅤㅤShe was his home. He knew that now. Perhaps he’d always known. And when he’d finally mustered the cowardice courage to tell her he was leaving, that it was best they go back to their own lives, she’d sent his cowardice fleeing from his limbs, her words anchoring him in the present. 
ㅤㅤDefeat and an aching relief numbed his bones and it was all he could do to rush across the living room and envelop her in his arms. ❛ I’m sorry. Lily, I’m so sorry. I never should’ve left— I never should’ve— ❜ Mouth pressed tight, he swallowed the knot in his throat, blinking back the onslaught of tears. ❛ I really don’t deserve you. You know that, right? I could live a hundred lifetimes and I still wouldn’t. ❜
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@progenyofprongs​ sent an owl : “I just don’t feel anything anymore.” (delphine)
ㅤㅤSilent tears poured down her cheeks and no matter how many times she harshly brushed her hand over them, it felt as though they would never stop. It felt as though her chest was caving it and imploding all at the same time.
ㅤㅤAnd she wished she could’ve felt nothing. 
ㅤㅤThe rest of the Order had left them to grieve on their own — Delphine was as grateful as she could convince herself to feel when Remus ushered everyone away, the look in his eyes distant. Broken. He’d lost a brother where she’d lost a father. But she’d swam through the pain, the breathless feeling that threatened to suffocate her, to find Amelia. To seek the only other person who’d know just how deep her devastation ran. 
ㅤㅤAnd when she’d found her in the kitchen, alone and empty, she hadn’t been prepared for the hollow words that left Amelia’s mouth. It shocked her still for a moment, reminding her just how much the other girl had suffered. Taking a few steps closer, Delphine tentatively took her hand, squeezing it in an effort to help her feel something. ❛ S-Sirius wouldn’t have wanted his death to— to take anything away from you. ❜ Words tripping over each other, she couldn’t stop the sob from breaking past her lips. ❛ If . . . if we s-stop ourselves from f-feeling, we let Voldemort win. A-and we can’t, Amelia. We can’t. ❜
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@auriibus​ sent an owl : “If you’d just leave me alone, that’d be great.” ( Oberon )
ㅤㅤ❛ The moment I leave your side there’ll be a dozen middle-aged heirs scrambling to make your acquaintance. ❜ Drawling his words behind the ornate glass of a champagne flute, Oberon fixed her with a troubled stare, dark eyes refusing to break from her stubborn gaze. ❛ So you’re just going to have to accept my presence, because I’m not going to idly stand by while men like Rosier and Yaxley ogle at you. ❜
ㅤㅤSlipping another flute from a passing waiter, he offered her the glass — a small means of truce, for as long as they were amongst the wolves together. ❛ You should’ve stayed away, Eris. ❜ Tone softening, he glanced around the room, making sure no one was close enough to hear him when he spoke again. ❛ The Order would’ve kept you safe. ❜
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@lovelylilyevcns​ sent an owl : ❛  well, what do you think? you like?  ❜ billily
ㅤㅤRed. Of course it was red.
ㅤㅤThin, delicate patterns of lace adorned her body, bright and bold against her creamy skin — matching the vibrant rouge on her lips and the bounce of her soft, soft hair framing her shoulders. 
ㅤㅤBill could smell the sweet scent of her perfume even from across his study, where he’d been trying to finish his reports. And all it took was two or three large strides before he’d closed the gap between them — lifting her against his body, fingers wrapped around her thighs as they twined around his waist, mouth moving against hers with a desperate fervor. ❛ I think you know the answer to that. ❜ He growled the words into her mouth, tongue pressed against hers, his feet moving them clumsily towards their bedroom. 
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@lovelylilyevcns​ sent an owl : « don’t go crying to your mommy, once i’m done. » de!lily to bill 👀👀
ㅤㅤAll he saw was red. 
ㅤㅤA haze of fury that blinded him. And it wasn’t until he heard a soft gasp fall from her mouth that he realized he’d slammed her against the wall, hands wrapped around her wrists as he pressed them on either side of her head. ❛ Don’t. ❜ Lips curling back, he bared his teeth. ❛ Don’t speak of my mother. Or anyone else for that matter. You lied to them as much as you lied to me. ❜ Fingers tightening further, he felt the wand in her hand loosen — clattering against the wooden floor only a moment later. 
ㅤㅤAnd suddenly he couldn’t see the cold tint to her expression anymore. All he saw was the green of her eyes, the blush that had ridden up her neck the first time he’d kissed her there, the satisfied grin that donned her lips when he’d finally fallen prey to her teasings and took her to bed. The soft way she smiled at him when she thought he wasn’t looking.
ㅤㅤBill’s anger melted, confusion and agony taking its place, painted across his expression as he searched her gaze for anything that indicated this was all some big joke. Shoving away from her, he stumbled back, a hand pressed against his forehead as though it ached. ❛ I wonder, do you even have a heart? ❜
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@auriibus​ sent an owl : « don’t fucking test me. » (Adrian cause it'll be entertaining)
ㅤㅤHe caught her before she could leave, his fingers wrapping tight around her wrist, pulling her back towards him. ❛ Or what? ❜ A silky dare left his lips, eyes bearing into hers with challenge, grip never loosening. Eris had hunted him down after her sister was out of sight — no doubt the younger Black had tried to reason with her, tried to tell her that it wasn’t worth it responding to his baiting. But Adrian knew her temper well. He’d seen it in action more than a few times and he’d known upsetting her sister meant unleashing all the fury in hell. 
ㅤㅤIt was a slightly bitter feeling, stooping low enough to attempt altering the Gryffindor lineup outside of the pitch, and the taste of it left a streak of irritation in his tone. He didn’t want to be here, baiting her into fighting just so they’d both be substituted and Slytherin would finally have a chance at winning. It made him want to dash Urquhart and Malfoy’s carefully laid plans out the window. ❛ You know what’ll happen if you so much as think of pointing your wand at me. ❜
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@lovelylilyevcns​ sent an owl : 💢  :    your  muse  picks  mine  up   &   carries  them  over  their  shoulder . de!Remus & lily
ㅤㅤHe’d had enough. And it didn’t seem like she was going to listen to him anytime soon. 
ㅤㅤBending to swipe an arm across her waist, Remus easily lifted her over his shoulder, turning to walk towards the direction she’d attempted to flee from. ❛ You can continue not trusting me all you’d like. Just do it from the safe house. ❜ Anticipating her struggling, he kept one arm tight over her legs and the other holding firmly across her lower back, fingers careful not to run over her backside. That was off limits, he reminded himself. She was off limits. But it didn’t matter if she hated him. If she screamed and cursed at him. As long as Lily was safe, he’d be able to live through it all. 
ㅤㅤStill, it was difficult for his heart and his body to understand. She’d never trust him again. She’d never let herself love him again. Suddenly, each step towards the old, worn estate felt like a stab to the chest and Remus’ hold tightened on her body, the realization threatening to suffocate him. 
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
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@lovelylilyevcns​ sent an owl : 💍  :    our  muses  are  mistaken  for  a  couple  by  someone  else . - billily in Egypt before the kiss 👀
ㅤㅤ❛ I swear, I’m gonna kill Peasegood. ❜ Muttered under his breath, Bill leaned against the doorknob to the suite his department head had booked for their trip to Egypt. It was hard to stop the embarrassing shade of red from blooming up his neck and ears, or the pull of his gaze as it scanned the room. Now he understood why Arnie Peasegood grinned at him like an absolute idiot before wishing him and Lily a “wonderful” trip. Bill’d been confused then, quirking a brow at the older man, intent on questioning him of his odd behavior — only to be stopped short when Lily had grabbed his arm and promptly pushed him through an available Floo hearth. 
ㅤㅤIt wasn’t until he’d checked into their booked room that it all came together.
ㅤㅤ❛ Luggage for a Mr. and Mrs. Weasley? ❜ The bellhop seemed to appear out of nowhere, smiling brightly, hands full of their bags — completely oblivious to the mixup Bill was sure Peasegood hadn’t made accidentally.
ㅤㅤ❛ Just there, please. ❜ He sent Lily an apologetic look, closing the door firmly behind him once the bellhop had deposited their belongings and continued on his way. 
ㅤㅤ❛ Lily— ❜ He moved towards her, momentarily stunned when he noticed that it wasn’t just a lone double bed sitting in the center of the suite. A bottle of champagne dipped in an ice bucket sat on one of the bedside tables, rose petals littered the top of the bed and a large tub lined with candles took the place of a standing shower in the bathroom. Bill felt his stomach drop, mouth opening and closing before he forced his eyes back to her. ❛ I can fix this. I’ll see if-if they’ve got another room or— Arnie must’ve let one of his new officers do the booking. ❜
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
@progenyofprongs not me actually tearing up as i write about del & amelia going through the aftermath of sirius’ death
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
𝐨𝐟𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬,      𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚.
- - - - - GINNY @gobletofmuses
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     “I just don’t want to do this anymore. Why did I have to be the Chosen One? Why couldn’t someone else have done it!?”
ㅤㅤHand sliding into his, she squeezes. ❛ Because if you’d let someone else do it, you’d spend the rest of your life regretting it. Because only someone with a heart like yours could ever hope to fight against Voldemort. It’s why you’re the Chosen One, Harry. It’s why I— ❜  Fell in love with you.  ❛ It’s why I’m here. With you. Why we all are. ❜
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gobletofmuses · 2 years
𝐨𝐟𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬,      𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒔𝒚.
- - - - - ADRIAN @gobletofmuses
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     “If you try and tell me to cheer up right now, I swear I’ll hex you into next week, Adrian. So don’t even try it.” Someone called her pug-faced again.
ㅤㅤ❛ Pans, I wouldn’t dream of it. ❜ She’d hexed him once before and he had no desire to revisit the feeling. ❛ But . . . I’m not above suggesting a little retaliation. Why don’t we show them what pug-faced really looks like? ❜
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