glossvrse · 4 years
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"Hi, Hi to all of the lovely people out there!" She bows again quickly, still grinning, "I'm STELLA from GLOSS! I'm here, representing QUARTZ Studios in what I hope is the best way possible." She makes little finger guns at the camera, before continuing. "My favorite foods are bulgogi, gamjatang, and ramen of course. My star features are eye smile," She smiles to demonstrate her features while pointing to her eyes, "Powerhouse vocals," She briefly sings "Do Re Mi", "And my dance!" Mija does a routine dance with her upper torso and hands, playfully waving them around and moving her waist. "I'm a triple threat, as one would say! Oh, oh! And I can also rap-- but I'm not going to right now! You'll have to vote for me to hear my amazing rapping skills." She giggles to herself at her way of teasing the viewers. "Please allow me to show everyone a preview of my powerhouse vocal which they will see a lot of if they vote for me!"
Mija's smile fades a little when the song begins to play in the background. 'It's serious time,' she thinks to herself as she sings the first verse. She appears to be a bit shaky, with a trembling body and clammy hands. Though, as the song progresses, she relaxes. She still has jitters, even in her line of work, but everything seems to melt away with her melodic voice. After she finishes the song, she grins and bows, seemingly tapping back into her public persona. "Remember to vote for Stella to not only see her showcase her amazing skills but also to support her. And you'd support me, right?" She pouts at the camera a little before grinning. "Triple threat, Stella, fighting!" She raises a fist to end off, smiling cutely at the camera.
check out seraph @seraphsurvival
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glossvrse · 4 years
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TITLE !  chrysanthemum: white
WORD COUNT !  1,669
CHARACTERS !  Hwang Yejin, Hwang Yejun
GENRE !  angst
SYNOPSIS !  In Yejin realizes the harsh reality through the people around her.
AUTHORS NOTE !  Emotional ig
WARNINGS !  crying, cursing
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Yejin lays on her bed with a hum, a few cracks coming from her back, a sign that it has been a while since she has finally rested today. She checks the time. 22:03. It's always 22:03 when she checks. "It's like...a signature number." She mumbles to herself, finding comfort within her own voice. She was alone in her room, and it frightened her sometimes. Hwang grew up with so many siblings that she never felt alone. When she was in her old house, peace was never an option, but now it's all she has in her personal life. When she was a child, she appreciated the silence and she always prayed to be alone. Every day she came back from school, she went to her room and immediately began helping her younger siblings out with homework while her older siblings busied themselves with activities from school.
Not only did she put up with their homework, but also their behavior. If she had a dime for every time she heard a dumb question or a "why?", she would be rich enough to get away, buy an island and live her days out on sandy shores.
Now, however, it's different for the girl. She realizes this at 22:03 on her bed, in her room, alone. Yejin wishes she wasn't alone now. She wishes she was at home and using her siblings as a punching bag. She wishes she could go back to the Pythagorean theorem and complain about how her siblings should've paid attention in class. And before the girl knows it, she feels tears run down her face. It isn't the same. She can never go back to the home she knew. She can never feel those feelings again. The realization leaves her terrified.
A knock at her door startles the emotional girl. Quickly, she leans up and dries her eyes on her hoodie. She has been a rock. Unchanging in type, enduring harsh weather, and adapting to new environments. She can't falter. She can't break. Yejin opens the door with a bit of a smile on her face, a contrast to the hurricane brewing within her. She's prepared to see Hyojin asking about which lyric she should use or Mija asking to use the new lip tint she got at the store. But she only sees Hwang Yejun, her brother who is the reason she joined QUARTZ. He's crying, looking up at Yejin with eyes filled with confusion and sorrow. "Yejun?" That's the only thing she can get out. The boy lives with the other male trainees under the company, and their dorms are all the way across the building. However, she shoves her confusion aside and turns to her concern.
"Yejun what's wrong? Are you okay?" She doesn't know why, but she opens her arms. The boy who cowers in front of her runs to her embrace and wraps his arms around his sister. She smells like home and comfort. He realizes how much he misses his mom. He realizes that Yejin smells exactly like what his mother smells like when she hugs him. He breaks down within her arms, sobbing. Yejin extremely befuddled now, doesn't back away. It's almost like she knows he needs this. He needs a hug from home. She needs this too, she knows. She knows her homesick feeling can only be quelled by a hug from home. So she wraps her arms around her brother and embraces him tightly. He's a fragment of home. She's happy he's here and she's worried as to why he is crying. She doesn't know, but suddenly, her feelings come to fruition and she feels the tears she held before her brother knocked fall.
The Hwang siblings cry within each other's arms, not knowing why. The two of them don't know why the other is crying, but they don't care. This feels right. Immense comfort makes way into their hug. They're hugging and sobbing in each other's arms, in the middle of the GLOSS dorms hallways at 22:06. Their worlds feel temporary comfort, and they are in the eye of a hurricane. It's calm, but only for moments. The peace in the eye of the hurricane doesn't put a quit to the windy storms, but it's something that comes with it.
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The two calm down later.
Their eyes are red and swollen, but at least they felt moments of peace. Yejin broke the hug first, guiding her little brother to a seat in her room. She closed the door behind her, not caring about it being open while the two were crying. This was her first emotional experience that the others could probably hear. She's been through so many with the other girls that it felt human for her to finally have her moment. Yejin endured so many dilemmas with the others that it almost felt like getting even with them. In a friendly way. She sits on her bed and looks at her little brother, who is directly in front of her, sitting on her computer chair that's facing her bed. Her intense emotions have been aided, and now only concern fills her. "Yejun." Her voice is shaky from the sobbing, "Why have you come here? Why are you crying?"
Yejun looks at her and remembers their deep brown eyes they both have. It's endless, and it's intimidating. He suddenly recalls his mother glaring at him when she was told by the school that he was goofing off. Those pupils were filled with anger, but a different type than just mad. It was anger that stemmed from love. He knew his mother wanted him to succeed and he knew that goofing off was preventing him from acquiring his own potential. The younger boy realizes how much Yejin takes after his mother, her chocolate orbs filled with concern that stemmed from love. "The company. I'm participating in a survival show in the coming months. They say if the viewers vote for me, I'll end up debuting." This caused his older sister to return to her state of confusion. If anybody should be excited about their idol career starting, it was Hwang Yejun. He always wanted to be an idol. In school, he blabbed to his friends about his wants, and at home, he blabbed to his sister about it nonstop. He always wanted to be on stage, and he always had a star personality. Charismatic, fun, charming, kind, humorous. Hwang Yejun is someone everyone wanted to be around in school.
Yejin unintentionally showed her befuddlement. If anything, Yejun should've ripped open Yejin's door with no respect for privacy, screaming about his debut. But he's the opposite. He's sad and broken. Yejun takes Yejin's silence as his cue to elaborate. "They- uh- they had a few preparations they needed to discuss with me about my debut. They said I need to have plastic surgery done, rhinoplasty to be specific. Cosmetic of course." Yejin's confusion doubled. Yejun didn't need it, that's for sure. He has a cute nose. She wonders why they would think of that. "They said I can't debut without it." His voice cracks. "Bullshit." Yejin curses. "They're doing it on purpose. You have a beautiful nose. There nothing wrong with it. Why the fuck would they put that on you?"
"I know it's dumb. But I don't want it to happen 'cause I feel like I'm letting them win." Yejun continues venting. "I feel like I'm succumbing to my own desires and forgetting about my own core beliefs." Yejin understands him. She knows that she wouldn't think twice about getting plastic surgery to save her own ass. She wants to believe that her career doesn't mean that much, but she would be lying. Is this what stardom does to others? Is this the cost of notoriety? Giving your own self away just to pursue your own dreams. The older girl wants to throw up at the thought of thinking this way, but she knows it only to be human. She wishes she could save her brother from his own human wants. But she can't gather the courage to say anything. She watches his chocolate eyes gaze at her like a deer caught in a bear trap. He looks to her for guidance and she looks down on herself, knowing she can't offer anything because they are one and the same. She’d only encourage him and she’s ashamed. When someone offers advice, they usually have a different stance than the person receiving the advice. But Yejin loathes that she can't say anything because she's the same as her brother.
Yejun laughs, his tears falling once more at a slow pace. He begins laughing. His laughter fills the room. Yejin watches her brother as his eyes filled with humor and despair. "Well, I've done it!" Yejun cries out, laughter tumbling from his lips and tears falling from his face. "The great Hwang Yejun has fallen due to his own needs! The great Hwang Yejun has experienced the real human dilemma. He is sacrificing himself for his dreams. It's funny! It's laughable. But if it's so funny, then why am I crying too? Why, Hwang Yejin? Why am I crying?" Yejun stands from the chair and looks to his sister with tears in his eyes. His eyes are a bottomless ravine that no one knows about until they are falling down in it, descending to their own grave.
Yejin feels useless as her brother doubles over with laughter. She feels like she's failed him. Why does she feel useless? Hwang Yejin, a local rock, can't even comfort those who she holds close. How fucking pathetic of her. She stands, feet on the ground, knowing help is futile. There's nothing she can say to her brother. She begins to walk over to her brother and falls to her knees in front of him, holding his hands within her own as his laughter and pain increases. She's sorry. She's sorry. She's sorry. She's hopeless. She's Hwang Yejin and she's experiencing everything she's against.
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glossvrse · 4 years
These are not going to be that long as I want to shorten how I write a little. Sometimes I put pressure on myself to make it longer, but if I convey my ideas, I am no longer going to extend something for word count. Thank you.
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glossvrse · 4 years
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yerimiese instagram story update
Happy birthday my best friend🖤 may your future days be bright @hi_sseulgi 
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glossvrse · 4 years
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TITLE !  debutante
WORD COUNT !  1,110
SYNOPSIS !  In which Mija begins her debut in society as an entertainer.
AUTHORS NOTE !  Please note that this is no longer how Jung Mija feels entirely (at least not to this extent) I wrote this piece before starting over and it’s my favorite. It’s who Jung Mija is essentially, and although it is no longer this intense, it still embodies her as a character within my own imagination.
WARNINGS !  none!
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If you had asked a fan what Jung Mija was to kpop, there would be no hesitation in calling her the ‘princess’ or ‘first love’ of the industry. I’m not going to say that she didn’t try. The ace would like to believe that to be a fact but even she would admit deep down that she actually tries extremely hard to maintain her perfect image within her community. Don’t you think it’s semi-unrealistic to believe in a perfect person?
Jung Mija has sacrificed everything but her own will to live to become an idol. If you had asked Mr. and Mrs. Jung, they’d say that Mija has always acted like a diva, almost as if the spotlight followed her even when she was too young to understand. Mija can only remember one time where her guard was let down and the harsh light of the spotlight dimmed just enough to see the audience.
It was the debut stage of GLOSS. Typical, right? You always hear stories about idols crying backstage before debut. I mean- it’s realistic. You’re facing a crowd of people and they’re watching you perform. Oh, and did I forget to mention that the performance could make or break your career? Mija could vividly remember a girl stumbling to the ground during choreo on a comeback stage, and how she was talked about like a dog after. ‘She can’t dance’ ‘WEAK’ It’s funny considering the irony. Idols literally giving their blood, sweat, and tears into what they do and who do they do it for? Those bastards in the audience who care about nothing but perfection. And Jung Mija was determined to live up to their cares because Jung Mija considered herself to be perfection. Now, that sounds egotistical, but she’s actually extremely humble about the whole image. She hasn’t ever used her perfection against another idol as an insult. One may wonder how she stays humble? (Begrudgingly, of course.) She works EXTREMELY hard to keep her facade up. Mija wouldn’t wish her struggle or work that goes into being perfect upon anyone, not even her enemies.
Mija remembered her heart pounding so hard in her chest that she felt it would explode. She had gone over the dance so many times backstage that she should fear the consequences of not taking a break. No, Mija shouldn’t fear anything. Perfection isn’t a struggle, right? Perfection shouldn’t have to struggle. But she was struggling. She could feel every limb in her body ache with pain due to how hard she was popping and how overworked she felt. Popping her arms and sharpening her movements didn’t bother her. She’s a dancer. But doing it over and over for hours in the same tight space was different criteria. If she didn’t hurt, she would be worried about her body.
“Jangmi,” Jinjoo, Mija’s best friend, called out to her in concern after seeing her repeat the choreo one time too many. ‘Jung Mija? Jung Mi...Jangmi.’ and the rest was history. When Mija was just a trainee, she not only despised the nickname but also the existence of her current best friend. How dare she shorten her name as if disrespecting her identity? And how dare she already be friends with everyone in the agency? They were the same age but how could someone just a few months younger than her have this much power over her? 
Mija had grown a lot from her meeting with Jinjoo and had actually changed to loving and respecting her. Mija just wouldn’t be Mija without her friendship with Jinjoo.
“Jangmi, ya listening? I said you’re going to collapse if you continue to overwork yourself,” she took a sip of her water bottle. Jinjoo and the rest had practiced too, but everyone seemed to know when to quit. Well, everyone but Mija.
“I’ll be fine, ‘joo. I just need to kinda perfect my dance. I’m not going to collapse, you’re being dramatic.”
“That’s what they all say. But I’m not gonna take that ‘I’ll be fine’. You’re gonna sit down, have a drink of water, and rest before you literally give yourself a heart attack.” Before Mija could even digress, of course, Jinjoo pulled her to sit down and grabbed her a water bottle. ‘How sweet,’ Mija smiled a bit at her sister. Sometimes, being perfect was hard stuff. Mija could admit that she had felt more alone than not when she had first become a trainee. Then here came this sweet and headstrong Kim Jinjoo who seemed to have everyone cheering for her. And who did she appeal to? The small Jung Mija.
“Whatever you’re thinking about, no.” Mija laughed at Jinjoo and took the water bottle, finally taking a sip. If felt like she could feel that tiny sip in her whole body and she relaxed in her chair unconsciously. “Stupid Jangmi! You’re supposed to hydrate while dancing or else you’ll never maintain a healthy life.” Jinjoo joked around with Mija, but she knew it was only to mask her worry. Why was Jinjoo worrying about Mija? She was perfect and she didn’t need anybody worrying for her sake. “Don’t worry, okay? I’ll be okay.” Jinjoo didn’t seem to believe her but she shrugged it off, grabbing her friend’s hand gently. “Okay. I’m just letting you know that if you ever feel like you’re not okay, you can come to the people who are closest to you but love you the most. Me, Yejin, Jaza, or even Hyojin. She’s wise to be youngest out of us all.”
Mija grasped her friend's hand and held it tight. At this moment, she wasn’t anybody. She wasn’t perfect, she wasn’t Stella of GLOSS, she wasn’t princess Jung Mija. She felt nothing and that seemed to be her happiest. Jinjoo seemed surprised that Mija didn’t just blow off her affection and held her friend’s hand back. Jinjoo knows that Mija is silently suffering but she doesn’t know what to do. She can only do so much, but she can’t do everything. She can’t remind Jung Mija that she a human and expect her to believe it. She can’t stress that it’s OK to make mistakes and that you shouldn’t regard yourself as perfect. But she can’t, because she isn’t Jung Mija. She’s Kim Jinjoo. And all she can do is tell her and pray every night that one day, she will believe her and the people around her who love her the most.
Mija let go of Jinjoo’s hand gently before taking another sip of her water. They were about to debut and no longer would Jung Mija just be Jung Mija. She’d be Jung Mija AND Stella.
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glossvrse · 4 years
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glossvrse · 4 years
petition for hyojin and haechan to date 🙏
[ HYOJ ! ]  “Okay, so, I actually have seen that dude around. Cause- ya know- Mark and Kun are NCT members so we’re bound to see each other. He’s cute, and he reminds me of me a lil, ya know? Sometimes we tease each other, and he always makes me laugh. But like-- do you guys think I should?” Hyojin taps her chin and laughs cutely, “I don’t think the world wants two clowns to be in the same relationship. Or maybe, like, they do?” She giggled to herself. 
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glossvrse · 4 years
will we get the other girlies love interest too?
[ SOJI ! ] Actually, I was planning on just making two of em have loves because,, i don’t want to overwhelm people with them just all having lovers but if that's what yall want I have def have potential dating plans in mind
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glossvrse · 4 years
eternal sunshine of the spotless mind writing prompts.
“ i’m not an impulsive person. i guess i just woke up in a funk this morning. “
“ if only i could meet someone new. i guess my chances of that happening are diminished, seeing that i’m incapable of making eye-contact with a person i don’t know. “
“ why do i fall in love with every person i see who shows me the least bit of attention? “
“ do i know you? “
“ i’m a vindictive little bitch, truth be told. “
“ you’re not a stalker or anything, right? “
“ that is the oldest trick in the stalker book. “
“ look, i’m sorry if i came off sorta nutso. i’m not, really. “
“ you’re kinda close-mouthed, aren’t you? “
“ i mean, i’m always anxious that i’m not living my life to the fullest, taking advantage of every possibility, making sure i’m not wasting one second of the little time i have. “
“ i’m gonna marry you. i know it. “
“ i want it to be resolved. i’m willing to be the one to resolve it. “
“ what’s your fucking suggestion, ____? what’s your brilliant, reasoned solution? “
“ you’re gonna make this about my shit now? this isn’t about me. “
“ i kinda, sorta wrecked your car. “
“ it’s just a fucking dent, ____. you’re like an old lady or something. “
“ admit it, ____. you’re freaked out because i was out late without you, and in your wormy, little brain… you’re trying to figure out, did i fuck someone tonight? “
“ i assume you did fuck someone tonight. isn’t that how you get people to like you? “
“ by morning, you’ll be gone! the perfect ending to this piece-of-shit story! “
“ i’m fucking crawling out of my skin. should’ve left you at the flea-market. “
“ i’d make a fucking good mother! i love children, i’m creative and smart, and i’d make a fucking great mother! “
“ it’s you, ____. it’s you who can’t commit to anything! “
“ you don’t tell me things, ____. i’m an open book. i tell you everything. every damn embarrassing thing. you don’t trust me. “
“ constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating. “
“ people have to share things, ____. that’s what intimacy is. “
“ are we like those poor couples you feel sorry for in restaurants? “
“ i’m lost, i’m scared, i feel like i’m disappearing. “
“ sometimes i think people don’t understand how lonely it is to be a kid. like you don’t matter. “
“ i could die right now, ____. i’m just… happy. i’ve never felt that before. i’m just exactly… where i wanna be. “
“ you know me. i’m impulsive. “
“ ____, there’s nothing wrong with you. you’re the most wonderful person i’ve ever met. “
“ it’s gonna be fun. come on. it’s the best place! “
“ i’ve loved you for a very long time. “
“ i’m a stupid person with a stupid crush! “
“ don’t be a monster, ____. “
“ didn’t figure you’d show your face around me again. “
“ if you wanna be with me, you’re with me. “
“ too many guys think i’m a concept, or i complete them, or i’m gonna make them alive. but i’m just a fucked-up person who’s looking for my own peace of mind. “
“ i still thought you were gonna save my life, even after that. “
“ it would be different… if we could just give it another go around. “
“ remember me. try your best. “
“ thank god. someone normal who doesn’t know how to interact at these things either. “
“ it was so intimate, like we were already lovers. “
“ this is it, ____. it’s gonna be gone soon. “
“ i thought maybe you were a nut, but you were exciting. “
“ i wish i’d stayed too. now i wish i’d stayed. “
“ come back and make up a good-bye, at least. let’s pretend we had one. “
“ tell me what you want me to do, and i’ll do it. “
“ i had the best fucking night of my entire fucking life last night! “
“ we’ve met, but you don’t remember me. “
“ i can’t see anything that i don’t like about you. “
“ you will think of things, and i’ll get bored of you and feel trapped… because that’s what happens with me. “
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glossvrse · 4 years
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MEMORY ONE: STARLIGHT is the debut of both GLOSS and their studio album. Released on February 18, 2020 by QUARTZ STUDIOS, it was a surprise to many indeed considering that groups usually wait until their presence has built first before debuting a studio album. This album debuts not only GLOSS as the final winning group of GLITTER AND LIP GLOSS but also their mystical "letter" concept. The music video released for the promoted song "SHOWSTOPPER" showed ambiguous, yet beautiful imagery.
Upon the release of both the music video and the album, MEMORY ONE received mediocre success domestically and internationally, despite this comeback showing all sides of GLOSS. It is believed that the music hadn't done poorly (due to the little reviews they have being favorable of the sound) but the promotions QUARTZ were holding.
"This song,” Jinjoo explained, “Serves as an introduction to the album. The whole album is about a person receiving a memory that changes them and reminds them of who they once were.” She looked to her members, unsure of how to explain while still maintaining the mystery behind the concept. “Basically, a person receives a memory they were unaware they had prior that gives them insight into who they were previously. This song is brief and only acts as the introduction. Sometimes, one does better when they don’t remember and sometimes, remembering can be worst than never knowing.”
"This track is the first scene of the memory. One memory contains many scenes but acts as one memory,” Yejin attempts to elaborate, “It is is the first part, rather. The lyrics to this song are dramatic like ‘I’ll die on this stage, call the curtain’s when I flatline’ or ‘ 난 이 무대에서 죽을 (거야), 내 심장 박동이 약해지면 커튼을 (닫아)’ for example. This song also plays as the ego. Very “I’m better than you” and “I can play the role better than you.” The chorus is very-- flavorful-” She chuckles at her words, feeling like she’s explaining a dish rather than her own song. The other members laugh as well and Jinjoo takes control a little, “Yes, this song is very egotistical and dramatic yet we like that aspect. The MV also takes place in a theatre where we are on stage in outfits and the spotlight is on the stage only. ‘I take center stage!’ Jojo quoted a lyric from the song. The other members continued to make fun of her.
“This song is, well, it’s just about lies. One might argue that the song itself is a li-” Stella attempted to explain before getting cut off by her members glares. It appears that was a fact for another time. “Well, this song is not ashamed of itself. It goes out of it’s way to tell the listeners through the lyrics that lying isn’t bad and one might feel happiness or joy from lying, hence the title and the exclamation. ‘Sometimes it’s better to be unclear, than to be see through,” She quotes the lyrics from the song. “That’s my favorite line. We wrote this song off of the controversial opinions on what lying is perceived by others. Some people say that lying is bad and that it should stop forever while others say that lying can be good in specific situations and that sometimes it can be better to lie than tell the truth. Well, I have no opinion on it, but there is no such thing as good and evil being standalone concepts. Evil cannot live without good and good cannot live without evil.”
Jazalina raised her hand to explain, seemingly excited about it, “I wrote this song so let me take you through it! Ah, this is song that lyrically screams desperation. I called it ‘Call on Me’ when it originally was ‘Lean’. This song is not only about romance but also about the friendship that is alongside it. I feel that, in romance, you are companions as well. In this song, the lyrics tell the story of a person begging their lover to call upon them (or lean) on them when they need it, and that they are not alone. Though, the lyrics also depict that their lover hasn’t been doing so lately and has been shouldering burdens like Atlas carrying the world, if you know what I mean. It’s almost as if their lover doesn’t trust them enough to lean on the author of this song.”
嘘つき ! ーー INSP.
"We all collectively agreed upon this name when we were sitting there at 3 Am trying to get the whole album together,” Hyojin spoke with confidence, a contrast to the girls prior who were scared to reveal too much. It was almost like Hyojin didn’t care to overstep her explaining. “Uso means lie and tsuki means to tell, so to combine them, you get usotsuki, or ‘Liar’. We chose this title specifically because tsuki in this context is pronounced the same as tsuki ( 月 ), which is moon in Japanese as well. The moon is our concept in this debut and so are things such as lies, so we thought the title would go well. Full disclaimer, we are well aware that tsuki in liar does not have the same meaning as tsuki in moon!” Hyojin laughed, trying to make them seem less like idiots. “Anyways, this song is different than ‘It’s a Lie’, even though they both discuss lies. To be a liar is different than telling lies. Instead of showing joy towards lies, this song has the opposite meaning of ‘It’s a Lie!”. This song is guilt-ridden and cannot find a way free from being a liar. Almost as if you’ve told so many lies, you’ve become a liar and suddenly, you dislike the change of pace but you are too accustomed to it that you cannot be stopped.”
“Moving on from that concept,” Yejin laughed awkwardly, knowing it’s a bit strange to move on from such a serious topic, “We have ATTABOY, which is the beginning of the end of the memory. It appears like someone has made many mistakes and is going down a wrong path so they try to prevent their fate and turn it around. Instead of hating themselves and their past self, they try to move on and give themselves a pat on the back, or an ATTABOY if you will. This song is like when you are trying to scream at someone when you see them doing something blatantly wrong, but you are in a soundproof room. They cannot hear you. To get past your mistakes, you have to face them, admit to them and then repent. Though, it appears this song skips a few steps. The person is so eager to redeem themselves that they don't even face their mistakes. They just try to ignore them and give themselves attaboys till it feels better. And instead of growth, they are destroying themselves even further."
킌 ! ーー INSP.
"This song brings back the ego. Yes, it is very prominent within it, however, it’s not the way you think it is.” Jinjoo explained. “This song is titled like empowerment, you know? You see your girlie doing something cool, you’re like ‘she’s a queen', right? That’s the way we wanted it to seem from the outside of the title. But this song’s meaning isn’t about that. This is about someone overthrowing another with higher power. Like peasants overcoming a tyrant. It’s not easy, but they do it. Years upon years and generations upon generations lead up to them overthrowing and committing regicide, dismantling the monarchy which had terrorized them for years. This is an example of the title and meaning, though it’s meaning can be ambiguous. That higher power may be a toxic lover and after years, you finally break it off. The song is about ego, like I said. Except it’s the result of what happens when your ego grows so much that it works against you.
"This song sums up the album to a bit of insanity. The person who has received these memories might be shocked that this is who they were prior to the loss of them,” Stella explained. “If we lose our memories, we lose our identity. It’s within human nature to adapt, so we find another identity to cling to if we don’t already have one. But imagine if you find a new identity and you suddenly remember the one you lost. Shock, surprise, guilt?
The music video has many elements within it, but it’s mainly all five of the girls looking into a bright light and dancing in a solid white room. The room doesn’t have a floor pattern or a wall pattern; it’s just solid white where florescent lights. Each of them appears to be receiving a letter, insinuating that maybe the memories received stemmed from that letter. The sender’s name on the front is merely “LEADER OF THE NEW GENERATION” and it is wax sealed. Yejin appears to be the only girl who actually opens the letter.
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Yeah nobody cares 
They only had two stages and the outfits in the music video were more like instagram outfits rather than professional costumes
Though the whole MV was a cinematic masterpiece
Anyways the girls liked this era despite it being just debut
Many Reflections don’t even remember this era, but reject modernity and embrace tradition
The girls were so happy and carefree despite the bad promotions
Wasn’t necessarily QUARTZ’s fault since this was like their first group and first comeback
Things were being tested out and they were gaining experience as a newly founded company
MANY pictures of them in the outfits and behind the scenes photos
Yejin has a wall of polaroids of just this era alone
It meant a lot for them because they didn’t even know if they were going to debut but they did
They found each other and they were together and that's all that matters not album sales or popularity
Okay so Jinjoo and Hyoj actually went viral on Twitter briefly for their blonde hair
Like everyone was like “we stan two blondie besties”
Thought that feedback did not help views on the MV 😭
They had a whole vlive that was like five hours of them talking and celebrating with Reflections about the MV
They discussed how hard it was to not spoil but it would be worth it in the future of their careers
Yejin played acoustic versions of showstopper and usotsuki and at the end of the vlive, they all had sleepy smiles on their faces while they had their arms on each other’s backs, leaning on one another
Actual sweeties everyone
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glossvrse · 4 years
tag the oc that really likes frogs
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glossvrse · 4 years
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JOJO (7 AM - 8 AM)
tw; food
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"Hi, guys!" Jojo waves to the camera excitedly, despite her drowsy appearance. "I'll explain everything in a sec, just lemme," She paused, trying to fix her blonde hair a little as it was all over the place. It appeared she had just awoken. With the camera still in her hand, you could hear the bed creaking as she got up from her comfortable spot. The video cuts to Jinjoo cautiously fixing her sheets and cover, careful not to wake up the girl that was laying on the other side of the queen sized bed. The girl’s back was facing the camera and light snoring could be heard.
The video then cut to Jojo placing the camera on the counter below her. She then backed away a little, making sure it was in focus. After assuring herself the camera quality was fine, she began to lean on the counter, preparing some words in her head to describe what her plan was to the viewers. Behind the blonde was a white and black minimalistic kitchen. "So- I need to explain what is going on and why I've brought you here." She muttered a little 'of course' before offering a charming smile to the camera.
"Welcome to my relay cam. What’s a relay cam? Basically, it’s just an hour-long vlog, talking to the camera about what you do at a specific time of day. We all decided what time slots we were taking. My time is 7-8 AM so you will be observing what I do for an hour of my life. The other girls’ will be uploaded later but right now, it’s all me, baby." She got up and the camera had been pushed back a little so you could see her upper body as she stood, but not before shooting finger guns at the camera. The video cuts to Jinjoo getting something from the cabinets humming gently to the soft music playing in the background. It appeared while the camera was off, she began to play a little from her playlist. "Don't worry about the music waking up the others," She assured the camera as she set a box down. "They are really heavy sleepers. Oh and also, that was Hyojin in bed earlier. She's a little cutie pie." She scrunched her nose up cutely, cringy slightly then continuing her cabinet activities.
"I'm cooking pancakes by the way!" She said in the next cut. "Usually, we have a cooking schedule and we all take turns on who is gonna cook breakfast or dinner. It's a requirement. When Jazalina was a trainee, she didn't know how to cook," She smiled fondly at the camera just the thought of her other member, "We spent weeks and weeks, using our free time to teach her how to cook. I'm not gonna say she's the best, but she can make a good omelet." Jinjoo chuckled quietly as she began to pour ingredients into a bowl. The part sped up a little as it was spent in silence. In the end, a light sizzling noise was heard as she poured her mix onto the frying pan. The music was turned off and after her pouring, she started hopping around singing 'breakfast for the kids' over and over in a sing-song voice.
Finally, the camera cut to Jinjoo talking to it as she held it. "We're almost done. Also, yes, I have switched personalities with Yejin." She laughed a little before explaining, "I don't know, I just feel like cooking for someone is a magical thing, you know. Cooking for someone you love is a whole other thing on its own. I was talking to Yuri and Faii of VANICA about it too. Instead of taking turns cooking like us, Yuri and Faii are the official cooks. Anyway, they said that both of them say good affirmations to the food before cooking it so it will taste better. What do y'all think?" She turned around, looking at her pancakes in a panicked way. "You are such a good listener but I need to check on my food."
Now the camera cut to Jinjoo flipping the pancakes over and checking them before putting them on a plate. "Hey," a new voice said groggily. They seemed to awaken just a few minutes ago. Jinjoo grinned at them, "Hey, Jazz." Jazalina smiled at the camera, sleepily, then walked over to Jinjoo and whispered something. The two of them laughed. Jinjoo pointed to the table and the younger girl sat down and looked at the viewers. "Relay cam, right?" Jinjoo barely nodded, obviously focused on fixing the dish with syrup and butter. "Did you guys know that the reason Jinjoo has to introduce this series is that she lost a game rock paper scissors?" Jinjoo looked to Jazalina with a death glare and put her finger to her lips as in 'shut up before I kill you' Jazzy grinned cheekily and looked at the camera.
"Wouldn't wanna mess with her. Her legs are just too built, it's scary. Sucks that she can’t win a game of rock, paper scissors to save her life." The final cut was with the camera being between Jazalina and Jinjoo. You could see the pancakes on their plates. Jinjoo waved the camera and grinned while Jazalina began wolfing down her food. "That's all, okay? Please anticipate the other members' relay cams. Thank you for watching!" Jazalina waved too, distractedly and the screen turned black.
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yes this is inspired by nct. no in this universe pls just pretend nct didn't do it first ✋😭 im not gonna try to explain how they did this theyre just gonna do it. these are just lil fun things im doing so theyre not going to be super long or advanced, they’re meant for dialogue practice and fun
(also i made the gif from scratch be proud of me or perish🔫🔫)
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glossvrse · 4 years
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(twitter, also oddly specific. and yes i know how gøudy twoshus is actually spelled)
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glossvrse · 4 years
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CHERRY is the debut EP of ATHENA, better known as YEJIN, a South Korean vocalist and member of up-and-coming South Korean girl group, GLOSS. The EP was released January 1st, 2021, alongside a music video of the main song, CHERRY. Lyrically, the whole concept of the EP is about the love you feel for not only your significant other, but for your friends and others.
The music video, which was filmed by ATHENA herself, accompanied the release. In the music video, ATHENA was seen dancing around and playing guitar. It wasn't professional whatsoever, though the fans thought it was sweet.
These songs are merely inspirations, meaning the lyrics and meaning are not going to pertain to the songs in GLOSS-VERSE.
01. CHERRY ! ーー INSP.
"This song is," Yejin chuckled briefly, obviously amused by her own thoughts, "Pure, unadulterated love. Before I even came up with the lyrics, I had the melody in my head playing over and over so I played it on my guitar. Oh my gosh, when I tell you this song made me grin just to think about it and it wasn't even born! I've always been inspired by the elements of love, because it's not just your significant other you hold love for. It can be your friends, your family, your coworkers, your pets but it can also be your little cute frog tea set your friends told you not to buy." It appeared Yejin was speaking almost from experience.
"So, right after I wrote CHERRY, I just knew I needed this to be content packed." She explained, using her hands to talk, habitually. "Like I said previously, I hold absolute fascination with the concept of love, however, love isn't always a good thing. Sometimes love can be destructive and anarchy. When I thought of this song, I thought of a friend I made back in High School. I loved her to bits, though we realized we couldn't be friends because we were kind of hurting each other with our friendship. Did you know, even though I broke off our friendship, I still love her to this day? Basically, this song is the epitome of "you can love someone even though they are not in your life anymore."
"This is, by far, my favorite track on this EP. This song is about the love you hold for the people who are your family. I mean- just 'cause you guys don't have the same bloodline doesn't make your family less family-like. The special thing about our chosen family is that we have a say. You don't get to chose who birthed you but you get to choose the people who surround you. My chosen family has gotten me through so much that I couldn't help but express my love. I love you all~!" She smiled, making a heart then continuing to wave her hands.
"Yes, this song was named after the 1975's song. I really like that song, though I did want to change up the concept of it a little. Now, this song is pretty flexible with meaning, but all meanings lead back to the title. I would absolutely love it if we made it." Yejin paused, trying to collect her words, "See, I always tell myself 'hey, it's gonna be okay', and I find I say the same thing in my relationships. When I get into fights with members or friends, I always assure them it's going to be okay. This song is kinda like "yeah, we have ups and downs, but that's what a relationship is all about. Though, we are still going to make it through and I'd love it if we did."
05. WHERE U ARE ! ーー INSP.
"Okaaay so, I wrote this song at 3 AM. I actually wrote it prior to debut. It's a bit of a confusing song to some, but it's simple. I wrote this song about a scenario I had a dream about. Imagine you are lonely, working a mundane life. But every time you fall asleep, you see the person of your dreams *in* your dreams. Like a soulmate, every single night. This song is "I wish I could escape my mundane life and go to live where you are, which is in my dreams."
ATHENA filmed this MV on her own with her own camera and edited it on her own as well. It's obviously not extremely high quality since it isn't professional, but it gives it a lot of charm with shaky camera angles and abrupt cut offs. Some scenes are when she's at the local park or Han River, just dancing around, walking and giggling. Some scenes are in her room, where she's writing and playing her guitar while grinning at the camera. The rest of the scenes aren't even of her, rather her members and the people around her. Some are her zooming in on the GLOSS member's faces while they're talking and laughing.
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This digital release was so surprising, it caught everyone off guard
NOBODY expected this release
A lot of these songs Yejin had came up with predebut
Yes, she wrote all of them and came up with acoustic demos
It came from Yejin's heart so please be gentle with it
Though some people didn't understand that
There were a lot of people complaining about the lack of GLOSS content
Like "you cant give a group a comeback but you can focus on one member"
At this point QUARTZ had given GLOSS two comebacks within the span of a year
Anyways it didnt effect Yejin but in the end, the ratio of reflections who liked it and who didnt were pretty balanced
Not much happened with this release except that it got SO POPULAR
Hot take: Yejin was carrying GLOSS on her back
If not for this release, GLOSS would've forever been nugus
These songs brought a lot of international fans in because it blew up on TikTok
Yes the reflections who werent mad at Yejin were commenting on every trending video with her songs saying "THIS IS YEJIN HYUNGS GIVE CREDIT TO OUR FOUNDERS"💀💀
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glossvrse · 4 years
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TITLE !  lovely, the universe.
WORD COUNT !  2,933
CHARACTERS !  Kim Jinjoo AKA JOJO, Jung Mija AKA STELLA, Mark Lee, Qian Kun  
GENRE !  Angst, fluff
SYNOPSIS !  In which Jinjoo and Mija recall how they fell in love with the best people.
AUTHORS NOTE !  I apologies if some parts don’t make sense! I’ve read through it many times but I could’ve missed something. Please enjoy.
WARNINGS !  cursing, depictions of a break down, including crying and screaming
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"So," Jinjoo began, staring out of the window of the dorm she knew as home. All she saw was the cityscape, and how beautiful it looked from the sky. Even though the view wasn't necessarily the best, she took what little she was served. “Are you…” Jinjoo paused, not sure how to ask her member such a serious question. All the rehearsing she did before the talk was thrown out the window as soon as she requested Mija to sit with her in privacy. ‘Those eyes,’ she thought to herself, gazing at Mija’s chocolate orbs, ‘Why are they making this so difficult?’
“Mija, I saw you last night.” Silence graced the room. Although it was silent previously, this silence was different from anything Jinjoo had experienced before. It was heavy, full of tension, suspicion, and almost guilt. Jinjoo could barely breathe in this air. At this point, she would rather leave the room with concerns than breathe this disappointment in. After what felt like a long time, Mija spoke with a soft voice, “You saw me?” It was small and emotionless. Jinjoo couldn’t tell what she was feeling and that made her, even more, unnerved at this interaction. She should’ve stayed silent. She *would’ve* if not for the potential danger Mija put herself through for some boy. If their agency found out she was seeing Mark Lee, they’d terminate her contract before she could get a word in edgewise.
Hell, even Jinjoo recalls how strict QUARTZ was during trainee days. “No dating! If you’d rather choose Romeo and Juliet over your career, you aren’t fit to be an idol!” The leader shivered at the harsh tone of their instructor, even now. “Y-yeah,” Jinjoo said, stumbling over her words whilst searching for new ones that made sense, “I heard a loud bang last night while I was going through our schedule. I went over, and there you were.” Mija had escaped from the window of their dorm down to the balcony below her. The jump wasn’t low at all, and even though Mija had been clumsy with the execution, she’d made it. Unfortunately, however, the younger girl had also hit her leg on the wall. Jinjoo remembers how startled she was to see her member limping from the impact, more worried about the wound than what Mija would be doing exiting the dorms in such an odd way. But nothing startled Jinjoo more than seeing her member reach the ground floor and run up to Mark Lee with open arms.
Mija was silent throughout the time Jinjoo confronted her. The young girl hadn’t known what to say. What do you say to your member who caught you doing something against regulation? ‘Forgot about it?’ ‘I’ll pay you.’ Dammit. Mija wracked her brain, attempting to find a way out of this conversation alive.
“Hey, Mija. It’s okay. I’m not gonna let QUARTZ know or anyone else. Not even Yej. But, if you don’t mind me asking, why?”
“Why what?” Mija responded hastily.
Jinjoo sighed, getting the exact opposite reaction she had hoped for. The leader was at least expecting a semblance of calm to their conversation. There was still a chance. She had to make sure Mija trusted in her. If she was going to put her contract on the line, she needed the help of someone. Or at least a shoulder to cry on. “Why are you dating?” Jinjoo responded to her calmly, her hands steady on her lap. She was speaking in English now, hoping that Mija understood her words better. They were both sitting on the floor with Mija hugging her knees to her chest and Jojo sitting crossed. “I’m dating because I’m a grown woman. I can do what I want. What? Do you expect me to just sit around and dance all day? I’m tired of living for the fans. I wanna live for what Jung Mija wants. Fuck what Stella wants.” Jinjoo could tell Mija wasn’t actually directing her aggression at her, rather herself. The funny part is, Jinjoo is well aware that Mija doesn’t mean it. She knows better than anybody that the girl in front of her loves her career more than anybody. Jinjoo couldn’t miss the brilliant smile Mija wore when she got up on stage and gave the choreo her all. The leader couldn’t help but smile at seeing the younger girl get so excited over fan calls. She’d talk for hours about the different types of fans and how motivated she felt after hearing their words.
But then again, Jinjoo could also see where she was coming from. Out of everyone in GLOSS, Mija is the most popular. It’s good, but it’s also bad. In comes more fans, loving Mija and praising her left and right. But the opportunity to be a good fan of Mija is shared with the opportunity of being a bad fan of her. More sasaengs, more toxicity. Mija was probably the most loved and bullied when she first debuted. Fans calling her fat, telling her she could never be pretty if she didn’t lose weight. And although the younger girl had been advised by her seniors to never read comments, she couldn’t hold herself back. Thousands and thousands of comments. And for every good one, a bad one came along. For nights, Mija woke from nightmares, sobbing about how many people seem to hate her. “I’m a bad person,” Mija screamed out in the arms of Jinjoo one night. The two of them were roommates when they first debuted, so the leader experienced the tears of the younger girl first hand. “They think I’m bad!” Mija screamed into Jinjoo’s shirt. The blonde could only hold onto Mija for dear life. She was silent, comforting her by rubbing back, kissing her head, and whispering things like: “It’s okay, Mija, it’s okay.”
Jinjoo looks at Mija now and can’t get the image of that one night out of her head. This is the real Stella right here. She’s a human with raw emotion, feeling everything the same way any average being does. Though that fact is hard to swallow for those who admire idols to an extreme point. The leader felt disgusted that there’s someone who is out there that genuinely believes Mija feels nothing but happiness. All Jinjoo wants to do is take away the sadness from Mija and give her hope. “Hey, it’s alright Mija.” She says, making sure to keep her distance from the girl. She knows that if she gets a little closer to Mija, she will hug her and cling to her for dear life. But Jinjoo also knows that her actions of endearment might not be welcomed due to the mood of the room.
“Jung Mija is Jung Mija and she truly deserves her happiness. If Mark Lee is your happiness, fine. I fully cheer both of you on. All I know is that I’m warning you to be careful. It’s not that I don’t love you, but I know that you love your career. If QUARTZ terminated your contract, I know you’d be devastated. That’s why I’m warning you to *be careful*. I’ll back you up, Mija. You know this.” Jinjoo looked at the younger girl with unwavering, tense eyes. It was Mija’s turn to feel intimidated by her gaze. “I-I know that, Jinjoo.” Mija finally felt herself calming down from her rage. “Thank you. Thank you for everything.” Mija reached over and hugged Jinjoo. Of course, the leader was already waiting for her hug but she wanted Mija to feel comfortable about it. Jinjoo embraces Mija back and hugged her as her life depended on it. She hoped her affection conveyed how much she genuinely loved Mija.
“But I have to ask,” Jinjoo pulled away from the hug after minutes of silence. “Why Mark Lee?” She almost cracked up at her own question. Mark Lee, the boy who always seems to carry stars in his eyes. “I don’t know,” Mija laughed alongside Jinjoo. “It’s just-- his everything. His laugh, his smile. I genuinely adore him. He helps numb the pain better than anything.”
“I mean, whatever helps, right?” Jinjoo chuckled once more, preferring this mood over the previous. The two continued to laugh over the night, the tension dissipating in an instance. It didn’t even linger and there was no trace of the conversation's presence. It happened and it’s gone.
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“Get up.” He chuckled, pulling her hand.
“I have no desire to.”
“I said,” Mija easily got out of bed, a mere opposite of her attitude minutes ago, “Give me a kiss.” She made sure to pronounce every syllable. “Stella-- are you sure?” He asked, and looked her in the eyes. Mija was almost going to kiss him right then and there. He looked so adorable, his eyes were glowing, and he was obviously embarrassed by her blunt behavior. She lifted up his hand and kissed his palm, looking to him. “Of course. You can kiss me anytime.” Mark looked at her hesitantly before leaning in. She met him halfway and they kissed. It was soft. Of course, it always was. Mija had to admit to Mark that his kisses have an effect to make her melt. Nobody has ever touched Mija with such love and passion and seeing Mark, she believes he’s the first to ever make her feel this way. He is her first love.
Mija grinned up at Mark from her bed. Although Mark wanted to get up and make something, Mija was opposed to the idea. She just wanted to reside in bed with him, relaxed and calm. This was her safe haven. “We can sit down and eat and talk. How about that?” Mark attempted to persuade her out of bed. “Gimme a kiss.”
“What?” He said in disbelief. It had caught him off guard for sure.
Mark pulled away, blushing. “Uhm, so should we go ahead and, like, you know, finally eat?” Mija squeezed Mark’s hand she kissed. She never let go. “Yeah, let’s. I’m starving.”
As soon as she made her way into the kitchen, she began to gather up ingredients to cook a simple breakfast. Her star-eyed lover looked at her confused. “I can cook for you.”
“Oh my god, no Mark. Remember last time? You almost burned me alive AND you gave me food poisoning.” The boy chuckled at her tone. “You’re being dramatic.”
“No, I’m being protective over my life. *I* want to live.” The two laughed back at the memory. It was peaceful. Mark was sitting at the table conversing with Mija now and then while she cooked breakfast. She was at NCT’s dorms and the other boys were either busy or out, considering today was their off day, which was few and far in between. You’d think they would let them rest more often, but Mija was happy when she spent time with Mark. She never complained about his busy schedule because she understood.
As soon as Mija was done, she placed the plate down, serving eggs and bacon. It was good, considering she was always the one cooking back at her dorms. “Eat up.” She said grinning at Mark. Nothing felt better than seeing someone enjoy the food you worked on. “So, how have promotions been going?” She sipped the coffee in her hands, deciding to skip out on breakfast since she didn’t feel hungry in the mornings.
“It’s fine, just stressful. We’re preparing to release a full album but we’re still deciding on naming and things. How have you been?” He asked, enjoying the breakfast as if it were steak and not the mediocre eggs. “It’s been fine too. Kinda boring. QUARTZ has been talking about a comeback too but nothing’s been promised yet. Kind of disappointing, you know? But, they’re giving us variety shows and things on the Youtube channel.”
“That’s good.” He said briefly. Then came a comforting silence. Mija looked at Mark eating and couldn’t help but feel her heartbeat faster. The only thing that came to mind was adoration. She was happy that it was Mark Lee. Mija was happy she felt loved by the best person on this Earth. Even though they’ve been dating for almost a year, she still felt the same as she did when they first became friends. She met Mark through Jinjoo and it was like sparks. Mija has always been cynical about love inadvertently. When people said they felt a spark, she thought that they were being dramatic. But when she first saw Mark Lee, she knew she had been wrong all along. She can’t help but chuckle about how she used to be before she met him. Married to her work, obsessed with her livelihood and nothing else. Mark is like her escape. She doesn’t feel like she has to maintain her image around him. Being around him is like a breath of fresh air. The only time she feels she can let her hair down is when she is around her members and Mark Lee.
“I love you.” She blurted out randomly. Although he was surprised, he obviously smiled and with out missing a beat, “I love you too.” Mija was surprised to hear it back. She expected awkward silence or an ‘I’m not ready’ Of course, she was perfectly fine with hearing this. She wanted him to feel comfortable. But hearing it back finally made her heart and ego swell. “I can’t believe I’m loved by the best person.” Mark’s eyes widened at that and laughed again, not used to hearing this from his girlfriend. “Shut up, no you.” They both smiled at each other and Mija grabbed his hand and held on to it. She was afraid that if she let go, she would see the reality of her situation again. It terrified her. But with Mark’s soft hand in her’s, she felt like she could take on anything.
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Jinjoo doesn’t know when she fell in love with him.
They had met in 2015 when she was a trainee and he had first joined SM. Before she even thought of leaving. Out of everyone she knew, Kun felt what she felt. He was 19 and she was 16, but they understood each other fully. There was no romance, just pure friendship. She never looked at him as anything more than a friend and vice-versa. And leaving him behind in 2018 hurt the most. Not leaving her childhood friends, or her coworkers. Leaving him made her sob.
As soon as Jinjoo left SM, she felt uneasy about continuing her friendship with Kun long distance. But he made it work. Even through tough times like moving away, he was still there.
Maybe it was when she was standing in her own room for the last time. He had met up with her in her room to just chat. If anybody was going to know, he was going to be the first. She tried to find the words to say. It was dramatic, but she was leaving her childhood behind. She was leaving behind all the little joys and that hurt the most. “I’m leaving SM.” It felt good to hear that from herself. It was almost as if her own voice finalized the doom of her career path with this company. Jinjoo needed this.  
“Then do it.” He said, squeezing her hand a little more. Jinjoo realized she loved him there. Instead of encouraging her to do something she didn’t want to, he made sure, and then encouraged her own decision. With him, she felt like she had a say in her life, despite what little was in her control. She almost told him of her sudden realization but decided against it. Jinjoo wondered how anyone life Kun could ever except the feelings of someone like her. So she waited.
Kun was silent, but he had many things to say. He wanted to comfort her but he wanted to hear the reason she was leaving. Deep down, however, he already knew. He knew how bad it hurt for her to watch everyone around her debut. Even the people that joined after her and hadn't been in the company for long. He remembered being with her to comfort her during those times, thanking God it was him and not somebody else.
He cared for her, almost a little too much. Kun wanted to see her succeed more than anybody.
Instead of asking her why he decided it was a question for another time. “Alright.” He breathed out and looked at her. She looked scared to see his response and then and there he felt his power over her. He knew that if he asked her to stay, she would. No matter how much it hurt her, he knew she prioritized their friendship over a lot of things. Kun didn’t like the fact but he merely smiled at her and grabbed her hand. “Go. Please. If you feel unhappy here, don’t let anyone decide for you. You’ve chosen to leave, right? This is what *you* want?” She felt unfazed by his hand, rather his attitude is what comforted her the most. She felt happy that her friend cared for what she felt. “Yes. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time but yes. I want to leave.”
Finally, after her debut, she was asked out. Instead of her mustering up the courage, *Kun* did. It caught her so off guard that she almost decline him because she thought it was a joke. But when she looked into his eyes, she could tell he was genuine. She was relieved she was with the best person.
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glossvrse · 4 years
Just letting you guys know I will be alterating Yejin's storyline when it comes to ATHENA! It is no longer a secret she is ATHENA. She will just be under that alias as a soloist, publically!
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glossvrse · 4 years
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