Global Investment Bank Founder
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Islamic finance is what we stand for. We help our Muslim customers invest in forex exchange market and provide financial advice within Islamic boundaries. At Global Investment Bank Maldives, we care about our Muslim brothers and sisters who want to venture into the financial industry.
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globalinvestmentfounderr · 4 years ago
Global Investment Bank Founder Helped Islamic Banking in the Maldives to scale up
Mohammad Yaw, the founder of Global Investment Bank in the Maldives, is a brilliant, passionate and driven man. He speaks from pain and has learned from many of the world’s biggest achievers. I caught up with him recently to discuss his experiences, successes and challenges as he continues to shape one of the fastest-growing financial institutions in the world. Here are some of the key points from our conversation
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An experienced financial advisor who has made it his business mission to develop capable and empowered financial entrepreneurs worldwide, Mohammad Yaw feels that the key to financial success is building relationships with mentors and business partners. As founder of Global Investment Bank (GIB), he has the unique ability to bring together an impressive group of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experience who are dedicated to growing their businesses, helping them build their capabilities and providing them with the attention they need to succeed. He is the founder of Global Investment Bank (GIB). He has been leading its transformation from a regional bank to a global asset manager with $30 billion in assets under management. Currently, he is responsible for overseeing the Bank's asset management group, which includes asset advisory services as well as investment banking, private equity and equity funding activities. Prior to becoming Head of GIB Mohammad Yaw was Head of Economic Research and Planning at Maldives Institutional Investor where he was responsible for asset allocation and research design. Prior to that, he was an economics student at Harvard College who received BS and MA degrees in Economics.
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   The story behind Global investment Bank is that of the founder Mohammad Yaw in the Maldives, it was set up by a group of young professionals who were frustrated by the lack of opportunities available to them in their home countries of Maldives, Indonesia, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Singapore. In order to be businessmen, they had to leave their comfortable lives behind and take on challenges that could potentially put their lives at risk. They ultimately came up with the idea of establishing a financial institution that would offer commercial banking services to those in the developing world who lacked access to adequate financial institutions. A that brings together private equity firms, real estate investment funds, sovereign wealth funds and financial institutions on a sustainable basis since 2020. global investment bank draws its strength from its strong network of advisors and key personnel from around the world in Islamic Banking. In addition to providing advisory services such as equity capital raise training and capacity building for private equity funds, it also provides operational expertise such as operational excellence, financial audit services and funding disposition services. In the quest for wealth, Mohammad Yaw converted to Islam and like many before him, naturally, he turned to Islamic banking. with the help of his friend Hafiz Ehsan, a Malaysian-born academic, the institution is one of the first in the Muslim world to fully integrate financial services with Islamic law. Starting with a small base in Indonesia, it now serves clients throughout the Middle East and Asia. Founded as a means of financing the cost of educating students, Islamic Global Investment banking has since expanded its remit to include a wide range of services including investment, funds management, scholarships, and insurance products with their headquarters in the Maldives.
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Global Investment Bank in recent years, international investment banks have played a significant role in the investment of countries and regions. These institutions provide funding to numerous companies and individuals around the world, thereby influencing economic and social development in a variety of ways.
Be sure to follow Global Investment Bank Founder Mohammad Yaw on social Media for more updates.
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