; all these side blogs were too much. i just throw all my writing and shit over here now. all muses but loki are living in this nifty lil space now.
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     "M'kay, lemme... translate... I love yah. That's about it. You're like a little sunshine and it's adorable."
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     ”Definitely. I mean, you’d have to be pretty affected by said being a dork in order to look that cute.”
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     "Definitely. I mean, you'd have to be pretty affected by said being a dork in order to look that cute."
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"You dork. Dork and a half. Maybe double dork.”
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"You dork. Dork and a half. Maybe double dork."
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"That face, you’re doin’ it- Shut up."
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"That face, you're doin' it- Shut up."
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              “What face? There’s no face.”
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"Don't make that face.          It's hard to be mad at you when you make that face."
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                     And then I go
                                                                                      and [ spoil ] it all,
                       by saying
                                                                                   something stupid
                                                 "I  l o v e  y o u." 
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"I just can’t stand it when someone’s cell phone rings when I’m talking. "
"So, come on! Kill me if you can!"
"Justice will, without fail, prevail."
"Let’s value our lives."
”___ is childish and he hates losing… I’m also childish and hate losing.”
"Let’s show him… that the good guys always win."
"In the end, I’ll win."
"This isn’t divine judgment. It’s the work of some childish killer."
"He who moves first always wins."
"I just can’t sit any other way than this."
"I don’t like his style… it’s not like mine at all."
"I’m a… pervert?"
"Will you be eating that cake?…"
"Say what you want, but I will be taking the cake."
"Why are you staring at me? Are you annoyed that I am the only one who has cake?"
"I’ll fall in love with you?"
"My number of friends has increased yet again."
"It proves that he is becoming rather desperate."
"You look so mad. I thought you might want some cake, too."
"However gifted you are, you alone can’t change the world."
"I guess it’s time to say, farewell…"
"I am… JUSTICE!!!"
"I am God!"
"I will erase him."
"The real battle starts now."
"She has to be eliminated."
"I’ll make you trust me. And when you’ve told me everything I need to know, I’ll kill you."
"You can’t ever win if you’re always on the defensive. To win, you have to attack."
"For murderers, there is no good or evil. I know that."
"I won… just as planned."
"In every world, the gods always make the rules. You will fall before my fake rules and, for the sin of going against the new world’s God, die."
"I am going to be the God of the new world."
"There are a lot of stupid people out there."
"I must protect my fledging utopia."
"This is my win, ___."
"DON’T COME NEAR ME! Kill them! Someone kill them!"
"Why are you looking at me? It’s not me."
"What do you mean? In layman’s terms…"
"What was it all for then!? What about your father, what the hell did he die for!?"
"I’ll live my own way."
"In the end there is no greater motivation than revenge."
"No kidding. So you’ve got no choice but to listen to us."
”___, you say clever things.”
"Our goal is the same. I’ll wait for you there."
"I hate evil & love justice. I do not consider the police as my enemies but as my allies against evil."
"You just want to see me pee again, YOU PERVERT!"
"What do you mean I "use my sexual charm"!?"
"You can’t buy peace or love with money."
"I don’t even use the Internet…" 
"Eating sweets makes you fat."
"I’m satisfied with just being used by you. Trust me."
"There’s no way I’ll stand for you seeing other girls. If I see that, I’ll kill them."
"If you cannot win at the game, if you cannot solve the puzzle, you are just another loser."
"Things are getting interesting now."
"You, who’ve taken on his name, have managed — well, nothing."
"I don’t know what to say. Now, I think it’s just best to observe closely."
"Don’t make me repeat the same thing many times."
"What an obvious lie he is telling."
"You said she’s smart but it only means she got high marks, and she’s actually a stupid woman."
"I’ve wanted to make him taste his own pathetic failure with all my heart."
"No. You’re just a mass murderer."
"It’s over. You’ve lost the game."
"Humans are such ugly creatures." 
"Humans are… so much fun."
"I feel like I’m in a sitcom."
"That was worth an Academy Award."
"Humans are hilarious."
"Hey, all it did was go around in a full circle."
"Sorry, but… believe it or not, I’m a male too…"
"Hehe. A disaster—struck family playing a happy—homey family… This show is funny."
"Heh. Are those the eyes of a man in love?"
"I will not succumb to evil."
"The real evil is the power to kill people."
"No…anything obtained by killing people can never bring true happiness."
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            A raised eyebrow. Whatever it was, it likely hadn't been a pleasant thing to say. The agent stared in silence for a few moments more, before she piped up, though cautiously. He looked... snappy.                                       And she wasn't stupid. "I'm not practised in languages other than english or vulcan, so..."
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     ( Calloused fingers rub viciously at closed eyes,         as though their presence there shall scour all         immortal weariness from lupine bones and see         some semblance of true wakefulness bestow          it’s light upon him.               A pity then, that company had found him. )
     ”Fokkaðu þér. Ég er ekki að takast á við þetta kjaftæði núna.”
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steve leaving post-its on bucky’s arm with little notes and messages and bucky thinks it’s fucking adorable. 
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Put a '☁' in my askbox if your muse sometimes misses my muse when we're not roleplaying
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Hiddles movies meme:
Loki → Thor: The Dark World ( 2013 )
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"That's it.         Foot cramp? Seriously?"
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               ’oh god. oh god.                                     foot cramp.’
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Reblog if you're a Marvel RP blog or willing to do Marvel crossovers
So I can follow you and do wicked things with you.
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             She stopped her catty little comments and listened. If only to get her breath back. All this over petty, stupid things. But she'd had enough, the joking and the messing around had gone too far. It'd started to hurt. Become personal.              And so she snapped and she shouted and she got upset. Great. But she gave him his five minutes to explain. Apologise. Not that she expected it. It started out sounding like a line. Something to shut her up.                           But then the self-depreciation started, something hardly like him. At least, not out loud. Failure. Though at the mention of losing her, she had to pipe in.  "Lost me? What are we, married?"
"Oh, of course, you know best." - glitter-inthe-gutter
" ———— I don’t. Darcy, I —… I apologize. If ever I have lead you to believe that I hold any form of superiority over you, or that I know any better than you… Well, I was lying. I’m clueless and lonely and desperately grasping at thin air in the hopes of finding something I’m capable at. So I failed, and lied, and lost you, all in one go. I’m sorry, Darcy. I — I don’t know best. I don’t know anything."
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The exclamation rang out in the little cafe, currently occupied by herself, two old men, a group of teenage girls and the local cat lady, and it made Darcy look up in wide eyed embarrassment. Well, at least he wasn't shy. "Yes. Hi. Me, it's me." she whispered across the room, but hardly effectively, waving as subtly as she could. Oh dear lord.
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Wade lived further than he thought so it took him a while to get there but eventually he made it, opening the door. It was at that point he realised he had no idea who he was looking for, he didn’t know what she looked like. “Hello? Who here has seen me naked!?” he called out.
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"Because that isn't awkward."
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