glinjo · 5 years
Eyes above not below
Is it a race or a show?
Have we lost the main theme?
All caught up in our everyday dreams
Forgot what the whole thing is for
Hear the knock who's at your door?
In a blink
It's over it's through
Catching on ?
What are you gonna do?
All eyes shall see and proclaim
Yet you still won't call out his name?
He will come as a thief in the night
All the wrong he will make right
All of this don't concern you
I think you might be a little confused
A bird needs the air to be lifted
He blew breath that's how you existed
Recognize- bow down- give love
He's the hand and we are the glove
It's a test -a pass and fail only
Your life -IS -your testimony
Recognize-bow down-give love
He is the hand we are only the glove
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glinjo · 5 years
She'd sit and watch the rain for hours
When I asked what was on her mind
She's say oh nothing honey -don't worry -I’m doing great everything is fine
What she saw I think was
Dishes piled in the sink and a boy she knew from high school and
Wondering if she should have broke all the rules
What will happen when she does die and will someone be there and will they cry
Did I do my life wrong and will I get to go home and
See all my loved ones there -give thanks for every single hair and every trial that I went through -because it all brought me closer to you
And now when I watch the rain I think of life -of things forever changed and
How will I make it through and yes that guy from high school too
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glinjo · 5 years
Paralyzed I stand -there's only darkness around
Tears falling from my face seems depressions been found
It swoops in sometimes
Making past mistakes new
Takes me down to a place
That I don't want to go
Nevertheless I go forward -deep thoughts at times bring me low
But in the fog like in my good days
I'm praising him too
Its the process it's the journey
The skies are not always blue
Sometimes I don't understand
But I recognize the expedition is always led by his hand
They'll be easy days -so breezy -a light shining through
They'll be sad days -really bad days -that dark calling to you
Yes I have good days
But I have bad ones too
It's a process it's a journey
The skies are not always blue
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glinjo · 5 years
I looked at a blank page today
Trying to think of what I wanted to say
What words would I choose to let others know that I'm feeling bemused?
But I thought that's the writers world that I know
Some days you scribble furiously trying to get it all out
Other times you sit looking at paper no words at all coming out
A spider web of thoughts up there creeping around
And you coax them and prod but no words will come down
A non writer might think you are just being lazy
How do you explain that some days are just hazy
Trying to push something out
Once again entering the world of self doubt
But that is the writers way
Look there Glinjo has finally found something to say
Gloria TiBi Domine
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glinjo · 5 years
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glinjo · 5 years
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glinjo · 5 years
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glinjo · 5 years
The words that come out I don't wonder I already know
That's the waking -it's like thunder-the day you let it all go
Yes you still recognize all those many things
But that light that knowledge it is the acceptance it brings
To contemplate
A God who cared enough to come back a man so he could start a new plan to save me and you
a chance to advance to a place we could never go to but now we can
And yet we hate and fight and act like we don't understand
Still steeped in hate and demanding respect cause we don't want to bow to another man? And forget the hand that molded that man?
I'm already bending -join the group you already believe if you can think -then you do
Recognize the need to BowDown to he that created with just his mind -Humanity-the world- all you see forever and all time
And if we do right then we see him and get to go to a place where no more problems can stand end of all grind can you begin to comprehend
There is no mistake in your creator or you
You were and became because he wanted you to
come forth and understand he is the one that created you
You might want to BowDown unless you can do the same thing too
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glinjo · 7 years
Tell me...
What are the words to bring us all together Tell me and I’ll say them is it a common theme Should we all recognize the beauty of the sky Do we all see the vastness of this universe How he made all of it but crated us first Man and woman there is only that Yet we hit and kill to levitate a color instead of a mind Rape and bully Instead of saluting our kind A man and a woman skin and blood I see Yet we put out labels to crush people’s dignity
Can’t we see he gave us a template a- a body Devine to travel this life and to be of like mind But a corruption has invaded hate comes in many forms yet we shield our eyes status quo it’s the norm Honey -more -bees will come around he gave us life he doesn’t have to expound What is it to know there is one who’s majesty over shadows the wondrous sound of a baby’s first wail
To understand that we are only here because somebody fell and was lifted on a cross for everyone to see But he died that we might live Can anyone hear me?
We are the spoken word of he who cannot die look there one day you’ll see him ascend from the sky but until then Together we all are here time to get a clue only love within cleanses the darkness so true No we’d rather fight and kill degrade put down all sin is the same to him yet you kill for him? You kill in his name but he never asked for help when the flood waters came You reach out and destroy what he decreed good and look at me because you’re misunderstood?
days grow long and weary yet those that BowDown know it’s only physical pain it will cease in the end as will we all know there are no begin agains
One chance one time to get it right -stand in darkness or step out in to the light
This body is a vessel only that nothing more to hold your essence for you to explore He gave the rules the way to I AM We cannot begin without an ending Yes a tortured death it may be but when we rise we shall see Be made new -see everyone that we have lost your decision -up to you Believe what you will -the end will be see
For me I BowDown and I recognize The only king
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glinjo · 7 years
Tell me...
What are the words to bring us all together Tell me and I’ll say them is it a common theme Should we all recognize the beauty of the sky Do we all see the vastness of this universe How he made all of it but crated us first Man and woman there is only that Yet we hit and kill to levitate a color instead of a mind Rape and bully Instead of saluting our kind A man and a woman skin and blood I see Yet we put out labels to crush people’s dignity
Can’t we see he gave us a template a- a body Devine to travel this life and to be of like mind But a corruption has invaded hate comes in many forms yet we shield our eyes status quo it’s the norm Honey -more -bees will come around he gave us life he doesn’t have to expound What is it to know there is one who’s majesty over shadows the wondrous sound of a baby’s first wail
To understand that we are only here because somebody fell and was lifted on a cross for everyone to see But he died that we might live Can anyone hear me?
We are the spoken word of he who cannot die look there one day you’ll see him ascend from the sky but until then Together we all are here time to get a clue only love within cleanses the darkness so true No we’d rather fight and kill degrade put down all sin is the same to him yet you kill for him? You kill in his name but he never asked for help when the flood waters came You reach out and destroy what he decreed good and look at me because you’re misunderstood?
days grow long and weary yet those that BowDown know it’s only physical pain it will cease in the end as will we all know there are no begin agains
One chance one time to get it right -stand in darkness or step out in to the light
This body is a vessel only that nothing more to hold your essence for you to explore He gave the rules the way to I AM We cannot begin without an ending Yes a tortured death it may be but when we rise we shall see Be made new -see everyone that we have lost your decision -up to you Believe what you will -the end we will see
For me I BowDown and I recognize The only king
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glinjo · 7 years
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glinjo · 7 years
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glinjo · 7 years
Stop with the lies and innuendos when the truth will do just fine Come to me correct and I’ll do the same - respect in kind No time for the games -always remember and at least respect this There are others that will play with you-I am not one- you can call me Miss
Open my door and be the man you were born to be Respect the woman- that will open doors with me -only you can see
It’s a new thing thats going down-guess what-its gotten rave reviews Open your mouth and tell the truth always- no shady stuff- no bs news
The truth they say will set you free That’s all I’m asking for So recognize I do not play- games are for kids and tricks galore
If you can’t come correct as stated above -refer line one Some women will play but I do not -dropped mic- it’s done
#God first #grown woman
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glinjo · 7 years
Arrêter avec des mensonges et des insinuations lorsque la vérité fera très bien Venez à moi correct et je vais faire la même chose - respecter en nature Pas le temps pour les jeux-n’oubliez pas et au moins respecter cela Il y a d’autres qui joueront avec vous-je ne suis pas-vous pouvez m’appeler Miss
Ouvrir ma porte et être l’homme que tu es né pour être Commentaires sur le respect la femme-qui va ouvrir les portes avec moi que seul vous pouvez le voir est quelque chose de nouveau qui se passe bas-devinez quoi-son gotten rave Ouvrir la bouche et dire les vérité toujours pas ombragé trucs-pas bs nouvelles
La vérité ils disent ensemble vous libre c’est tout je vous demande de reconnaître donc je ferai pas play-jeux sont pour les enfants et les astuces à gogo
Si vous ne pouvez venir correcte comme indiqué ci-dessus - reporter ligne un certaines femmes vont jouer mais je ne suis pas - mic a chuté-elle l’a fait
Première femme de #grown #God
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glinjo · 7 years
Bent at the waist he walked with pride His thoughts were far away His mind turned back to times before Back to his younger days When he stood tall respect from all Was what he saw on every face Now when people see him come some turn away in shame Sloppy and unclean they think- homeless -who is to blame?
They don’t know tribulations won or the problems-how I’ve cried Back in the day when I was young with star dust in my eyes Oh that they could just imagine me and all I was before I walked away from all I loved to serve our countries war
When I returned the fire burned within but hidden far from view You cannot let your enemies know what you hold dear to you Now here I stand on home grown land I am a stranger once again-a bent over waste that brings distaste or some just try to ignore But this my question resonates “What was my service for?”
#ourvetsmatter #glinjo #writer #poet #GloriaTibiDomine
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glinjo · 7 years
I have relearned The beauty of ancestors eyes and The curl is mine -no compromise The length will go till it stops My being is not built on goldilocks
I was queen of distant seas Not of riches -but of love and families Of my tradition- we keep a village home They teach the young and nurture- make them grow up strong We must listen before they are all gone Wisdom comes from living the pain and making it through When we listen thats what are ole folks are trying to do
Let us know that circles go round and so do we One day we’ll be the old folk of the family Raise a child to praiZe God- from the beginning- to the end And…Men held to standards that slouch would end
One God from before till now he is still there And just like mom did he counted every hair Just so you’d know just how deep love can go He gave his life for you -just so he could let you know That love is the answer yes the answer for everything Old folk- wisdom -family -that is the key It Equals the beginning- and the end -of our destiny
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glinjo · 7 years
She’d sit and watch the rain for hours When I asked what was on her mind She’s say oh nothing honey -don’t worry -I’m fine
What she saw I think was Dishes piled in the sink and a boy she knew from high school and Wondering if she should have broke all the rules What will happen when she does die and will someone be there to cry and Did I do my life wrong and will I get to go home and See all my loved ones there -give thanks for every single hair and every trial that I went through -it all brought me closer to you
And now when I watch the rain I think of life -of she’s gone things forever changed and How will I make it through and yes that guy from high school too
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