actually, i need it in my life.
I wouldnt hate it if someone wrote gxg smut for girl groups
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Someone: The floor is disrespecting your idols private life.
Myself:*starts to levitate* NoT ToDAy saTAn!
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a king coming thru
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is he even real
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you can call me artist         you can call me idol
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Jin in LY Answer Jacket Shooting Sketch (F Version)
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The Mercenary Ch. 1 || BTS mafia!au
Genre: drama, kind of romance I guess, some smut maybe, mafia!au
Warnings: lots of swears, explicit language, vomiting, violence
Word count: 2 445
Note: This is my first time writing in English (which is not my native language as you May presume) and therefore there are errors. I'm sorry for them. I also don't have anybody to check it for me, so please, be understanding and if you find any mistake, dm me. Also, this is quite short, but it's going to be a series. It is heavily inspired by anime Black Lagoon and other mafia!au stories. The main character is Joy, which is my OC from another story, and the seventh of BTS. I am not sure how this will turn out as I have several ideas. Anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it :D
If you have any suggestions, please, dm me. It's my first time publishing anything here. Also, I'm still working on my blog, so it doesn't look as I'd like it to. I'll surely manage it somehow!
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
That was all that she could think right now as she tried to reload her gun with shaking hands. How could she let herself into this? How could she let herself get stabbed with an idle? How could she just...
“Shit”, she hissed when gun magazine missed the hole again. “Fuck”.
The drug was taking over her with every second. Her vision getting blurry, breaths erratic and shallow. She tried breathing deeper, but it didn’t help. Weak in the knees, she sat down behind the wall, bringing the gun closer.
Fuck yes. Finally.
She felt almost happy as the gun magazine went in. And then she realized what she was trying to deny all the time.
The steps approaching her slowly.
He thought she was helpless and unarmed. Well, that’s where she could give him a little surprise. She was sure that motherfucker would like it. Just as much as she liked the injection.
She unlocked the gun, trying to stop shaking. The drug of course wouldn’t let her, so she clenched her jaw in both annoyance and fear. What if she couldn’t aim well? That’s why they stabbed her with that fucking idle, right? They knew she wouldn’t be able to aim. She had to shoot just like that, believing the bullet will pierce his head. Or at least a fucking knee so he couldn’t chase after her.
He was close. She could smell a cigarette and almost laughed. He thought he was safe just because what? A little bit of a toxic substance in her veins? Like that could ever stop her.
It could not. She knew it well, but for some reason she couldn’t hold the gun anymore. It was like her muscles couldn’t handle the weight. Or something. And the gun dropped to the floor with a loud thud. Fuck. She was fucked.
He was right there. She just couldn’t move a muscle. No matter how hard she tried to.
“Yeah, well”, he started, slowly appearing in her field of view, passing by the wall she hid behind. “That’s what you get for treating me like you did, Joy.”
She smelled his colonge when he squated right beside her. She couldn’t even look in his direction as her head fell on her shoulder. He obviously wanted her to look at him, which resulted with him grabbing her jaw with enough force to bruise her cheeks. Then he brought her head up. She tried her best to focus her sight on his face despite dizziness.
Kim fucking Namjoon.
“I’m glad the drug paralyzed all your muscles”, he laughed. “Or else I can’t promise I wouldn’t cut off your tounge. Knowing how you love running your mouth.”
Yeah, but she wasn’t exactly pleased with not being able to spit right into his face. She wished she could at least say this.
“I need some time to calm down and you need that time too. We’ll get back into the business when you can speak again. I want to talk to you”, he smiled darkly, petting her cheek. “You’ve really impressed me. I heard about you all the good… Well, if you can say so, things”, he grinned, but his eyebrowes furrowed. “But I’ve never thought you’ll come for me. I guess that’s a compliment that I have a 10 year of experience killer on my back”.
Oh, was he wrong. Him? She wasn’t looking after him. She actually didn’t give a fuck about him. Bastard.
That was the last thing she could hear before pain exploded in her temple.
Oh god. Why the hell did her head hurt so much? Jesus.
She lifted her eyelids only to see dark, greyish surface right above her. Shit, not only her head hurt, her whole body did. Slowly lifting herself on her elbows, she tried to look around. Right in that moment she felt something almost boiling up her throat and she instinctively turned to the side as the threw up.
“Fuck. Oh God, fuck”, she muttered, falling down on the thing she was lying on. What was that? A bed? Floor? Whatever. She couldn’t even get herself to wipe her mouth off, let alone check what was she lying down on.
Where even was she?
Through the pain in the temples she tried to recall what happened, though something quickly interrupted her.
“Oh wow”, she heard. “Boss, she’s awake already”.
She already remembered where she was, and most importantly, why she was there.
She sat up slowly, trying not to cause more nauseas. That must’ve been the toxin. The reason she felt like she had no power in her limbs, why she was so dizzy and felt the pain everywhere was the fucking toxin they applied her when she lost her concentration for a moment.
She looked around, trying to spot her gun. Of course it wasn’t anywhere nearby. How stupid of her to think they didn’t take her weapon.
“You only just woke up and already made a mess”, she heard a calm, but amused voice.
“I made the mess? Well you shouldn’t have intoxicated me with your fucking drug. Son of a bitch”, she snarled, standing up.
Which she immediately regreted.
Her knees couldn’t bare her weight and she almost fell right into her own vomit. She cursed juicy as she hit the wall with her shoulder, trying to stay in vertical position. Eventually she found herself on her knees again, just a little far from the stinking pile.
“Easy there. You’re not going to be able to move freely for some time”, Kim Namjoon said with neutral tone.
What kind of shit did they give her? She knew almost every drug out there, but none got her like this. She was always proud of how immune she was to the intoxication, yet… Or maybe they gave her a regular drug a really high dose?
“So let’s get into the business, shall we?”, Namjoon started.
She saw two guys standing right beside him as she looked up, fighting the urge to puke once again. The one on the left was well-built. The second one had a pretty face and was as tall as Kim Namjoon. Those were the ones that were with Namjoon when she got there… Well, at least she thought so. There were more people than the three of them, something might have gotten mixed up in her memories.
“What kind of business, huh?”, she breathed out. Fuck. Why did she sound so wasted right now?
Don’t throw up. Don’t throw up. Fuck, just don’t.
“Why did you even come here, Joy? Who hired you to do this? And why the fuck did they send you here alone?! Don’t they have some fucking respect for us, for me?”
He sounded very calm, but the darkness in his eyes told her otherwise. He was furious. And she just wanted to laugh.
She even intended to, but as soon as she chuckled, nausea came back. Joy swallowed hard not to let herself vomit. She breathed in and out, trying to ignore the burning in her throat. As she slowly opened her eyes and focused them on Kim Namjoon, she realized that the situation was in fact pretty funny.
What was she even doing here? That was the best question. What did she think? Did she really think she could just come here, shoot a bitch and go back as if nothing happened? That was Kim Namjoon’s district.
“Answer me”, his voice got lower. She could hear he was getting even more mad.
“I’ll just be honest”, she announced, trying to compose herself. Sitting next to the wall and looking right into Kim Namjoon’s eyes.
“I’m not after you. I came here because one of your people did something I particularly didn’t like”.
His eyes widened at her words. Suddenly, he left out a loud laugh. The men behind him looked at each other, smiling as though what she said was funny. One of them, she now remembered, Jungkook, raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms over his chest. Wasn’t that the motherfucker who sent her into dream world last time?
“You think I’ll buy this? Then tell me what do you want from one of my men”.
At the memory she felt the heat of anger slowly forming in her chest. What she did was reckless, but now that she thought about the reason, she couldn’t regret it. He wanted to know? Sure.
“Because that motherfucker raped my sister, that’s why”, she snapped agressively, slamming her fist against the wall with the little drops of energy she had. The effect wasn’t as impressive as she wanted it to be. “My sister works in the brothel, she’s a whore, yeah, but she clearly rejected his offer. She’s in the hospital because of him. Is that enough of a fucking reason for you?”
She tried her best not to sound weak, but heavy breathing and raspiness in the voice gave her away immediately.
Namjoon raised his eyebrow, crossing arms over his chest. He got interested, she guessed.
“Who did that? You said one of my men”, he stated, his jaw clenching.
“Some blond, big dickhead with a tatto on his neck. I don’t know his fucking name, but I spent a whole week on tracking him down…”
She felt hwo her voice died down with the waves od pain storming her head. What kind of shit they injected into her?
“I see. I know who you’re talking about, so… How about we make a deal?”, Namjoon touched the bars of her cell, allowing himself to stare right into her eyes. “When you get better, I’ll let you get your little revenge. In return you’ll work for me. Sounds good?”
She let out an abrupt laugh, which ended only having her in convulsion as she tried her best not to vomit.
“Get her some water”, she heard that and then footsteps. She lifted her head to look at the men one more time.
“Oh fuck”, she growled, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and gulping thickly.
“You should go back to your bed, Joy. The drug went in too hard, I guess”, Namjoon’s face remained calm when he spoke. “We’ll talk when you feel better, so think about my proposition”.
Joy clicked her tounge with annoyance. As if she could stand up that easily. Fuck yourself, Kim Namjoon, she mumbled, trying to get up. When she finally managed to stand, knees trembling, somebody opened the cell and grabbed her shoulder. Joy didn’t even notice what happened, she just suddenly fell onto the, what they called it, bed, almost hitting the wall with her head. She cursed under her breath. Was she not so weak she couldn’t even stand on her own, she would beat that bitch who pushed her.
“Drink”, she heard as somebody pulled her head up. The feeling of cool glass on her chapped lips brought some relief and she opened her mouth, hoping that they really gave her water and not something else. Honestly she didn’t even care if that was water. She just needed something to soothe the burning in the throat, to taste something else then the vomit.
Water. Oh my God. What a blessing. She’s probably never been that thirsty before. She grabbed the hand that hold the glass, hoping they won’t take it away untill she drank the very last drop of the liquid.
“And don’t fucking puke, bitch”, a voice pierced through the darkness of closed eyes, forcing her to open them up. She looked at the guy above her. “I won’t clean it up next time”. She tried to focus on him, but the vision got blurry again. His silhouette became a lighter stain on the darker background.
“Fuck… you”, she managed to breathe out right before passing out.
Namjoon sat in his chair, kicked his head back and streched his legs out with a low grunt. He heard Seokjin taking on the chair in front of the desk as he closed his eyes, tasting the tobacco smoke fully.
“So”, Seokjin started, probably having his arms crossed on his chest and letting his cigarette die out. “She wasn’t trying to get to you. That would explain a lot, but Namjoon… Are you sure you trust her? You know if she gets some money, she’ll blow your brain out”.
Namjoon slowly opened his eyes. He let the smoke come out of his parted lips. He was trying to process everything. What could he possibly gain from this deal? Jin was right. She was a known mercenary. If she actually agreed on that, and he could bet she would, would she be loyal? He knew having her on his side would have a great effect. Joy’d been in the business for approximately ten years. In this place only few of them, including himself, have been doing that for that long.
“She is good in what she is doing and it’s only proven by how many years she’s been doing it”, he sighed silently.
“And what do you need her for? You have us. Don’t you think we’re more trustworthy than a mercenary?”, Jin snapped with well-heard annoyance.
Namjoon sighed again. He slowly turned around in the chair to look out through the huge window. The warm rays of sunset caressing his face calmed him down a little. The view spreading in front of him was truly beautiful. The city’s large buildings bathing in the light of redish sun. The sky colored in purple and pink with lone birds circling above the tiredness of the city. In that moment he didn’t want to think about Joy and other problems he had to solve. He needed a moment to clear his mind, to marvel into the nature’s beauty, breathe slowly.
“Namjoon”, Jin’s voice made the leader’s body stiffen.
“Think about this for a moment. Joy knows every rule that makes this world. We can offer her sister protection and herself money. It’s better to have her on our side that on the other”. He stopped for a moment, staring into the lazy strings of smoke flowing out of his mouth. “She broke through our guards. She nearly sneaked into my office”.
He knew hiring her was quite a risk. He fucking knew it. Did Jin not trust him?
“I decided. We’re doing it if she agrees. Imagine what would happen if somebody finds out she’s broken in here”, Namjoon spoke seriously.
Seokjin stared at him with resignation. Namjoon could say he understood this, but something was still on his mind. He finally nodded with a sigh.
“Do as you think is the best, boss”.
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a group of visuals af
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jimin & dogs ♡
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I swear, he is so beautiful he is just out of this world
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a look ♡
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180702 V’s Tweet
하🌸 pic.twitter.com/No68uIziZc
Video translations: JH: Hyung will film it for you. Wait no— Hyung will shower the petals on you. Taehyung, capture it right then. V: I’m filming it right now, hyung. JH: Right, one… V: There’s none at all, hyung.
Trans cr; Mary @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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so much perfection in one gif, oh god
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