gj-things-blog · 8 years
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This is how i illustrate my life today 😁…
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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MY KIND OF LOVE My kind of love is a person who will fully complete my life, my character, build future and happy ending. The person who understands me always and lastly the person who will love me and be with me till end of my life.
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
The Emotional challenge
Sometimes I didn't notice my self emotions when i get angry to the person that i argue with but I'm kind of sensitive person I easily notice my emotion, but someways i need also to control my emotion in order not to out of control and maybe i say something that they'll get mad and have fight with me. So the in order to control my emotion - I calmly stop - I will don't mind the person - I will think myself - walk away - I will be the one to understand the situation - I will forgive the person and forgive my self.
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
Dear Ate
Dear Ate or Tita Inday First thing, let me say thank you very much for the hard work of caring for me since when i live here with you when i was still 7years old here in iligan city. I know I'm such a trouble maker and make always upset you but you still understand me that's why i like the way you are and idolize you. Thank you for giving me some advices in order for me to cope up of my problems. Thank you for accepting me and treating me as your own child even though I'm just your pamankin. Please take care of yourself always even though someday i will go to my own path. You're the best ate and tita in town. Love always, Your Pamankin
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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This works for me too..
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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This work for me... I ate sweet every time i get stress, then sleep and then when i woke up i watch anime in order to forget my stress
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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Career Goal
My career goal is to be a Civil Engineer someday because i want to built buildings when if I’ll be an engineer.
Achievements: Graduate grade 6 and being third honor Moving Up grade 10 Etc. I don't remember the others but i have a lot of achievements in my experience of existence.
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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I'm already contented of what i have right now... Everything goes well. I'm Gil John C. Famor 16 years old living in a simple life.... my nickname is GJ .. The truth is I'm still finding myself so that's all.
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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My achievements:
I play Table Tennis. In fact, I had won few tournaments such as MILO, PRISAA, Division meets and etcetera. I am very proud to say that even though I am fat, I have excelled in the field of sports. Just this week, I’ve lost 6 kilograms!! :P An acheivement, isn’t it?
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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“I like who I am. I’m satisfied with what I have. I’ll do what i want to do anytime. So, get off my back and deal with these facts because simply, it’s my life, not yours.”
          Hi pips! My name is Bhealyn Sarip Cabugatan but I’d like to be called as Bhea. I hate it when people call me “Bhealyn” and I don’t know why. My close friends call me “Bhea” or “hugotgirl”. My mom, dad, and my brother call me in my nickname “ningning”, but my sister call me … tsss “Potot”. Well, I’m not potot, it’s just that uhmmm my height is Cute (as well as my face) Yeah, you read it right? I’m Cute. Hahahaha. I’m 15 years old turning 16 on November 12 and a Senor High School Student in La Salle Academy. I live in Luinab, Iligan City. I have 3 siblings which is I am the youngest. I’m very closed with my parents and all of my siblings especially with my brother because he treats me like a princess but sadly, my brother is not here, he’s in the manila for reviewing for a Board Exam. My Brother is one of a kind. My Brother is such a sweet guy, caring, loving, responsible brother to us. He’s always giving me a chocolates. He’s always asking me  if i’m okay or not. I love my brother so much. Well, My sister duh ahaha joke I love her and i express my love for her by fighting. Hahahaha. My sister is one of a kind also.
          My friends say that I am a very funny and an interesting girl with a good sense of humor. As soon as I meet new people who are happy to meet me, I feel extremely comfortable with them. I believe that friendship is one of the most important values in human life. We exchange new ideas, find many interesting things about each other and experience new things. I appreciate friendship and people who surround me.
          I’m a moody/pessimistic person. I also love to watch movies (thailand, korean movies) listen to music or visiting to my cousin’s house in my spare time, reading novel or wattpad. Other than that, I love to travel as well. I have sports, my sports are Table tennis, basketball, and badminton. My Favorite subjects are Bio and PE. I know how to dance and sing but i’m not saying that i’m pro on that thing. My favorite color is Violet/Purple. 
         I am a simple teenager. A teenager that have many crushes. As a teenager, I face some challenges when it comes to being active. Being active is easy but staying active is hard. It’s like love, falling in love is easy but staying in love is hard Hahahaha joke. I always try to stay active and always do something, but sometimes it just gets tiring and I get sick of being active so I take a break or rest. Another challenge that I face is that I can get distracted. Being a teenager, there are many distractions such as TV, cellphones, and friends. Sometimes, these things can make you be lazy and get distracted. But even so, I’ve tried to look in a positive side, because I know dealing with human or the things around me isn’t an easy thing. In order to improve my work performance and myself, I believe there are still many things I have to learn, and need to strive for having a better life in the future. 
I’m just a simple and cute girl who loves a simple world.
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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In my previous years as a teenager i do what i wanted to do, i played games and etc. except vices and drugs...I didn't even care about myself, to my tita and tito and other people... But this year summer i get what i want that is a personal only! And i realize i get what i want already but why this can't make me happy either... And now i was reflecting to myself that the things that i want to do are wrong, I'm just being selfish... And now i want to change for the better me... I'm more wisely to my decisions and i study and making my assignments than hanging out with my friends. I really want to change for myself and for the other people that around me.
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
Being simple is nice
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gj-things-blog · 8 years
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