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Celf therapiwtig gyda defnyddwyr GISDA - Dyma be sy’n dda amdana i Therapeutic art session with GISDA users - This is what’s great about me
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Theatr Fforwm - Dal i arbrofi
Mae sesiynau Theatr Fforwm GISDA yn parhau i ddigwydd yn wythnosol gyda’r niferoedd o fynychwyr yr uchaf erioed.
Mae mynychwyr newydd yn ymuno yn gyson felly mae’n sialens i gadw’r sesiynau yn amrywiol a heriol i’r pobl ifanc sy’n mynychu ers talwm, ond hefyd yn awyrgylch croesawgar a di-fygythiol ar gyfer aelodau newydd.
Mae hyn yn llwyddo oherwydd mewnbwn y pobl ifanc sy’n rhedeg y sesiynau a’u bwriad nhw i gyflwyno gweithgareddau gwreiddiol a chyffrous bob wythnos.
Forum Theatre - Still experimenting
GISDA’s Forum Theatre sessions are still happening weekly with the highest number of members since the project began.
New people join the group regularly so it’s a challenge to keep the sessions varied for the attendees that have been with us for a while but also creating a welcoming and non-threatening atmosphere for new members.
This is succeeding due to the drive of the young people who run the sessions to create original and exciting activities every week.
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Prosiect Porth yr Ŵyl Fwyd
Cawsom gydweithio gyda’r arlunydd lleol Rebecca Hardy-Griffiths ar brosiect i greu porth enfawr i’w osod yng nghanol Gŵyl Fwyd Caernarfon.
Cafodd y strwythur ei adeiladu oflaen llaw ac ailgylchwyd rhaglenni’r ŵyl oedd ar ôl o llynedd i’w addurno.
Cymrodd chwech o bobl ifanc GISDA ran yn y creu dros gyfnod o ddeuddydd. Roedd o’n brofiad gych iddynt gael eu gwaith celf yn weledol mewn ffordd mor gyhoeddus a chael ymateb mor gadarnhaol gan fynychwyr yr ŵyl. Roedd y canlyniad yn drawiadol dros ben a mi fydd y prorth yn cael ei ddefnyddio yn yr Ŵyl Fwyd am flynyddoedd i ddod.
Food Festival Arch Project
We worked with Rebecca Hardy-Griffiths, a local visual artist, on a project to create a giant arch that was to be placed in the centre of Caernarfon Food Festival.
The structure was built beforehand and last year’s programme’s were recycled and used as decoration.
Six young people from GISDA took part in the two-day project. Their reaction to having their work displayed in such a busy public environment was fantastic and festival goers reacted very positively to the piece. The final outcome was striking and exciting and it has now been stored to be re-used by the food festival in years to come.
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A year of creativity / Blwyddyn o greadigrwydd!
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Traed Bach - yr un gefnogaeth, enw gwahanol!
Yn anffodus mae prosiect Rhieni Ifanc Ni bellach wedi dod i ben. Roedd GISDA Creadigol yn gweithio’n agos gyda’r prosiect yn cynnal grwpiau celf a chrefft i rieni ifanc ac plant ym Mhwllheli a Caernarfon. Grant gan y Loteri ariannodd Rhieni Ifanc Ni, ac er bod yr arian yna wedi rhedeg allan, roeddym yn benderfynnol o barhau â’r gefnogaeth i rieni ifanc yn lleol oherwydd roedd yn amlwg bod yr angen yna i’r gefnogaeth.
Felly, mae GISDA Creadigol wedi cychwyn cydweithio gyda rhai o staff Cefnogi Pobl yn GISDA ac mae grŵp newydd wedi cychwyn, o’r enw Traed Bach. Bydd y grŵp yn cyfarfod yn wythnosol yng Nghaernarfon yn unig a bydd o’n gyfle i rieni ymlacio, cymdeithasu a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau creadigol ac addysgiadol gyda’u plant. Gobeithio bydd Traed Bach yn digwydd ymhell mewn i ddyfodol GISDA.
Traed Bach (little feet) - same support, different name!
Unfortunately, GISDA’s long-running Rhieni Ifanc Ni project has come to an end. GISDA Creadigol worked closely with the project, running art workshops for young parents and their children in Pwllheli and Caernarfon. A grant from the Lottery financed Rhieni Ifanc Ni and even though the money has run out, we were determined to continue supporting young parents locally because it has been obvious that there is a need for that support.
So GISDA Creadigol has partnered with staff from Cefnogi Pobl (the project that runs our hostels and ‘floating support’ for young homeless people) to start a new group called Traed Bach. The group will happen weekly in Caernarfon and it will be an opportunity for parents to relax, socialise and take part in creative and educational activities with their children. Hopefully, Traed Bach will continue to happen far into GISDA’s future.
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Diwrnod Ffocws Creadigol!
Cafodd y diwrnod ei drefnu er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth GISDA Creadigol ymysg defnyddwyr y gwasanaeth, i roi cyfle i ddatblygu perthynas rhwng staff a’r defnyddwyr ac i roi cyfle i’r pobl ifanc o’r hosteli yng Nghaernarfon a Blaenau ddod at eu gilydd i gymdeithasu a chael hwyl.
Roedd yna gemau a tasgau bychain a oedd yn gyfle i’r staff a’r pobl ifanc gydweithio, fel adeiladu’r strwythur talaf gan ddefnyddio spaghetti a marshmallows. Roedd yna berfformiad Theatr Fforwm ble cafodd y gynulleidfa/ pobl ifanc y cyfle i drafod a cymryd rhan. Roedd yna dasg tawel, sef sesiwn darlunio ar raddfa fawr a oedd yn cael ei wneud mewn grwpiau ond mewn tawelwch hollol. Yn olaf cafod pawb eu rhannu yn ddau grŵp ac roedd yna sialens greadigol o greu gwisg cyfan allan o babur newydd.
Roedd yr ymateb gan yr holl bobl ifanc a gymrodd ran yn y diwrnod yn eglwys Tremadog yn hollol wych - pawb yn llawn brwdfrydedd ac egni.
Arbrawf oedd y diwrnod a’r canlyniad yn un gwych i’r staff a’r pobl ifanc.
‘Focus on Creativity’ day!
The day was organised to raise awareness for GISDA Creadigol amongst service users, as an opportunity to develop the relationship between staff and service users and as an opportunity for the young people that live in the hostels in Caernarfon and Blaenau to come together to socialise and have fun
There were games and tasks designed as opportunities for staff and young people to work together, like building the highest structure using only spaghetti and marshmallows. There was a Forum Theatre performance where the young people/ audience got the chance to discuss and take part. There was a quiet task after lunch which was a drawing session done in groups, in large scale and in complete silence. Lastly, all the attendees were split into two large groups for a creative challenge which was to create a whole outfit out of newspaper.
The reaction from all the young people that took part in the day at Tremadog church was fantastic - everyone was full of enthusiasm and energy.
The day was an experiment that resulted in a brilliant experience for all staff and young people involved.
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Rhieni Ifanc Ni - parhau i chwarae ac arbrofi
Mae’r grwpiau celf i rieni ifanc a’u plant yn dal i ddigwydd yn wythnosol ym Mhwllheli ac yng Nghaernarfon. Mae dwy riant yn dod i’r grŵp ym Mhwllheli yn reolaidd a tair yn dod i Gaernarfon.
Er ei fod o’n gallu bod yn sialens i feddwl am weithgareddau newydd i wneud bob wythnos, sy’n addas i’r plant ond hefyd yn rhoi seibiant i a dihangfa i’r rhieni, mae pob munud yn llawn mwynhad.
Cafodd y lluniau yma eu tynnu yn ystod wythnos Hanner Tymor Chwefror.
Rhieni Ifanc Ni - continuing the play and experimentation
The art groups for young parents and their children are still happening on in Pwllheli and Caernarfon on a weekly basis.
Although it can be a challenge to devise new activities every week, that are suitable for the children but that are also a break and escape for the parents, every minute is full of enjoyment.
These photos were taken during the Half Term in February.
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Datblygiadau Theatr Fforwm
Mae’r grŵp Theatr Fforwm wedi bod yn mynd o nerth i nerth. Mae’r niferoedd ar y funud y mwyaf yn hanes Theatr Fforwm yn GISDA ac mae cynigion am berfformiadau i bob math o gynulleidfaoedd yn dod yn gyson.
Cyn y Nadolig mi aeth y criw i berfformio’r Theatr Fforwm mewn diwrnod gwrth fwlio yn ysgol Eifionnydd, Porthmadog ac ym Mhrifysgol Bangor fel rhan o gyflwyniad Ehangu Mynediad. O ganlyniad i hyn bum yn ffodus iawn i gael grant Ehangu Mynediad gan y Brifysgol a fydd yn gefnogaeth ariannol ychwanegol i Theatr Fforwm GISDA. Mae’r arian yna yn barod wedi galluogi i ni gyflogi cyn-ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth GISDA fel mentorau Theatr Fforwm.
Hefyd o ganlyniad i’r grant Ehangu Mynediad cafodd y grŵp Theatr Fforwm fynd i weld perfformiad o ‘Cathy’ gan Cardboard Citizens ym Manceinion a bydd y mentorau yn cael hyfforddiant Theatr Fforwm gan Cardboard Citizens ym mis Mehefin. Mae Cardboard Citizens yn gwmni theatr adnabyddus sy’n rhoi cyfleoedd actio i bobl digartref yn Llundain.
Mae Grŵp Llandrillo-Menai wedi gofyn i’r criw ddatblygu perfformiad arbennig sy’n ffocysu ar fwlio homoffobic a’i effeithiau ac ei berfformio o flaen myfyrwyr mewn tri cwmpws yng Ngwynedd.
Forum Theatre developments
The Forum Theatre group is going from strength to strength. The number of young people taking part in the weekly sessions is the highest in GISDA’s Forum Theatre history and offers to perform to a wide range of audiences are received regularly.
Before Christmas, the crew took the Forum Theatre to an anti-bullying day at Ysgol Eifionnydd Secondary School in Porthmadog and in Bangor University as part of a widening access presentation. As a result of the connection with Bangor University, we have received funding to support and develop GISDA’s Forum Theatre. The funding has already made it possible for us to employ ex-service users as Forum Theatre mentors.
Also as a result of the funding, out Forum Theatre group have been to Manchester to see a performance of ‘Cathy’ by Cardboard Citizens and the mentors will also receive training in Forum Theatre from Cardboard Citizens in June. Cardboard Citizens is a renowned theatre company that employs homeless people as actors.
The Llandrillo-Menai group has asked us to develop a performance focusing specifically on homophobic bullying and its effects and for it to be performed in front of students at three of its campuses in Gwynedd.
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Rhoi bywyd newydd i gyntedd Hafan
Yn ystod y cyfnod rhyfedd yna rhwng Nadolig a’r flwyddyn newydd cafodd cyntedd Hafan, un o hosteli GISDA yng Nghaernarfon, ei drawsnewid gyda help Brandon a Kevin, dau o’r tenantiaid yno. Roedd yr ymateb gan weddill y tenantiaid a’r staff sy’n gweithio yno yn hollol wych a gwerthfawrogol, yn enwedig mewn amser sy’n gallu bod yn annodd iawn i rai o’r tenantiaid sydd â nunlle arall i fynd yn ystod y gwyliau. Mae cyrraedd Hafan yn brofiad llawer iawn mwy positif a chroesawgar nawr.
Breathing new life into Hafan’s entrance hall
During that strange period between Christmas and the new year the entrance hall of Hafan, one of GISDA’s hostels in Caernarfon, was transformed with the help of Brandon and Kevin, two of its tenants. The reaction from the rest of the tenants and staff who work there was brilliant and very appreciative, especially during a time that can be very difficult for some of the tenants who have nowhere else to go over the Holiday. Entering Hafan is a significantly more positive and welcoming experience now.
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Taith bach celfyddydol
Cafodd Amy ac Anthony y cylfe i ymweld a’r Canolfan Grefftau adnabyddus yn Rhuthun yn ddiweddar i weld yr arddangosfeydd oedd ymlaen yno a’r adeilad gwych.
A little artistic trip
Amy and Anthony recently got to visit the renowned Craft Centre in Ruthin to see the exhibitions and the fantastic building.
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Owain ac Adam yn gweithio ar eu caneuon gwreiddiol fel rhan o’r prosiect Cynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth.
Owain and Adam working on their songs as part of the Music Production project.
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Gweithgareddau Nadoligaidd gyda Rhieni Ifanc Ni!
Cafodd y grŵp ym Mhwllheli gyfle i wneud bob math o weithgareddau creadigol ym mis Rhagfyr, o greu gludwaith Nadoligaidd doniol i fins peis.
Christmassy activities with Rhieni Ifanc Ni!
The young parents group in Pwllheli got stuck into all kinds of creative activities in December, from making funny Christmassy collages to mince pies.
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Prosiect Cynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth
Yn ystod mis Tachwedd a Rhagfyr 2016 bum yn lwcus i gydweithio gyda’r cerddor a’r cynhyrchydd Aled Hughes ar gyfres o weithdai a oedd yn rhoi’r cyfle i rai o ddefnyddwyr GISDA gael profiad o greu a recordio cerddoriaeth. Roedd bob sesiwn yn wahanol, a cafodd y pobl ifanc gyfle i greu curiadau, arbrofi gyda synths, ysgrifennu geiriau, canu, chwarau gitars a dryms yn ogystal â rhoi eu barn ar gymysgu’r caneuon oedd yn datblygu.
Bydd y tair can cafodd eu cynhyrchu yn cael eu rhyddhau ar wefan Bandcamp yn ystod mis Chwefror ac ar gael i lawrlwytho am gyfraniad a fydd yn mynd yn ôl mewn i’r elusen.
Dyma beth oedd gan Jade, a gymrodd rhan, i’w ddweud am y prosiect...
“Project class..mor cŵl. Oedd cael gweithio efo artist proffesiynol mewn gwirionedd yn brofiad amazing. Dwi wedi mwynhau llawer a ‘sa fo yn cŵl cael gwneud o eto.. efo mwy o amser!! Dwi 100% wedi gwella fy sgiliau cerddorol ac wedi actually cael defnyddio sgiliau doni’m yn gwbod oedd gen i’n barod. Dwi’n ddiolchgar iawn ac mae’r tiwns yn swnio’n sh*t hot!!”
Music Production Project
During November and December 2016 we were lucky to work with the musician and producer Aled Hughes on a series of workshops that gave GISDA’s service users the chance to make and record music. Every session was different and the young people got to create beats, experiment with synths, write lyrics, sing, play guitars and drums as well as voicing their opinion during the mixing process.
The three songs which were produced will be released on Bandcamp in February. They will be available to be downloaded for a contribution and the proceeds will go back into the charity.
This is what Jade, who took part, had to say about the project...
“A class project.. so cool. Working with a professional artist was truly an amazing experience. I enjoyed it a lot and it would be cool to do it again.. but with more time!! I have 100% developed my musical skills and actually used some skills that I didn’t know I had. I’m really grateful and the tunes sound sh*t hot!!”
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Dechrau cyfres o weithgareddau creadigol ym Mlaenau
Bob nos Fawrth bydd gweithgareddau creadigol yn digwydd yn swyddfa GISDA ym Mlaenau Ffestiniog. Mae’r swyddfa yno yn wagle agored a chroesawgar ac yn croesawu pobl ifanc sydd angen cefnogaeth yn ardal Ffestiniog.
Creu gludwaith personol oedd y dasg yn y sesiwn 1af.
Start of a new series of creative activities in Blaenau
Creative activities will be happening at GISDA’s office in Blaenau Ffestiniog every Tuesday night. The office is an open and welcoming space that offers support to young people in the Ffestiniog area.
We started the series of activities with a personal collage making session.
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Dathlu’r Hydref yn grŵp celf Rhieni Ifanc Ni!
Celebrating Autumn with Rhieni Ifanc Ni!
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Arbrofi’n therapiwtig
Pleser oedd bod yn ôl yn Hafan i wneud gweithgaredd greadigol.
Tro ‘ma roedden ni’n arbrofi gyda glud a lliw bwyd i wneud patrymau a fyddai’n gadael goleuni trwyddynt pan yn sych.
Therapeutic experimentation
It was a pleasure to be back in Hafan doing a creative activity.
This time we were experimenting with glue and food colouring to create patterns that would become sun catchers when dry.
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Ffilters llaw
Taith ffotograffiaeth o amgylch Caernarfon gyda’r pwyslais ar arbrofi â deunyddiau annisgwyl i greu ffilters ar gyfer ein camerau, roedd y deunyddiau yn cynnwys drych, plastig lliw, tinsel, tiwb cardfwrdd a bob math o sdwff eraill.
Bydd y goreuon o’r lluniau â dynnwyd yn cael eu printio a’u harddangos yn Te a Cofi cyn diwedd y flwyddyn.
Hand-made photo filters
A photographic journey around Caernarfon with the emphasis on experimenting with a range of unexpected materials to create filters for our cameras, the materials included a mirror, coloured plastic, tinsel, cardboard tubes and lots more interesting things.
The best photographs will be displayed in Te a Cofi before the end of the year.
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