giltfree-blog · 6 years
Dreams and restless thoughts came flowing to him from the river, from the twinkling stars at night, from the sun’s melting rays. Dreams and a restlessness of the soul came to him.
Hermann Hesse (via wrathblade-a)
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
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i’m tired but here’s a quicky of the favs cause the sass is strong in these two
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
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love me a good robot
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
i just want a kinder world than this
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
SCARY MUSE AESTHETICS  /  BOLD or italicize all that apply!
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bloodied knuckles  /   tear-stained cheeks /  rust  / a busted lip  /  claws  /  fangs  /  a bloody nose  / chattering teeth  /  a dark space underneath the bed  / scratching on the walls /  creaking metal  /  fog  /  dancing under moonlight /  blood dripping lips  /  heavy breathing in the dark  /  a feeling of unexplained dread  / a figure in a dark corner /  dirty, peeling wallpaper  / a bloody hand print on the wall /  sobbing in the dark  /  bite marks on the skin / eerie whispers  /  a hood covering a stranger’s eyes  /  the growl of a hidden animal /  the sound of a blade being sharpened  / a deep, dark forest / walking on the streets alone at night /  a cobweb-filled, abandoned building  / eyes darting in paranoia  /  a heavy-beating pulse  / the feeling of being trapped /  struggling to get out a scream  /  boards covering broken windows  / a quiet graveyard  /  a gas station in the middle of nowhere / a road that never ends  /  heavy fog rolling in / the scent of blood in the air /  eerie old photographs  /  walking along train tracks at night  /  a chill going up the spine  /  gathering crows  /  a dusty, dimly lit study  /  mist over a deserted cobblestone street /  ghost towns  / shadows around a campfire  / the sound of chanting /  church bells tolling  /  an orange harvest moon /  a broken-down carnival  /  a dirty, abandoned stuffed animal  / wiping bloody hands on fabric / nightmares  / waking up in a panic /  a power outage  /  heavy lightning storms /  a secret trap door  /  the feeling of being watched  / fear from trauma  /  a ouija board set out on a table  /  an eerie doll  /a scream of anguish and pain /  withered plants  /  a room that’s been forgotten and gathered dust / owl eyes in the dark / curled, dead tree branches /  a ritual altar /  flickering candles  /  a lantern held up in the dark / the fear of being followed  /  creaking floorboards  / repressed, horrible memories /  clenched teeth  / soft, echoing piano keys  /  an old book covered in dust /  many pairs of glaring eyes / stumbling in pitch black darkness /  being stranded in the middle of nowhere  /  tarot cards on a table  / a trail of blood /
tagged by: i stole it from norikiru tagging: steal it nyall
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
                                                  don’t          you          forget                                                   what          i’ve            been                                                   —t    h    r    o    u    g    h—                                                   and      y e t,      i’m        still                                                   s    t    a    n    d    i    n    g
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
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Tekhartha Zenyatta. Private. Selective. OC friendly. Associated with Recall
                                      There’s nowhere you can be                                      that isn’t where you mean to be.                                                                     - John Lennon
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
I can’t say it strongly enough; to integrate meditation in action is the whole ground and point and purpose of meditation.
Sogyal Rinpoche
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
* LATIN PHRASES;  repost, don’t reblog.
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from the greater to the smaller.  ╱   from the smaller to the greater.  ╱   an absent person will not be the heir.  ╱ let an omen be absent.  ╱   abundant caution does no harm. ╱ misuse does not remove use.  ╱   no one ought to excuse himself except in the presence of god.  ╱ mortal actions never deceive the gods. ╱   deeds, not words. ╱ the act done by me against my will is not my act. ╱   the act does not make a person guilty unless the mind should be guilty. ╱ to the stars through difficulties.╱ in order to appeal to a crowd.  ╱   to the greater glory of god.  ╱   to the perpetual memory.  ╱ in order to achieve what has been undertaken.  ╱  for one’s own use.╱ to victory.  ╱ correspondence of the mind and reality. ╱ conformity of our minds to the fact. ╱ do not speak against the sun.  ╱ a sick man’s dreams. ╱   on an eagle’s wings.  ╱  nourishing mother. ╱  let no man be another’s who can be his own.  ╱ a sure friend in an unsure matter. ╱ victory favors care.  ╱   victory conquers all.  ╱   an eagle does not catch flies.  ╱ the stars incline us, they do not blind us.            
boldness is our wall,  action is our shield. ╱  fortune favors the bold.   ╱ i hold a wolf by the ears.   ╱  either by meeting or the sword.   ╱ either kill or be killed.   ╱ they will stand together or fall together.  ╱ either to conquer or to die. ╱ blessed is the man who finds wisdom.   ╱ in good faith.   ╱ truly countless bodies. ╱ the pen is mightier than the sword.   ╱  i think, therefore i am. ╱  i drink,  therefore i am.   ╱ they condemn what they do not understand.   ╱ no herb grows in the gardens against the power of death. ╱   we shall accomplish the mission assigned. ╱   the descent into the cave of the rabbit.   ╱  sacred to the ghost-gods.   ╱ god save the king. ╱  a sleeping dragon is never to be tickled. ╱  fates lead the willing & drag the unwilling. ╱  let  the light shine out from all.   ╱  the light shines in the darkness.   ╱ from faith comes strength.   ╱  from knowledge, truth. ╱  i depart from life as from an inn, not a home.   ╱  an army without a leader is a body without a spirit.   ╱  i’ll make you remember me.   ╱  it is impossible for a deed to be undone.  ╱  family over everything.
happy is he who can ascertain the causes of things.   ╱  let justice be done, though the world shall perish.  ╱ the end of life, but not love.   ╱ the brave may fall, but can not yield. ╱ i once was what you are, you will be what i am. ╱  heavier things remain.  ╱  here lions abound.   ╱  here  there are dragons.   ╱  a garden in the city.   ╱ therefore whoever desires peace, let him prepare for war.  ╱  in the absence of light, darkness prevails.   ╱ in the place of a parent. ╱  i shine, not burn.   ╱  valor becomes feeble without an opponent.   ╱ remember that you will die. ╱  nothing dries sooner than a tear.   ╱ i am not led; i lead.  ╱  newly risen, how bright you shine. ╱  peace of mothers, therefore peace of families.  ╱ be patient and tough, someday this pain will be useful to you. ╱ danger is my pleasure.   ╱  we are dust & shadow.   ╱ he who wants everything, loses everything. ╱  she who has earned the rose may bear it.   ╱ we gladly feast on those who would subdue us.   ╱ without surviving children.  ╱  a coward’s mother does not weep.
tagged by: i stole it from MYSELF tagging: @clumsymonk @erstensnichtschaden do it do it do it
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
z e n y a t t a
prev. / @giltfree
The city proved to be a welcomed distraction, one to keep his mind clear in a way that meditation couldn’t. The socialization of the people around him was a familiar hum as he passed shops and restaurants. It was peace, but he felt it was growing too familiar. As much as he didn’t want to leave the comfort he still prepared for the journey ahead, filling the bag at his side with provisions he would need. As well as a couple small trinkets.
As he returned to his room, opening the door before him, the familiar glow brought a warm sense to his systems. He might have been concerned about someone standing in his room, but this stranger was one Zenyatta knew very well, “ Genji, ” his voice came with a delighted hum, “ It is good to see you here, my friend. ” He closed the door behind him, moving closer to the other. It never quite surprised him anymore, or startled him, to see Genji somewhere. Zenyatta has accepted that, when your student is ninja who moves more quietly than a mouse, he will have a tendency to appear out of thin air.
The door opens, and cool breeze gusts over metal alloy, sweeping the ribbon fastened to his helm delicately over his shoulder. He can’t help the smile that spreads over his concealed expression as he turns heel to face his teacher.
     “Master.” He greets, hands coming together as he bends at the waist. A bow of respectful greeting. 
     “It is good to see you.”
He continues as he straightens, hands coming to clasp behind his back.
     “I hope you won’t mind my company for a while. I ...            I have something I’d like to talk to you about ...               Something that has been on my mind ...                    But, as friends. Rather than a---                       ---a student to his teacher.”
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
well, well, well, if it isn’t the feelings i’ve been trying to avoid 
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You’ve got this. Take it day by day.
Karen Salmansohn (via purplebuddhaquotes)
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
closed. | @clumsymonk
Chartreuse glow contrasts dim lighting of a single light left on.
The shine of the light of the Quarters he finds himself reflect gold-- yellow and orange tints off of scuffed metal composing limbs. Silent footsteps carry him to the window where he pokes a finger through to disturb the curtain, peeling it aside to view the busy road outside.
It’s a muffle-- the city’s life outside. The walls do not completely block the sound. There’s a huff of air leaving his nose, the tug of a smile pulling the corner of his lip behind his visor. That would be so like his teacher. Unbothered by the noise pollution offered by bustling life.
Or perhaps Genji is merely putting too much thought into it.
Regardless, he’s drawing the curtains shut when he hears the door to the room open. He’s expecting him to return around this time, he just hopes his own presence does not startle his old friend.
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
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MISSION: Recall is a new selective, semi-exclusive and lore-oriented Overwatch RP group combining short- and long-form roleplay. The goal for our group is to stay faithful to our source material and build realistic interactions and stories of our own from that basis, while allowing us to switch between different styles ranging from first-person blogging to 3rd person paragraph style long form writing.
Started by a group of friends with previous roleplaying experience looking for a more serious adventure while still having fun together, we’re on the lookout for other similarly-oriented people in need of a community to interact and bond with.
You can read our rules here and check out our members list here! We’re looking forwards to interacting with everyone!
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
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Phantom limb pains
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giltfree-blog · 6 years
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