What Can I Say, I Practice
41 posts
An ask/rp blog for Overpowered AU Ramsey, featuring babie Zora.
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
so how is ramsey doing down in the tags anyway? he seems to be having a time.
“Oh shit what? Damn, rat man got exiled to the void, smh.” She shakes her head. A moment after her body begins to break into pieces of light and float away “Oop. Guess we’re done, cya later!” As the last of the light dissipates you start to hear something, “AAAAAAAAAaaaaa... ?” Ramsey suddenly appears, sitting on his knees and clutching his chest. He looks around for a moment before taking a breath and saying “What the fuck.”
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
“Believe it or not, us bein’ a high class bounty hunter is..pretty widespread among us. What ‘bout yer zora though? Somethin’ off with ‘er, Pyrite?”
He lets out a small laugh, “I mean compared ta you yeah. See, she’s a kid. She also happens to be my adopted daughter, soooo yeah pretty different.” He shrugs, still smiling a bit. God this is hilarious. He thinks to himself.
"God DAMN, Ramsey, you got grown, didn'tcha!? Nice 'ta see it, though, most versions o' ya are damned pussies!" There was a Zora in an nearby dark corner, snickering the day away, a glint across her bladed hat, a sword and guns at her hip. {@tickingdial, ignoring the M!A if that's okay?}
He spun around at the unexpected voice, relaxing a bit once he knew her location. It took him a second to fully process the fact that she was a Zora, but when he did he was a bit thrown off. Not every day you see an adult version of your unofficially adopted daughter after all. “I uh, presume you’re from one a’ those ‘alternate realities’ I keep hearin’ about.“ He rolled his eyes at her snickering, “What’re ya doin’ here anyways, don’t you have some kinda job or whateva?”
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
He blinked in shock at that. A bounty hunter huh? Not... exactly what i’d have expected feom the kid, but apparently universal variants are more durastic than I thought. “Is that normal for Zoras or are you an exception?” He tilted his head. He was really curious at that point. He hummed at the question, “I dunno, Pyrite?” He shrugged, “That’s the best I can come up with anyways.”
"God DAMN, Ramsey, you got grown, didn'tcha!? Nice 'ta see it, though, most versions o' ya are damned pussies!" There was a Zora in an nearby dark corner, snickering the day away, a glint across her bladed hat, a sword and guns at her hip. {@tickingdial, ignoring the M!A if that's okay?}
He spun around at the unexpected voice, relaxing a bit once he knew her location. It took him a second to fully process the fact that she was a Zora, but when he did he was a bit thrown off. Not every day you see an adult version of your unofficially adopted daughter after all. “I uh, presume you’re from one a’ those ‘alternate realities’ I keep hearin’ about.“ He rolled his eyes at her snickering, “What’re ya doin’ here anyways, don’t you have some kinda job or whateva?”
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
"God DAMN, Ramsey, you got grown, didn'tcha!? Nice 'ta see it, though, most versions o' ya are damned pussies!" There was a Zora in an nearby dark corner, snickering the day away, a glint across her bladed hat, a sword and guns at her hip. {@tickingdial, ignoring the M!A if that's okay?}
He spun around at the unexpected voice, relaxing a bit once he knew her location. It took him a second to fully process the fact that she was a Zora, but when he did he was a bit thrown off. Not every day you see an adult version of your unofficially adopted daughter after all. “I uh, presume you’re from one a’ those ‘alternate realities’ I keep hearin’ about.“ He rolled his eyes at her snickering, “What’re ya doin’ here anyways, don’t you have some kinda job or whateva?”
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
[ Howdy, like or reblog for a starter in your inbox because I FORGOT TO FUCKING DO ONE
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
“Ah think dis thing is on, jus’ gotta hope people are ‘round ta find it! Hi there! Call me Sunny, or Zora Salazar if y’ain’t from the Collide. And..first time ‘ere doin’ this type o’ thing, at least on mah part! So why not hit me up a lil’?”
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
I absolutely accept random RP starters in my ask box!
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
your muse is allowed to underestimate my muse 
your muse is allowed to disrespect my muse
your muse is allowed to provoke my muse
your muse is allowed to be a little asshole to my muse
and more – !!
So long as you, the mun, understand the consequences of your muse ticking off my muse your muse is allowed to be not nice to mine. Confrontation can be interesting and fun to rp! I welcome it! While you, the mun, should know better than to provoke my muse your muse might not and that’s okay! Mun does not equal muse and vice versa. When your muse provokes mine, disrespects mine, underestimates mine, I am trusting that even if your muse doesn’t know the consequences that you, the other mun, understand there are repercussions for your muse being an asshole.
you want your muse to be an ass to mine? that’s fine – just don’t whine when your muse doesn’t come out of it unscathed. 
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
these are actually hella fucking cute y'all
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
Anxious Munday Meme!
Anxiety sucks, it’s real and it’s one hell of an obstacle. We aren’t all super confident people on the other side of the screen. Here’s some questions for the more nervous Muns out there!
How hard is it for you to approach new people you want to interact with?
What’s something you do to try to get to know other’s?
Should people think you’re intimidating/scary?
What’s a good way to start talking to you if people are scared to?
What’s a tip you would give to people trying to get to know you?
Do you dive into conversation easily?
How would you rate your conversation skills?
Do you feel awkward/nervous/etc trying to get to know people?
What is something you want people to know right away about yourself?
What are some things you worry about in terms of new people?
Stranger making small talk, yay or nay for you?
Introvert? Extrovert? Ambivert?
Do you focus more on talking role play first or talking casually about anything first?
Does knowing the other mun make writing threads easier or harder?
Do random messages out of the blue upset you at all?
Do random asks out of the blue upset you at all?
Do random memes out of the blue upset you?
Should people be nervous to send you things at all?
Is communication important to you?
How open are you to talking out problems and getting them resolved?
How scared are you of people, compared to how scared they should be of you?
What’s a way someone could ease the anxiety of unfamiliar conversation?
How much anxious internal screaming goes on with you on a regular basis?
How would friends describe you for the lovely people trying to get to know you? (Friends may send an answer to this question with the ask)
Ask anything you’ve wanted to know! Literally anything this is an invitation for knowledge.
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
While you’re here, what’s your fav/least fav thing about Rat Man?
She grins widely, “He’s just a gremlin. He’s so smug but he’s also not that strong and he’s a little bit of a coward. He’s also really expressive and he makes a great straight man to the weird antics of the other characters. This Ramsey specifically is a bit different though, he’s much stronger than cannon and he’s a lot more confident (not that Ramsey had much to begin with). He’s a little more of a wildcard comparatively and he’s more world weary in general. Overall I love these boys!”
M!A: 2/3
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
Oh, hey! Guess you're here now in place of the dear rat man.
“Yeah I guess.” She just kinda stands there for a second. “...Man I’m fuckin bored.”
M!A: 1/3
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
I did this, so you're gonna suffer too: Switcheroo for 3 asks >:3
“Oh goddammi-” he’s cut off by a puff of smoke. When it clears he’s not there, and in his place is a short girl. “Greetings ya fuckin gremlins, I guess I’m here now
M!A: 0/3
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
some m!as i just came up with!! each lasts for a set number of asks/an open thread
Switcheroo: mun and muse switch places
Stitched up: muse becomes obsessed with handicrafts such as knitting
Glitched: muse becomes a glitched version of their character (trickster mode, actual glitch, pixelexia, what have you)
Animal: muse becomes part animal (anon specifies)
Attachment enclosed: muse becomes incredibly clingy and will latch onto whomever they see
Addiction: muse becomes addicted to a random item, chosen by the anon
Smooches: muse must kiss anyone that asks
If you wish: muse will perform one request for the next x number of people in their inbox.
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
Send me ‘What If’ scenarios for my muse to answer.
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
Which tragic character from Ancient Greek literature are you?
Ramsey Murdoch
you are patroclus, from the iliad by homer, doomed by fate to be stuck in a love story that has no place on the battlefield. although you always have the best intentions, you have to realize you cannot save everyone. your unwavering loyalty means you often lose yourself in the process of putting others first. take a deep breath, remember who you are, and that you are deserving of the same love you try to put out. you are kind, you are strong, and you give and you give but it is never enough to protect those you love. in the end, it's not even enough to protect yourself.
Tagged by: Stolen from @sundialhunter
Tagging: Yoink it y’all
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gilded-veins · 5 years ago
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((hey!! it’s lou and i’m here with Another rp blog!! yes i know, another one, don’t look at me like that– anyway here’s Molly Blyndeff from Epithet Erased!!
please like or follow if you’re interested in interacting, and reblog this post to spread the word, thanks!!! <3))
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