Etsuko Matsushita
13 posts
An Independent Roleplay blog for my Tokyo Ghoul OC
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
Would you rather ... or ...?
Finish in my inbox and make me pick.
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
Probably gonna make a Hinami blog. :)
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
send me ‘bae’ for a blog rate
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
“It’s no problem. Maybe you could stop over to my place for supper sometime, I’ve heard hunting is a pain.” she rubbed the back of her head with a chuckle. She always enjoyed seeing Touka on her drop offs, she couldn’t pin it down but she just had an attraction to the other woman. Of course she would never tell anyone but her mother or best friend about what she thought of the blunette.
“I uh... I could help you clean and close up if you want... Maybe walk you home? You never know what creeps could be out looking for pretty girls like yourself...” she offered, seemingly altruistically, however she herself knew she just wanted to spend more time with Touka
Starter for tsubxsa
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
Etsuko nodded and smiled, walking in, and into the back before setting down the bag on the counter “I wish I could give more, but There are limits to how much I can take without it being noticed.” she sighed, adjusting her glasses.
“I brought you a special something too. I know what a pain it is to deal with delivery day.” she pulled out a small brown bundle labeled with a violet star. She always gave the freshest and best organs to the person who received the delivery as thanks.
Starter for tsubxsa
The coroner had come to Ankiteru just after closing with a backpack, she always used one instead of a purse so it wasn’t unusual to see. Though what was inside the backpack were bundles of harvested organs. She knocked on the door and waited to be let in, a hand in her hoodie pocket
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
Starter for tsubxsa
The coroner had come to Ankiteru just after closing with a backpack, she always used one instead of a purse so it wasn’t unusual to see. Though what was inside the backpack were bundles of harvested organs. She knocked on the door and waited to be let in, a hand in her hoodie pocket
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
Anonymously send me '+' and a question and my muse has to answer honestly no matter how uncomfortable it makes them
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
Anonymously send me '+' and a question and my muse has to answer honestly no matter how uncomfortable it makes them
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
The stumbled back slightly “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to intrude just... I couldnt help myself... I was heading to my apartment... I live just a few blocks away...” she mumbled 
“I help cover for other ghouls... I’m the mortition... I preform autopsies... I’m useful”
{ ☢ } — “You come into my territory.” Kaneki walked up to the stray ghoul, viscera squishing beneath his toes. “You intrude on my eating.” He smeared a streak of blood across his face. “And no you’re begging for your life.” He cracked his knuckle. “Give me one reason why you should live.”
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
"Okay. You have a fair point. But maybe you should give him a doggy breath mint..."
"You sure it's a dog?"
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"…What else would it be?"
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
"It uh... Looks like a giant mutant rat... Where is it's fur? And it's all snaggle toothed..." The coroner cringed slightly at the smell of the supposed dogs breath
"You sure it's a dog?"
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"…What else would it be?"
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ghoulish-mortition · 10 years ago
Lilo and Stitch {Sentence Starters}
"No more caffeine for you."
"This is my family. I found it, all on my own."
"Oh, you are such a pain!"
"'Ohana' means 'family'. 'Family' means no one gets left behind. Or forgotten."
"You sure it's a dog?"
"You know, you wreck everything you touch."
"I'm sorry I bit you. And pulled your hair. And punched you in the face."
"YOU! You're the cause of all this!"
"Don't leave me, okay?"
"You're just jealous 'cause I'm pretty!"
"Did you catch fire again?"
"Give us a sign you understand any of this."
"She likes your butt and fancy hair."
"Leave my mother out of this!"
"Does this look infected to you?"
"You are so finished when I get in there!"
"I remember everyone that leaves."
"You can never belong."
"Then why don't you sell me and buy a rabbit instead?"
"Oh good! My dog found the chainsaw!"
"Leave me alone to diiiiie."
"I prefer to be called 'Evil Genius'."
"I need someone to be my friend."
"This is your badness level. It's unusually high for someone your size."
"We're a broken family, aren't we?"
"My friends need to be punished."
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