ghostlypeachdonut · 3 years
Little Bucky or Little y/n pt.3
part 1,            part 2,             Taglist
Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Polish!Reader PT. 3
Warning : pregnancy,  bad english,   general fluff
Summary: You get pregnant and your boyfriend dies you fall into depression, but not long afterwards you yourself die in an unfortunate accident together with your friend. However, you suddenly wake up in a hospital in the 21st century.
from the author : Open tag list. If you see an opobliking of my book elsewhere than on my profile or on wattpad with the name (@celestiaromanoff) let me know
words:  712
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"So when did you sign up?"- You rummaged around in your plate with your fork.
"I didn't actually sign up, a month ago a letter came to me about the mission."
"So you've known about it for a month and you're only now telling me! James, why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Oh doll after all it's no big deal, before you know it the war will be over and I'll be back."
"You're right."
"So now don't think about it, think about our date. Like it's our first. Okay?"
You nodded with a smile looking down at your plate.
"What's up? Why aren't you eating?"
"I'm not particularly hungry somehow." - You stood up and put your plate back in the fridge. "I'll eat later." - You sat down again next to your boyfriend. - (Bucky did you ever think about our future.) This question was about to burst out of your mouth, but Bucky was ahead of you with his statement.
"No need to wait for me to eat, fly chic. Everyone will see what a beautiful girl I have tonight."
"Sure honey."-You got up and headed for your bedroom in search of a suitable dress. You decided to pick one that wasn't somehow tighter around your belly, since it was almost 3 months your belly was getting bigger and bigger and surprisingly your boyfriend still hadn't noticed. You took the dress off the rack and went into the living room to ask your boyfriend if this one would be good. He nodded with a smile and said, "This one will be perfect." You smiled at him and hugged him. Then you went back to the bedroom.
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(This is your outfit.)
You were fixing your curls when Bucky walked into your bedroom. "So who is this lucky guy?" At first you didn't understand, but then you answered. " Oh he's my friend, he's very affectionate and kind." "Is he handsome?" -Buck smiled "I must admit he is quite good looking." "You must meet me with him." - Bucky Mused your peachy lips. ..............................................................
You and Bucky walked into the "bar" (I have no idea what else to call it.) There were lots of young couples there, groups of female friends who flirt with soldiers.
You sat down at a table and the waitress almost immediately came over to your table and started writing down your order. Bucky for himself ordered a drink and when the waitress looked at you you whirled "Water." "Just water?" - Buck asked. "Oh, somehow not the head for alcohol." The waitress nodded and went back behind the counter.
Bucky stood up and bowed to you then shook your hand. "Could I dance with the most beautiful woman in the world?"
"Sure." - You stood up and grabbed Bucky's hand and he pulled you to the dance floor.
You had already been dancing for a few minutes when Bucky suddenly knelt down. Your heart stopped in an instant, your boyfriend had finally proposed to you, even though you had been dating for almost 10 years. Before he could say anything you shouted "YES, yes, yes and yes again!"  Everyone in the room applauded and you kissed Bucky.
When you and Bucky got home he moved you in front of the door wedding style and started heading for your bedroom, as he sat you down on your bed you decided that this was the perfect time to tell him about the baby, after all he would have noticed today anyway. "Honey I need to tell you something."
"Tell me."
"Bucky... I'm pregnant."
His eyes lit up, then he smiled and sat down next to you. "What, what month is it?"'He asked and looked at your belly.
"It's almost three."
"Already the third? Why didn't you say anything?"
"Aren't you angry?"
"No come on, I've always wanted a family, even more so with the woman I love."
You smiled at him barely holding back tears and hugged him. "Thank you."
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ghostlypeachdonut · 3 years
Little Bucky or Little y/n pt.2
part 1 here  ,               part 3 here,                   taglist
Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Polish!Reader PT. 2
warnings : sexism, 40s sexism, attempted rape, violence (NOT FROM BCUKY), strangulation,pregnant, bad english, angst
Summary: You get pregnant and your boyfriend dies you fall into depression, but not long afterwards you yourself die in an unfortunate accident together with your friend. However, you suddenly wake up in a hospital in the 21st century.
from the author : Open tag list. If you see an opobliking of my book elsewhere than on my profile or on wattpad with the name (@celestiaromanoff) let me know
words:  725
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"Pull up your skirs", "Hey little one you want to play"- These are just some of the comments addressed to you as you walked home with your shopping. "No im good"- Normally you would never reply but your hormones are not helping. "Oh baby, I know you want to be done with me." One of the thugs started to follow you. You got scared when you started to enter a smaller alley and he kept following you, but luckily you noticed an officer. You immediately approached him and asked if he would help you get home, because you were afraid of the man following you. You were lucky that the officer was nice enough to waste his break to get you home. You could also have ended up with a man in uniform who was just as obnoxious.
"Thank you officer, you have helped me a lot maybe I can invite you to tea in return for your help." " Oh no, I won't impose." "You're not imposing, I'm inviting you." "All right, and my name is Ben." "Y/n."- you open a door to the house and let Ben inside. "Please sit down I'll go boil some water." "Beautiful house."- Ben walked into the kitchen "Ah, thank you, I'm going to move in soon-" You felt a blast of heat on your neck. "What the hell are you doing?"- You pushed him away. "Oh please, we both know you wanted me to be the one to replace the man on the street.
You moved away to the other half of the kitchen. "I'm sorry if you misunderstood me, but I have a boyfriend." "He doesn't need to know." - Ben stepped closer to you and pressed you against the wall. Your heart was pounding like never before. Then he started kissing you, you resisted however then he grabbed your neck.
And that's what you were afraid of. You were afraid that your child might be one of the two in that situation.
You took your nails in his hand but he did not give up. You thought it was over, but then you heard the door close. Ben obviously didn't hear anything which worked out well for you because Bucky, seeing this, took the flowers out of the vase and smashed it over your attacker's head. Finally, you were able to collect your breaths again. "Bucky, thank you." "Who the hell is he?" "He helped me escape from a pervert, but I think he's one himself."-You hugged your boyfriend, but he then walked over to the Officer lying on the floor. He picked him up by the neck and started dragging him to the door, Ben half conscious. Bucky got him to his feet and kicked him in the ass, throwing him out of your house "If I see you hanging around this house one more time, I will kill you with my own hands!" You chewed into Bucky's arms. "Thank you I was terribly scared." "Honey don't worry, luckily I got back early. That's what I'm thinking, you shouldn't take those shortcuts alone,it never ends well." "Okay honey, I won't. I was just starting to cook dinner, your favourite chicken with mushroom sauce, I managed to get at the fair." You were cooking his favourite dinner due to the fact that you just wanted to tell him about the baby today.
"Great honey, it's sure to be tasty. Oh and I forgot to ask you, would you like to go out dancing with me tonight? We'll have some fun before I leave."
Then all your plans were in ruins, your smile turned into an expression of sadness.
"Are you leaving? Why didn't you tell me you signed up?" - Tears streamed into your eyes. "Oh, darling don't be sad. After all, you know I'll be back, have I ever failed to keep a promise? " - He spread his arms and said "Though hug, everything will be fine."
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ghostlypeachdonut · 3 years
Little Bucky or Little y/n PT.1
part 2 here,                        part 3 here,                       taglist
Bucky Barnes x Pregnant!Polish!Reader PT.1 
Warning : pregnancy, Christian family, bad english general fluff
Summary: You get pregnant and your boyfriend dies you fall into depression, but not long afterwards you yourself die in an unfortunate accident together with your friend. However, you suddenly wake up in a hospital in the 21st century.
Note from the author: Let me know what you think about this. English is not my first langue so be nice       Tag list open.
Word count: 710
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Ten minutes seems like a short time, but for you it seemed like hours. You stood over the sink with the pregnancy test in your trembling hand. You were afraid of pregnancy, not just because you were not married, but because you were deliberately hurting your child. There was no telling how much longer this drawn-out war was going to last, but it certainly wasn't going to go away anytime soon, so you didn't want the baby to be born with the possibility of being shot at a wall if you had to return to your home country, because you weren't from America, you were actually a Polish immigrant who moved with her family secretly to Brooklyn when she was 14. But that was not the only reason, because of your genes and your boyfriend's genes most newborns is girls, and this world is not made for women. You know very well how difficult it would be for your daughter in life, even more so when her parents are from two different countries and not married.
Then you noticed that a plus appeared on a piece of paper (pregnancy test), which meant the worst. You didn't even know if your boyfriend wanted to have baby, you had never talked about it. But it wasn't his reaction that you feared the most, it was your parents who put a lot of pressure on you. They were very religious, they weren't proud that you were cohabiting with a men you still weren't married to. And a pregnancy would probably give them a heart attack.
At this point tears were coming to your eyes so you decided to call the other person closest to you, Steve. You were the same age, so you went to the same class when you arrived at school. But you were not taught English in Poland, so your English was minimal, cut as much as possible from books, which you sometimes managed to steal for lack of money. Because of your lack of language skills, your peers didn't want to get to know you and saw you as a "Little Polack (THIS IS LIKE N-WORD BUT FOR POLISH PPL) who had a tendency to sleep around." However, Steve gave you a chance, he even bought a Polish-English translator, which he taught himself first and then helped you with your English. It was only after a year of knowing each other that Steve introduced you to his best friend Bucky, a year older than the two of us, and introduced us to each other on a trip to the river.
That's why you decided to call him. You dialed the number and put the receiver to your ear. - Steve? - you pulled your nose in -y/n what's going on? Are you crying? - Steve could you come to me? - y/n everything for you.
As soon as you saw Steve outside the door you burst into his arms all weepy. Steve gave you a hug and closed the door, then followed you into the living room. -Y/n why are you crying.-he pulled out a handkerchief -S-steve- you pull your nose* -I'm pregnant. -Wait wha-.- Steve stopped in handing you a handkerchief. You took the handkerchief and peered out*. - Does Buck know? -N- No, and I'm afraid of his reaction. - your words are interrupted every now and then by snorting your nose. -Y/n I think you'll have to tell him. -What if he doesn't want to have a ch-c-that word couldn't pass your lips. - What if he leaves me? Steve hugged you and started stroking your forehead. - Nonsense. I don't think that's his style, I'm sure he'd love to have a little buck or a little y/n running around his house. -You think? -
-Yeah. I'm convinced.
It wasn't long after you fell asleep with Steve, finally Bucky came back. It was already late. Bucky decided to carry you to your shared bedroom. He picked you up and carried you off bridal style. When he returned to the living room wanting to go to the kitchen he noticed that he had woken Steve. - Oh, I'm sorry if I woke you up, I wanted to bring y/n. -So, sorry I fell asleep on your couch. And if it's not a problem can I stay here for this night because I don't have much of a way to get home. - No problem, actually what happened to y/n? I saw that y/n was all blurry like she was crying. -Oh, yes y/n is having a weaker moment right now. Be there for her now. -Sure well, good night big guy (This is Stevie after the serum so you know)
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ghostlypeachdonut · 3 years
New sebastian stan Photo on insta is mine new wallpaper
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