Jordan T. Robinson
678 posts
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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In a stage where I have to rely more on my Faith. Out of the struggle, life still prospers, so will I. #heisrisen #happypassover #happyeaster
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Had the fortunate opportunity to learn a neat folk art story. A young woman was guided by her faith and the love of, and for, her family guided here to quit her job in pursuit of happiness. She painted series of work with her kids and began showing her work. A relative of mine saw this piece and thought of her husband and was moved. She bought the piece and has had it for 18 years. Sometimes, the story behind the work is worth more than the craft and technique in which the work was made. @jtrpresents #folkart #folkartist (at Huntersville, North Carolina)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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One of my mentors told me of the hidden gems that live in NC. I am continually reminded as I look at the treasures around here. Joshua Johnson “A portrait of a man (Samuel F.B. Morse?)” 1820 (Thought to be one of the earliest African American artists in American History) #themintmuseum (at Mint Museum UPTOWN)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Finally got to finish up on some painting. Learned the brilliant idea to use spray paint as the under painting and undertone before doing the actual splatter and detailing. (at University City - Charlotte, North Carolina)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Same monument, different angle. #writteninstoneseries (at Raleigh, North Carolina)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Getting old work finished to make room. #thoughtvsfeeling #jordantrobinson (at University City - Charlotte, North Carolina)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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My Nola Darling thinking cap is on 🤔🧐😈👨🏾‍🎨 #mintmuseum (at Mint Museum UPTOWN)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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My mind was blown when I realize the #mintmuseum officially has a Kainde Wiley peace now. (at Mint Museum UPTOWN)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Was looking around the theater for the first time and came across this. Had me hopeful. #unity #wearecharlotte #queencity (at Children's Theatre of Charlotte)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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After a great exhibition, headed had to the Met to see some favorites. Then went back with friends to the gallery and spent the day to hang out until my flight back home this morning. Had a great time and getting back on my grind. (at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
Had such a great time at the fundraising event. Also glad to see so many people who contributed their art and money to fight against HIV and AIDS (at First Street Gallery)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Here are the originals from the untitled series I made. Since taking these photos, I later edited them and intend to use these images to expand the series on. This was a reasponse to @visual_aids call to artist for a fundraiser to utilize art to fight HIV. The aesthetic and process was based off artist, Sopheap Pich whom I saw on @theartassignment a d responded to his challenge. Each piece had their own process but started in a similar fashion. Using found objects, I watered down acrylic paints and inks and began relatedly imprinting marks on the surface, relying on impulse and instinct. Once I my tuition stopped, I then looked to try to make sense of what is happening. The order are as follows: 1. “Either do or do not” 2. “Considerate os sexy” 3. “In the Foxhole” 4. “Your ‘views’ do not protect you” 5. “Change yourself, change the world” 6. “Little details make a big difference” 7. “This too does not define me” I can share more about my process to those interested. Please let me know if you are interested! Also, please support Visual AIDS for their mission of utilizing Art to fight against AIDS by provoking dialogue, supporting HIV+ artists, and preserving the legacy, because AIDS is not over. #hivawareness #knowyourstatus #protectyourself #protectothers #visualaids #theartassignment (at University City - Charlotte, North Carolina)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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I love my job, I love my colleagues, and I love my boss. But what I love also, is painting and parties... particularly put together at the same time! #lovemyjob #supportthearts (at Mint Museum UPTOWN)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
Concluding my reflection of the past year, I look forward to the new year in faith that things will get better. Now let’s work towards it together. happy new year everyone! And until next year, happy Kwanzaa! Day of: #faith #kwanzaa #happynewyear #2017 #2018 (at Indian Land, South Carolina)
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Revisiting work and remaking all my presentation, I hope to be done soon now I no longer feel sick. Happy Kwanzaa! Day of: #creativity #kwanzaa #jtrpresents #jordantrobinson
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Almost four yeas ago, I was finishing up undergrad and felt lost, voiceless; as if everything I did seemed pointless. A time I saw everyone’s voice develop and speak through their work. I kept pushing in several directions only to see that I was still at the starting point. In truth my skills were growing, but somehow I lost faith in myself and that everything I aimed for were genuine but felt fake. The work I did for my pleasure were fun but I forced myself to make work for others because I thought “good work serves others” at the same time, I was going through a reself-examination and identifying what my identity was/is. After years, of thinking, drawing, making, and sharing, I I have more faith in myself, despite my existing imposter syndrome, that I am what I say I am and what I intend regardless of how I show up, although I continue to seek to be mindful of how I show up. This piece I did for myself those years back to visually express and try to structure, the concept of identity, specifically three things (what I see, what others see, and what I Am) based on surveys, I compiled layers to visualize the layers of identity. I am building on this, along with other works for myself first, and pray that they help others in some way or another. This is my NY Resolution. This is my focus as an artist. This is, for now, my purpose. Happy Kwanzaa! Day of: #purpose #kwanzaa #jtrpresents #jordantrobinson
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jordanthomasrobinson · 7 years ago
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Developing a strategy on how to capitalize on my craft. Happy Kwanzaa Day of: #cooperativeeconomics #kwanzaa
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