ghostlyben · 3 years
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——        ▸▸  allison couldn’t remember the last time she went to a party. she was so used to red carpets . . flashing cameras . . and endless laughter during after parties. now . . her life was mundane; she wanted to tune down her light so she could be better fit for her daughter. she wanted . . needed to appear like a better mother. anything to see her baby girl again. making her way to the drinks, she picked up a small glass filled with gin and tonic . . her poison of choice. there were a few faces that had seen many of her movies, asking for autographs which gave her a moment of that socialite life. god she missed it . . missed the endless interviews. maybe she can dabble in it . . nothing full time. right ? hearing the voice speak about the sandwiches she looked on at them, making a slight face. ❝ i’ll have to keep that in min . . ❞ she trailed off . . her eyes connecting with the other’s. her breath left her lungs as she stumbled back, dropping the glass she held in her hand. 
❝ b . . ben . . ❞ she stammered his name out as a shaken hand reached out to touch the side of his face. ❝ h . . how . . ? ❞
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Ben was never the most social of people. He preferred to stick to what he knew and the people he liked best. He didn’t attend parties and after recent events, he preferred to stay out of the public eye. So there was a pang of worry when the other approached the table where he stood, but it was her voice that made his blood turn cold. When their eyes met, he was taken back to his strange youth. He set the plate down, before making a reach for her. His hand going to her shoulder as he leaned his head into her touch. “Allison, I--” He felt tears well in his eyes. “It’s a um--long story. I could ask you the same. How--why are you here?”   
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ghostlyben · 3 years
In truth, Ben had no idea why he was here. Polly had asked him to go with her and not wanting to leave one a friendly faces alone, he said yes. He didn’t know the Lodges other than their name. Frankly, he didn’t really know anyone in the town outside of the few regulars who came into the library. In a way, it’s what he needed given his current circumstances. But he still craved some sort of connection in this lonely world.  Ben had stationed himself by the snack table, he’d been getting several plates of random finger foods and watched the party unfold before him. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed someone approaching him. “Sorry, I’ll move, probably shouldn’t be blocking the table anyway.” He laughed nervously. “Sorry about that. The mini sandwiches are great by the way.” 
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ghostlyben · 3 years
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( large empty libraries full of old books, lovecraftian horrors and scary movies on a stormy night, warm cup of coffee on a rainy day ) – wait ! Is that ( Justin H. Min ) ?? No , according to their file that’s ( Ben Hargreeves  ) from ( The Umbrella Academy). i heard they are ( Thirty ) and ( he ) ( is ) known for being ( optimistic ) , but also (reclusive ). if you ’re looking for ( him ) you’d have a good chance looking in ( Riverdale Public Library  ). it’s very clear that they are a (  libra ) since they have (The Fall ) playing by ( half alive ) on repeat. hopefully they’ll have what it takes to survive !
Name: Ben Hargreeves
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Demisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Species: Human
Occupation: Librarian
Birthday: October 1, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Living arrangement: Ben lives in a two bedroom, two bath apartment near the south side. He prefers the room furthest from the door with the fire escape. He doesn’t have much, the room feels more temporary than homely.  He has put up a few posters of old horror movies and has a bookshelf full of books.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Black
Height: 5′10′’
Scars: A large deep scar on his stomach (above the navel)
Tattoos:  an umbrella on wrist
Style: Mostly black. Sweaters, hoodies. button down shirts & dress pants (for work), black jeans, black boots, & converse.
Colors: Black & white
Entertainment: Reading, watching movies, video games, drawing, & training
Animal: Octopus
Drink: Coffee, tea, water, & caprisuns
Comfort food: Ice cream
Ben didn’t exactly have what anyone would call a normal childhood. He’d been adopted by an eccentric rich man who also adopted six other children born that same day, same time. While that sounds like a strange dream come true, it was more of a nightmare for Ben. They were each given a number rather than a name. Ben was Number Six. It wouldn’t be until he was much older did his adoptive mother, Grace, give him a real name. With those numbers, however, came his father’s true motives. They were not his children, but his legacy. He trained them relentlessly. Physically and mentally they were pushed daily. While Ben did well and made his father proud, or as proud as he could given the expectations. But he was weaker than the others or so he was told. He needed surgery at one point because he harmed himself during one of his father’s ‘missions’ by pushing himself too far.
Ben tried relentlessly to make his father proud. While his siblings loved him, he could never seem to gain the love of his father and eventually he accepted he never would. He worked hard to keep meeting his goals, but that came far sooner than he expected. When Ben was fifteen, he was taken. He’d been sitting on the front steps reading, something he was told not to do, but he needed some alone time. An old business partner of his father’s came by and took Ben with him. He hoped to use Ben as a bargaining chip to get back what was his, but instead Sir Hargreeves told the man he had all he needed since he’d stolen his property. The man threw Ben out on the streets and he was left on his own.
Ben went into foster care, he was taken in by an older funeral director and her wife. They raised Ben as their own and did everything they could to set him up for adulthood. When Ben went to college, he was reunited with Klaus. The two grew close and it was nice to have part of his family back.
The Last 7 Years →
Ben never felt happier than he did in college. He was able to create the life he wanted and dreamed of as a kid. But things took a turn when Ben was getting his masters. He was still living with Klaus who had gotten himself tied up in a local cult. When Ben tried to help him out, it nearly cost him his life.
Shortly after this, Ben and Klaus hit the road looking for a place where their past couldn’t reach. The brothers ended up in Riverdale, a small town where they could hide away for a little while at least. Ben got a job as a librarian and is hoping to settle down and make a quiet life for himself there even just for a little while.
Wanted Connections →
Klaus Hargreeves
Allison Hargreeves
Vanya Hargreeves
Five Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
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ghostlyben · 3 years
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click on the SOURCE LINK to be directed to #114 medium gifs of JUSTIN H. MIN as ben hargreeves in season 2 of the umbrella academy. all gifs are made from scratch by me ( ant ) !! don’t redistribute, claim as your own or add them to gif hunts. if you want to edit them in any way please ask first. like or reblog if you use them, enjoy !!
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ghostlyben · 3 years
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click on the SOURCE LINK to be directed to #175 medium gifs of JUSTIN H. MIN as cameron in the youtube miniseries dating after college. all gifs are made from scratch by me ( ant ) !! don’t redistribute, claim as your own or add them to gif hunts. if you want to edit them in any way please ask first. like or reblog if you use them, enjoy !!
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