Call me ghost (not my real name but privacy yk)18Tkl blog (and other things as well)‼️NSFW DO NOT INTERACT‼️ Any pronouns por favor
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Tickle interrogation but it's to make them admit nice things about themselves 💕
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Idk about you guys but I just loveeee how many easy there are to tkl ribs,,, like you can give them the teasiest little pinches, or fully dig in to make ur lee full on panic, or count them going up or down, or pay attention to the sweet little spaces in between, or, my personal favorite, give them the lightest, tiniest little scritches and scratches that make the muscles jump and twitch :))) OR!! gods forbid you make your way to the terribly sensitive back of the ribs,,, do NOT even get me started dude
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Hi guys I’m looking for friends in the tkl community!!
Some stuff about me:
-I’m 19
-Use whatever pronouns (idc it’s up to you completely)
-I’m 10000000000000% switch
-I’m very reserved about my irl details
-I am strictly sfw, although I don’t mind talking to nsfw people, I just would not like to talk about tkls in that way lol
-My fav spots are neck, back, ears, shoulders, and ribs, but I have come to love all spots :)
-I’m not sure how I feel about rp/ teases yet but I’d be happy to try it out
-I’m a little shy, but I’ll do my best to not be awkward
Please send me a dm/ ask/ whatever if you’re interested, I really wanna connect with more people in the community :)))))
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If you’re ever wondering what I’m thinking about, it’s usually always giving or receiving the softest, most tingly, teasy neck and back tkls ever,,,, they’re both just such vulnerable and exploitable spots everjcfkydyifcyykk /////
#ler mood#lee mood#switch mood#sfw tickles#soft tickles#tickle community#sfw tickling community#tickles#tickle content#tickle fluff#ticklee#tickler#can u tell i’m having a major switch mood rn
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if ur looking for fics with really good teases, @thebest-medicine has the Best. i esp love their critical role fics (any fic where the mighty nein are wrecking caleb’s shit is SOOOO teasy and it makes me scream) but honestly they are just really good at writing teases in nearly all their fics so. yeah highly recommend LOL
Omg I checked them out and ur so righttttt thank u anon ilyyyyy hmu if u wanna talk abt it hehe<333
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It’s kinda funny bc about 3/4 years ago when I joined the community I was 110% Lee, then I was a lee- leaning switch, now I’m a ler- leaning switch I think. But the thing is, I I still absolutely love being tkled, I just have a special place in my heart for making other get all giggly and flustered,,, although, I’m kinda too shy to actually properly tease someone irl because I end up getting super flustered myself, but then I just end up using what I know would work on medjeidiiejdjeifiir
#ler mood#lee mood#sfw tickles#soft tickles#tickle community#sfw tickling community#tickles#tickle content#tickle fluff#ticklee#tickler
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unfortunately can't be normal about the beatles in real life. someone will bring them up to talk about their musical impact or something and ten minutes later i'll be saying some shit like Actually the Mutual Masturbation wasn't the only Thing they did Apparently they used to Do girls on the same Bed together in Hamburg. and the person is like okay. what?
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My Favorite Tickle Tropes
•Tickle fights!!! So many different laughs, reactions, interactions, people to watch, it’s just so wild card and so fun
•Chasing. This hasn’t happened to me in a hot minute but boy howdy do I crave that heart pounding, gut twisting feeling of someone having their sights completely locked on you, and in your panicked frenzy of trying to get away, you end up dead-ending yourself, or worse, smacking face to face with someone else who is also in on your inevitable torture
•Two lers one Lee. I am going to fluster myself talking any more about this.
•Or two goofy lees getting surprise-tickled at the same time and they’re just giggling and falling into each other 🥺
•Someone losing the strength to stand or form coherent sentences so they become a wiggly, uncoordinated mess 🥰
•Someone trying to act ANGRY in the miDDLE of being wrecked, (or riiight before), and their threats just morph into these goofy, deranged giggles
•On the same wavelength, the stoic, uptight, snarky character being absolutely destroyed and then turning into a blushy begging mess is soooo satisfying
•Someone being a little fART to get tickled, and then having the tables flipped so quickly on them they’re fuckIN REELING trying to gain forgiveness
•Person A is trying to hide something from Person B, who starts to tickle them to make them tell them where hidden object is
•Someone demonstrating how ticklish another person is to someone else oh my gOd
•The good ole reaching up to grab something and somebody pokes your side
•That sheepish little smile the lee and ler share when they both enjoyed the tickling 🥺🥺
•FLUSTERED LEE CHEEKY LER PAIRING lOok I know the inverse pairing is the unexpectedly wholesome one, but I just can’t get over a lers attitude being “I know you’re ticklish and you LIKE being tickled” and the lee being too nervous to react in any other way other than flushing a deep red as the ler continues to tease and provoke them about it oh my gosh you guys scarryyy
•Smirking. Knowing glances. Someone who isn’t involved in the tickling looking
•This is more often seen in real life I feel like than detailed in fics, but when peoples attention is drawn to someone getting tickled, and they just sit there and smile at the lees hysterical laughter and squirminess
•Coyness + teasing. This shit kills me quicker than anything. “Why are you so squirmy?” “Hold still I’m trying to do something!!!” “What’s the matter y/n?”
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Tkling and being part of the tkl community is so weird sometimes like… my partner and I have been best friends for over 3 years and dating for 1.5, we know every single thing about eachother- embarrassing, traumatizing, etc. etc. BUT I LITERALLY CANNOT BRING MYSELF TO TELL THEM I LIKE TKLING LIKEDJKCDIFI and I knowwwww you guys don’t know my partner but they are literally the sweetest thing you will ever meet but I just cantttttt bring myself to tell themmm,,,, like I tkl them a lot and sometimes they get me back but it’s never for more than a few seconds or so. I guess I just have this weird little bug in my head that’s telling me that they’ll think I’m a weirdo BUT I LITERALLY KNOW THAT NOT TRUE!!! And it’s such a big part of me that I want to share it but everytime I think about trying to tell them, the idea alone makes me wanna curl into a little ball and jump out of a ten story window (/j) anywayssss just a little rant i suppose lol
#ler mood#lee mood#sfw tickles#soft tickles#tickle community#sfw tickling community#tickles#tickle content#tickle fluff#ticklee#tickler#just a rant iggg
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Poetic Nonsense
A/N: My Squealing Santa fic for @vampiretickles (only slightly belated) – I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Based off of the prompt, "Admitting they like/want to be tickled" with Jon and Martin. Shoutout to @squealing-santa for facilitating one of the best events of the year <3
Summary: Martin gets sabotaged by a poem, a craving, and Jon's stupid mind reading powers.
Words: 1.3k
Martin was changing his mind: tickling could be used to torture him, even if not in the traditional way. Not torture by tickling, no – as long as it was with the right people without ill intention, he found it too fun and giddying for that – but torture by tickle withholding... as Jon was in the middle of discovering.
“You can literally read my mind!” Martin said indignantly, a hint of desperation seeping in.
“So, I don’t get why I have to say it, when you know perfectly well I do!”
“‘Do’ what?” Jon’s usual academically curious tone didn’t hide his mischief in the slightest.
They’d each just been reading — Jon, a complicated historical novel, and Martin, a book of poetry — next to each other in bed peacefully. Nothing had even happened to start the whole debacle. Except that Martin had gotten to a stanza set on describing a playful tickle between lovers. Feeling the unbearable sparkles of sensation, the lightning shocks of vulnerability (as the poem referred to it), being counteracted by the trust and affection for their partner and resolving in indignant delight. A joyous memory worth writing about, creating art in homage to.
And suddenly, his brain was crowded with the idea of that, the speaker in the poem, being him. Not with the speaker’s partner of course. With his partner. Jon.
Who was so close Martin could feel his warmth.
And, right on cue, Jon turned his head to look at Martin.
It was neither of their faults that, despite Jon not actively using his powers to look into Martin’s mind, a particularly strong thought about him could still make it through like an emergency alert on a silenced phone. The recognition and smothered eagerness in Jon’s eyes told Martin this was one such instance, and when Jon found a bookmark and set his book aside, Martin knew he was screwed.
But that had been two whole torturous minutes ago. Jon was still simultaneously playing oblivious and teasing with his Knowledge instead of just doing it already.
"Really, I can tell something's on your mind," Jon prodded again. "What is it?"
“You’re the worst,” Martin complained into his forearms, balled up with his knees to his chest. “The absolute worst. Just awful. I can’t believe you’re doing this to me.” Maybe, he thought, if he kept blathering on, it would distract (both Jon and himself) from how damn flustered this was starting to make him. Maybe if he griped long enough, Jon would get tired of it and/or show some mercy and put him out of the pseudo-misery that was being made to wait just to wind up and embarrass him.
But Jon just raised an eyebrow at him and propped his chin on a fist, in it for the long haul. Fuck.
“I’m never going to make you tea again.”
“Why’s that?”
The all-knowing Jonathan Sims of all people playing dumb like this was infuriating. They both knew he knew. He was doing this purely to make Martin squirm and blush red-hot.
“Very true,” Jon said, a smug grin valiantly trying to overtake his passive expression.
Martin groaned. It was even meaner that Jon wasn’t even pretending not to have a front row seat for Martin’s every flustered thought (to which he was now actively listening), yet wouldn’t acknowledge the one that really mattered.
“I don’t deserve this,” Martin whined.
“Probably not. Still fun.”
Martin just groaned again and flopped uselessly against Jon’s side. Both for a bit of cover to hide his embarrassment (at least the visible signs of it) and to see if he could make Jon physically uncomfortable enough to do something about it.
“I’ve been through far too many genuinely torturous situations to be convinced of anything by you laying on top of me,” Jon said, smirk even more audible in his voice than before.
There was that word again, torturous. Martin was being tortured right now.
“If it’s so torturous, why are you having so much fun with it?”
“I am not.”
“I’ll drop it, if you really want.”
No, that was worse! The idea of all this teasing without any of the follow through was downright cruel.
“You’re making me feel like a bad partner,” Jon laughed, not an ounce of genuine concern in his voice.
“Stop doing that!”
“Doing what?”
“Responding to my thoughts without—” Martin could only end his sentence with a noise of wordless complaint. After all, if he could just say it, he wouldn’t be in this predicament in the first place.
Jon shifted to be facing Martin a bit more, and Martin couldn’t help but shrink back a little as a nervous-excited thrill rushed through him. Was the wait finally over?
“Without what, Martin?”
Apparently not.
“Without… listening to the important one,” Martin tried.
“You could just use your words.” Jon’s pleasant tone could only do so much to offset the mischievous glint in his eyes.
Scootching a bit a way from Jon, Martin grabbed a pillow to hug for… protection? comfort? It didn’t matter. Didn’t change what he was nervously hoping for.
“I don’t see why I should have to,” he groused, hoping it’d conceal his bashfulness (as if his body language wasn't already projecting it loud and clear).
“We’ve been over this. It’s fun.” When Jon leaned down to kiss Martin’s temple, Martin had to actively fight to not shrink away more. How was he this flustered over something so ridiculous? He wanted to crawl under the covers and never be seen again. Or better, be tickled until all thoughts of embarrassment left his head.
But that meant he had to ask for it.
Jon’s demeanor shifted. “I want to hear you say it out loud,” he said, gentler, “just one time?” It was like he was asking for permission. Like he’d cave even if Martin couldn’t do it, should this go on for much longer.
No, Martin was not going to be rendered useless by one silly request, especially one which he knew would be well received. He could do this.
Jon smiled encouragingly. “Yes, you can.”
Shut up!
Martin squeezed his eyes shut and gathered his willpower. “I’d… kind of like it if you… tickled me a bit, at some point,” he managed.
“‘A bit’? ‘At some point’?” Jon teased, knowing the truth.
Something in him finally snapped. “Fine, Jon, I’d like it if you tickled me. Happy?”
Fully grinning now, Jon snatched the pillow from Martin’s grasp (Martin hadn’t been holding it very tightly) and tossed it off the bed. He got on his knees, looming over. His fingers flexed and crooked into claws in preparation. “Very.”
–– Epilogue ––
“Did you know I can hear little lines of poetry forming in your head when I do that?" Jon said. "During the teasing, mostly, it usually all goes out the window the second I touch you.”
Martin couldn’t decide which half of that contributed to his blush more. Thankfully, it was hidden with the way he was flopped over half in Jon's lap, finally done giggling but still breathless after the (admittedly very fun) tickle attack he'd gone through so much grief to ask for. Yeah, okay, fine, his mind had a way of framing things that gave him big feelings in a poetic way. Especially ones that made him happy. And what about it?
Picking up on the hint of embarrassment, Jon smoothed over Martin's hair fondly and softened his tone. “It’s very nice. I like that you like it so much.”
“Shut upppp,” Martin grumbled into Jon’s thigh, not really wanting him to at all.
“I will when you stop thinking about it so much.” And a kiss was placed atop his head.
Martin did end up with several lines for a poem of his own by the time he fell asleep in Jon’s lap like that. Which would be perfect for Jon to tease him about more later.
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Oh my god.. the teasing in this is so fucking evil holy shit
Freaky Friday'd
A/N: Finally finished the fic I mentioned in a poll a couple of weeks ago! @ Michael anons, that one is gonna be a followup of this if brain and schedule do indeed let me write it lol
Summary: Somehow, Jon and Martin swap who has the Eye's omniscience, and Martin finds himself hearing Jon's thoughts loud and clear. There are some fun side effects.
Words: 2.3k
Each knew the moment he woke up that something was different. Jon, that his head was awfully quiet, and Martin, that his was awfully loud. It took a little longer to figure out exactly what had happened, though.
Somehow, inexplicably, Martin was the one with the Eye’s powers and Jon was back to his non-avatar self. Like some kind of Freaky Friday, emphasis on the freaky. Maybe not the perfect analogy — they were still piloting their own bodies — but still.
As much as they researched, no cause made itself apparent, and it wasn’t like they knew how to undo it (or if they even should). So for the time being they had to live with the swap.
At first, it was uncomfortable. Jon had gotten used to the constant flow of supplemental knowledge, and its absence kept grinding his train of thought to a halt when he habitually reached for a piece of information that wasn’t there. Martin, on the other hand, had never had so much knowledge, and found himself quite distracted and disoriented. Had Jon really been living like this? Damn. Martin had never really appreciated what that’d been like for him before.
Thankfully, it wasn’t long until they acclimated, helped along by being able to walk one another through it from experienced perspectives. And then the less consequential side effects made themselves known.
While Jon had learned how to tune out the ambient noise of others’ thoughts somewhat, Martin hadn’t been the avatar (or whatever this was) nearly long enough to do so himself yet. So Jon didn’t expect Martin to notice, nor did Martin intend to in the first place. But notice he did. Jon’s mind kept gravitating back towards one thing: tickling. More specifically, him being tickled by Martin.
Martin was already aware Jon was ticklish. He’d only done anything with it once or twice and hadn’t thought much of it, but apparently, Jon had. And wanted more. Jon would think about it when he was frustrated and wanted to forget about the source entirely, he’d think about it when he watched Martin’s hands busy making dinner, he’d think about it when Martin wrapped his arms around him, he’d think about it just randomly.
And, oh, if that’s how it was, Martin was about to have an absolute field day.
“Jon,” he said, crossing his arms and trying to sound stern. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Jon looked up from the freshly washed sheets he was putting back on the bed, a little alarmed. “Tell you what?”
“How bad you want me to tickle you.”
Jon’s eyes went as wide as saucers, the legitimate alarm immediately flipping on its head. Martin felt a wave of emotion coming from him, shock more than anything, but also relief that Martin didn’t think he’d been keeping anything serious to himself or that there’d been a genuine misunderstanding. “I— I didn’t think you’d Know!”
“And I Know you didn’t. You were too busy thinking about me getting my hands on you.” Martin couldn’t help a little grin. “Not like I had to dive deep into your psyche or anything to find out, you’re practically broadcasting it. It just came to me.”
Suddenly Jon seemed to be very interested in the fitted sheets again. Except Martin could hear his traitorous thoughts loud and clear. Jon was terribly flustered. And terribly hopeful.
Martin could do with more of both.
With as much flair as he could muster, Martin took a big step towards Jon, who shrunk back but radiated a wave of nervous excitement. “It would be a bit unfair if I use it against you, though,” Martin said, as if he were actually pondering it. “Me Knowing was an honest mistake. So I guess I should proceed as if I didn’t know at all, since you didn’t volunteer it yourself.”
A burst of disappointment, with irritation right at its heels as Jon realized Martin was messing with him. Jon gave up his mission to never make eye contact again to shoot Martin an embarrassed glare. Asshole.
“Okay, rude.” In turn, Martin abandoned his mission to maintain an ounce of seriousness and let the grin that’d been creeping up on him the whole time spread on his face. No point in putting it off, not for the first time Knowing how it really was. There’d plenty of time to play with anticipation later. He lunged at Jon and manhandled him down onto the half-made bed, which immediately became not-at-all-made as Jon squirmed wildly.
“Wait! Wait!”
“What for?” Martin grabbed for Jon’s side, and though he didn’t connect, the threat alone made Jon’s voice all giggly.
“I’m nohot ready!”
“After all that daydreaming? Yeah, right.”
This time, Martin’s grab was a success, and Jon yelped out a laugh and folded sideways. Martin’s squeezing fingers weren’t deterred though, and soon Jon’s various noises settled firmly into the laughter category.
“Were you planning on telling me at some point? Or were you just going to wait for some supernatural powers to do it for you?” Martin teased.
“Dihihidn’t know they could!”
“Well lucky us, turns out they can.” The tidal waves of helpless giddiness, embarrassed excitement, and unbearable fun coming from Jon made Martin feel ten feet tall. “Jonathan Sims, now that I know you like this, you’re never gonna know peace again.”
Jon whined loudly and buried his face in the mess of bedding. He quickly broke out into giggles instead at the feeling of Martin’s fingers spidering up his sides and ribs. “You’re—!”
“I’m what, Jon?”
“You’re ehehehevil!”
“For giving you exactly what you want, sure,” Martin said sarcastically. “Textbook evil.” He raised his eyebrows at what he detected in response. “Oh, it gets to you when I point out that you enjoy this, huh?”
“Shut up!” Jon pleaded aloud. Don’t, pleaded his mind. Obviously, Martin was going to listen to the latter.
“Make me.”
Jon’s thought of flipping it around on Martin to do just that was immediately snatched away by pure electric ticklishness as Martin’s hands found Jon’s shoulder blades. Martin found it quite amusing. Jon was sent into frantic laughter.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’re too ticklish to do a thing to stop me, if you even actually wanted to in the first place.”
It was odd. By being tuned in to Jon’s very acute emotions, the rest of the Knowledge was pushed into the background for Martin, giving him a new, self-contradictory quiet. Every other influx of information was drowned out by the prominence, the loudness of Jon’s mind demanding his attention. Only one, quite loud thing instead of his generally noisy new normal, and he decided he was a fan.
The equal and opposite reaction happened in Jon’s case — all the newly open space in his head was very much occupied once again by sensation and instinct. Except the feelings (physical and emotional) crowded out the productive, logical side of his brain and his ability to think flew out the window. A blessed reprieve from the whirling of his mind that the Eye had only ever exacerbated.
That didn’t mean it wasn’t still maddening though. Jon writhed, kicking his legs just to have an outlet. “Plehehease!”
“Please what?”
“Oh, alright.” Martin eased up, through didn’t stop by any means. “So, progress report: how am I doing, boss? Up to standard?”
“You…” Jon was trying to catch his breath, even as little noises kept escaping from the trailing touches that kept him jumpy. “You’ve never been this mean before.”
“Didn’t know how much you love it before. Sue me for trying to be a good partner and be better safe than sorry about your boundaries.” Martin leaned in and kissed him, sweet but playful. “Now that I know this is well within your boundaries though, and I can hear how much fun you’re having—“
Martin squeezed Jon’s sides again to make him cut himself off with a yelp. “—I’m not gonna stop ‘till you’re really done. Who knows how long I’ll be able to read your mind? I’ve got to make the most of it.”
Jon’s keyed-up squirming went up another notch at that. He shook his head into the mattress giddily but his mind told a different story. Still giddy, but very much in the yes please realm.
So Martin got to Seeing to it that Jon’s yearnings would be satiated ten times over. He settled himself more comfortably. “Have you heard of the Pink Elephant principle?”
Confusion, plus the mental image of a pink elephant, instantly popped into Jon’s head. “No?”
“It’s simple. It’s the idea that if someone says to think of a pink elephant, by processing it, you can’t help but think about one automatically. And by trying not to think about it, you’re thinking about it regardless.” Martin’s smile widened as Jon started to piece it together. “So if I propose something you’ll imagine it. And, more importantly, if I ask you something you’ll think of the answer. And right now, that’s all I need.”
“That‘s not fair!”
Martin flipped Jon onto his back (noticing with amusement that Jon was more distressed by the exposure of his reactions than the exposure of his spots). “I can hardly turn it off, you should know what with how it was when it first started happening to you. And it’s not my fault we swapped and I haven’t had the time to figure it out yet.”
“But you’re using it against me!”
Martin clawed at Jon’s stomach just for a moment, earning a bright cry of surprise. “As I said, might as well make the most of it. You agree, don’t you?”
Completely. It would be absurd of Martin not to.
“Good.” Martin leaned down and gave Jon a long, sweet kiss. A parting gift between him and any mercy he might have received. “Let’s not beat around the bush, then. Where do you most like to be tickled? What’s your favorite spot?”
The question sent Jon’s mind scrambling, flustered by the concept and implications alone, but in the end result was inconclusive. Huh.
“You don’t have one, do you?”
“N-no one’s ever really gotten me intentionally enough for me to… observe it properly.” The words came packaged with an internal pout that entertained Martin to no end. Adorable.
“Well, let’s get to changing that then.” Martin gathered Jon’s wrists and plopped Jon’s arms above his head, but didn’t hold them down. “Keep those there.”
“W— I don’t know if I can.”
Martin couldn’t help but grin. “Try. We’ll see what happens.” His grin went a little eviler as he realized: “And I’ll be able to tell exactly how hard you’re trying, so you better choose wisely.” Butterflies upon butterflies upon butterflies. “Sound agreeable?”
“I d-don’t seem to have much choice in the matter.” Jon’s voice was trembling.
“Of course you do,” Martin replied. “Only problem is, you’re so on board.”
Jon groaned. “Can you just get on with it?”
“Eager, much?” Martin began to spider his fingers up and down Jon’s exposed ribs, and Jon flinched, arms jolting down just a bit before he reigned his reactions in and opened himself up a little more as he clamped down on the smile fighting to bloom on his face.
“What’s the point in trying not to smile if we both know you’re enjoying yourself?”
It makes it obvious how little you have to do to make me react, Jon’s brain put together.
Martin gave a fond little chuckle. “True. But I can feel how much it’s getting to you right now, remember? And even if it weren’t so tickly you couldn’t help it, everyone smiles when they’re happy — and you sure are right now, aren’t you?”
Jon’s mental Shut up! was accompanied by a weak growl through lips pressed protectively tight. Adorable.
“Okay, so,” Martin said, still tickling at his ribs, “make a mental note of what this is like. Really take in the sensation, commit it to memory so you can compare it with the others.”
Not helping! Jon’s mind protested, though only a whine came out.
“I think it’s helping plenty.” Martin’s eyes scanned up and down Jon’s body in search of his next target.
He went spot by spot, cataloguing each reaction, physical, mental, and emotional, with a precision he never would’ve had without the Eye’s help. Being without Eye’s power himself, Jon was extra reactive to each new touch because, unlike past occasions when he’d get an impression of Martin’s next move the moment before it happened, he had no warning about what was coming and therefore couldn’t brace himself for it, intentionally or otherwise. Observing as Jon’s thoughts tangled up into a jumbled mess of sensation and emotion and desperation only made Martin want to keep going.
What a great discovery this whole thing had been. For all the unease being Freaky Friday’d had added to their recent days, this sure as hell made up for it. Martin would have thought so on his own, but he knew under all the layers of embarrassment and mind-scrambling sensation, Jon felt the same way.
“So?” Martin said to a panting Jon, retracting his hands having exhausted (literally) the potential spots he’d come up with. “What’s the verdict, love? Favorite spot?”
Still giggling, Jon filed through the memories of the past few minutes — though, if Jon’s brain before all this had seemed like a neat filing cabinet, now it was one that’d been through a tornado — and shivered, giggling a little harder as phantom sensations rushed over his body. The memories of Martin’s attentions on his ribs, the back of his knees, his neck, stood out. Intense in a way that was maddening but still bearable enough to leave processing power in his head for all the mental fun of it as Martin teased and messed with him with more than just intensity. That was a favorite too, it seemed, which pleased Martin immensely to learn when he’d only been seeking thoughts about favorite spots.
“Noted,” Martin said, skittering fingers up the side of Jon’s neck and making him scrunch away. “I’ll make sure to make use of that next time.”
Jon covered his face with a whine. But his mind? Well… Martin certainly wasn’t hearing any complaints.
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No Viktor don't tickle him hahaha he totally doesn't want you to do that haha noooo don't hes sooo sensitive
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fan gets bullied round 2 (it's ok he enjoys it though)
(minors do not interact)
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Does anyone have any sfw tkl discord servers I could join??
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