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caden santos // 24 // empath
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
He hadn’t expected to see Jessica at his door, and his eyes widened in surprise. “No, no, it’s okay,” Caden said, pulling the doorway open wider after checking down the hall to see if there was anyone watching. “Come on in.” He offered a small smile, hoping that it could be something of a balm to whatever had put her on edge.
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“Look, I’m sorry for putting you in a bad spot.” Jessica ran her fingers through her hair as she sounded apologetic. “I just… really needed somewhere to crash for the night. I swear I’ll treat you to dinner or something.” She was more fidgety than usual; she was nervous. The police were probably onto her again. She could not stay in the same place for too long. She needed a distraction to put her mind at ease. 
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
jason couldn’t help but sigh as he moved aside. originally, he was going to tell the guy to pick it up himself. however, the older male bent down and picked up the paper for him. his hands held out the object. “here.” the poor guy looked helpless. “i don’t mean to pry into your business, but what is it for anyway? and what is it doing on the ground?” he asked merely out of curiosity, without any ill intentions. “take it easy, kid.” he took a sip from his beer while his cigarette were resting in his other hand.
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Caden took the paper gratefully, shoving it in his bag alongside all the other loose leafed notes he’d taken. “It’s actually for my business, funnily enough,” he replied, slinging the bag back over his shoulder. “One of my clients doesn’t actually know how to use a computer, so I had to go over there and actually talk with him. I didn’t realize I had my bag of notes open on the bus until everything fell out once I got off here.” A small grin made its way onto his face, hindsight making it a little funnier than when it had actually been happening.
“What about you?” he asked, figuring that if this guy was willing enough to strike up a conversation, he ought to return the favor. “What business do you do?” 
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
i’m lowkey disappointed in the lack of james reid icons so im gonna make my own XD
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
Caden startled out of his disassociative stupor, blinking a couple of times to re-ground himself. He hadn’t meant to stare at the guy, really. But the second his mouth opened to ask his question, his brain managed to stumble into a mental block that could only be described as deja vu.
“Sorry, uhm-” He offered a semi-apologetic grin and tilted his head. “Do you mind handing me that paper you’re standing on? I kind of need it.”
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After a long day of work, jason couldn’t wait to go to a nearby convenience store and kick back with some beer and some snacks. His purchases were very simple: a pack of cigarettes, a can of beer, and a bag of barbecue potato chips. He eyed the lottery tickets on the counter and thought to himself whether people still purchased those things. He was still in his work clothes with his hair underneath a baseball cap. 
He stood outside the convenience store and lit a cigarette. As he exhaled, he sighed. His head turned toward someone who had been watching him. He remarked, “You know, your eyes are going to pop out if you open them that wide.” His cigarette rested between his index and middle finger. “What do you want?” 
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
caden didn’t even need to be physically present to realize that whoever this guy was, he cared about the cat that was currently pawing at the paper towel roll on his counter. “she’s fine, you can breathe” he replied, keeping an eye on the towels to make sure they didn’t go flying.
“she’s smart, cause i think she managed to climb through my kitchen window, and i’m on the second floor.” the empath let his gaze flick over to the now definitely closed window, and back to the cat. “um, i can give you my apartment address? it’s easy enough to find” he offered, suddenly remembering that he had to actually return the tabby.
he rattled off the address, moving to remove the paper towels from ‘princess’s reach. “just ring the bell and i’ll let you up.” he could also go down to meet the owner, but he figured that he shouldn’t take the chance of losing the cat on the way down. besides, having the owner pick the cat up themselves meant less of a chance that caden messed up and touched someone by accident.
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     he jumped up. he almost tripped pushing the chair out from under him, he grabbed the phone, and held it to his ear. he did not even hit answer at first. he realized his mistake and took the call. he was panting, as if he had been running, when it was really just his heart beating itself into oblivion.      he would have killed someone if it was one of his students. this was not the time or the day they should have been contacting him, but when he heard a brand new voice, he was half relieved. at least it was not a student, but then, he did not know who it was or if they could get his cat back to him.      “y-yes, princess, she-she’s an orange tabby and a little overweight. do you have her? where is she?” he ran to the front door to put his shoes on.      “is she okay?” he did not even say goodbye to his other two cats, possibly for the first time in years, before running out his front door. he did not even know where he was going, but he was outside now, and standing in the rain. he turned his car on while trying to picture where his cat was without using his phone’s gps. “c-can you make sure she’s okay until i can come get her? i’m getting in my car right now.”
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
there  are  a  thousand  and  one  reasons  why  woosung  hates  his  job  ,  but  by  far  the  biggest  one  is  the  absence  of  time  off  .  it’s  exhausting  ,  constantly  following  futile  leads  on  so-called  ‘  dangerous  ’  dreamers  or  acting  as  a  bodyguard  for  stuffy  old  politicians  (  who  are  also  probably  the  ones  who  sanctioned  his  own  kidnapping  )  .  and  of  course  ,  in  the  government’s  eyes  ,  he’s  not  a  person  —  he’s  just  a  weapon  ,  a  shiny  new  military  experiment  .  
so  it’s  fairly  understandable  that  occasionally  ,  it  all  gets  to  be  too  much  for  woosung  to  deal  with  —  and  that’s  when   he  runs  .  like  earlier  ,  when  he  snuck  out  of  a  function  to  end  up  here  :  hiding  in  the  corner  of  a  coffee  shop  and  hoping  that  he  can  at  least  finish  his  drink  before  they  find  him  .  (  he  supposes  they  expect  him  to  be  grateful  that  he  hasn’t  been  microchipped  ,  but  he’s  sure  it’s  only  a  matter  of  time .  )
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when  someone  slides  into  the  seat  opposite  him  ,  woosung  grumbles  out  a  “  that  seat’s  taken  ”  .  he  doubts  there’s  much  risk  of  being  identified  ,  but  he  isn’t  willing  to  take  the  chance  .
“yes, by me,” caden replied, shoving his bag in front of him and beginning to rummage through the mess. “sorry, this will only be a few seconds.” it took him more than a few seconds, and as he dug deeper into his bag, the more he realized that he’d probably lost the bus pass he was searching for.
he hadn’t meant to intrude on the other’s space, not really. but the coffee shop was getting crowded, and his only other option of a stopping chair had been the weird old guy in the corner who was putting off some rather questionable smells.
it didn’t matter now, especially since caden had clearly lost the bus pass, and he’d rudely interrupted whatever brooding thoughts the person in front of him had had. “shit. sorry,” he apologized, his shoulders sagging in defeat. “sorry, i just need a second, and then i’ll leave.”
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
of all the things that Caden expected to run into on a rainy day, he had not expected to run into the sight of a drenched cat that he did not own lounging in his sink, the kitchen window ajar behind it. he had come out for dinner, his first actual meal of that day, after long hours holed up in his closet of an office room trying to transcribe some gibberish his latest client had spewed out at their most recent meeting. while his efforts had only produced a solid single page of text, the moment his eye sight started blurring, he knew that he would have to pause.
but the cat was just sitting in his sink, waiting for him by the time Caden stumbled into the kitchen, and for a good few seconds, he was 40% sure that he was hallucinating because he definitely didn’t own a cat. then the cat stretched and Caden moved forward to catch the glass cup that it was knocking over and nope, he was not hallucinating at all.
eventually, he managed to grab a hold on the cat long enough to towel dry it, and a quick look at the collar gave him a bit of relief. there was a number there that he could call, and an owner that was probably worried out of their mind.
“hello?” he asked, as soon as he heard the phone picked up. “are you missing a cat?”
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     it had been a rather normal day for alex, although, the rain outside was rather abnormal for the entire city. his class was a lot kinder than normal too, possibly because of the weird weather that was throwing everyone of. other than a fun, rare day of rain in the city, all was well.      when he got home, he brought in a delivered and still dry package from outside, he was greeted by one of his cats, he took off his shoes, and went to his room to change into a more comfortable, off-duty outfit.      it was past dinner, for him and the cats, so he went to the cabinet. he pulled out cat food, noodles, and red sauce. he yawned, listening to the rain. he thought it was strange that one of his more luxurious cats was not on the counter, meowing loudly, begging for her food, but at the time he did not think about it. thunder, his main coon, was there, watching closely, distracting alex with his cuteness.      he opened the can and put the food into a few dishes. by now two of his cats were on the couter eating, but not princess. she should have really been here. it was loud outside, so maybe she had not hear him come in, but not that loud, so where was she?      concerned, he started looking for her. at first he looked in all of her favorite sleeping spots, but eventually, he was looking under the couch and in the bathtub for her. nowhere. she was gone.      how did she get out? there had been no one gone all day, and yet, she completely disappeared. was she out in the rain? alex checked his house once more, just to be certain that she was not inside, and she was gone.      he stood, frozen, in the living room. his heart pounded. it rained so hard. it was louder now than ever. where was she?      he took a deep breath, figured if she was a cat it would be okay if she were lost. she could find her way back just fine, she had instincts, he just had to trust her. he cracked his knuckles and sat in his office. he started making lost posters for his poor cat but figured they would be ruined in the rain.      sensing his concern, eventually, the other two cats found their way into his office. thunde,r a large main coon, sat beside alex’s keyboard, and alex pet him. his hands ran over thunder’s head, then neck, then collar. the collar.      she had a collar, he reminded himself, with her name and his phone number on it. it would be fine, someone would find her, she was bright and orange. on a day like this, dark and rainy, she would be found for sure, and now she had a collar that would get her back home.      he started posting on missing animal websites that she was gone. not moments after his first post went public, the phone rang.
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
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Hello hello friends! My name is Karo, and this here is my odd child Caden! He’s not a new muse in the slightest, but is one that I kind of default to whenever I end up going with a mutant/super powered rp. Most of his info is on his blog, but i’ll put some bullet points and stuff below!
james reid  +  cis male  +  he/him  +  twenty-five  ✩  caden santos is on the wanted list, but either way they’ve been stuck in new california city for seven years. despite everything, they're kindhearted and levelheaded, although they’re also closed off and distant. even fugitives need money, so they’re currently a ghost writer. having empathy helps with that, although it comes with a limited absorption range of only touch and a side effect of being emotionally overwhelmed when touched. when they’re not looking over their shoulder constantly, they remind me of treading water in the ocean, a breath of fresh air, soft blankets and soft sweaters ✩
Literally the epitome of a sad puppy. Could be super excitable, but definitely has a couple of issues that he needs to work through first.
Kind to a fault. Honestly, best way to hurt him is to hurt someone close to him. Use that to your advantage as you will.
He is not, however, a pushover. He does have something of a sarcastic streak, and it helps to keep people off balance whenever they talk to him.
Has a tendency to keep people at arms length. If you do get close to him, you will have his unwavering loyalty until you betray him, and then he’s just absolutely distressed.
Tries to balance his emotional powers with logic. Fear keeps him in line. Good luck trying to get him to loosen up.
Caden’s parents split when he was a child, and though he wanted to go with his mother, he ended up in his father’s custody.
His mother tried to keep in touch with him, and it worked all the way till early high school, and all of a sudden the calls stopped because she’d been arrested for being a dreamer.
He hadn’t known that she was a dreamer, and this revelation shocked him into fearing that he too, might end up with powers of some sort. It was a terrifying thought for him, especially since his father had remarried, and his new step-mother had some rather anti-dreamer views.
His powers kicked in during one of his friend’s senior grad parties, and it came in rather violently at that.
When he woke up in the hospital, Caden knew that he had to leave or he would be turned in.
So he ran to New York first, then to New California City, trying to hide his identity. He legally changed his name, and just kind of... cut off all contact with his family.
He managed to sell himself as a ghost writer, and the anonymity helps him keep a low profile.
Empathy: Sensing and manipulation of emotions.
Limitations: Only through touch, a really rough backfire when he does make contact, lack of control, hasn’t reached the ability to actually manipulate the emotions yet
Sonder - Manages to drag him out of that shell that he’s holed himself into. Life keeps going on around him and he hasn’t been a part of it for years. Preferably platonic, possibly romantic.
Chrysalism - Makes him feel safe. Doesn’t actively try to drag him out of his comfort zone, but definitely keeps him feeling safe if they do. Platonic 
Monachopsis - Intrigues him. He’s curious and wondering why this person may act the way they do, and his curiosity will get the better of him. Platonic, may develop into Romantic?
Lachesism - Seems to hurt him, no matter how hard he tries not to be hurt by them. It’s a like a self destructive habit that keeps him under water whenever they’re around. Negative/Romantic or Negative/Platonic. 
Rubatosis - Allows him to be more self aware. Perhaps they help develop his ability to manipulate emotions, or maybe they help him keep his current level of power under control. (( plot heavy )) Platonic
Liberosis - Immensely plot heavy. Hard to summarize. It’s a Negative Influence on Caden, and may possibly play into some of the other Connections as well.
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 6 years ago
tagdump !!
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