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Wow hi everyone, I actually forgot this rp was opening this week. My work has been pretty hectic but nevertheless here is the intro for my first muse, Jessica. Better late than never I guess. Please dm me if you wanna plot :)
jung wheein +  cisfemale  +  she/her  +  24 ✩  jessica lee is on the wanted list, but either way they’ve been stuck in new california city for ten years. despite everything, they're sharp and brave, although they’re also cynical and paranoid. even fugitives need money, so they’re currently a computer programmer. having shapeshifting helps with that, although it comes with returning to their true form once they’re in sudden pain or unconscious and casting their true shadow while transformed. when they’re not looking over their shoulder constantly, they remind me of smoky eye makeup, black coffee, empty cans of energy drinks, and baggy clothing  ✩  gray  +  25  +  she/her  +  pst
More about her under the cut 
Born in 2055
She moved to new california city around the age of 14 with her family 
Her parents were both dreamers as well as her younger sister
They had to keep their powers a secret and tried to live as a normal family
Her father was an engineer and her mother was a stay-at-home mom. 
Jessica was a bright and social kid. She always excelled in her science classes.
When she turned 18, she moved away from home to attend college. 
Once she graduated, she began living on her own and working independently as a programmer. 
Just last year, her parents and her younger sister were all arrested and sent to the facility as they were found out to be dreamers
Jessica was spared since she did not live with them. However, she’s had a target on her head ever since. She became a fugitive overnight. 
She makes sure to alter her appearance or wear a disguise whenever she goes out since she could be recognized
She knows that any day could be her last, which is why she has been waiting for her impending doom
Other facts
She’s pansexual / panromantic 
She realizes she can’t ever date people normally because of the lifestyle she lives 
During her spare time, she usually reads books, plays video games, and surfs the web... hobbies that don’t require one to go outside
She loves comic books; she’s a huge nerd in general
She orders a lot of takeout and food online since it’s the safer option. However, she has always been hesitant about giving away her address so she specifies a drop point.
Sometimes, she stays with friends, but she doesn’t like the idea of forcing someone to harbor a fugitive 
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ghcstwritxr-blog · 5 years
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Hello hello friends! My name is Karo, and this here is my odd child Caden! He’s not a new muse in the slightest, but is one that I kind of default to whenever I end up going with a mutant/super powered rp. Most of his info is on his blog, but i’ll put some bullet points and stuff below!
james reid  +  cis male  +  he/him  +  twenty-five  ✩  caden santos is on the wanted list, but either way they’ve been stuck in new california city for seven years. despite everything, they're kindhearted and levelheaded, although they’re also closed off and distant. even fugitives need money, so they’re currently a ghost writer. having empathy helps with that, although it comes with a limited absorption range of only touch and a side effect of being emotionally overwhelmed when touched. when they’re not looking over their shoulder constantly, they remind me of treading water in the ocean, a breath of fresh air, soft blankets and soft sweaters ✩
Literally the epitome of a sad puppy. Could be super excitable, but definitely has a couple of issues that he needs to work through first.
Kind to a fault. Honestly, best way to hurt him is to hurt someone close to him. Use that to your advantage as you will.
He is not, however, a pushover. He does have something of a sarcastic streak, and it helps to keep people off balance whenever they talk to him.
Has a tendency to keep people at arms length. If you do get close to him, you will have his unwavering loyalty until you betray him, and then he’s just absolutely distressed.
Tries to balance his emotional powers with logic. Fear keeps him in line. Good luck trying to get him to loosen up.
Caden’s parents split when he was a child, and though he wanted to go with his mother, he ended up in his father’s custody.
His mother tried to keep in touch with him, and it worked all the way till early high school, and all of a sudden the calls stopped because she’d been arrested for being a dreamer.
He hadn’t known that she was a dreamer, and this revelation shocked him into fearing that he too, might end up with powers of some sort. It was a terrifying thought for him, especially since his father had remarried, and his new step-mother had some rather anti-dreamer views.
His powers kicked in during one of his friend’s senior grad parties, and it came in rather violently at that.
When he woke up in the hospital, Caden knew that he had to leave or he would be turned in.
So he ran to New York first, then to New California City, trying to hide his identity. He legally changed his name, and just kind of... cut off all contact with his family.
He managed to sell himself as a ghost writer, and the anonymity helps him keep a low profile.
Empathy: Sensing and manipulation of emotions.
Limitations: Only through touch, a really rough backfire when he does make contact, lack of control, hasn’t reached the ability to actually manipulate the emotions yet
Sonder - Manages to drag him out of that shell that he’s holed himself into. Life keeps going on around him and he hasn’t been a part of it for years. Preferably platonic, possibly romantic.
Chrysalism - Makes him feel safe. Doesn’t actively try to drag him out of his comfort zone, but definitely keeps him feeling safe if they do. Platonic 
Monachopsis - Intrigues him. He’s curious and wondering why this person may act the way they do, and his curiosity will get the better of him. Platonic, may develop into Romantic?
Lachesism - Seems to hurt him, no matter how hard he tries not to be hurt by them. It’s a like a self destructive habit that keeps him under water whenever they’re around. Negative/Romantic or Negative/Platonic. 
Rubatosis - Allows him to be more self aware. Perhaps they help develop his ability to manipulate emotions, or maybe they help him keep his current level of power under control. (( plot heavy )) Platonic
Liberosis - Immensely plot heavy. Hard to summarize. It’s a Negative Influence on Caden, and may possibly play into some of the other Connections as well.
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ncdreamers-blog · 5 years
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     hello, all! my name is leaf and this is my very first non-indie blog! please excuse any mistakes or awkwardness in my blog or writing style as i figure out how to go about making a new blog like this one! don’t be afraid to tell me things i can improve on, though, because there is no better way to learn than have a teacher teach you. with all that being said, alexander is also a brand new muse for me who i am excited to take a shot at writing so if you have any questions about him, do not hesitate to ask! i am still figuring out his background, though, so please be aware that his character will change and flesh out over time.
     kim woojin  +  cisgender male  +  he/him  +  twenty-three  ✩  alexander daniel lee has been a resident of new california city for four years, and people often describe them as gentle and polite, but also stubborn and close-minded, so it makes sense that they’re a sixth grade teacher. their stance on dreamers is that they are a menace and a danger to the children of new california city, so they do like the current state of affairs. on a lighter note, they remind me of sunrises, historic architecture, early breakfasts, and wheat fields.  ✩  leaf  +  17  +  he/him  +  mst
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This is the intro for my second muse, Jason ! I’m sorry that it’s a bit of a mess as I was still in the process of planning his muse. What you see under the cut is a very rough skeleton. 
mike lobel  +  cismale  +  he/him  +  32 ✩  jason cooper is not on the wanted list, but either way they’ve been stuck in new california city for five years. despite everything, they're assertive and practical, although they’re also manipulative and reckless. even fugitives need money, so they’re currently a mechanic. having earth manipulation helps with that, although it comes with only being able to manipulate from existing sources and having to stay in contact with earth for their powers to work. when they’re not looking over their shoulder constantly, they remind me of empty bottles of hard liquor, dirty hands, mischievous smiles, and baseball caps  ✩  gray +  25  +  she/her  +  pst
More about him under the cut (tw; alcohol and drug abuse mentions, physical and mental abuse mentions, death)
Born in 2047
He was actually orphaned as a kid, raised by his aunt (his father’s sister)
His aunt was a dreamer, but refused to admit her powers as well as drown her consciousness with alcohol 
Both his mother and father passed away in an accident 
His aunt lived alone and didn’t have any children. She only had her cats as well as her bottles of alcohol. 
She was mentally and physically abusive towards Jason 
However, Jason tried his best to take care of her
He became extremely rebellious when he started high school. He really didn’t care about his education. He began drinking, abusing drugs, bullying other kids, and being promiscuous. He actually ended up being suspended multiple times and eventually expelled from school due to his delinquent behavior. He never finished high school.
He worked some odd jobs after he was expelled to earn some pocket money. However, he would just spend most of it on drugs and booze. 
He eventually started working as a mechanic. He always had a passion for cars.
He made quite a bit of money working as a mechanic. 
Moved to new california city around the age of 27 because his boss wanted to expand his operations into another city. 
He has obviously matured a lot since his teen days. However, his maturity is still stagnant from being a burnout in high school.
He does pretty well for himself and is a great mechanic. 
Other facts
Heavy drinker
Occasional smoker
He has a sarcastic and dark sense of humor 
Awfully reckless for a grown man 
However, he is logical and uses his brain 
He wants to open up his own shop one day 
He is somewhat afraid of being found out to be a dreamer, but he thinks his worries are minuscule compared to what he wants to achieve in his life 
He’s heterosexual / heteromantic for the most part 
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