ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
( hOLY SHIT I need to make an SCP Foundation verse tbh )
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
The deeper Naegi goes into detail, the deeper Byakuyaā€™s face visibly expresses his heart sinking into the lowest reaches of his stomach. It sounded like every faint trace of existence the fae had left behind had been discovered and analyzed by the investigator, systematically breaking down the illusion of safety Byakuya had of remaining undetected within the human world. Ā Despite it being the one thing keeping him trapped within the situation, he grips onto the rowan Ā leaf covering him like the edges of a blanket.
ā€¦And of course that has to be the first time that he understands him. The blonde was taken off guard enough by Naegiā€™s sudden focus on him to find himself at a loss for words. He looks away to hide his face as his glow slightly dims.
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ā€œIt is..speakingā€¦ ā€He starts lamely, most of his word sounding stilted as he goes on. ā€œIt is speaking that I learned, from practicingā€¦so I could be understood here. Humans can not speak Fae, soā€¦ā€
ā€œā€¦I would like to leave now.ā€
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ā€œI SEE! So did you learn it so you could talk to the students at Hopes Peak, since I found you so close to there?"
Makoto eagerly jotted down that down in his notes, nodding before setting his pen back down. Of course, until he asked to leave, he hadnā€™t noticed the fairies discomfort. Being someone who was pretty socially isolated, he wasnā€™t exactly great at reading someoneā€™s mood.
ā€œLeave? Iā€™m sorry, but I canā€™t let you leave yet! This could FINALLY be my BIG BREAK! Once I use you to prove the supernatural really does exist, people will have to start taking me SERIOUSLY! It doesnā€™t exactly feel great to dedicate your whole life to something only for people to laugh at you for it. But I can change that now! Itā€™s selfish, but Iā€™ve been working towards this for years! Iā€™ll let you go as soon as people believe me!ā€
There was no way in hell heā€™d just let his one opportunity to stop being treated like a joke slip away! They would all regret doubting him after they saw this! With a sigh, he carefully picked up the jar, carrying it over to the terrarium before setting it inside and opening the lid. Of course, he had to pull his arm out of the container and close up the terrarium to ensure he didnā€™t escape.
ā€œSo, what do you eat, anyways? I could just give you the same food I eat, but if you need anything specific I can definitely go buy it! Anyways, I promise staying here wonā€™t be so bad!ā€
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
It wasnā€™t often that Makoto got visitors, seeing as he had a major lack of friends, so he was surprised to hear a knock on his door, jumping and almost falling out of his chair at the noise. Despite this, however, he rushed over to the door and swung it open, looking tired but happy.Ā Was someone here to interview him? Could this finally be some recognition?
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ā€œYep, thatā€™s me! Is there something you need?ā€
She wasnā€™t interrupting much, honestly, just the usual long hours of him sitting in front of his computer and researching urban legends and whatnot. Sure, he had homework he should be doing, but who had time for that anyways? Taking notes on the latest cryptid sightings was much more important! Not that the teachers accepted that excuse, but whatever.
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The short girl checked the paper on her hands, yet again, as if she hadnā€™t reread it at least a hundred times beforeā€”Her constant fidgeting with the light sheet of paper and with her hair was only further proof of her nervousness.
She wasnā€™t the kind of person to get nervous, not at all. Actually, she held her pride in being quite confident, always straightforward, but for some reason, right now that was not the case.
Despite feeling foolish and weak at doubting upon a task as simple as what she had committed herself to, she looked up from her only excuse to have been standing there for at least fifteen whole minutes and decided to perform that one action she had been so afraid of this entire timeā€”
She rhythmically knocked three times on the door.
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ā€œUmā€¦ Mister Naegi? Paranormal investigator, yes? A-Are youā€¦ there? I hope not be interrupting anything!ā€
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
someone: *shows me the slightest sign of affection*
me: i would die for u
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
{ uh idk Iā€™m not gonna be on here a lot, Iā€™m not really satisfied with how I write and I just donā€™t have a lot of muse so?? Idk maybe consider this a semi-hiatus. Iā€™ll still check up here on mobile and reblog stuff I guess but Iā€™ll mostly be on my villain Izuku blog @rcsentful (Iā€™m planning a dangan verse there soon btw) so if you want to talk hmu there }
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
ā€œyouā€™re up early!ā€
jokes on you i didnā€™t sleep at all and am in between energized and dying
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
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šŸ‘»šŸ’€I made an art meme! Send me a number and Iā€™ll design a monster characteršŸ’€šŸ‘»
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
i think we're mostly done with that crack thing so can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhh "Interruption" w/ genocider for some more Serious Stuff iF U WANT
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Things hadnā€™t exactly been... Great, as of late. Usually he didnā€™t resort to such desperate measures, but here he was, standing in the middle of the woods, knife in hand. If he had followed the instructions right, he should be able to summon a demon and form a contract. Not that he was sure it would work... There were many hoax rituals, and it was complicated and easy to screw up- Even if he did succeed in the summoning part, there was no way to know for sure that whatever he summoned would agree to a contract.Ā 
Still, this felt like the only thing he could do now. A near-last resort to solve the problems he couldnā€™t fix on his own. Sure, he was close to just giving up now, but he still had one more chance to change things, and he wasnā€™t giving that up yet. One last hope...
Raising the knife to his hand and holding his arm over the circle, he cut into the palm of his hand, letting the blood run off his hand and drip onto the ground- Though before he could finish muttering the chant, he heard a twig snap behind him, and he instinctively turned to see what- or who- had made the noise, effectively ruining the ritual.
ā€œGhh, god damn it! Iā€™ll have to start all over again!ā€
He was beyond frustrated in all honesty, but he resisted the urge just scream out of anger. Much to his dismay, however, it wasnā€™t just some stranger. No, it was his CLASSMATE, Genocider Syo. What was she doing out here..?!
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ā€œWhat are YOU doing out here? Out killing, I assume?ā€
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
Your muse is following a strange chant through the forest when they come upon my muse performing a ritual. Send me ā€œInterruptionā€ for a starter.
Alternatively, send ā€œSpottedā€ for our muses to switch places (as in, the sender is performing the ritual.)
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
self-care is tricking your self-loathing brain into a roundabout form of self-love by intensely loving a fictional character you really relate to
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ghcsthunted-moved-blog Ā· 7 years
Shadow People
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A shadow person is a supposed paranormal entity, thought to be malevolent. They are often seen and linked to sleep paralysis, with many people claiming to see them. Due to this, they are often thought to be hallucinations. However, there are sightings of shadow people in which many witnesses have claimed to see them, without the cause of hallucinations, sleep deprivation, etc.Ā 
They are almost always described to be black silhouettes of people, with gleaming red eyes.
They are thought to be either demonic entities, ghosts, inter-dimensional travellers, or other denizens that enter our realm.
A common description is ā€˜the man with the hatā€™.
All they ever do is watch and observe you.Ā They will not hurt you, nor will they interact with you (normally). If one attacks you or talks to you, then it is not a shadow person.Ā 
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