Honkai Star Rail Oneshots
37 posts
If you are born weak, which God should you turn to for solace
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 26 days ago
Turn the lights off, carrying me home- Blade x Drunk!gn!reader
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I will not go
★Navigation ★
Warnings- Drinking, fluff, reader is drunk
Summary- You start to get a little to drunk at a party with your partner
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The music blared in the bar, and sounds off people filled the spaces. Blade wasn’t one for parties, but had only come because you had asked him too. You however seemed to be having the time of your life on the dancefloor. He was intrigued by the way you fit in so well with the crowd. Like its wear you were supposed to be. He was just sitting the quietest corner waiting for you to be done, sipping a ginger beer. His eyes never left you, not even for a second. Blade had to be ready to jump in at any point, incase some other person tried to talk you up. You were his, and his only.
However he didn’t seem to be watching out for himself very well, drunk women stumbled over to him, slurring sentences he didn’t understand. It was tiring having to send all these women, and sometimes men away. His crimson eye were always and only on you.
But yours were not on him, not that you were looking at anyone else, but because of the alcohol. You were starting to feel its effects more clearly. You could barely keep yourself upright, and your vison was becoming in increasing blurry. Of course blade had taken note of your state and rushed over as soon as he could to drag you out of the situation.
“But i don’t want to go!”
“Give me one good reason why i should let you stay here in this state?”
“I’m having fun!”
“Not good enough.”
With swiftness he picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the bar. He had always had quite large muscles, and was strong enough to pick up a lot of things. Just didn’t like showing them off (you were an exception). You hadn’t put up much of battle and, just accepted you fate and was leaning into his chest. Blade wasn’t usually a man for physical affection, even sometimes with you. Nevertheless he appreciates when you are in his arms, as it did give him the excuse to be more affectionate.
You had insisted on not bringing the car incase he had a drink as well, which he knew he wouldn’t. The walk home wasn’t a very long one, since your home was just a few blocks away. Sure it make have a been a strange sight to see, but to the both of you if was soothing. This wasn’t a thing that happened often either, you didn’t go out alot and blade didn’t show this much physical affection.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 1 month ago
As long as your next to me- Boothill x gn!reader
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Just the two of us
Warnings- Arguement, slight angst, kissing, camping, comfort
Summary- Camping with boothill didn't go as planned, I mean what as you supposed to do when he won't listen
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“Look, darlin’ I said I'd go find some sticks, just stay still for a bit.”
“It’ll get dark before we can go find stuff.”
“Y/n..” He spoke as you got up to walk away.
The night was starting to arrive, and nothing for your camping trip had been set up. Boothill had been in charge of finding firewood but had just started to annoy you instead. You were in charge of setting up the tent, but you didn't get very far.
“Just don’t, I asked you to get firewood, but you didn’t. It's fucking cold and I’m tired.”
The crunch of the grass between your feet left a heavy feel in boothill’s chest. The guilt in him grew stronger the longer you were away. He wasn’t supposed to make you upset, this trip was supposed to be about getting away from everything, about the both of you, not having arguments or swearing at each other.
“Mudle fudger.” He muttered softly under his breath, he knew he couldn’t leave you out there alone. However, he felt like he should start doing things around the campsite.
Out of the pile that you had pulled out of the car, the tent lay forgotten and half-built. To him, it was a reminder of what he’d done wrong. You had just wanted to get everything done first, then spend the night with him. If it wasn't for his selfishness-.The tent wasn’t hard to set up as he’d done it so many times before. He hadn’t been camping since he lived with his daughter. It brought back too many memories that hit him like a train.
You on the other hand were sick and tired of him at the moment. A walk was a good idea for you, maybe if you’d stayed there for a bit longer you might have taken it out more. The clear night air was a relief to the swirl in your mind. All you could hear was the sound of the chirping crickets and cicadas that seemed to follow you wherever you went.
Sticks lined the ground making them easy to find. At least a fire would be up and running soon. You were worried that when you got back, nothing would’ve gotten done. Surely he’d done something? A cool breeze ran through the forest sending a shiver down your entire body. Maybe it would be nice to curl up by the fire, wrapped in his arms. Maybe he’d even play a song for you. After all, he had bought his guitar along.
On the walk back you rest your head on a tree. You were unsure if you wanted to be back there. You were worried he’d be angry at you. The sticks dug into both your hands and arms, leaving red marks across both of them. When you arrived back at the campsite you saw him sitting in your shared tent, perfectly making the beds in there.
“Hey, Darlin’. I’m sorry about earlier-”
You dropped all the sticks and ran towards him. Seeing him brought so much joy to you even if he had pissed you off. You’d only been gone for twenty minutes, but it was twenty minutes to long for Boothill.
“Sorry for yelling at you.” You cupped his soft cheek, the skin beneath your hand comforting. Even if the rest of him was metal.
“No no it was my fault, I didn't listen.”
As you pressed a soft kiss to his lip, he kissed back making your eyes widen with shock. His hand ran down to the small of your back, pulling you in close. He kissed you like it was your last like you were leaving forever. A part of you were still frustrated at him, but you couldn’t stay like that for long. Not when he kissed you like this.
When you both pulled away your cheeks were flushed, and on his face was a cocky grin. “Still mad at me?”
“Yes.” You huffed as you turned away.
“Oh come on I know your lying.”
“Maybe another kiss would change your mind.”
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 2 months ago
We could watch a million sunsets- Sunday x gn!reader
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Hug me with your words
Warnings- comfort, fluff, reverse comfort??? Just a short ramble
Summary- little headcannons of your relationship with sunday (slightly down bad for this man)
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The sun never shone in penacony, well in the dreamscape anyway. But you could light up a whole room. Or so your partner says. Sunday, your boyfriend always commented on how stunning you looked or how bright you smiled. He was a man of many compliments and often showered you in praise, even if you felt like you didn't deserve it
His touches were soft when he grabbed your hands. Holding them tight enough to let people around you know that you were in love. I mean even the way he looked at you when you spoke was enough of a message.
His voice was enough to put you to sleep at night. Not in a bad way of course, he was soothing. His hands would run through your hair trying to help you fall asleep. Sometimes he even planted kisses along your face or head.
Other times, it was you who offered the comfort. Sometimes he wasnt in the right headspace and tried to distance himself from you and drown himself in work. He was a stubborn man, only allowing his walls to break to you. You were the only one he'd even let see him this weak. When he starts to push away the only thing you can do is tell him love him and try and do small acts of service.
You usually made him his favourite dish or a hot drink. Even if he wasnt cheered up completely, it gave him a distraction for a moment.
Stuff like that didn't happen all that often, often times he was just overwhelmed, and that's what caused it.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 2 months ago
My love, my all mine- Dan Feng x gn!reader
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My baby here on earth, showed me what my heart was worth
Warnings- Fluff, cuddles
Summary- Just cuddles with Dan heng/Dan feng (dunno the lore 😔)
Notes- This is a request it was just dm'd to me instead. @flavishly thank you!! Also, I have changed the post layout to align with my other account
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You knew he wasnt the best at showing his love for anyone. He felt awkward when it came to that. He still loved you though, he showed it in other ways. Rather than hugging or words. He saved you seats at tables, got you flowers, and always came when you called.
Currently, you were sitting on his bed while he flipped through books in the archive. It was almost silent. The only sound was the slip of the pages.
A thousand times you'd been like this. But they all felt as special the last. You couldn't stop staring at his tail and horns. It'd only been a work since he'd given up hiding his past. You had resisted touching them or even asking about them. But you just couldn't stop looking at them.
You wanted to touch them so bad, but you knew that he wasn't a very touchy person. While you were staring, he noticed this and gave you a puzzled look.
"Is something wrong?" His head slightly tilted.
"Not at all! Your.. um... i um-"
"You can tell me." He spoke softly.
You looked into the sea green if his eyes. It was like they were trying to search for something.
"Is there something on my face?"
"No dan heng.. your horns and tail."
"Do they bother you?"
"No its not that."
"Then what is it."
Without saying anything, it finally clicked in his mind. He scooted closer to you and nodded with a soft smile forming on his face. His tail moved to wrapped around your waist, and he pulled you closer. It was just how you expected it to feel. The soft glow of green cast on the both of you, illuminating the scene for anyone who came in.
Luckily, they didn't, well not while you both were awake anyway. First, you feel asleep with a hand running along his tail and your head on his shoulders. Then, after making sure you were comfortable, Dan feng drifted off as well.
The feeling of being wrapped in an embrace was a feeling you had missed. You enjoyed this moment as much as you could. Who knows when it would happen again.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 3 months ago
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Argenti x gn!reader- day 23
summary- You meet argenti"s fan and go to one of his concerts
t/w- Concert, jealous (??) fans, fluff
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Argenti charmed everyone with that cheeky smile and flowing red hair. Alas, he only had eyes for his one true love. You. If any of his crazed fans found out about your relationship, they'd probably lose it. Argenti didn't care about how the fans would react, aeons he wasn't even worried about dropping hints about you. He wrote all his songs about you, about your eyes, your hair, your smile, your voice. It was all something from a movie.
The first show you went to after you had started going out, you got a glimpse of how crazy the fans were. They were all sweet, you talked to them like you hadn't just kissed the singer 5 minutes ago. Every chance he got during the shot he glanced at you. Especially at certain parts of the songs. The parts you'd helped him write.
"And I can't stop thinking about you." He sang, the words simply rolling off his tongue.
The show was like magic, it was a surreal feeling to see all these people that knew him as a singer. It scary to think about how many there were. All these people were banding together to enjoy the one person.
You sung along with the words you knew all to well. Argenti had played some the night before. His fingers always danced along the strings creating a soothing melody. You felt safe, despite the amount of people. The closeness and voices of the crows made you feel connect, despite never meeting them before.
And man was the after show even better. You were the only invited, and he sprinkled you with kisses all of your face and neck. He cuddled you on the couch in his apartment, allowing your face to bury into his neck. THe room was quiet a stark contrast to what was happening before.
"So how were the fans?"
"Lovely actually."
"Well very enthusiastic. About you, its cute actually."
"Well, none of them have much of a chance, I think I got the best per
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Aventurine x gn!reader- Day 22
summary- Aventurine often brings home little trinkets for you to keep, its his way of showing his love for you t/w- fluff
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Aventurine is often the type to bring you home small little gifts such as a book you wanted, a necklace, and little trinkets he found while out and about. It wasn't unusual to see him burst through the door with the latest thing he'd found you. Sometimes they weren't even bought things, sometimes a pretty rock or a bird feather he found somewhere around your house.
"Y/n! I'm home!" He yelled as he ran through the door. You were on the couch looking through your phone, as he came in with a little paper bird. And by aeons was it adorable.
It was a soft pallet of colours and they blended together perfectly. The yellow faded into the green on the body, and the wings and the tail were a slightly darker shade of green. He looked like a cat who'd just given you a gift. He was happy to spoil you all the time with things like this. It was his way of showing his love and appreciation for you.
"Do you like it?" He said pouting.
"I love it Aven, it reminds me of you. Now I can't be lonely when we're both at work."
"Well Dr ratio taught me how to make it."
"Seems he taught you well."
You took the bird gently from his hold and placed it on the mantle piece above the fireplace. It fit perfectly with the pictures of you and aventurine together. All the photos held a special memories, and were worth more than any money could buy.
"I think its a good spot."
"Me too, now we should make on that reminds you of me."
"I don't remember how to make them..."
"Well ratios gonna love us after this."
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Gallagher x gn!reader- Day 21
summary- You go out drinking with your friends at the bar
t/w- mentions of alcohol, bar
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You stepped into the bar not knowing what would await you. You'd decided to go out with some friends tonight. A bar was not your choice, you usually hated bars. Well until you saw him.
They always told you you had a weird taste in men. He was slight unshaven, his tie lose around his neck and his nut brown hair fell loosely on his head. Sure he looked a little messy, but you liked that.
He stood behind the bar mixing drinks for the patrons of the bar. Of course he'd already noticed you. He'd noticed you as soon as you walked in. Someone as stunning as you wouldn't go unnoticed.
"And what can I get for you?" He said with a customer service smile.
"I don't actually know, I don't drink."
"Are you just here to try drinking, because trust me don't get stuck being alcoholic."
"What no. I'll just have a water."
Your friends were all off dancing with other people, atleast they were having fun. However you did get the pleasure of being right next to the very cute bartender.
"So they left you?"
"Yeah, all off dancing with some guy or girl." You said sadly.
"And why not you?" He looked a little bit like a puppy dog if you looked hard enough.
"I don't really like bars."
"Then why come?"
Why did you come? Your friends know you don't like bars, and you know you don't. So why did you?
"I think I just didn't want to feel left out."
"But you came and your sitting here talking to someone who's not your friend. A lonely old bartender."
"Old? You don't look a day over 24."
He let out a little laugh at your guess. "Try 13."
You looked at him incredibly confused. How could he be thirteen! *I suppose this is the land of dreams*
"I was born on a leap year."
"Oh that makes alot more sense."
For the whole night, you kept talking to this bartender who you later learned was by Gallagher. It was the most enjoyable night you'd spent at a bar.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Sampo x gn!reader- Day 20
Summary- You start to panic about something
t/w- Slight self-harm, panic attack
a/n- I feel like its slightly ooc
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Nothing could stop it, all the emotions just came on all at once. Some would just say your tired and need to sleep. You knew it was something else. Surely not every tired person felt like it was end for them. Your tried to control the fast breaths that escaped your lungs.
Surely it wasn't long before Sampo would get home? Maybe he could help. Help was soon forgotten as you started to claw at your arms. Red patches formed at the affected area.
You felt close to just giving up. Until Sampo came in. "Darling?"
But you didn't register the sound of his voice, your thoughts were too much and couldn't make room for anything else. Sampo took note of your state and dropped the groceries on the ground.
"Hey hey,x what happened while I was gone?"
"I-I don't know." And you really didn't..
It was just a sudden downpour of sadness. But it wasn't going away quickly. You buried your face into your knees. His eyes softened at your action. He stood up and opened the window, a soft breeze flowing through the room. The touch of Sampo grabbing your hand made you look up.
"Here comes look at the stars." With his other hand he started to rub your hair, gentle coaxing you towards the window.
You moved your body over towards him and cuddled into his chest. The hiccups hadn't quite gone away yet, but you started to soften into him.
"Want my jacket?"
You nodded at him. Then a second later his jacket was wrapped around you. You felt safe. Nothing could hurt you. Not anymore, not with him. One of his arms came to wrap around your shoulder, gentle rubbing it up and down.
A comfortable silence grew between you. The stars outside were shining brightly, and the moon was doing the same. You hadn't felt peace like this for a while.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Jing Yuan x Ace!reader- day 19
Summary- You think you're ready, but what if you're not
C/w- Mentions of sex, the reader is ace
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"Stop! Please stop!" You yelled out.
You thought you would enjoy it, you wanted to enjoy it. Wasn't it something you were supposed to enjoy?
Jing Yuan looked at you with widened eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry y/n." He gets off you and lays down next to you. "Did I do something?"
"No-no you were good, I just... I don't think I'm quite ready."
You lay on the bed slightly shaking, why couldn't you stomach the thought of doing it? Even with someone you love. Jing yuan was your partner, wasn't it something that people were supposed to do?
"Take all the time you need okay?" He ran his hand through your hair, trying to comfort your worries.
You leaned into his touch and looked around for the discarded clothes. You'd gotten that far but couldn't make it further. Once you'd found them you slipped them back on, and Jing Yuan did the same.
Once you both were fully clothed once again he opened his arms. "Do you want to talk about it? Or just cuddle?"
You lay your head on his chest and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Before you could speak Jing Yuan assured you that you could take all the time you needed.
"I don't know if I'm ready or not. Or I don't know if I ever will be."
His hand gently traced over your hair, making you lean into him more. "You don't think you will be?"
"I don't know." You could feel tears forming in your eyes.
You wanted him to be happy, but you couldn't push yourself. Soon enough they were running doing your face making a wet puddle on his shirt.
"Hey don't cry love, it's okay if you'll never be ready."
But that just made you cry more, you couldn't help but think there was something wrong with you. This wasn't normal, right?
"You could just not feel sexual attraction. And that's okay."
"Is it?"
"Yeah, I just want you to be comfortable."
"But I want you to be happy."
"Do you know how happy I am right here with you?"
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Welt x gn!reader- day 18
Summary- You have a dream possibly about a past life, but who else is in that dream.
C/w- Death mentioned?
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*I promise in another life I'll find you!*
*I promise I will never stop looking.*
You sat up in a cold sweat, breathing a bit too quickly. You'd had a dream about 2 people, one seemed to be you. Or so you thought. And the other, who knows who that was? You just couldn't shake the feeling of unease.
The time on your clock showed it was early in the morning. But you could get back to sleep, no matter what you did. No amount of tossing and turning could shake what you saw in that dream. You got up to go to the kitchen on the astral express.
"Morning y/n. You're up early." A voice startled you from the table.
"Morning Welt." Then a realisation hit you.
"You were in my dream!" Your voice was startled.
"Keep your voice down. Everyone's still asleep." He made a quiet motion with his hands as he spoke."What do you mean by that?"
"Well, it was someone who looked a lot like you. But you- they said they'd find me in another life? I know it's really stupid but-"
"I had the same dream."
"You did? You're not joking right?"
"No y/n."
Welt grabbed his cane and moved towards you. "May I check something?"
"Yeah? What are you checking?"
"The other person had a mark on their shoulder, I understand it's a long shot but may I see?"
You nodded and he brushed his hand against your shirt and saw the mark on your collarbone. His eyes widened with shock. Welts eyes settled on yours with a smile small.
"You've got the same mark!"
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Dan Heng- Day 17
Summary- March 7th can tell the two of you are dating, by one simple action
C/w- Fluff??
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March 7th knew something was up as soon as Dan heng let you touch his tail. He never let her touch his tail, so why were you any different?
"Hey, how come y/n can touch your tail." She pouted.
The both of you seemed to freeze as she spoke. You dropped your hands off his tail and it gracefully fell to the floor. "A moment of weakness March."
"You always have a moment of weakness with them." She shoot back at him. "It's like you guys are dating."
You stiffened a bit as she spoke. Had it really been that easy to catch on? You and Dan Heng had been together for a while now. You just haven't told anyone for fear of them making a big deal about it. Neither of you had been in a relationship before.
"W-well were not!" You spoke quickly, possibly too quickly.
March caught on to the tone in your voice. Her face turned into realisation. "Oh my gosh, you are!"
"March! Keep your voice down " Dan Heng whispered.
"We don't want anyone knowing yet."
"Oh, you're both so cute!"
"March!" You and Dan Heng said at the same time
"Fine, I won't tell anyone." She let out a large sigh. "Only if you let me touch your tail."
"Fine, only for a bit."
You chuckled at the awkward site of this. March 7th was practically radiating rainbows and sunshine. He was the opposite however, he was grumbling words under his breath.
"It's okay." You spoke comforting words to him.
You hugged him tightly, he relaxed into your touch. He could safely say you were the only person he could hug like this.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Jiaoqiu x gn!reader- 16
summary- you've started to skip meals, and avoid anything to do with food. Jiaoqiu had started to catch one. t/w- Eating disorder (reader) below the tag A/n- I'm very sorry if anything in this anything is wrong or rude in a way, please DM or comment if you want something changed ❤️
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Jiaoqiu had noticed something about you since you'd first gotten together. You avoided eating, you skipped meals and you always made sure your knew what was in your food. He'd found it strange how you did all these things, but he'd eventually put the pieces together.
He started to become increasingly worried ever since he figured it out. He always made sure you at least had one meal a day. You could see what he was doing and tried to assure him that you were perfectly fine.
"Y/n, are you feeling okay? You've hardly touched your food. It's your favourite right?" You could see concern etched onto his face.
"Oh yeah. Just not feeling it tonight."
"Is it too spicy?"
"No no it's great, I'm just feeling a bit sick tonight."
"Would you like to go lay down?"
You nodded at his suggestion. Your body moved slowly and your eyes dropped as you walked. All you'd had today was water, but you couldn't tell him that could you? He'd start to fuss over you again like he always did.
Soon after he'd washed up he'd come to check on you. He placed his hand over your forehead to check your temperature.
"You don't have a fever. Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah." You grumbled.
"I know you're not, please talk to me." He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through your hair.
"I am fine."
"Y/n. This isn't okay, you're not eating anymore."
"I am eating!"
"What did you eat today?"
All you could do was stay silent, you couldn't tell him you hadn't eaten! Tears started to fall down your face. You didn't know what to do anymore.
"Please." His voice cracked.
He lay down and wrapped his arms around you. Jiaoqiu didn't know what to do. The best he could do was hold you.
"Talk to me when you're ready."
You sniffled in his arms "Yeah okay."
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Gepard x gn!reader day 15
summary- Gepards birthday and you decide to make him a cake t/w-cooking
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"Happy Birthday Gepard!" You announced.
"Y/n, what time is it."
"Late enough for you to be awake." You huffed at him. "It's the first birthday, of yours we get to spend together."
"Fine, I'm up."
He groggily pulled the blankets off himself and leaned into you as soon as he was out. You knew he needed a hot drink, so you went to go make him a coffee. You also had another surprise coming his way. You'd lain out the ingredients on the bench for his birthday cake. It was his choice to help or not, but you'd ask him once he'd had a drink.
The birds chirping outside was the perfect background noise to a great morning. You both sat in slight silence, sometimes he'd mumble something about his guards. But it was a peaceful feeling.
"How would you like to bake a cake?"
"For my birthday?"
"No for shits and giggles Gepard. Of course your birthday!"
You covered your mouth with your hands stifling a laugh. He shot you a glare, which very quickly turned into a laugh as well. Once he'd swallowed the rest of his coffee, he got up and made his way to the kitchen counter.
"You know how to make a cake right? I don't have to worry about food poisoning do it?"
"No not at all! I'm perfectly capable."
But that was short-lived, flour soon was everywhere on the bench and all over you. Somehow Gepard had managed to stay flour-free. So you smiled cheekily and got some flour over Gepard's face. Gepard blushed at your laugh, it made him feel warm and safe.
He'd finally found someone he could share his secrets with. He found his soulmate, the love of his life. You. All from that one laugh. But the laugh was so genuine, he couldn't help but start laughing too.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Luocha x gn!reader- Day 14
summary- you were found injured on the battle field t/w- blood, stabbing, comfort at the end, war?
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The battle was cruel, many people lost their lives in the fight. You had been seriously injured in the battle. As soon as the news reached Luochas's ears, he rushed to find you. He ignored the pleas of the people begging him to stop and stay off the battlefield.
The terrain was rough, people were screaming and yelling. It was not a pretty sight for anyone. He then saw you lying on the ground holding your lower abdomen. The blood was all over your clothes you couldn't stop it.
"Y/n." He was trying to stay calm, but his hand couldn't stop shaking.
"Luocha .." You spoke softly.
"Be quiet darling. Please save your energy." He cupped your face with his soft hands
He was trying his hardest to not cry and scream. Luocha picked you up bridal style, he pulled you tighter against his chest. Eventually, he got to the nurse's suit. He quickly set to work trying to patch you up. His hands gently set to work covering up your wound.
Luocha had tears in his eyes,.he couldn't stand to lose you. Not like this you were supposed to grow old together- *snap out of it Luocha, they'll live through it*
A couple hours later he was still right next to you. You began to stir, which quickly made him alert. He started to fuss over you once again.
"Y/n! You're awake, here let me change your bandages." He stood up and made sure you were comfortable.
"..Luocha..." Your eyes stung from the lights in the room.
"Y/n, please you need to rest."
"I'm okay."
"You got stabbed!"
You grunted as you tried to sit up. Luocha sighed and tried to coax you back down.
"Just sit please, I want to look after you."
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 4 months ago
Moze x gn!reader- Day 13
Summary- Moze being a cutie at a festival with you t/w- kisses, crowds
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You and Moze had been in a relationship for a little while now. Neither of you had gotten the hang of how it all worked. Where did your hands go? Where did your lips go? What if you got into an argument? Neither of you can answer any of those questions. You both acted like friends would, just saying hi, texting each other and sending photos of things they found. It wasn't quite what you'd hoped for but, you were dating Moze so that made it okay.
One day both of you were walking down the street, viewing the festival that was on. The lights and the crowds filled you with happiness and what made it even better was that Moze was right by your side. Your hand was intertwined with, his thumb was subconsciously rubbing against you.
"Y/n, would you like to watch the parade from a quieter spot?"
"If you know a place."
With that, he dragged you to the roof of his home. From here you could see the entire festival away from all the hustle and bustle. Moze was peacefully watching the stars not that there were many to see tonight.
Soon the parade had started, colours began to flood the streets and floats of all shapes and sizes had gathered.
"I bought you up here because I wanted to kiss you. But I've never really been in a relationship before. And I have no experience kissing people."
The heat started to spread towards your face. The suddenness of Moze caught you off guard quite often. You moved a bit closer to him allowing his arms to wrap around your shoulder. He leaned in closer to your face and whispered into your ear.
"I would really like to kiss you."
"Well, why don't you?" You whispered back at him.
He pulled you more onto his lap and made sure you were comfortable before pressing his lips to yours. The feeling of it all just made you want to melt into his arms. It wasn't long before his hands crept around your back and towards your waist.
Moze kissed you like it would be the last time he ever did. Once he pulled away you were flushed and breathless. For someone who didn't have much experience, that was the best kiss you'd ever had.
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gh0st-onesh0ts · 5 months ago
Argenti x gn!reader day 12
Summary- Inspired by the song K. by Cigarettes after Sex T/w- Kisses, slightly suggestive???? (bro idk i don't write smut.)
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You and Argenti had just finished your food and were waiting to pay. You guys had your second date today and you'd grown to love him quickly. His gentle hand was running over yours and staring into your eyes. "You look beautiful today my love." He said as his hand moved up to cup your face. "I have a place I want to take after."
You smiled softly at him and nodded. "Yes of course."
Once the meal had been paid for, he grabbed your hand and walked you out of the restaurant. The night was cold and the city was full of lights. But you could focus on any of that not when your partner was holding your hand ever so gently. Soon Argenti stopped at a flower mural. There was a garden next to it, with flowers of all different kinds.
He leaned down and flicked one. Then he handed it to you with the words "No flower could ever match your beauty. May I please take a photo of you with the flowers?"
"You may." You laughed trying to cover up your blush.
The camera snapped in the middle of your laugh catching the beautiful moment. As he put the camera down you could see the wide small sprawled across his face. "We can go home if you'd like now." "Yeah, I am feeling kinda tired."
Once again he grabbed your hand and you through the streets that were filled with nightlife. The clouds covered was you could see the stars, which wasn't a lot. But the buildings made up for it. Each building shone like its own star. But soon enough you reached your own place.
As you walked into the comforting place of your home, Argenti quickly pulled you into the bedroom. "Kisses may be in order, my love."
You kissed him softly at first, savouring the taste of his lips. Then it got rougher. His hands started to wrap around your hips, pulling you against him. You stomach fluttered with the feeling but you also felt safe in his embrace.
"I'm really tired Argenti. Can we do this tomorrow?"
"Oh yes of course!"
And with that you lay against his chest and fell asleep, listening to the soft breathing sounds of your boyfriend.
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